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how's it going Trangle man
2^Hydrocephalic greeting
morning Frog
wow is that @Emmanuel in the room?
that is him
Hey, Emm, you lost? lol
hahaha it seems that way
do you even Android anymore? :D
hahahah yes I do
You're one up on me then
I was feeling nostalgic, so I stopped by
you are not doing Android anymore?
no one ever truly escapes room15
we should change the name. 99% of the talk here has nothing to do with android
Haven't for probably a couple years now.
oh wow...
what are you doing now?
I was disappointed at first but I've learned a lot doing other things
I am hoping you tell me you switched companies lol
Some dev ops stuff, a little python, PHP (shhhh), C#
nice... ohhh so you are a Xamarin dev now
codeMagic you're programming in PHP!!?!?!?!1!!!
Nope, haha. But we were acquired 3 years ago so thing are much better
Carl, I said shhhhh
oh glad to hear that
whos star happy?
No not Xamarin. I pushed for that though
I remember you were always dealing with bluetooth bugs
@JBis I am staring the messages I like
Our mobile apps are react native and a couple use Appcelerator (yuck, I know)
I'm doing mostly web development lately
Haha, yeah it's nice to be away from the bluetooth mess
oh wow... a lot of people are starting to go the react/flutter route... should I be worried?
The company who bought us bought 3 other similar companies around the same time. So it was a mess at the beginning
I second Carl's "no"
I bet it was a mess
yeah, according to Airbnb I should not be worried
also, I am having fun learning about coroutines and the Flow API so... it better not go away
I did a little mobile dev in our react app but quickly moved myself to doing web stuff. haha
Good to hear! Nah, you'll be fine
Are you still at the same place in that one city I last knew about?
I know 0 react native, but what I do know is that we "stole" something similar to redux and applied it to Android
yes I am
still in STL
brb getting more coffee
I didn't know if you wanted me to give away your location ;)
please hurry, Carl
it is on my StackOverflow page
so... how have things been around here? no more help vamps?
It hasn't been too bad recently
From what I have seen, I have not seen too many awful questions in SO either
for Android that is
Though, I had a long spell where I was away for awhile after we were acquired
Due to both paranoia and being busy
I haven't really looked at them for awhile but I have been through the first posts review queue and was surprised at the higher than normal quality
yeah, I have not answered questions in a long time, but I do look from time to time to see what kind of questions are being asked
bandwidth of my vps was not updating so i complained about it
@Emmanuel are you still in.. spain?
nope, I am in STL
now its showin 33mb while i may have utlized around a gb
Did you end up moving?
we never moved officially
decided to take it slow
and baby?
I am thinking maybe if i didnt complain i would enjoy unlimited bandwidth :D
baby is coming soon
how soon? :D
4 weeks
yeah.... it is soon soon
are you excited?
Awesome, congrats!
oh man Amazon sent me a bunch of recruiting emails that I ignored because I thought they were about packages
I would continue to ignore those emails...
yesterday paypal locked my account for 180 days
and i done nothin wrong...
The recruitment seems interesting.. software engineer for supply chain optimization
I'll at least get some more info from the guy
should probably respond, amazon is a nice reference on a cv :D
i made a spot welder from microwave transformer
Is there a way to do a poll on chat now days?
you think they've come up with new chat features since you l left?
well that answers my question...
@MehdiB. Yeah I went ahead and responded to him, and also another one I totally missed about a remote java job
May 23 '17 at 20:09, by Carl Anderson
the most recent feature they implemented was the kick-mute, and that was in October of 2014
@ballBreaker good luck! 💪
I was interested in knowing how many android devs here use coroutines and how many use databinding? and how many of those that use coroutines still use Rx?
WOW Carl... that is crazy
@MehdiB. yeah I figure this time around the sun I might as well keep my feelers out there for better stuff
I never learned Rx, and haven't used coroutines yet
@Emmanuel when was the last time you were here? how long has it been?
@Emmanuel I use coroutines and i love em, and i dont use rx
it said it was 161 days ago
do you use the Flow API as well asim?
@Emmanuel nah
do you test your coroutines, asim?
@Emmanuel Test?
yeah, test as testing the code you write. I guess not.
over-engineering work complete ✅ looking forward to coming back to work tomorrow
I only test if i am new to something, otherwise never, only once i finish writing everything
What happened?
@asim lol same
I mean depending how large it is, I'll test as I go, if I can
oh... we do TDD so tests are a big part of what we do
I think you guys are talking about two different things. lol
Not testing as in running the app and see if it works
Testing as in tests written into the code
Are you sure you don't do DDT?
I am talking about testing the code you write
test-driven development
we try our best to do TDD
yeah fuck writing test code
My eyes are the only test I need
even after a spike, we start from scratch so we can TDD
@ballBreaker we are same
When you get into big projects with many other devs, it's nice to have
Yeah I could see it being nice for sure
until then though..
in fact, we pair program, so one person writes the test, and the other makes it pass and then we switch
System.out.println("Test1") is about all the testing I need
It's good for any project with any number of developers who might touch it. But the smaller ones probably don't do much of it if it's not forced
Only problems i face while coding are: what to name my variables (i only use them when necessary) and bugs because of typos
My biggest issue is deciphering previous coders bullshit and why in the hell they would do the things they have done
also, if I am looking for a library to use, one of the vetoing concerns is if the library is tested.
I'm shure you all are doing Development Driven Tests... that TDD thing is an urban myth
come join us!
I write tests that I know are going to pass so that I don't look dumb in front of my QA
ha ha .. jk
And the libraries should not be tested
I don't have a QA
You should only test the code you own
libraries to be consumed by people should be tested
@RaymondArteaga I don't test my code, I only test others code
Mee too asim
We are a special kind of devs
We are "REAL DEVS"!
so I take it that most devs here do not test their code?
I usually modify libs upto 40-60%
I've switched to TDD Emm
no unit tests, no Espresso or Robolectric?
@RaymondArteaga The one's who need to wear a helmet at all times?
the transition to TDD is not easy, congrats Carl!
We write tests. Well, some of us
In fact, I would say that when you TDD most of the time is spent in trying to figure out a failing test
From all the devs I know, 99% lies when they say they're doing TDD
@RaymondArteaga agree
Carl is the only one that says the truth
yeah most of the devs I know don't even bother lying
"testing? what's testing? I was told to be done this by yesterday"
I didn't say we do TDD but we write unit tests
TDD is only correctly done in Googwarts
I understand that when a trying something new, TDD can be really hard, so DDT becomes a thing, especially in personal projects, but at work... we TDD
I do not think that Google TDDs
but I am not sure about that statement
my documentation: one short comment above a func only I can understand
Though, I haven't written any in awhile because I'm not going to waste my time with the shit I'm working on now
they do write tests though
for us our tests are our documentation
in the past 5 years I have never had to write a single java doc
what is documentation
This room is a petri dish...
I don't understand these words, java.. doc? documen..tation? testing?
It must be my lobster brain
I am sure @trevor-e writes tests...
if (1 == 1)
 "test passed"
Is 1==1.0?
@asim in Kotlin that doesn't compile
while(true) break; :D
I have never played with Erlang
I try to write unit tests for most things, integration tests I can get pretty lazy on though, or sometimes there's too much tech debt to make them feasible
yeah, integration tests are expensive
Elixir is another BEAM-compatible language which is a bit more approachable than Erlang
@trevor-e I like bare erlang more
I currently have servers deployed in cloud running on erlang for months, non-stop
whenever i run my server on my home system, someone tries to connect to it, fails on ssl handshake then does http get requests and then gives up, idk who
hey dave!
hey Emmanuel, how have you been?
I have been great, how about you?
I'm good, low on sleep with my 1 mo old but the 21 mo old just used her training toilet for the first time!
Nice!!! we have 4 weeks to go for my wife to go into labor
is this your first?
Congrats :D
thanks! I am really excited!
It's a lot of fun, but until they start sleeping better it's can be pretty trying
yeah that is what I heard
You just have to do a better job at pretend sleeping when they cry until your wife wakes up
that is messed up haha
Then you quietly mumble that you'll get the baby but she's mostly up so she tells you it's ok and to go back to sleep
but definitely something codeMagic would do
no no, the real trick is to volunteer for the night shift so she can get some sleep
I've put in my dues with 4 crying babies but I won't say I haven't done that. Haha
all I need to do is take care of the little one and play video games
she gets the toddler AND the baby in the morning
Nice, Dave
one day she will find out...
she knows but I work while shes home so there's nothing she can do about it
so... going back to coroutines... only one dev here uses them? :'(
I work from home, so hopefully that will make things easier
Basically Tim and Adam
thanks Mauker
I predict that people are going to start migrating to them and slowly start to replace Rx with Flows
@Emmanuel coroutines are actually very nice
Q: Suspend a running Coroutine

asimI can suspend a coroutine by calling suspendCoroutine<String> { cont -> continuation = cont } inside a coroutine but how do i suspend it from outside of coroutine and get a continuation back to resume it later? Edit: The job of coroutine is to receive json messages from server using jackson str...

they are really nice, especially coming from Rx
I think you may want to use a BroadcastChannel
I am planning on enabling voice calling features on my app, since i have tbs of bandwidth now
BroadcastChannel is a class that is part of the coroutine API
@Emmanuel coroutine is running inside a service, activities can just change a boolean to let coroutine know if they are synchronizing so i think i am good for now
you are changing the state of the service from an activity?
Kinda, a boolean, YES
this does really sound like an application for Flows. If using flows, nobody needs to check for data, data is emitted
upon collection of the flow, the data will be there
Just go with the flow dude ~~~~~~
HAHAHAHA Dave gets it
user image
@Emmanuel Rn i dont allow client generated timestamps for messages or media coz of some hackers who happened to be my friends, So I am sticking with the order of messages for now
is this app on Google Play?
Not rn, but i do have like 8k users
I see
@Emmanuel do you work with php too?
I do not
Flagged for being offensive
@asim loooooool
I was looking at the wrong profile :D

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