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nice, sounds like you're going to get rich
@TimCastelijns british*
Yeah, Tim, CF would never allow a baroness to exist under his rule
@TimCastelijns If each model has its own reposiory wouldn't it be a lot of duplicate code for nothing?
no because each model is treated differently
@RaymondArteaga Congratulations!
Ok thanks Tim
@MwBakker whats up buddy
Hey bluetooth
Still working on the project
how are you?
thats great.
can you show me your project today ?
you don't have to ping the other guy if there is only you and him talking
I have acquired a bottle of people
Pity it tastes like cardboard
did you just get autocorrected?
everybody, run. Raghav is putting us into bottles
2 days ago, by Raghav Sood
I have acquired people to consume
2 days ago, by Raghav Sood
don't get it. Read 50 comments, still don't get it
Started with this:
Then Soylent, a meal replacement drink/powder, came along
So people quoted that line and claimed it is people
Technically, I'm having an australian knock off of it
So I'm having australian people
> "Soylent Green is a 1973 American science fiction film"
how old are you again? :D
Sep 29 '17 at 20:15, by eski
soylent green, it has everything the body needs
seriously though, why don't you eat normal food like normal people?
My time right now is better spent not failing math than cooking
step1: close r15 chat tab
Nah, makes a good break between topics
@MehdiB. Are you implying that we are bad influence?
no idea of the context but
@FélixGagnon-Grenier 😂
or at least distractions
do you guys usually read technical books? or more "docs" + "applying" stuff?
When I have free time I read those books
But in a daily basis it's more like docs + impl
but periodically I remember that books is what actually teaches stuff, and reopen one
why do you read those books then? just for completing the "docs + impl" phase?
no, to actually gain real, deep insight and knowledge
I usually only read the books on the more theoretical side of stuff
last one was a book on regex. I learned more in the first 50 pages than in 3 years of fumbling around in tutorials and stuff
Not really mastering Java 10 SE
I'm asking because I see a lot of people online before diving in a technology reading a book about it
hmmmm. Yeah, well, these people are lucky to be working with technologies that have a lifespan long enough for actual books to be written about them
so I decided to give it a try, I've been doing scala for a few months with only docs + tutorials here and there + impl, and I decided to explore what would a scala book look like, I'm at page 47 and damn is the explanation different and insightful even on the little things
I see Raghav have been giving lessons in polymorphism
@MehdiB. yeah, that times a million
@MehdiB. I read those as they usually have some insights, design pattern ideas, good practices, and it's well summarized
I mean, one can get insights in tutorials and blog posts once in a while, but books, and their authors, are generally so much more learned on a topic
It also helps to sometimes think outside the box
so now the only thing is that on a professional setup it's not really efficient or realistic to do so
lol AS
I work at a place where being seen reading a book at your desk is totally acceptable
"AS found an error, would you like to report it?" - Why, yes, of course. clicks on send error -> "There was an error while sending the error to google." facepalm
@Mauker resolved conflicts.
That was quick
He did a StalinMerge - Conflicting code was deleted
It's in the git gulag now, as an orphan commit
@FélixGagnon-Grenier reading or just quickly referring to a portion?
@RaghavSood StalinMerge?
Did you commit and push the changes Raghu? I don't see them
TOtally stealing StalinMerge
Same Felix
Books can definitely be helpful in some cases - I used to read a lot of them long ago when I was still learning basics (I am learning them now too, but I was learning them more earlier)
Also, if ever your rebase is having conflicts, you can say you "stall in merge"
But blog posts and tutorials work well enough when you need to do a very specific task
oh. i am yet to commit
I've recently starting reading books more, mostly cause of crypto stuff
Sketchy russian books are easily 100x better at explaining it than random blog posts
The bookchain
Especially because a fair portion of crypto blog posts are wrong, being written by noobs in the last couple of years
@Raghu merged
@RaghavSood do you have good shareable books?
@Mauker while resolving there was ending brace that needed to be removed.
i just made a commit again.
I usually just get them from the uni library
Don't remember titles off the top of my head, but I can look up my loan history if you like
o/ dave
Dave's here, lurking
I'm currently working through Error Correcting Codes by Peterson and Weldon
@Mauker I literally waved and was ignored until CF
lol I really didn't see that
@Mauker did you remove the ending flower brace line 219 MessageAdapter?
@Raghunandan I didn't, I just merged
I just checked that there were no conflicts
dam i made commit after merging.
please remove it
make another PR
okay done
You guys are still working on chat se?
nope. this PR was long pending to be merged
A merge is active development :p
Also, @TristanWiley pull and make a new APK, we need to test the beta version
To check whether or not the login issue was solved
@Raghu merged
My classical violin player self is hurt by Bach.js
No, thank you :)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Then create a new framework to fix it
let me spam you again then youtube.com/watch?v=LVCpDa6ymtQ
@Ray sorry to bother again, but just in case you're curious: communities.intel.com/thread/119093
@Mauker one more. sorry to bother again.
Next PR will cost you $20 sir
woah ok, Bolsamauker
hehe. i will be extra careful next time.
@DaveS ಠ_ಠ
That was not cool
lmao i thought it was Raghav, clicked it and rick rolled myself with my own pull request
that Mauker wrote for me
@Mauker how did you solved it?
@RaymondArteaga Driver upgrades solved some of it
But I'm still facing that half second freeze in some other areas
Like when I open chrome or FF
@DaveS lol
how did you discovered the error? googling?
I went to the acer predator forum as well
found two sources talking about the same issue
Googled a little further, and found the root cause
Since I at least know the culprit now, I'm more relieved
I was worried it was something with the laptop itself, but it's a software thing
good night guys
Good night!
see you
Good night!
see ya
Seeying the bot on the starborad reminded me of Ahmad's feature
How's that going?
emulator suck. the same app works fine on a real device but crashes on emulator. :)
the weird thing is that you don't even get a proper stacktrace
Are you trying to run anything with play services?
I think there are some images with the play services for emulator
Then I'm clueless
its a problem with emulator as this happens randomly. also freezes the comp for a couple of seconds.
i will delete all the cache data and create a new emulator and test
Am I the only one that, when getting rick rolled, actually let the music finish to make me learn?
it's not fair if you insta close
This series of videos are interesting, about used PCs
Cya guys. GN!.
!remindme 15h
Ok, I will remind you at 11:04 on 03 November 2018 (UTC)
Remind what?
> SHA-256 has an output of 32 bytes (1 byte = 8
bits, 32 bytes = 256 bits), generally displayed as a 64-character hexadecimal string (see Table 1
This means that there are 2256 ≈ 1077, or
possible digest values.
that, is a large number
Almost large enough to represent the number of errors in code I write
That's the future of crypto
gn folks
I have acquired coffee
gn cf
Reno, you really outcated outdid yourself this time
@MarkO'Sullivan bat is up 23% :D
Yeah did you see the news?
Time to buy more and then sell once it's rises
I just bought 2 eth or so a couple of days ago
Should've bought more
Oh well
It was only a matter of time before it was added to Coinbase
I'm at bohemian rhapsody
ma doods
I accidentally listened to a 30 minute song
was not very productive today
why you awake mate
i made extra sure to post after you left the room
Dec 28 '17 at 9:04, by Tim Castelijns
I have an app that detects nonsense said in r15, and I just got a notification
since then I also added notifications for assuming possession
@TimCastelijns omg
is it called the ahmad alert
No. This is the Ahmad alert:
lol well done
Mauker on fire lately
I have acquired rice and beans :)
Everybody on the internet is a bot except me, it is known
I have acquired Mountain Dew
Never got the hang of soda
So sweet
I have acquired thoughts that I need to do backup this morning.
I need to setup backups on this new laptop
Ideally local + remote encrypted and incremental both ways
@DaveS I guess it's the new laptop
@Mauker the original call for help
@RaghavSood new laptop bros o/
@Ahmad The beacon of our salvation
anyone else owns a samsung phone and received this?
samsungcloud.com does not even exist
No... they only changed terms for you

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