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5:02 PM
@ballBreaker That makes me think of ChexMix-man or whatever that game was called...
hahah yeah those days were pretty golden
I remember that game as well
haha I've never heard of that
Didn't you shoot green goo at aliens or something? Literally nothing to do with Cereal. haha
hahah yeah wasn't it like Doom/quake too?
Yea, obviously just some rubbish they threw together. lol
5:07 PM
That kind of reminds me of Duke Nukem
Not the rubbish bit, but the screenshots of it
One of many video games I played too young
Didn't one of the fps games release their engine as open source or something, so there were a bunch of weird clones? I think that's what it was.
Hmm interesting, never heard that before actually
Well I learned that at a time when I doubt I knew what open-source even was, so.... not sure it was ever accurate. haha
bahaha fair enough
5:21 PM
heya cm
ooo an index out of bounds error.. should be fun
bb, I'll trade you your index out of bounds error for efficienizing™ a php script
o/ all
5:33 PM
idk man, do you really wanna touch this 18 year old code
it's barely legal
what's it written in?
then yes
I'm currently debugging with print statements
@ballBreaker where in the world is carmen sandiego?
5:35 PM
@DaveS very very similar game but not that game
It was that game that actually reminded me of this other one
That game was great
unfortunately not in there
that list was more promising, but nope haha
5:37 PM
Honestly I've given up
ok well here's 38 more
no one likes a quitter bb, better to spend your whole workday researching this than to give up
didn't see it in this list, but found an old gem I forgot about
5:42 PM
ah nice I played the n64 version religiously
Blue wizard is about to die
He's out of coins
the biggest rip off in the arcade version was your health would slowly drain
didn't matter how good you were, eventually that health bar drain would catch up to you
Arcades need to make money Dave
yeah but it was a bit excessive
like you'd eventually die if you just limited health recovery
5:48 PM
@DaveS same here
I loved the Jester
ah that was the expanded version
Yeah, dark legacy ?
yeah, I played the original
I played the yellow jackal wizard
damn I forgot that wasn't the original, I played the original too
5:50 PM
I was mostly the green archer chick
I just found out we have an adult arcade in town. Can't wait to check that out
Dave and Busters is everywhere cM
adult as in...?
Adult as in adult beverages
5:51 PM
Not entertainment
but arcades are entertainment
I was already typing that up expecting something from you, bb
@DaveS Closest one to me is almost 3 hours away
hahaha I knew exactly what you meant, few of those in the city here as well (other than Dave and Busters)
5:51 PM
guessing nobody knew my screenshot
They're always a good time
I did not, Carl
Altered Beast
Prehistoric Street Fighter?
yeah didn't play that
5:53 PM
me neither
What about this one?
how i can stop this god damn dependency downloading all the time
unplug ur innternet
5:56 PM
@ballBreaker holy fuck that might be it
gradle offline mode
le me try
you are a genius bb
are you kidding or did I actually help
it worked
5:58 PM
😃 <3
i've been trying to deal with this for last 2 weeks on/off
shit post long enough eventually you'll be right
omg i love you bb
Love you too baby
Glad I could help
6:14 PM
kinda losin my mind on this out of bounds error lol it makes no sense
add -1000
damn why didn't I think of that
Glad I could help
it means the index is out of bounds bb
It means I'm holding 6 pencils and you're asking me to hand you the 7th pencil
6:18 PM
thats a good analogy cM
very helpful
can I add some bounty?
you see bb, if you try to get the 7th pencil, you might get a marker instead
I don't like pencils I only want pens because I like big pens or when a pen is big
Maybe this will help...
I have 6 pencils in my left hand and none in my right hand.
I hold out my hands and tell you to pick a pencil 1 through 6
You say you want the seventh pencil and reach into my right (empty) hand
I smack you
6:24 PM
How do you decide when it's a good idea to break db normalization for efficiency?
when you have a bottleneck
readability and ease of use is king, you don't excessively optimize until you have something slow that needs it
thanks you clearedup my non confusion
do you think if I try hard enough I can induce a stroke and leave work early
just take a bunch of laxatives and shit your pants
nice idea
that reminds me of this sketch
I got it
try catch it
or even better
add a hardcoded value
just do
and then use list[0]
6:29 PM
I mean you're getting the stack trace bb right?
yes sir
what's the index and size of the array?
say your desktop ran out of battery
desktops don't have batteries JBis
exactly :fingerguns:
6:32 PM
@DaveS I know where it's happening and why (mostly), it's just that my code piece is being entered twice, and the second time I have NO idea how it's being entered or why
trigger a stack trace see what's calling it
The first time is intentional, but the second time it goes in, it shouldnt' be.. and it can't figure that bit out
I know where the call is,b ut it doesn't make sense it's entering
It's how this BS was designed
Just need to keep plugging away.. I can bandaid my index out of bounds and get that bit working but it revealed a deeper routed issue
I'll just bandaid it and see if I need to dig deeper I guess
lol bb
6:35 PM
basically it's trying to bind contract data to something that isn't a contract and I have zerooooo idea why
so I'll just get it "working" and see what the output is like
I'm thinking of building a news classifier to filter out political news from my reading
Where do you read your news?
IF reddit, it's pretty easy to do
Prob can use keywords pretty easily
@ballBreaker from Google news (Android)
I don't do that
have you tried also not doing that
oh yay I fixed my problem with a bandaid
6:39 PM
I have, but I read news without even thinking.. first thing in the morning I take 15-30min to be "up to date"
ahhh I see
you should use that time for coffee and pooping instead like I do
But that sounds like a reasonable idea, I bet it exists already
Wait is this on your phone or a browser
yall working with postman?
@mehdi from looking online, your options are essentially nothing, or use a browser and get an extension
or make something yourself, which I'm not sure how that would work over a native google app like news
@ballBreaker on my phone, while commuting to work
unless you make a news app from the ground up
but I know the least android here probably so don't take my word for it
6:46 PM
ok time to get P R O D U C T F U C K I T
Last time I did some Android, the accessibility API let you do some pretty advanced stuff on the window, so I guess I could try to blur something on my screen :D
@grrigore sometimes
did you write tests?
@Mehdi Personally I would just try different news aggregator apps
google is pretty shitty
The fact it doesn't have that functionality built in grosses me out
there's microsoft news, I think
haven't used it tho
6:51 PM
@Mehdi just ask google news to show you less like this
I'm seeing Flipboard as an option, no idea how good it is though
every time you see a political add say fewer stories like this
and when you like the news say more stories like this
should be trained in a few days
or just use a better app
at least you have some options now mehdi :D
Yes :D
I actually like google news app
maybe you're using a shit version?
they have some old legacy ones
7:00 PM
I'm not sure, I use the one built-in the One plus
> ... you can customise your news feed by letting it know about the type of news you want more or less of. And that's the problem, it doesn't seem to remember those choices. Many times I've clicked on less of Money Super Market, or Cricket, or Dancing on Ice, etc. But, like an unwanted visitor, those news subjects keep coming back, continuously. They won't stop. Please Google, respect my choices...
you can block sources explicitly
> ... I keep trying to filter celebrity and sports stories and keep getting recommendations for them
idk I'm just lookign at people's reviews
well I don't get kardashians or basketball
she must be clicking that shit
7:04 PM
I have no idea, there are a ton of complaints about this issue
Google is probably carting over interests from other places as well
Ooops you forgot to unlike the kardashians on facebook from 10 years ago, here is an article on them everyday for the next 20 years
could be
I usually get info about crpyto, space x, politics, the market
There should just be a keyword filter, no idea why they wouldn't implement such an easy feature
and those are the articles I read
@ballBreaker Yeah probably, there is a technique in recommender systems called: collaboration filtering, and it's based on "similar users" preferences
Right, makes sense. I think in theory the functionality should work but looking online and at these reviews seems like it doesn't always translate
7:06 PM
I also think these are layman, not nearly as understanding of machine learning algorithm as our boy mehdi
I just know names, Dave XD
with the ability to follow specific interests and sources I don't think he'll have a problem curating the newsfeed he wants
posted on January 29, 2020 by Neal Eckard

Android Studio 3.6 Release Candidate 2 is now available in the Beta channel. If you have Android Studio set up to receive updates on the Beta channel, you can get the update by choosing Help > Check for Updates (Android Studio > Check for Updates on macOS). Otherwise, you can download it here. New option for optimizing Gradle sync time To improve Gradle Sync pe

I'm sure you understand how they work on a basic level
Yes, on a basic level :D
7:07 PM
Dave can you at least agree it should have better filters
I had a user try to tell me the grill's wifi chip didn't need to be strong enough to transmit back to the router, just receive from the router to work
or the ability to filter on your own accord (through blacklisting keywords, etc)
whitelist vs black list
it doesn't have a black list sure, that would be nice
but it has white lists and the ability to see less on your black list
@DaveS Can you explain the second part?
@DaveS o.O
Clearly this person doesn't understand internet at all
7:09 PM
He tried to say you only need a strong signal from the router at the grill when troubleshooting your wifi connection
this was in response to my advice to check the grills signal by the router
to make sure it could reach it
Durrrrr WhAtS a PiNg Do?1
Do you still maintain that system?
7:10 PM
I have a sous vide machine that connects via wifi and it's a royal pain in the ass
I hate the internet of things
then don't use it
Microwave within 5 feet of your stove? good luck
oh I don't
That's nice Dave, I think the internet of things is an awesome field
yeah it's fun
kinda sick of the grills though
want a new project
I like it when it's well done on the vendor side
7:11 PM
With lots of constraints, you have no choice but to optimize things to the max
This particular instance I've mentioned definitely was not
but we're making some changes to get more of the team involved
I'm sure dave's is well done since he's on the team though
get it, well done? because it's a grill?
don't be so sure there are hardware limitations in the initial design that I wasn't a part of
you can only do so much with software and a limited budget
7:13 PM
I feel like these things will get easier once 5g is more mainstream
wifi is such a pain
well the original grills had a 60Kb size limit on the firmware
But you still have the computing limitations of the chips
and legacy support for them still has that constraint
the new grills are much better and we have a big project for them to modernize it but can't talk about that too much
How do you debug / test your code usually?
gotta keep big george foreman on his toes
7:14 PM
We have grills here, no real effective way to debug the firmware
but easy to debug the apps and servers
I'll be back in 45 going to take my lunch, ciao fellas
I can connect a tool to debug the chip on a testing platform or in a grill on my computer but it's pretty shit
later bb
You built the testing platform yourself?
the debug tool is an STLink
and the testing platform is built by the China manufacturers
They also maintain the non IoT firmware and core code
Their new engineer is fairly competent though so it's been better
Nice, I really like software engineering applied to industrial use cases
I have a friend who did a Lego demo (robot + camera) of a manufacturing chain, to detect defects of products and throw them away in a defect bucket VS the good ones that are supposed to stay on the chain
Lots of cool use cases :D
7:20 PM
7:39 PM
@Mehdi It's a mix of fun and fury
believe it or not I wrote the software that runs a factory lol
I wonder how it's doing
the factory killed a few people. reports say it was an index out of bounds exception that caused it
this guy kills me
@DaveS Classic me
he is the one that made the underground zoo right?
yeah haha
this one gets so ridiculous
run x'D
7:50 PM
once he gets into the rollercoasters... jesus haha
"what could possibly go wrong?"
this is great
i'm crying
it just gets better and better hahahaha
is it a fun game to play?
8:02 PM
it sure looks like it x'D
looks like a roller coaster tycoon, which was pretty fun
but that perpetual torment park is great
@IvanMilisavljevic which would you suggest?
if all the sites are going to be simple Q&A with same fields (and same business logic) than single db
if not, than multiple
@W0MP3R haha the shotgun at the end is just so ridiculous
8:11 PM
some games are more fun to watch people play than actually play
@JBis russian roulette being one of them
8:31 PM
old mc donald had a farm
heya heya hoe
night everyone~~
8:49 PM
@grrigore heyhoe
@ballBreaker my whole office is giggling over that theme park of torment video now
9:07 PM
that was stupid af
@DaveS hahahah nice, that guy is the only "lets play" that I will ever watch
Every video of his is him just purposefully trying to break the video games and see what he can get away with and essentially torturing people
So if you ever get bored take a gander through some of his other videos
I feel weird because I just finished, I think, all of my coding and I'm a month early
I need to stop being so good at my job
delete it all and start over
maybe I'll upgrade everything to java 8
I don't even know where I have the time to do my job for how much I'm in here
let alone waaay ahead of schedule, this feels weirder
@ballBreaker or you did something wrong
do work for my company and earn double pay
(no that's bad)
9:23 PM
Oh you mean during my company hours haha
It's react?
Perhaps I'll spend some of this free time learning React...
yea it's react but it looks like we're going with some ukranian guys
oh yeah?
So Ivan is stealing my sweet sweet React money eh
bye amigos
@Ivan you want to outsource your outsource bro?
enjoy your day
9:26 PM
watched half. that's pretty damn funny
ivan is serbian
He's Serbian
he turned down the work
what no
but I mean, ukraine, romaine, iceberg, all the same lettuce
9:26 PM
he's not romanian lol
they are all lettuce
usa canada same lettuce
damnit bb
9:27 PM
they are basically
@codeMagic the last half is the best
so I hope it was the last half
it was the first half
I really need to figure out this issue but that video is distracting
11 hours ago, by Murat Karagöz
finish it already
just finish it and then watch another, by the end of the day you'll have forgotten what the issue is
problem solved
9:30 PM
hhehe nice
I'm going to leave early
ciao fellas 😀 enjoy your evenings
see ya
I actually think I know what the problem is. Just trying to figure out how to fix it in a phpy way
There's like 6 or so DB calls and the original author decided to for half of those or whatever to make a bunch of single queries
I only have 3 minutes left so I'll do the right thing and finish the video
the phpy way to fix something is burn it
I tried. The awfulness of the code was too much for the fire
sometimes i'm watching tv and my alexa randomly activates and i wonder if all the alexas of the people watching the same channel also just got activated
9:35 PM
ok, that was 16 minutes well spent
lmao where'd you find that
it's a few years old
9:52 PM
Hi friends
hey TW how's life?
hey t-spoon
@JBis Dave finds all kinds of random videos that no one ever should have any reason to know they exist
Going good! Back at school, started streaming again, staying up too late. Fun fun :)
9:54 PM
Yo, Tristan
Yo cM!
How's life been going for y'all?

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