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Gotcha, Thanks!
I use chromecast and streaming content providers
might get youtube tv for live broadcasts
I think xiomai (spelling) has a neat device that came out for 4k Android TV. I'd get it butmy tv in living room is 720p plasma. so not really gonna use it til I upgrade that
chromecast has shitty compression though and fucks up the quality sometimes
^^^ I'd like to add that my phone/device battery doesnt need help draining
nice! I missed Chromecast on the list
and I can also chromecast the to Android TV if I wanna
@petey we use my wifes laptop usually
apple tv is only for the rich, right? :D
anything related to apple is for the elites
The Rich and Stupid*
lol true^
Smart people don't over pay for inferior products, even if they are rich
one of my cousins had a 1y internship in China, she told me most people there use iphones
that's mostly because google play store is banned
so not sure anymore about the rich argument :D
ha! good point!
yup playstore is banned there
@MehdiB. well your cousin must have been to a big city so
Beijing and Shenzen
well then rich and big cities lol
not surprising at all
you will find most people using iphones in big cities here too
@Ahmad you in Berlin next week?
Yeah most people in LA and New York have iPhones too
I might be!
you coming to berlin? :o
wait what dates
watch out for krankenwagons
cause I'm going to hong kong
oh hong kong awesome
ahmad the flying intern
That seems really nice @MehdiB.
I wonder if I can use it
To solve my problem
removes the monopoly some companies had for trigger commands (including sensory)
Looks like these guys are ex-Amazon Alexa employees
the stripe android sdk is such a mess of hot garbage
if you ever have to use it, double your estimate
Stripe website is the best designed website ever - imo :D
I highly respect their frontend team
the service in general is great
but their android SDK was made by china team
you saw Stripe Atlas?
I'm getting null Cards when Source type == "card", I can Create, Read, Delete but not Update
@Ahmad wowow. looks like I'll fly in Monday morning and leave on Thursday
it's just poorly done
Audio a little bit nsfw and a middle finger on the thumbnail Dizaster - Love Me Long Time (Jin Diss) Extended
damn that's a short trip!
@MehdiB. did i miss a message somewhere what are we talking about?
actually been putting off actually booking the flight rip
so I'll let you know once I do LOL
lol sure
26 mins ago, by Mehdi B.
@Mauker https://github.com/Picovoice/Porcupine ;)
Iā€™m on mobile now, I was too lazy to properly reply
How can I train the acoustic model for that?
Never mind, github for mobile is stupid
It hid the README completely
gonna test it tonight, need to see how they register the wake up keyword
they say the training phase is super simple
Iā€™ve tested their demo app
It works
I wonder if I can use it with audio files instead of the mic
Also, if theyā€™ve released any research paper on this
Couldnā€™t find it at first glance
github's mobile site is awful
I wonder why github doesn't show # of stars on their mobile website
it's awful
So use an app instead. There are a bunch of them that generally beat the horrible mobile design
Hi. I have a small problem which I don't understand. I'm developing in Nativescript - android. The docs says that : _The Android Runtime is built against API level 17. The minimum supported compile SDK version is 22. _
Does this mean That I need to install sdk 22,23,24,25...etc ?
@ColdFire And thanks!
I don't get this direct comparison, since Quora is a Q&A website
Yeah, I mean, I get that people like to write there (or at least did before all this BNBR bullshit)
but the main purpose is to answer questions
yeah well quora quality has gone down the drain just like SO
question and answer quality both in quora
Meaning you need to set compileSDK to 22 or higher
@Mauker well they cant be directly compared but yeah they are highlighting the problems with quora
@Zoe Yes , But does this mean that I need to install 22 AND 23 .... ?
Becuase I've read that I need to install always the latest
(or am I mixing things up) ?
SO has done a great job with cleaning shit
@ColdFire My point is: A lot of people from quora are migrating to Medium, and comparing why medium is better
When in fact they are different services
yes but both allows you to write about topic
@RoyiNamir You need the compileSDK version installed. IIRC, you don't need 24 if you're compiling against 26
Oh . Thank you.
@Zoe yup
But you do need them if you want to use instant run on a device with that API level
Does Instant Run ever work? It just ends up fully reinstalling (and causing other problems) when I try using it
Sometimes it does
It works when you're doing UI at the beginning of a project but in practice it doesn't
I kinda like it when I'm trying to see layout changes
yeah ^
I've disabled it since it came, after some episodes where it almost drove me crazy not reflecting my changes
Once I started having network tasks breakpoints cause it to crash unless I disable instant run
it's kind of garbage
@MehdiB. Also happened to me
The concept is good, but...
the concept of instant run is very cool
It breaks more than it works
damn exactly what I thought :D
But as Dave said, it's nice to test layouts in the beginning
But not so nice to test new functionality
exactly mauker
overall its a piece of garbage
@CarlAnderson the Starbucks app is broken for me :'(
Another day, another dream
^ lol
I'm fucking stupid.
That's not how I would spell "I'm an idiot" but it gets a star
what dave said
13 hours ago, by Tim Castelijns
RM won't do a barcelona though
Or will they
@MehdiB. that project won't do.
Two major problems:

1- It seems it works for single keywords
2- I'm unable to create a new dictionary for it, it will only work for common english words.
what are you trying to do Mauker?
Keyword detection
I have lots of audio files, with some keywords on them
I want to detect those, and when they appeared on the audio
For example: There's an audio file where I say "OK" and "Nay" many times
I want to know when those two words shows up in the audio, and how many of them are there
Ah, sounds fun

time_millis | Word

600 - OK
3000 - Nay
8000 - OK
But in my context, I have 33 keywords
for work or for personal use?
It's part of my masters
That's the main goal. To extract that info from some noisy audio files
I've solved the noise part already
Now I need to train a model, and identify the words
First, I'm banned from AWS :v
Second, I'm not looking for a paid solution
lol I figured it's cheaper than a textbook
and why are you banned from AWS?
and third, I don't think it'll work for my grammar
I would expect AWS to support many languages
It's not a language
It's a code language
oh and it's US English only
well good luck Mauker, machine learning is..... fun
Like: {OBA, VAISOL, RA, HUA, ...}
you'll definitely need to train your own data set
On my qualification exam I got this question from one of the professors
"Why not simply use google voice, or amazon's solution?"
I can't, since it's not a natural language to begin with
if you could get a voice to text translator you could parse from there
That's kinda what I'm trying to build
The parsing is the final step of the methodology
nice going
it's a programming language?
what if you just used language based keywords like a sane person?
what's the reason for that?
There's a context for that lol
I can't change it since it's coming from another research
change the research then
just make a rosetta stone for it
1-1 translation
Those keywords are used to code events
Events that happen in nature
translation interfaces are common in the programming world
there's no reason you cant map 1 grammar to another
Like an animal biting a certain kind of plan
call it "bear eats berries"
Yeah, but how will that help me?
The audio files exists already
I have to work on that dataset
oh ok
It'll be like training a dataset for a new language
A language with 33 words
@ColdFire I'm too far gone for that lol
Still, that would only throw me on another subject where I would've to work on something new from the beginning
so some guy sat around watching animals biting plants and recorded himself saying a keyword every time it happened? lol
some research for you on that link
@eski lots of guys
for months.
I guess they had fun
@DaveS Nice
haha what research was that for? Do you have the paper?
I've been looking to work with this: cmusphinx.github.io
There are several papers on that actually
I'll find one, wait
thesis: tell those assholes to record their data in a machine-readable way
They could've improved their methodology, yeah
what if you genetically recoded bears to make english words when they ate berries?
interesting, well thanks for satisfying my curiosity..onward
You're welcome
@DaveS that was an OK movie, watched it last weekend
I enjoyed it quite a bit but I think I was really in the mood for it
I find these mysterious wtf phenonemona fascinating
nice to have a movie that's alien, scary but not "evil" and doesn't just hand all the answers to you
@DaveS holy shit
Anybody here's familiar with the SCP project?
really interesting
annihilation doesnt look like that movie was released here
Saw the link dave?
yeah but outside of reading the description of the creature not sure what to do with it
it's creepy though
It's a community created horror universe
Many games have been made based on the original wiki
They talk about the SCP foundation (Secure Contain Protect) which was founded to ensure the survival of the human race in face of the supernatural in general
They study and capture the beings/objects that defy natural law
and call them SCPs
It's pretty scary
but also, entertaining
Maybe we could write a room-15 SCP
Like the story of Carl, the Dream Crusher
Or cM, the deformed pentagon
And now I'm talking to myself
@Mauker literally what excited me a few hours ago is the multiple keyword support :D
I need to know how they make their dictionaries
Perhaps that could work...
Or idk, I could also stick with sphinx
I would have this for trigger commands and sphinx for long sentences
Btw someone recommanded me this as a replacement of sphinx
Not sure what it worths
Kaldi is the state of art on research today
But I believe it's c++ only
Even nikolay, the maintainer of CMUSphinx today says that Kaldi excels in audio recognition
it uses DNN instead of HMM
(At least it seems I know a thing or two lol)
Also, Dave, I'm reading the link you provided. I'm loving it
Lol, been meaning to replace sensory by Porcupine
And Android speech recognizer by Kaldi
Seems like the Android speech recognizer is neglected by Google anyway
Bugs not fixed for 5 years now...
Mehdi, take a look at that link ^
Yeah bookmarked it šŸ‘
I'm going to try it
I'm trying not to distract myself until i finish the coursera ML course XD
@Mauker hope it helps!

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