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05:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

the left created the "don't say gay" name for the law, it's not actually called that
the fact is a majority of REPUBLICANS support gay marriage and an overwhelmingly amount of independents do too
okay fair enough
let me ACTUALLY look it up
I'm still pretty sure some guy just wants to attract the "stupid vote" when he runs for president.
I mean this makes sense to me as well
there seems to be a huge trend of anti-intellectualism across the planet rn
this is an issue around "T+" and "LGB" people have only been thrown in because of a poor choice of association. Sexuality and gender identity are two completely different things. They shouldn't be grouped together.
@ballBreaker one of the strangest things I've seen. It's literally a movement to ignore reality. lol
I found it
> 3. Classroom instruction by school personnel or third
parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur
in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.
it sounds reasonable enough depending on the last line
which part do you disagree with? it's extremely broad, yes.
After reading that I don't disagree in particular with any of it, but it's so loose that I wouldn't be able to formulate an actual opinion on it
enough said
it seems fine depending on what the idea of age appropriate or developmentally appropriate standards mean
and the open to interpretation aspect of it is not really good 'law'
it's way too broad
So I'm against it as a law for that reason specifically, but not due to the content of it
i agree
because it could be anywhere from "you're too young to formulate your sexual orientation or gender identity yet" to literally "you must deny reality that gay people or trans people exist" depending on what "state standards" are
oh we talking about gay laws
I know the mormon's love gays
yeah that's honestly complicated lol
@ballBreaker the "too young" thing is hard
i mean kids do often know somethings up pretty early
at the same time surgery/meds seem...a bit concerning
(another thing LGB don't have to worry about)
I honestly don't have a ton of opinions on it at this point beyond I think that people should be treated fairly regardless of their race/religion/sexual orientation/gender identity/sex/etc
It's a pretty complicated issue that I think is best left to people who care about this thing, when I, a mere peasant, do not
and in the meantime I'll just continue to make fun of florida because they're a really easy target
i think if we committed mass genocide against everyone who wasn't a developer, the world would have significantly less problems
except now men outnumber women by 10 to 1
oh no hahaha
now we really gotta talk about the gays in kindergarten
jbis can be the one to teach that lesson
on that note i'm out cya o/
cya nerd
@Smarticles101 I feel like we might be on the same team
Stop deleting messages, it's weak
@Tim he doesn't want cloudflare to know that he's in the closet still
Not really a lot of gays in here when I think about it
Should be at least 1/10
basically statistically someone in here is a liar
the data shows that most people are liars
Gays can be liars too - Homophobe
"officer charged for shooting man who swung an axe to a public"
this is some alternate universe stuff
what does "swung an axe to a public" mean
some guy was swinging an axe around, threatning
in public and later to officers. The article states that the man was far away enough (like 7m from the officer) so the officer should not have shot him
"it was just a prank bro"
these self defense issues are always hard. It sounds like he was just charged though and not actually taken to trial in court yet
canada has extremely strict self defense laws
If you can't prove without a doubt that killing someone was the only viable defense, then you're fucked and you're getting charged with murder
TLDR; same would happen here, and honestly, I'm fine with it
alternative is that you get cops shooting people in the back running away like in the US
because unfortunately laws need to be black and white, so that the grey can be determined in court
if you allow cops to shoot people every time they feel threatened for self defense then you're going to start having a lot of dead innocent people
'Member that incel guy that ran over all those people and tried to get police to shoot him?
yeah I do
@ballBreaker he was shot because the threat needed to be neutralized
we have lost cops because they hesitated to shoot
and I value the life of a cop a lot more than that of a criminal, take every measure necesseary to have the cop home with his kids
I value the life of members of the public over cops
which is ofc entirely different than "blast away" cops in my country tend to be very careful and rarely shoot for good reasons
Not because I have anything against cops, but simply, their job is to put themselves at risk to help others.
@Graeme criminal != member of society: it's no more than a parasite to society
Tell me about what a criminal is
I got a list
Okay - is it boolean this list? Jay walkers should die before cops?
Or just murderers?
nobody should die in the first place
How about the mentally ill that aren't to blame for their criminal behaviour? Should they be killed so a cop can live? Or should a cop be put in mortal danger?
but if the criminal tends to put the cops life in danger: then to me it's more important the cop gets home safe
@Graeme they should be shot if that is necesseary to neutrlize threat, yes
my opinion is still the same, I think these laws need to exist as they do because the alternative is much, much worse. This cop gets charged with murder, and then fights it in court, where he will very likely win because it's obvious that his life was in danger. But if this law wasn't the way it was, and he was able to just shoot this guy and get off with no investigation or trial, then you get into situations that happen in the US on a daily/weekly basis
well US is a different level than my country
yeah but thats what you're asking for
it's not that simple
you can't let cops be judge jury and executioner on people's lives, period
it really is that simple
no, not at all
with this law in place they know that they need to make sure that shooting this person is their LAST resort because they can be held personally liable
if anybody's life is in danger by the criminal, any threat should be neutralized by whatever is plausible: if this requires shooting then it should be. I am not condeming for a "blast away" regime I am speaking about threatning situations
in the alternative you're asking for, that isn't the case
You already have the evidence you need to see what I'm talking about, you live in a country that doesn't have the problem the US has
guess what the difference is
self defense laws and how they apply to police
Just to confirm, you collate the mentally ill and criminals together here
no, graeme this is your conclusion and its a tricky way to put me in some sort of position
nice try
but I am putting threat together in the same level
It's not putting you in any position - it's a common theme
not mine
I don't differ threat
Criminals that are killed are likely to have mental difficulties
ok, but how does this change neutralizing a threat
the idea of what a threat is is different on a person to person basis
wether a complete sane or insane person runs up to someone with a knife he should be neutralized
and if neutralizing requires shooting, then so be it
and although you can argue for how obvious one situation is more threatening than another, you, a citizen, or a police officer don't have the right to make that determination IMO in the eyes of the law
ofc if there was no such threat, and there has been shot the cop should be taken responsible
swinging an axe around, in this case, imo is such threat
the way that's done is by charging the police and then finding them innocent in court
@ballBreaker this is what screening is meant for
So someone who is hallucinating, swinging an ax to kill the monsters, and is way way out of range of hurting someone
That person deserves to die more than the cop deserves to... reach for a taser instead?
Or just, he deserves to die more than the cop deserves to be in danger?
Given one isn't culpable for his behaviour, and the other is actively being paid to be in danger?
@Graeme if it's way out of range its not necesseary to kill. You and I can hardly decides what range a swinging axe is however
No trick in what I'm saying, this is a situation that repeats over and over
@Graeme yes, he should indeed reach for a taser: but our cops weren't allowed to have those in that time
So let's say 6 feet then. Range doesn't matter. Mentally ill person isn't even aware of the cop, has no way of recognising this is a cop of following commands, isn't trying to hurt anyone ?
What we're asking is, does that mentally ill person deserve to be shot rather than the cop putting himself in danger to in order do it another way
Again - this isn't tricky wording - we're not trying to make you say something you don't mean, actually asking
let's get this clear: I am all for another way if possible
I was speaking neutralizing should be done, no matter what
Okay - so you're saying the cop should try and tackle him (for instance) rather than shooting him?
if it requires shooting, so be it. In my country I can say this because they will choose shooting as last option
That's fair and the cop knows the consequences of if he has to do the shooting, he's signed up for this job
@Graeme Im not a cop but I think a taser would be safer
I think so too
Or pepper spray, or rubber bullets, or bean bags, or baton, or let's face it - talking to the person
yes all of that before any shooting starts
neutralize with all possibilities, choose the lesser harm first
Okay cool - I think much better of you with that answer, thank you
but if the threat continues and there seems no other way.. then I do justify the gun. We might differ on that aspect
leg first
I agree with you still up to here
but no trials of "how far can he push it" if there is immediate life threatning danger is what I am saying
but I"m also fine with them being charged, because that's part of their job and they are aware of it
Sure - I think if the question is "Should the cop die and the guy with an ax keep swinging" or "the copy should kill him" - that's fair :P
and the alternative is not ideal at all
because nobody, whether you are a police officer or the prime minister should be able to murder someone without consequence
@Graeme in this case the axe swinger was first also in public as I understood. I'd say shooting in his leg is better but I can't possibly imagine the difficulty of that in such situation
plus, as we agree'd, taser was better but they didnt have those then. Now we do have them
I mean, cops are trained specifically to deal with that situation
If they don't know how to deal with that they're not doing their job
well I dk what happened that killed him exactly, but being in holland I do believe it was done out of what we call "noodweer" (heavy weather?)
meaning, "all other options considered and not possible", would be the translation to "noodweer"
Good code name :D
it can be applied everywhere, even being used in coding
try catch in development is a "noodweer" solution for example
I'm out for the day - catch y'all later
Thanks for discussing Bakker!
no prob thannk you too
see you later!
05:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

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