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@vijayadhikari :-D haan bhai
haan ji
@DivineDesert Thanks for that. But it was a lucky break. It seems that for forming SUBQUERY some kind of equality is needed.
@DivineDesert Since I had an array of arrays. All I needed was
@DivineDesert SUBQUERY(SELF,$x,$x.name == 'x').@count >0
@DivineDesert It now works :)
aah I also missed that count
@DivineDesert Thanks again.
I didnt helped u @Anupdas
@DivineDesert gud morning :)
@Manikandan vGM
can i ask doubt
yeah shoot
restart an animation using animation delegate methods
have u googled ?
@AppStore Hai
i have a doubt about animation.can i ask a doubt
i dont@Manikandan
k @AppStore
@Manikandan ask
@AppStore @AppStore you do
@DivineDesert i'm using a nstimer the animation repeats contiuously with more speed
show me ur code ?
NSTimer ?
use that
imerAnimation = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.1 target:self selector:@selector(onTimerAnimation:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
what about this que:-
Q: CABasicAnimation delegate for animationDidStop?

user157733I am following the example at the bottom of the page to call an animationDidStop function. http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1168314&seqNum=2 The author says "I have an object that is designed specifically to be the delegate of animations and all it does is hold a reference to the...

@NitinGohel :@
ask him to use pastie
where r u
why u not asking?
1 message moved to VOID
@Manikandan pls use pastie
thats Good
else everytime your code will be moved to void
if you need more info
then take help of any room owner
almost evrytime @NitinGohel is available
Ok i will paste
feel free to get help from him
@Leena now a great level stage so she can't but she can suggest very well
i want to restart animation using delegate methods. @DivineDesert
@Leena r u there?
@Manikandan sir there are delegate of CABasicAnimation if u google it and seen my posted que in this room just now then
u can understand how to do this:-
you need to put
[UIView setAnimationWillStartSelector:@selector(animationDidStart:)];
in the timer Action
@NitinGohel k, but timer was contiuously running
then why u use time sir?
if you dont want to use continuously running if u dont want then u can invalidate it
@Manikandan may be this could help
A: Image rotation and fading across the entire screen

Herçulestimer=[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.03 target:self selector:@selector(onTimer) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; UITapGestureRecognizer *recognizer=[[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:nil]; [self.view addGestureRecognizer:recognizer]; -(void)fadeMe { [UIView anim...

@NitinGohel sir I'm implementing taperecorder project so only i'm using timer
@Herçules have u seen pastie or @Manikandan's code
I just came here
very good
what i need to put in delegate method for restarting animation
i have very less exp with animation
wt actually he want to do @NitinGohel
ok carry on
@Manikandan you want to implement continuos animation
like bouncing a ball
from up and down continuosly
am i right?
yes.but not a bouncing a ball. i'm using tape wheel image.
so you want to rotate it continuosly?
Q: UIView Infinite 360 degree rotation animation?

DerekI'm trying to rotate a UIImageView 360 degrees, and have looked at several tutorials online. I could get none of them working, without the UIView either stopping, or jumping to a new position. How can I achieve this? The latest thing I've tried is: [UIView animateWithDuration:1.0 ...

see this
Q: how to do a continuous recycling UIView animation

lilzzThe following code move the the imageview from right to left once, but I want to do continously. move right to to left then move back to left offscreen and repeat right to left again. imageview=[[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(320, 200, 2635, 200)]; image=[UIImage imageWithContent...

it rotate continuosly. in the timer i'm increase the animation speed but it was shaking
and jerked
even if repeat count is 0 it is rotating continuously
how to restart the animation in animationDidStop method
Hey everyone
actually your question is not clear
if you want to restart it then use didStopSelector as @NitinGohel said
it will fire after animation ends
where i put this code [UIView setAnimationWillStartSelector:@selector(animationDidStart:)]; in delegate method or animation method
it will fire a delegate method named animationDidStart
you don't have to put it on delegate method
then where
write this method in your code
- (void)animationDidStop:(CAAnimation *)theAnimation finished:(BOOL)flag{}
Its rotate only 4 seconds
try setting repeat count to -1
[UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector:@selector(animationDidStop:finished:)]; add this along with cabasic animation
still now i'm getting same problem
what i put in this method - (void)animationDidStop:(CAAnimation *)theAnimation finished:(BOOL)flag{}
@Herçules r u there?
@Herçules still now i'm getting same problem
means wheel rotate only for 4 sec right
it rotate only for 4 sec
wait a min
I am trying a sample
@Manikandan working code
can we add two observers to a Object
for NotificationCenter
no. in KVO
KVO stand for?
key value observing
i m not google so sorry cant understand
I used it, bcoz, its used in apple docs, anyways any suggestion
@NitinGohel dude i am using AFNetworking in which i am i have put all the operation in queue ..i want to display progress bar of total completed progress..pastebin.com/xiKiUKyK
i was given link of it
@Ranjit may be u cant
@Swap-IOS-Android so what is issue ?
@NitinGohel here i am displaying progress bar which is update when one progress is completed..but i want update progress bar when i got bytes and i want to compare with total bytes to download and update by progress bar according to that.
u use blocks ?
@DivineDesert i ask u something
@NitinGohel, then whats the alternative
@DivineDesert here i am displaying progress bar which is update when one progress is completed..but i want update progress bar when i got bytes and i want to compare with total bytes to download and update by progress bar according to that.
@DivineDesert how can i implement void (^setDownloadProgressBlock) methods to get bytes by bytes in my code pastebin.com/xiKiUKyK
@DivineDesert reply to aapo ben
@NitinGohel I dont haev sample code, I worked on main copy only
then what can i do?
if i need it
HI all
@NitinGohel I can guide u
No thx
it's fine
taiyar nu j joie ?
mare sikhva mate sample code joito hato
but if u cant provide it its ok sis dont mind:)
pan mari pase sample code banawano time nathi
e bau moto proj chhe
jyae avu kaik kam avse mare
tyare karisu
ane ema kai khotu lagadwano sawal nath
koi khotu nahi lagato atyare avu kam mahi avyo
atlie atyare just sample code mangyo to
so then hu a study kari saku
hi @Developer
@NitinGohel how r u?
@NitinGohel @DivineDesert hello
sorry bro i m bit busy on work
google try kari juvo kaik med pdi jase
@DivineDesert can you help me on that
@Swap-IOS-Android use AFNetworking with Asynchoronous download
i am using afnetworking in my code...
Ok. I'll check later. So busy now!
@BacHo ok thanks
for over all progress u want @Swap-IOS-Android ?
@all any one used UILocalNotifications ?
yes but bytes by bytes ..
@Swap-IOS-Android you told me ?
@iOS-Dev ?
@iOS-Dev yeah shoot
U will need to keep track of - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response
@Swap-IOS-Android, @DivineDesert will you please tell me how to show different string everytime the local notification is passed/showed ?
different mean ?
@DivineDesert look i have some strings in array, and want to show random string from that array
u have to set strings when u fire them
u cant control it once u added a notification
hi friends any idea about this ? stackoverflow.com/questions/17213863/…
please help me
if you have free time
i m bit busy dear
I gave u hint
ok no problem
they are not giving any ready solution
but its easy
i am not asking for ready solution.;any hint
u can do that
45 secs ago, by DivineDesert
I gave u hint
yes @DivineDesert
nothing how are u ?
I am feeling like i m imprisoned
i m good
my app almost got completed
y @DivineDesert
where is your hint divine
26 mins ago, by DivineDesert
U will need to keep track of - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response
but didreceiveresponse used in ASihttep? and i am now using afnetworking
@yashbhagchandani welcome
@Mayur thanks for adding me here
@Swap-IOS-Android that is NSURLConnection, u will basically find it in any server connecting wrapper class
search u will find this name
@Manikandan yes
I have doubt about animation @Mayur
this is my pasteid: pastebin.com/R7gNumcQ @Mayur
In Visual Studio, can anyone tell what is the difference between blddemo clean and blddemo clean -q?
@Manikandan what problem u r facing ?
the animation was shaking and jerk after 2 mins
hmm let me see
@Gomu ?? Visual Studio ?
My totalDuration is 300 sec that is 5 mins
@Mayur yes
@Mayur r u there
@Gomu i guess this IOS room
and you are asking ques related to .Net
hell @Mayur what is this
dnt remove your self now else i wont even give you write access in this room
@Manikandan i cant see your pastie
there is a error
@Leena r u see my code
wait a min doing some urgent work
@Leena This is my pastie: pastebin.com/byZPt1ue
@Leena The old pastie was expired .THIS IS MY NEW PASTIE: pastebin.com/SbWgHQRW
@Leena r u there?
you want wheel kind of rotation?
and you want to change speed of rotation based on some slider value?
yes.but it was working perfectly. I record for 5 mins. after 2 mins the animation was shaking
for that i need to go through your completed code as well as need to do some debugging
which is not possible at this time
.then how
@Leena r u there?
@iShwar hello how are you
@Swap-IOS-Android : Fine.. you say :)
awesome yaar ..where are you these days...online yet nahi ka
Has anyone customised the friend picker?
@Ajitthala mapla how r u?
FB integration ah?
same project ah ? @Ajitthala or you working now different project ?
same than machi
have u done the Facebook sdk integration?
iOS 6
ya done but only access info and wall post and image share but not friend picker ? @Ajitthala
i used FB sdk 3.5 in that has more example have you see that example in SDK?
yah...i am customising it machi..there lies the problem
oh tell me problem if i know i will help you
see this link...they've mentioned how to customise a friend picker
but i've followed the exact procedure
an empty table comes up
have made proper connections in xib
but no solution so far'
you done all the procedure in plist ? like added app key and ID of FB
everything regarding Facebook is working machi...but when i try to customise the friend picker, it doesn't work
oh okay hmm i will also analyse ur question if got any point then inform you mapla
@Preethi Hello
@Manikandan Hello
how to synchronize the more number of NSTimer
@Preethi I have 2 timer one for animation and another one for recording. the animation will rotate based on recording.
@Preethi If you cant understand this please see my code. pastebin.com/bHh9KvNT
@Manikandan i will check n say
@Manikandan sry mani i cant get it.
kk r u tamil
r u completed the any app using animation
Bbye to all.. have a nice Weekend .. :)
@Stunner Hello
what is iphone app store id?
in the Facebook developers page?
check this
Q: AFNetworking. check dowload progress for all operationqueue

IgnazioCI have an iOS application made with AFNetworking. I have a singleton custom httpclient subclass and i use it to consume my api and download binary files from server. I need to dowload about 100 files. Is it safe to iterate trough my url array and create one AFHTTPRequestionOperation for each url...

[operation setCompletionBlockWithSuccess:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
download.status = kDownloadObjectStatusDoneSucceeded
make help's u
@Ajitthala what u say
I tried the app request that i told u about the other day
[CATransaction commit];
didnt get U?
while you try to animation first
after finish animation may be it mist commit
[CATransaction commit]; put this at end of animation code
befor u remove it
just put this
@Ajitthala what u trying
as same as we message to our frnd
and put your app link and image with message
to ur frnd
apone app store id means
while you app in itunes that particular app have uniq id
it call iphone app id
how to see that id in iTunes?
in dev acoount
yoru app list
show details
@NitinGohel tested and failed
Coz right now, all the codes for the send app request are fine. But since i've not entered my iPhone app id , think its not sending the request
Do i have to check in iTunes or dev account?
@NitinGohel the thing is when i click the second time the view comes 2 times
check my answer
i am doing that
@NitinGohel the pbm is whenever i am doing the animation 2nd time it repeats two times
1st time only it happens only once
your amimation prob or view remove prob
animation pbm
when i am clicking first time it works fine ,so that when the viewcontroller is allocated and then adding animation.but in second time i am simply adding the viewcontroller,it is not allocating again becoz its already there
change key of second times
try with change key while second time adding animation
check this
Q: Animating transitions of two subviews simultaneously with CATransition

sooperI have my main view, and when a user taps a 'Show' button I want two things to happen: Fade in a black UIView with alpha 0.5 covering the entire parent view. I'll refer to this as darkenBackground Slide the view of a second view controller (self.secondViewController.view) on top of darkenBackgr...

@Ajitthala yes find app id

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