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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

So I did a thing
Can I negative star that monstrosity?
I'm sorry I didn't get your avatar, Dave. I do still have one more shoulder.
You should get mine
> Researchers who work on problems like these remind me of my friends who train for triathlons. When I encounter such a friend, I say, “In the normal universe, when are you ever going to be chased by someone into a lake, and then onto a bike, and then onto a road where you can’t drive a car, but you can run in a wetsuit? Will that ever happen? If so, instead of training for such an event, perhaps a better activity is to discover why a madman is forcing people to swim, then bike, and then run.” My friend will generally reply, “Triathlons are good exercise,” and I’ll say, “That’s true, assumi
2 hours later…
@MarkO'Sullivan omg that's awesome I'll have to watch it.
@FredMcgiff You need at least 80 rep to get access here
@FredMcgiff You still need at least 80 rep to get access here, repetition is futile
@MarkO'Sullivan Ayy so were you!
3 hours later…
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​ooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!!! :D
morning \o
Has anyone used the navigation graph from jetpack?
Italy could be the next Greece — only much worse
you can combine that with [text](url)
@VenkiWAR Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: room-15.github.io
Thanks for permission @RaghavSood
hello cf
finally home
The rules page probably needs an update for https
@ahmad ^
Let's try this again
12 mins ago, by Raghav Sood
@VenkiWAR Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: http://room-15.github.io/
also ass-bourbon link doesnt open at all in https:
Read them more closely
@SurajRao Done
I have read and understood the rules
what is kitty-related is allowed.
@VenkiWAR catnip
@RaghavSood still shows insecure when I click on unblock.. I think some of the old links in the page need to be https (if they support)
@VenkiWAR gifs mostly or images
Hmm, yeah, looks like it's pulling in a font and a couple of images over http
I'll fix that in a bit
Our room rules are incredibly over engineered
I can't update the font to use https because the travis build for our one-page room rules can no longer push to github
They're gonna make jokes about us in Silicon Valley's next season
$ git blame a655afad047d687a06fe06ca8e183305f93fe5d5
I'm really confused how-to use Firebase in combination with Realm
Why would I not just drop Realm?
why you wanna combine them fam
Yeah exactly my point
Well, although I love Realm - I really need my users to get data updated in real time
you can do it with realm server or custom backend. But firebase is much easier
And I need a way where if user a, deletes an object, user b will see right away
So basically I implemented Realm for nothing :d
think ahead bro
Your mom circulates like a public key, servicing more requests than HTTP
She keeps all her ports open like Windows ME?
anyone familiar with crashlytics
does this mean samsung devices with android 4.x?
or what is the 4
@TimCastelijns yes
Namaste bros!
How y'all doin?
debugging on android 4 like some kind of neanderthal
Sympathies with you Tim. But why? Does anyone even use 4?
lul android 4
stone age
@MuratK. *Ice age
What will android P be named?
@AdamMc331 yeah was pretty cool seeing that
@Abhi Peppermint
or Peanut butter jelly
@TimCastelijns i thought you only make apps for 5.0+
btw i got a pen book and bottle at the google event
quite a bunch of picks from google lol
@ColdFire na that's me lol
tim was also 5.0+
:( poor tim having to support 4.0+
@ColdFire perks? pics? pricks? pikes?
I only make apps for 6+ because screw people who live in the past, but my company does 4.4+
lol welcome to android 4.4 era tim
@TimCastelijns I bet your company also listens to Frans Duijts
When will companies just turn around and go "na fuck this, we're gonna stop supporting the old versions"
We still supporting 4.X and this is terrible.
@ColdFire so how was the event.
talks were related to android ?
yes talk all related to admob and google developer console
yo mark
did you participate here too youtube.com/watch?v=fWpkDDDj1QM
I know understand why we did not invade the UK
I still don't understand why we didn't invade current Germany yet
So we all have questions Warren
What do you mean
Germany is already Eurofuhrer
there is nothing to invade
that's what someone who is afraid of invasions because of all their hidden treasures would say
Germany will capitulate within 15 minutes when a 10-man-tactical-team crosses the border
not true
@MuratK. nope lol
We would first send the guys doing Grundwehrdienst. They give the real army the time to laugh their ass of and beat the shit out of everyone... THEN we capitulate because our army tech is broken since ages
you could probably get us to retreat by showing your world cup ticket
We are leading in that area: No other well developed country has an army in a bad shape as we have
Too obvious, too violent
lmao so true
would it still be true if warren voted left?
I am always voting left
^ true for warren
^ every time I want to give my right winged opinion I get flagged -> muted. I learned my lesson.
Instead I'll reply with: My opinion will get me flagged.
lmao so true jordy
well you go too far that is why you get flagged tho
I see that as a compliment
You shouldn't
@TimCastelijns he is not indian my opinion is not relevant to anything outside india
jordy lol
raghav read your blog on medium about election
some super research done there
Just because I have a strong opinion, doesn't make it wrong
well its not about its wrong or right its about its offensive or not
People get offended by anything at this point
Everyone is a perfect little snowflake, and everyone can be offended by the littlest things. Even things that have nothing in the slightest to do with them.
Subject change: What is your lunch today
agree subject change lol
i ate south indian yesterday
good for a change
1 min ago, by Jordy
Subject change: What is your lunch today
Goddammit CF, TODAY
Let me start: I'm eating some frikandelbroodjes today, if the Appie has them
didnt ate anything interesting today same old
if you go there to check, and they don't have them, it's basically your fault
Appie has the best frikandelbroodjes here in Mephell.
currently they can either have them, or not
What if they're still baking them
never mind
sorry man I'm catching up on SV
pulling old jokes out of the closet
Scored frikandelbroodjes
Life is good
@ColdFire what south indian food did you eat yesterday. All google events i attended the food wasn't nice for me
idli , vada and dosa
they had those in the event?
2 hours untill I'm off
going to sign contract at other company
I even get 1500 euro's a year for education
Debugging ansible is so slow
@Jordy awesome
This is just so awesome
@RaghavSood what you using it for?
Nothing, apparently
Google Cloud Platform says I can't create a 2 TB disk
Anyone had limits increased with GCP?
How long did it take?
some time
hello hello
@Ahmad Is the rules CI linked to your account
It stopped working
Apparently, someone decided we need travis to build and push a one-page html file for our room rules
Now, I'm not saying that someone is Ahmad
Instead, git blame is saying that someone is Ahmad
Because that someone is Ahmad
or someone who used ahmad's info to commit
So either Ahmad is compromised, or chose to use a CI build for a one page website
I'm not sure which is worse
o/ Mauker
I have heard of a compression algorithm, that if run over and over again eventually reduced the file size to 1 byte. Using it I managed to store every file ever created in just one zip file - and it was smaller than 1KB! Some people say the algorithm was a bit lossy. I say, however, that the space savings more than compensated for the slight loss of precision. ;) — Jeffrey Kemp Jul 22 '09 at 16:28
The real question is he Ahmad about this issue or is he Ahglad
... I'll see myself out
@MarkO'Sullivan Ahsad
I am coming with you
@MarkO'Sullivan shows the door
good moring guys !
did anyone went to google cloud onboard ? this monday is in Buenos Aires and im going
we have an office in BA, some of my colleagues (who I haven't met) might go
MVI is model view intent right?
from what i know
im working in backend services at my job and this might help
did anyone know another query to check all the top android users in some country ? i managed to do this one data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/revision/832298/1026553/… while ago, but i think is never refreshing with new values
the SEDE data is updated once a week only
Hiya everyone who got in after me!!!!! :D
this kind of query is useless btw
oh, thanks
hiya womp
Hiya wompah
there's to many messages to go up there and write all the names >.<
it says I am #4 in NL, probably many users who rank above me don't have country name in the location
It's okay wompah, we are unworthy of thy greeting
yet you give them to us <3
check my profile there is query for checking your country rank
replace india with your country
it only works for people who have the exact country name in their location
people will write their country spelling wrong?
if you just have "pune" and you search for "india" it won't include you
that is obviously true
damn 2 people got ahead of me
i should answer some questions
im stuck at #48 , but when the data refreshs im gonna be like #46
still so far away from top 10
don't worry about it, nobody ever looks at that data
what are you talking about?
i hace it in my profile
^self promotion
flags all
we can flag it as spam because he did not disclose affiliation
@AdamMc331 oh is my MOS pattern not good enough for you?
the fuck is MOS
lmao discrimination against MOS
I get it
@TimCastelijns true.. and generally an RO sends the message to trash... :p
Starred. That was clever.
I am an RO you can't send me to the trash lmao
HE Can tho
@AdamMc331 incomplete blog :/
On a serious note - Only had a quick browse over it. Looks good @AdamMc331! Will read the rest of it later
same. What makes this post stand out from all the others on the same subject?
lmao yeah I just posted part 1 with it today but I'll keep posting throughout the week most likely. I just wanted to put something out there now.
The fact that I wrote it lol
I like your use of diagrams and where the write up is heading
but let's all be honest here
wait what?
Are you going to cover the ViewModel in MVVM vs Architecture component ViewModel?
I think there's some confusion over that (I can't even remember the discussion around it)
Would definitely need to read over that myself
I think I'll make that part two, for the flow, but I'm uncertain because there's other background that would need to be covered before I wrote that class. I'll think on it today.
will you also compare them to the alternatives?
also would you write on MVI?
also when are you writing on keystore safety?
I don't know MVI yet but maybe someday
@Adam, exquisite writing. Looking forward for reading the rest
Having stuff on Ansible is so nice finally
Just point and shoot
Just one command and things install, get configured, set up for alerts and monitoring, it's great
@RaghavSood Point and shoot cameras? nooooo
Even better
Point and shoot shell scripts with sudo powers
Skynet progress: [====      ] 45% complete
why only 45%?
Cause he lost some time trying to find Adam's keystore
@ColdFire liberals aren't hypocrites, anyone who thinks you can't treat everyone equally isn't a liberal lol
@MarkO'Sullivan well that is what liberal is nowadays
Depends on where you're looking
@MarkO'Sullivan no true scotsman
altho i might add that is written by a conservative so i do not agree with all his points
@ColdFire that's just idiots using the term without fully understanding it (the people who are calling themselves liberal but are clearly not)
unfortunately those are only people using this terms nowadays
atleast i can say about my country
I'm all for equality - If I think you're an asshole, I'll think you're an asshole regardless of your background / nationality / age / gender / game preference
hmm well i just came across the answer and since you asked me some time back i shared it with you the UK's perspective
I only asked you yesterday taking the piss because others were saying not to start you on the topic :D
yeah well better not get me started on that topic lol
@MarkO'Sullivan liberals is a dying breed here so we are already successful \o/
it's not very prince-like to insinuate death to be a success
Depends on what kind of prince he wants to be
misinterpreting statement is a very leftist thing tim
@ColdFire na it's a very rightist thing to do, just look at what the UK press do and they're right wing leaning
no idea about UK i will leave it upto UKians to judge it
also i will add BBC sucks ass
in other news 5 GW solar park soon coming up in india
I just assume anyone who makes blanket political statements (or blanket statements on any number of things) is wrong
Things are rarely black and white
@ColdFire I see they added MMA coverage recently which is really cool, MMA isn't covered much in the news here in the UK, which is a shame (one of the biggest fighters from the UK retired recently and he was the first Brit to win a UFC title which is a huge achievement)
a leftist fighting sport (in a cage)
@MarkO'Sullivan i see
he just royally ignored me, crying in liberal
Soup is awesome
It's cheap, very quick to make, and reasonably filling
@MehdiB. only crying with your left eye?
never got a chance to use soup
Plus, you can get canned so my nuclear bunker can be equipped
@ColdFire I'm talking about literal, actual soup
Like, food
@TimCastelijns na CF took out his left eye, so he can only see right now
@RaghavSood oh lol
@MarkO'Sullivan so intolerant left :/
Sorry my Prince :(
@ColdFire It's understandable, you probably have no idea how it's prepared or how much it costs, considering your staff handles all that
@TimCastelijns yes, my left and red eye... XD
i see you guys always end up proving my point right xD
@RaghavSood dont you drink soup everyday already?
Why would I use your staff everyday?
CF talks to us via his staff
So by talking to CF, we're being granted royal resources
@ColdFire soup
5 mins ago, by Raghav Sood
Like, food
Soup is a primarily liquid food, generally served warm or hot (but may be cool or cold), that is made by combining ingredients such as meat and vegetables with stock, juice, water, or another liquid. Hot soups are additionally characterized by boiling solid ingredients in liquids in a pot until the flavors are extracted, forming a broth. In traditional French cuisine, soups are classified into two main groups: clear soups and thick soups. The established French classifications of clear soups are bouillon and consommé. Thick soups are classified depending upon the type of thickening agent used:...
i see
@RubensAlban You need at least 20 rep to talk in chat, and 80 for this room
@RubensAlban How are you even requesting access? I can't give you write permission even if I wanted to, you need at least 20 rep for that. And 80 for this room.
that is a bug^
I gathered
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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