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You have 6.000 tweets holy
@ColdFire are you going to read them all? :D
I never quite figured out twitter
Or facebook, for that matter
facebook is Zuckerburg's online slambook of the world
@VaradMondkar Welcome to the club! :D
one of them, one of them
Thank you @Adam :)
I'm out of snacks
Well, I have oreos
But I already had oreos today
That's not a snack
delivers some parle G to raghav
Parle G :D :D
haha :)
G mane genius
Seems lots of Indians here :D
well too many Indians you are bound to see spillover effect on internet
as long as you all vote right you will get along just fine
hey @ColdFire, you are no longer top 35 in Pune :p
i should answer a question now
its mehdi fault tho i lost 75 rep :(
ha ha ha
Poor CF
Cyaaa tc
@TimCastelijns CF simply removes those who don't
nah you would need more than 75.. the one at 35 has 11264 currently
that is a lot of difference
damn i am at 38
@RaghavSood that's gonna be a neat "how I met your mother" story, CF was hunting leftists, so I ran to the US then Singapore then NZ :D
I seem to have skipped the part where I meet girls tho :D
Aww, I'm only #8 in NZ by rep
if you are using that one query that selects by country then you're probably lower
am at 216 in India atm
@SurajRao fixed
@TimCastelijns Which one should I use?
549 for me
hi all
none, they all return only partial data
if I don't provide a location then I am simply skipped
we know that
Yes, of course
You don't exist then
@SurajRao you're in the top 1%... hope you don't consider yourself a leftist :D
can anyone help me with multipart in retrofit
so any result this query gives is likely to be wrong
I might me at 10000000000... position in world :D
Gonna be quite hard to catch up
@MehdiB. dont really pigeonhole myself to oneside..
wish both sides end up in oblivion
@SurajRao classic 1% position :D
i figured suraj wasn't really interested in politics :D
do we really have a sane choice to pick in India?
hmmm, pictures don't get previewed when pinging (as opposite to replying)
Gotta reply
interesting question suraj
(sorry for the 3rd ping CF)
@MehdiB. woah
@MehdiB. wow this is so deep (not sarcastic)
for real
lol i have seen that before
tfw you have to specify when you're not being sarcastic because of your reputation
I thought so as well :D
> Reads Mehdi's quote
> Looks at America
> ohno.jpg
@SurajRao btw DMK chief died have you seen the news
saw your and emanuel thread adam on fb
That was a fun one
yeah.. 94 year old politician
when did he die. i was in hospital last time i checked the news
@AdamMc331 a comment on that imgur post: "And they didn't think it would do any damage because the wielder had such tiny hands." :D
i guess few minutes back it was in the news
He was the one behind aryan dravidian division
now stalin will continue the legacy
@cf you would enjoy watching this youtube.com/watch?v=9QE9stLnDFY.
have seen that
tho swami is a loose cannon equally dangerous for both bjp and congress :D
i know that's why he keeps targeting the FM
he has a personal grudge against the FM
also the reason he has no portfolio in the government
swami reminds me of a pokemon
lol why?
similar name
what was ^ the name?
Any tried OpenCV on Android?
That one is Swablu. Normal and Flying type pokemon :P
@Raghunandan I know a few guys who had
oh boy this is going to be fun
1 year android project tried to checkout
and now AS does not show me the app in the project explorer
oh right swablu
i have to task to scan document transform it and convert it into pdf.
people suggest opencv for the same
@MuratK. imported the wrong dir?
fixed it
actually i remember watching a video from swami which explains bjps strategy for the election , was a awesome debate
The build.gradle had "jackOptions" had to delete it and now AS loads it again
jack is deprecated
it does not exist
Thats why it did not load
It was probably removed already
google doesn't remove deprecated things
they do
points to HTTP client
They're ashamed of it
Probably are trying to think that it never existed at all
@TimCastelijns I thought they removed the old Fragment?
or was it just deprecated?
But yeah, they do remove some stuff from time to time
especially when it's plugins or gradle related stuff
fragment is deprecated in P
No one like fragmented pies
I got my Boosted Board! They accidentally sent me two o.0
Oh yeah? I think that might be the one they meant to send to me....
what's that?
Electric skateboard
Boosted Mini X is what I got
He's bilingual
And that's still valid English
guess I'm not bilingual
ꃅꍟ꒒꒒ꂦ ꍏꈤꀸꋪꂦꀤꀸ
First AndroidX RC went out yesterday
Hello, guys! I posted a question yesterday, link here and it only has 37 views and no answer. In case you want to have a look I'd really appreciate it. I am getting an unexplained behaviour while pressing a simple button.. Thanks!
P.S. : If you've read the post I'd like to ask you something I didn't find while googling.
dude too much code
just post the relevant error code
I know, sorry for that, but
The problem is caused by pressing a button with nothing else but some code to write data in firebase
And I don't really understand how it's jumping to another activity. I posted the code for the activities that are involved in getting the error.
There is a method saveMarkers in MapsAdderActivity that causes that
A user with higher reputation suggested me to add the whole code I was using pastebin for it
for (int i = 1; i <= imagesDataSnapshot.getChildrenCount(); i++) {
I'm guessing that hits your index out of bounds
but that's not the problem (it is a problem but not the one I want to solve)
I mean... the activity will close if you hit a runtime exception
Your entire app will
Comment that loop out, does it still close?
Also, i<=n will usually end up with an out of bound index anyways
Should be i<n
Yes, but I'm in the MapsAdderActivity and when I save the markers it jumps into TripListActivity
I'll try that and come back with updates
I mean I have an activity with buttons and some stuff, why would the press of a button redirect me to another one if there is no code that suggests it?
Seems unlikely, yes
Is there any other crash within the logcat?
no, that's all..
Try disabling your app only filter, perhaps something from a google play services process shows up
Can onDataChange make it? onDataChange is in the activity the app redirects
Probably not
Another strange thing is that my Trip object has a Name, Description, Images and Places
If I add the Name, Desc, Images and after all these the places it work
Not a clue, mate
I've been away from this stuff too long
I don't really know how to explain this..
You're better of waiting for someone more qualified than I to take a look at it
posted on August 07, 2018 by Joshua Baxter

Android Studio 3.3 Canary 5 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels. If you have Android Studio set to receive updates on the Canary or Dev channel, you can get the update by choosing Help > Check for Updates (Android Studio > Check for Updates on Mac). Otherwise, you can download it here. This update includes the following new change in behavior: versionCode is now req

Thanks for your time :)
WASM doesn't have a sane way to return non-primitives to JS
Which doesn't seem much fun
I guess I could byte array everything since my data is... byte arrays
But some higher level structs would be useful
posted on August 07, 2018 by Android Developers

Posted by James Lau, Product Manager (@jmslau) When using the Java programming language, one of the most common pitfalls is trying to access a member of a null reference, causing a NullPointerException to be thrown. Kotlin offers protection against this by baking nullable and non-nullable types into the type system. This helps eliminate NullPointerExceptions from your code and improve y

@grrigore, are you sure it's not because you never remove the onDataChange listener you add in TripListActivity? those onDataChange listeners stick around and keep getting invoked, and are the source of lots of weird behavior I've seen with users and firebase
@DaveS I didn't know that was possible
My house seems to have run out of water
try removing it when you're done with it
you might see the issue go away
or at least logging the invocation and see if that's the cause
I will definitely try this, thanks
Hmm. That doesn't animate
too heavy I think
It works fine if you open it in a new tab
So chat limitation i guess
or tab memory limit?
Who knows
Back to wasm
I managed to mess up my PATH variable
Just source them again
You made a env backup, right?
no XD
What'd you kill?
it's ok it's just my laptop
> prompt_context:10: command not found: whoami
prompt_dir:3: command not found: sed
prompt_background_jobs:1: command not found: wc
prompt_background_jobs:2: command not found: awk
when trying to source XD
export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH
phew, it's just zsh that got messed up
@RaghavSood no longer these error, but doesn't resolve "ls" (works good on the default terminal though)
@DaveS you where right, onDataChange is being called
well there you go, now you know the problem shouldn't be too hard to fix
That's cause ls is in /bin
export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
@MehdiB. a good laugh got messed up?
Can you write a short answer so I can accept it?
@RaghavSood that was it, thanks!
isn't /bin and /usr/bin by default in the Path?
It is
You must've removed it somehow
echo $PATH
And then skip the first three sections
That was your path before this
Wherever you last updated it changed it to that
yeah you'll probably right, what's odd is that /bin /usr/bin were resolvable in the default terminal
but not in zsh
Something in your zsh profile is probably clobbering it
Thank you @DaveS :)
You may have missed the first $PATH when appending to it somewhere
Which then just replaces it instead
good point
Guys, anyone here knows latex?
It's pretty useful as a contraceptive
How do I create a "dashed Z"
To the point where I can set one page, then give on up life because it's too hard
Q: Z with a stroke through it

scorpionwarsHow do I type Z or z with a stroke through it (Ƶ or ƶ) in normal text? I have a solution that sort of works. The code is as follows \newcommand{\zbar}{\raisebox{0.2ex}{--}\kern-0.6em Z} It works well in the text mode, however when I put this symbol in a superscript, the stroke is raised a litt...

Thank you very much <3
Yeah, it works, thanks
You guys seem nice.. can I ask you for a favour, I'm pretty new here on stackoverflow and I've posted some questions but never really received upvotes.. so if you're kinda bored can you give me some feedback on my questions?
questions don't really get a ton of upvotes unless it's a common problem a ton of people have and end up finding via SO searches
Pretty much that
Answers get upvotes far, far, far more than questions
If your question doesn't get downvotes, you're fine
People are often trigger happy to downvote questions
Since it doesn't cost rep, as opposed to downvoting answers
I have a tiny question.... how can I make a room for a few people??
heya Dave!
start a new room
and make it gallery i guess
Hiya womp btw
Note that transcripts are still public
Well I'm off.. Have a nice day
and thanks for help again
have you considered a group text =p
i need to tell something to some people but i don't want to put it in here 'cause well...
i don't have everyone
whatsapp them
or fb them
i guess i could tell them to spread the message
Use facebook, whatsapp, telegram, email, actual physical letters, encrypted texts
yeah ask them to join you in a more private communication medium
Are you ok wompah?
will do
ProMode: Private git repository and invite certain collaborators
give me a moment
Encrypted Text in public gist and send the key privately
what dave or what raghav said
GodMode: Create your own mirc server
Hangouts is probably easiest, from a logistics points of view
Practically everyone has a Google account
Almost the same for FB
lol mauker
The others are all a hit or miss
But what about MSN?
@W0MP3R you could use Slack or Discord or Gitter (not sure if this one is free)
or pigeons
doesn't scale well on instant communications
that's what genetic engineering is for
so you're telling me... that sockets are actually genetically modified pigeons?
did you really think the internet ran on massive cables that cross the entire ocean?
that's ridiculous
yeah who would dare dive into the ocean anyway...
@DaveS flat earth society will surely agree with you :D
Glad you can speak for them as their new representative
no I cant have your job
for the sake of correctness, since I can't edit that message... "... that socket messages*"
When discussing sockets in the context of genetically engineered pigeons, I don't think correctness is weighted all that heavily.
daaaaaave did I get a fb request?? or it's another dave i have no knowledge of??
you guys thought ants were cool?
that's me womper
I found you through eric and added you
eric is on vacation right?
:43520433 ooo
huh you can't reply to a deleted message but it will still ping
@AdamMc331 what?
:43520932 test
Adam, check fb when you can
it doesn't
:43520932 hmm
it looks like a ping on your screen Adam
but if you refresh it isn't
@AdamMc331 @AdamMc331 @AdamMc331
Doesn't have the same effect as echoing with the bot :D
well ...

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