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If only Adam worked as hard as he twits
@AdamMc331 what does that even mean?
Damned kids and their weird lingo these days
When I was learning to speak, it was pure and simple, mov 16 %eax
Disney Buys Linux #comic #linux #devhumor (extra panel in the link) http://turnoff.us/geek/disney-buys-linux/
1 hour later…
Will calling LiveData.setValue() or LiveData.postValue() execute an UPDATE on the underlying database? Does the LiveData object returned by a Room Dao even have access to the database to do this?
maybe I need an MCVE to illustrate...
sqlite> select * from baseball_cards;
sqlite> select count(*) from baseball_cards;
Wat? I've inserted two rows into my database...the app sees them both clearly.
3 hours later…
:43419230 What data?
1 hour later…
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​ooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!!!!!! :D
good morning!
the UK is rising it's Catalan fruit imports as the drought keeps going ok
Uk has now displaced russia as our 3rd fruit client, behind the south east asian market and france
we (the juniors) are alone in the office
party time
kind of
we don't have anything planned for today
and we don't have anything pending
so yeah... party xD
start an own project
between all the juniors
we'll see
Will we, tho?
zooms in on drone
Yes, yes we will
kind of hard to see us when there are no windows in our room
laughs in Xray + heat camera
so... you will see the people in the flats above us?
Zach Delgado requested access. Rep: 1 - Questions: 0 - Answers: 0 (ratio 4:0.0)
diagonal wide lens shot trough the emazing store facade
@MarkO'Sullivan Please tell me you use this for your backends: marklogic.com
@ZachDelgado You need at least 20 rep to talk in chat, 80 for this room
Zach Delgado requested access. Rep: 1 - Questions: 0 - Answers: 0 (ratio 4:0.0)
@ZachDelgado You need at least 20 rep to talk in chat, 80 for this room
Hello, Android!
Hiya CA!!!!! :D
How are you womper?
Dying of heat and boredom
and waiting for an email.... then i'll have some work
and i'll just die of heat
and you??? :D
My apartment is down to 74F and I'm getting cold
It's past my bedtime but I took a nap earlier and don't feel very sleepy
I'm starting to wind down. Didn't clean the hidden today like I planned. I'll leave it for tomorrow, though.
I can see Mars shining bright red from my kitchen window
My approach to cleaning is quite simple, sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb
You should definitely stay up late enough to see it. Mars is near its brightest right now because the earth, Mars, and the sun are lined up just right
Yeah, I really wish I had my telescope here
Anilkumar requested access. Rep: 152 - Questions: 1 - Answers: 5 (ratio 4:20.0)
@Anilkumar welcome to the room. Please make sure to read the rules before you participate
Hi All,
How to calculate the battery remaining time using Android battery manager?
@RaghavSood I'm sure you can get some great views with a telescope. It's amazingly bright even to the naked eye.
@Anilkumar did you try googling your quesiton?
@R15-Zucc "ratio 4:20.0" why not "ratio 1:5"?
Tim claims it's easier to read
@Code-Apprentice Yup, I can see it from my Window, it's great
@Code-Apprentice yes, but no luck
saw it sunday
pretty red.
NZ has wonderful night skies, being in the southern hemisphere, and relatively free of light pollution once you're outside the city
@RaghavSood how did you know? :D
@RaghavSood that's one nice thing about living in a small town. Little light polution where I live and in about 10 minutes I can be away from the city entirely.
@Anilkumar what did you find?
at the very least, you should read the battery manager documentation.
@MarkO'Sullivan Logic.
@Code-Apprentice I'm able to get the battery level only but I need to get the remaining battery time.
@Code-Apprentice Yes, I gone through the documentation, but there is no method for retrieve the remaining time of battery. Do you have any idea on this?
You could look through the settings app source and see how they do it
@RaghavSood Thanks, do you have any link?
You might want to cut down on the pinging
And it's pretty easy to find the settings app via google
@Anilkumar think through a similar example. Let's say I am on a road trip for 100 miles. In the last 10 minutes, I traveled 5 miles. How long will it take me to reach my destination?
sup guys , girls and robots
@Code-Apprentice My 6p says never, because your car will die after the next five miles
it's waaaay past bed time, but I got a ping from a question I attempted to answer.
@RaghavSood What's a 6p?
> a train leaves a station at 10:00 at a speed of 80km/h. what is the atomic mass of sausageonium?
Nexus 6P
@CptEric 1 dinner
sorry raghav, the answer was "delicious".
my legs hurt
my arms hurt
I got "5 delicious"
5 delicious is okay.
the answer has to have a number in it to make sense...
> "make it fast. we don't need floating point precision in here!"
@Code-Apprentice the requirement is 4:3+, I thought this would be easiest
> "don't make it so fast! make it as you need so it floats again!"
> "Okay, but... is there anything else? i mean, we can make the dock bigger can't we?"
> "Fuck it. we'll make a new base"
user image
@RaghavSood you have suggestions brah?
@RaghavSood in a scale of "they will make a movie about their tragedy" to "it will be a museum some day", how well do you think the sailors of this submarine will be?
@TimCastelijns oic...so you convert the ratio to be equivalent to 4 questions and if the corresponding # of answers is >3, then they are approved?
@CptEric they will make a movie to show in a museum on the sunken submarine
@TimCastelijns Never said I disagreed
@CptEric All this could have been avoided if they had an inquisition during the design phase.
@TimCastelijns Alternatively, you can normalize the number of questions to 1 and then compare the corresponding number of answers...but it's basically the same thing.
nobody expected the submarine inquisition.
and it didn't appear.
@CptEric why?
spanish civil war reenactment
had to row a boat, climb trenches, fight fascists, swim on the river
I really need to go to bed...
so...good night all
@CptEric you have shared this before tho
cya CA
good..night? adam
good night adam and CA
@TimCastelijns yes just display with respect to 1
@CptEric that is as good as our Navy Helicopter that is not resistant against the salty air and starts to corrode immediately
yay. we had of those
we even had a amphibious tank that wasn't water resistant.
germany bought some.
taxis are on strke in barcelona
@CptEric lol what
@TimCastelijns that looks better and easier to read imo
> 4.0 million people didnt find their name in registrar and are illegal immigrants
hmm less than expected
all leftist parties up in arms
expected as usual
anyone here use circleci with a code coverage service?
nope heard it first time
hopes are up
found another possible flat
visiting it today
friday's flat was totally uncool
very dirty and with a lot of todos
it wasn't worth it because i would have had to fix a lot of problems
like, a hell lot
polish floor, barnish doors, fix windows, fix broken wall cornerstones
repaint the alley walls
totally unworth it
today's flat looks way way bettah
as always, i share them layouts.
@ColdFire you're almost my official flat rating manager, what do you think-o?
this one is quite big. 174m2
bc it was built by joining two smaller 82m2 ones
you can se that it's almost simmetric
i like it that finally someone decided to make the living room near to the kitchen
@ColdFire just adding some fancy badges and stats to the bot github
timopinions are also allowed
this one asks 400/mo
@CptEric only one bathroom?
tim ok
parking slot included
yup, only one loo.
but i live alone.
you don't want to have to do any maintenance before moving in
this one seems clean & clear.
paintjob OK but no construction shit
it says on the website of Meteor.Js that it's a "full-stack web dev framework", if that's the case, why do they have a section "React + Meteor"?
you can use react with it
in fact you can use angular with it too
but why?
why not?
they say it's already client + server, so why need another client library/framework?
why why not?
@MehdiB. for the sake of allowing people that use frontend only frameworks to have them as backend
maybe for peeps who already use react
react doesn't have backend capabilities afaik
exactly cf
hmm, I see
Thanks Eric
just like you can use node to make CLI stuff
for the glory of satan ofcourse
ha one of those got his car down a river in here
we've been laughing all day
hope it wasnt a high end vehicle
i hope it was
in fact emergency services have been making dumb people pay this kind of rescues since 2011, so it's not like it's a burden for society or something
you go on shorts to a 3 day mountain trip and have to be rescued with hypothermia? pay for the heli trip
well its spread to India
dunno what the hype is all about
dancing to a camera
getting likes
be noticed by senpai
Not that we dont have our own share of idiocy..
Our TRAI chairman posted their Aadhar (National Identification Number) and challenged anyone to get their personal info on twitter
This has been a great year so far
i am really thrilled by this last flat
it's not a flat apparently
ground level house, or 0-level flat, dunno how you call it
the door is on street level
but there's more floors upwards
seems like a cozy place
it's not a flat apparently .. if it walks like a duck..
I personally don't like flats on the ground floor
can't let the windows open without watch (in case someone drops a cigarette or something)
Shubham Vala requested access. Rep: 209 - Questions: 0 - Answers: 39 (ratio 4:Infinity)
the pictures of the windows show what it looks like steel bars on the outside
sweet.. Is that a 2BHK?
a what
@ShubhamVala you have access. Start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else
a 2 Bedroom Hall Kitchen. maybe you have different acronym there
it has 3 bedroom 2 of which double,entrance, hallway,big dinning+ living room, kitchen.
we don't had acronims XD
would be called 3BHK here
> ratio 4:Infinity
@SurajRao well looks like he won the challenge tho
@SurajRao no there is only one bathroom in that flat 3 BHK has 3
who would want a 1 bathroom = 1 room ratio?
demential loss of space
just make a poop schedule or something
lol what
> NL have cycling superhighways
@ColdFire I dunno.. someone did post their phone number and got this far twitter.com/DeanOfJio/status/1023235450205601792
naah they got the information which was already public
no hacks
also .. apparently some twitterattis have followed this guy and started posting their own numbers in twitter.
This could end badly for them
meh who knows if they have posted real number
they could have posted fake number for all we know
maybe.. either way its not a good scenario
yeah that is true
with the current average IQ demonstrated by Kiki challenge.. a fair number could be real numbers
what does this mean? "Iska Aadhaar number se kya sambandh?"
"How is this related to Aadhar number?"
ah okay, I kept reading that thread on twitter :D
@Anilkumar access revoked. You never read the rules, you directly started with a question.
Tim survived
I have read and understood the rules
thanks shubham
Thank you for accepting requst me.
fucking taxis blocking the roads
mehdi what suraj said
mehdi what cf said about what suraj said
makes more sense now
I don't miss it at all
> Crocodile bites man's arm after he puts hand down its throat
Highly unexpected
@MehdiB. Same thing Tim tried to pull of on Friday :D
hey now
you're an allstar
@CptEric But that's how you get new taxis
nono, literally blocking. also i don't get taxis, too expensive.
Captain Eric travels in Uber Sedan
no taxis
no uber here :D
just uber VTC / uber black
@MuratK. XD
taxis are blocking the roads to remove uber VTC/Uber black too
or force a ratio of 1 uber for each 30 taxis
when Uber left morocco a few months ago because of this
a startup "Heetch" was smart enough to come here and propose its services to the cabs
now they all use its product
same happened here in berlin
fucking taxis are the worst.
smelly expensive an behave like 1950's italian mafia.
on sunday they shot trough the windscreen of a cabify car
saturday they threw acid to the driver of an uber while there as a 5yo french girl as passenger
etc etc
humans are the worst
we need Thanos
Indian Twitter was on fire yesterday over the news of 8 men raping a pregnant goat.. Fucked up
yeah saw that sick
@MuratK. i think it's smart, can't compete with a company? target the crowd it dissatisfied :D
:/ sad terrible
@SurajRao ???????????????????????
@MuratK. yup Haryana.. the goat died after
fucked up shit
cute girl below
today 34°
tomorrow 37°
What is wrong man
you don't want to come to spain
even worse
luckily I wont see 2100 where the climate is probably destroyed
It was raining everyday for last two weeks. And, now, 33°.
Rains have taken a break for.. four days.
too much rain here
already around 50+ have died due to floods
34C No rain :/
33C in Germany heat like hell.. ppls are dying
it's tristan!
what are you doing so early?
At an airport, waiting on my connecting
nice. where you going to?
San Fransisco :D
awesome! make sure to not get caught off guard tho, lots of wildfires there in California
or that's what the news said
Hi guys!
My package-name is something like "com.example.simpleTestApplication" because that's what we began our production with. Now we're deep into the project, and are considering changing the package name to better reflect the name of the project.
Will the associated Firebase links to this app (Cloud Messaging AND Authentication) be destroyed by the act of changing the package name with the aid of Android Studio?
A: Changing Firebase Package Name

Frank van PuffelenAs Eurosecom commented, you can just add a new Android app to your existing Firebase project with the new package name. After doing this, download the updated google-services.json and add it to your app. Note that Firebase does not use the actual package name from your Java code, but uses the ap...

> The journalist then shared the email with CERT, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team, before getting in touch with the cyber crime branch of the police only to be told to file a complaint in the morning. “Please call in the morning as the madam who has the complaints register is only available from 10am-6pm,” an official told us.
jesus, I love SO <3
@rupinderjeet I misread that as "CERN" lol
Hahaha.. What's that?
I was like: He's going to ask them to smash the hackers with particle beans?
Is it beem? or I am missing out on the world.
@payne yes
@CptEric I'll be aight :)
I have a chat application using SignalR. Recently I have enabled PROGUARD. Gson proguard rules are OK. Chat message sending OK, Server stores messages from sender, Server pushes to Receiver but my CustomSignalRService of Receiver is not receiving any push (chat messages). My debug apk working fine. problem is on release apk. What will be the proguard rule for SignalR?

Thanks in advance.

what is SignalR?

Greetings from this weird email-ish format.

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