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01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

@codeMagic Oh you are interested only in the nutritional side, you don't care about the flavor...
You should start popping astronaut's food pills
because as far as I know, codeMagic made some 'ass-bourbon' which explains why he is not into 'flavor' anymore
@codeMagic sup magicmannnnnnnnn how was your birthday?
thanks for deleting that
feels good to write some java code and being able to break lines without having to add a \
welcome back to civilization
is that a bash bash?
Nvm, that was strings, not statements xd
yeah :D Python is the one forcing me to do this
@MuratKaragöz XD
@RaymondArteaga nooooo, I am very much into flavor
Ok, then fish flavor is not a good one?
I was saying I was trying to find fish that didn't taste like fish because of the nutrition but I don't like fishy fishes
@ColdFire yoooooooooooooo
it was decent, thanks
Didn't really do anything. Worked, went to my son's wrestling practice, then had a late dinner at home with my girlfriend
I got you, according to some experts (me) fishy flavor is an indicator of certain kinds of nutrients, wish no-fishy fishes lack.
if i change responce body from object to array as shown here the app build disapear silently
That if i change @GET("accounts/1")
Call<List<account>> getAccountDetails(); TO
Call<account> getAccountDetails();
What do you mean with: the app build disapear silently
your apk file gets deleted?
without launching to emulator
apk not deleted
I mean AS start from Gradle Building > Scanning > Indexing then end
without installing new apk
Open the run configurations panel and select "select device"
green play button dropdown/Edit configurations
Android App/app
and unselect use same device for future launces
and select open select deployment target dialog
Time to go~~
Cya later people!!! :D
Hello, android!
what's up ma doods
and doodettes
sup ma dood
and o/ all
sup ma Ahmad and ma Dave
how much time usually it takes for the dev support to delete a policy violation review?
Google rolled back play store to its previous state, I wish they dont change it again
and its bugged too
I'm ready for the weekend...and it's only wednesday
@ColdFire I wish I could do that
those migraines are killing me
oh those migraines are still there?
Yes :/
Had a hard one yesterday
had to go to the hospital again
@mehdi there is now a NSFW vagina GAN I don't want to link to it directly but it's just like ThisCatDoesNotExist.com or ThisPersonDoesNotExist.com but the word Vagina. There's a medium post about it
But they're showing up less often
@DaveS lol what
if you're interested mauker you cant find his nsfw blog post in his list of recent work medium.com/@DavidMack
I've worked with GANs in the past
this is amazing
Have you seen that they made one GAN that creates paintings based on sketches?
no haven't seen that
that's pretty cool
I know right?
Did I tell you what I made with GANs?
guys how to add option parameter in model class
@DaveS flagged as nsfw
@Mauker yikes
where do people talk about iOS
im trying to translate a simple app from Android -> iOS just to learn and i feel like im missing something here
because what ought to be simple to find out how to do isnt, which leads me to believe im not searching with the right keywords
Oct 11 '18 at 10:02, by Tim Castelijns
I wonder if the iOS developers in the iOS room talk the same way about us. Oh wait. There is no iOS room
i figured out the answer, and its that im not blind, you just cant do it
and by "it" i mean have a persistent notification with something like media controls or timer controls
which seems stupid but whatever gg apple
huh I thought iOS had richer notifications actually. At least in iOS 12
@TimCastelijns the only time and place where they gather is the annual apple keynote :D
@TimCastelijns lol nice
they're classy not nerdy unlike most of us :D
well this is according to a guy on the internet
i might just ask someone in my office who does ios but i dont want them to be like "why you wanna know"
cause the answer is "im working on a startup which means i can leave this company"
so id have to come up with a compelling lie which i just cant think of right now
"hobby project"
@DaveS that gets humanity 1 step closer to fully autonomous flying vehicles 😂😂😂
yea i can say that
Hey Boosties
sup dude
im using flutter for this project
has added JMRBoosties to the ban list
have any of you tried it
its not as good as native by any means
but it does get your shit up on ios quickly
i heard they were considering putting dart support on android in the future
I started a flutter course but lost interest real fast. I think I really dislike the thing
yesterday, by Dave S
user image
i wouldnt be mad dart has some nice shit going for it when it comes to like async stuff
yea the layout building is a bit of a nightmare
hi @ Tim | Mauker | Cold | Mehdi | Artega...
is that an OR?
Who's that guy?
Dart + Kotlin + Java...android examples gonna messed up and developer will be destructed before jumping into android which language should pick
Is dart going to be usable in android native projects?
sorry Mr. Frog I misspelled your name :P extreamly sorry
Or are you saying that people have to choose between native and flutter
i dont know
@TimCastelijns it's a field separator
Mr. Jm said that so I have made my comment
someone just mentioned that there might be support for that stuff in the future on native android
im just parroting dumb shit i hear dont mind me
I feel like i could be super good friend with this dude :D
yeah..in future android may not exist :p
there may not be a future... in ... the future?
@MehdiB. watching it. Hold on!
just notify me when you're done
will see tomorrow
waiting for Bar. vs Man U.
Are you sure you didn't want to say :mehdiLock.notify(); or mehdiLock.unlock();?
phew, thanks Ray, thought I'd stay stuck forever
fun Mehdi() { while(true) {Medhi()} }
lets see how you get out of that
I got out with a compile time syntax error XD
yep, me too
Medhi() is not a function
what kind of food you ppl have taken today
ice cream with fruits salad again
plus bread with cheese
plus mango juice
fat Frog
Pumpkin + Kebabs
@bluetoothfx I'm in fact a skinny frog
we will see that :P
well...my time is up. Gotta go and rock the bed. TTYL bye, don`t take care live like its 1999. anyways bye
ok take care
He's not here
Now he is
I miss you man
how? I am always here
Is amazing how that little word can be funny or rude
sorry Tim to ping you silently
@Code-Apprentice done
@Code-Apprentice I like the code of conduct links that are showing up on those posts. They're pretty cool.
it seems we haven't taked in some days. He is my big bro
@Graeme Sir which was that code.
@ColdFire what have you done?
@Graeme where?
It is a banner above the comment section
"xxx is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct."
do you mean the New Contributor with the hand glyph?
@TimCastelijns 😂😂😂
No, on the comment section
Scroll down
oh...you mean the answers section?
yah, that's been there for like 6 months now
Oh, shows how much I answer anymore
I am correct on this, right? I am pretty positive that is the issue:

really cba to read all of that question
can't be arsed?
was I right? is that what cba means?
if question code doesn't fit in one snippet I generally don't bother
I just skimmed as I have had that problem before
but I agree
@TimCastelijns many android questions don't fit in a single snippet...
yeah, things like recyclerview usually require at least the activity and adapter snippets
99.99% of android questions are garbage
that sounds very curmudgeon-like
my exp. is that the questions I actually have time to answer quickly are all asked by newbies that don't care about upvoting, accepting the correct answer, or even interacting.
So I guess that qualifies as garbage
@TimCastelijns that seems to be a separate issue from the number of code snippets
@Mauker sorry had a meeting and had to run
more code usually means more garbage
all code is garbage tbh
except the code I write
@DaveS prove it
@TimCastelijns so we all just work on trash, is that what you are saying?
@Code-Apprentice It's more of a subjective loosey goosey thing
@DaveS so your code is garbage, too, then =p
no because I wrote it
It's called DaveS' theorem
1. All code is garbage
2. Unless Dave S wrote it
@Code-Apprentice yes that is fairly accurate
assuming "work on" means handling posts on SO
I mean what we do every day, including outside of SO
can confirm, my code is garbage
My code is a piece of art -_- it's not garbage
It's abstract art, not appreciated by many, but art at the end of the way.
sorry but that statement violates my theorem
You theorem doesn't have any effects in non Euclidean space, nor in Cuba
it's a universal theorem
But you use a flat earth avatar
Your theorem defines good code as garbage and in American english actually reads

All code is good code
Unless Dave S wrote it
@DaveS is this well spelled? I thought it should be "aN universal"
it's pronounced youniversal
so it's a not an
Oh then the rule is applicable to pronunciation instead of spelling. Weird.
@brandonx I speak american english and I wrote the theorem, this is not what it says
@DaveS Yes, but that is what it *means*
nope again wrong
it means exactly what it says
you even confirmed it so...
That theorem of yours has been deprecated
I agree with dave here
You agree that your code is garbage?
I was just playin', my code really is garbage
I was also playing, my code is the best code
You just want to be on whatever side I'm not
I see how it is
hmmm I gotta disagree with that statement
Aug 14 '18 at 20:35, by Tim Castelijns
dave might just be the best android dev in the room
We've got a contrarian on our hands.
i'm the best android dev
i write asynctasks all day
that violates my theorem
@TimCastelijns wow that hurts
my favorite method to override is doInBackground
it was not a reaction to you ahmad
I was just thinking of a joke someone told last week
@DaveS ok, let's prove it with the scientific method
It's like gravity, there's no fundamental proof it exists, but it does so...
What do you prefer for asynchronous stuff: a) RxJava. b) kotlin coroutines
Async Task
RxJava and kotlin are both garbage
@DaveS ok, there's nothing to discuss then
yup obviously my code is the best
i just block the main thread
much better
async stuff is for nerds
10 mins ago, by Ahmad
i write asynctasks all day
thats fine as long as your entire code is wrapped in a try { } catch(Exception e){}
yeah I call my asynctasks with execute()
that blocks the main thread
tim, you noob you should know
😱 he's talking serious
and every reference is a Strong references
serious question, does retrofit replace all things that asynctask does?
I wrap my entire application in a try catch block and just ignore the error message
Please stop
I suffer from OCD
static Activity mActivity
jcenter should be the first repo in your gradle build file
@brandonx if all async stuff that you do is just networking, then yes
Reading that things can mentally hurt me
raymond if you're hurt by this you should never work on a legacy code base
@Ahmad thanks
Dave S' theorem 2.0: Legacy code is trash
I'm requesting a merge
a certain large email client at big corp™ that I worked at used bolts
the worst thing ever to be known to humanity
@TimCastelijns XD
pretty much all large android apps still use the apache networking client
and way too many asynctasks
I really really doubt that
that sounds like hell
also "Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries" this is kind of a red flag
nope believe it tim
I'm not sure how the mobile chat works anymore
a large refactoring of an android app that was started in 2009 is just insanely hard
honestly I actually do use an extended Async task for my api calls for Zinkn
you know that apache http is not part of android anymore?
but you can bundle it in yourself
but you wouldn't
i've seen it... multiple times
migrating all network requests in one go is hard
so you do it gradually and that's what most really large clients do
it's easy if you only have one api spec
many backend systems moved from apache http to Okhttp
are you saying since 2009 they have not finished the gradual migration
hmm for internal communication?
yeah I switched over to OkHttp on a smaller project wasn't bad
I feel like most microservices use jetty
@TimCastelijns 🤷‍♂️
when was okhttp released?
and when was apache deprecated?
it feels like it was 2015 for the latter?
long time ago, not so long time ago
I migrated from Okhttp to plain Sockets
why that
I'm jk, I'm not insane yet :D
While we're here shitposting... techcrunch.com/2019/04/10/… :D
what's up with that?
"...founded in 2013...generated $135 million in revenues in 2018. The company is projecting revenues between $220 million and $240 million in 2019...raises $40 million..."
that's pretty impressive
I've found a morus nigra tree
@TimCastelijns Trover had it bundled in.
Q: Android memory leak in Apache Harmony's JarURLConnectionImpl?

emmbyI'm working on an Android app and we're investigating memory use. Looking at a heap dump from hprof, we're seeing nearly 2M (22% of our heap) being used in a static cache in JarURLConnectionImpl: Looking at the source code for JarURLConnectionImpl, it appears that entries are added to the sta...

I still remember when apps crashed due to OutOfMemory exceptions
Can you tell us about the early days of vacuum tube computing Carl?
Make a junior dev write a gallery app
Night everyone :D
Mornight MB
1 hour later…
@MehdiB. meh, how much of that is profits
did you just yank mehdi out of bed
I'm bored 😩
@DaveS lol
I hate being on vacation
I think I'm going to employ my free time learning something useful: Clojure
you should learn something useful and cool
like cobol
or visual basic
It's hilarious that in all these hacker movies they use the terminal instead of a gui
obviously you need to make a GUI
01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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