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for that particular broadcast i have read its not necessary
no data element required
sup graeme+
why are you using GCM?
@cygery yeah nothing out of the ordinary
@TimCastelijns it's ACTION_MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED now or at least that's what I am using to update the apk
Yo Eric
Tim - App I'm working on had GCM implemented by someone
mehdi look Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED"
hm nvm it's actually android.intent.action.MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED the same :D
It's using BroadcastReceiver only, not creating a GCMService to parse anything usefu
Well yeah the data payload should be the Bundle you receive. Print it out to make sure you get what you expect
Uh huh
yeah that name is right
So you're saying "Yes"
to the question above
also the explanation was for some other broadcast :/
so, if in data you send data: { "key": "value" }
You can do intent.getStringExtra("key") which will return "value" ?
I have a feeling this is a trick question
It's not, this has just been implemented in a weird way, and I can't test it because I don't have any access to anything :P
look up a sample on google should be simple enough i guess
I have to figure out what's happening from the source code only
@TimCastelijns I had a busy month searching new job TT^TT
CF - There is absolutely no information on the whole of the entire internet on how to parse messages from the BroadcastReceiver
@W0MP3R Does Eric no longer need a babysitter?
@W0MP3R so did you succeed?
Google tells you to forward parsing to GcmListenService
Hang on graemes I just understood what your situation is
graeme : - i remember doing something like getbody() or getmessage()
to get the whole string
wait what?
To look after Eric
he is just kidding
I don't trust him to be self sufficient
and yep, i did find new job :D
oh great
party \o/
Haven't seen W0MP3R in here in a while, congrats!
@Graeme Honestly I have never heard of this approach. Do you have the gcm registration id? You can send test messages
No, I don't have a registration ID
@RaghavSood pay was very less so she left
I suppose I could get one and then use Postman...
meh i cant remember what i did for gcm implementation its been 1 year
chuck norris is in my town
do it. The easiest way to verify
CF have you solved my problem yet?
meeh you havent shown any code yet
<receiver android:name=".receivers.AppUpgraded">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED" />
@ColdFire it's closed source
we dont know you are registering a broadcast correctly or not
so does the receiver get triggered?
oh MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED is a valid intent?
have you put log just outside of checking for which action this intent is
i guess you also need exported= true
To send an upstream message do you need to have any sender information?
Tim try adding that flag
@TheWanderer yeah
@TheWanderer what?
@TimCastelijns How?
Yeah... thanks >.<
reboots eric and TheWanderer both
like that ever worked
i promise you that won't coREBOOTING SYTEM
it worked atleast it cut the crap
reboot complete. sup all! o/
@CptEric so you're enjoying these dots
Argh, he's been reset to secret Killbot!
not at all.
tries to untie the knive holder
that's not very knife
that's not gonna end unpunished.
you stay away
TheWanderer = null;
you need the server api key for authorization graeme
there done
and the registration id (or token) of the receiver
im mellllltingggg
you send a POST request to 'http://gcm.googleapis.com/gcm/send'
with {"to": "your id", "data": {"key1": "value1"}}
I'm on it
I think body is actually data
@TheWanderer sudo su ice-ice-baby
this was a test of course
@CptEric now who's getting the knife
GCM always worked very weirdly
i prefer FCM
now with 50% less critical system bugs.
it's the same system lol
ok google, kill tim
@ColdFire makes no difference
receivers are implicitly exported by default if they have an intent filter
are you sure about that
try adding exported anyway
Yeah, I don't have our server authorization key to send test messages..
make a new one for testing
> Why aren't you doing X?
documentation says it isn't necessary
Do it anyways, might work
sad but true
yeah its true
"isn't necessary" is such a lie
I have a feeling it's caused by this AS version. It worked 2 weeks ago and nothing else changed
That shouldn't be possible
with android you never know
also disable the instant run crap
Yeah, that might be an issue
and all those crap swap
I had had instant run disabled since day 1 lol
@CptEric this confused me, then I realised Tim said what I was gonna say, about them being the same :D
Yeah - I get the feeling you don't know I work in a giant corperation XD
same here
they claim to have fixed it in AS 2.4 but I'm not buying it
any way to resize a imageview inside the xml layout without margin?
scale XY?
@MarkO'Sullivan its the same
use scale type
Or fit, maybe
instant run is like SO.docs. It failed at the start and now you can never make it successful
here might help
I read this very article a few hours ago !!
I told you Tim is a stalker
for example i'd like to resize it by 0.9
so basically make it a bit smaller
haha! :D
right now i can do that with setting marginStart and marginEnd
use paddingStart&End on the parent :D
oh right
that works
wait you're serious
I was joking
why not, works fine?
Tim Help, for when things need not go as planned
I just re implement ImageView. Easier.
fucking perfect
I thought that suggestion was so obvious, me suggesting it had to be a joke
joke failed, actually helped someone :(
totally forgot about padding :D
almost like "I have to double a number but I don't want to do x*2" followed by "oh you can do x*abs(sqrt(4))" followed by "oh thanks it works"
@TimCastelijns WTF?
@MuratK. I could easily forget the diff between scaleType matrix and fitXY, but padding..? :D
@TimCastelijns But that might give you x*-2
At the risk of repeating myself:
3 mins ago, by Raghav Sood
Tim Help, for when things need not go as planned
Wait what? How does that phrase work for wrap_content
AOKDPWkd áwkd
now it's so complicated, the joke is lost
thanks Raggy
Nah, I found the joke, don't worry
Using the inbuilt css grid?
eric is going insane without a babysitter
using javascript
we need someone new
and blood of unborn chickens
I think you're confused about the "in css" part
points to my sofa go back to your room!
wait i didn't travel back in time and adopt you so you could get spanish citizienship
so i can't ground you.
Raghav accepted my new nickname for him. The day is still good
Aug 31 '12 at 10:40, by Merlin
hey raggy ... how did bio exam go?
It's almost like you can't be original, Ti
yeah old name
oh my you have to do the bio class :/
CF you're 5 years late
he obviously passed it
points at bionic elements tied to his body
i mean he could have taken CS and avoided bio
biology is mandatory for us
not here
it was mandatory for us until baccalaureate
thank god.
I had both CS and bio
i had to also take bio it was a PITA
on Engineering school we ddon't have it
how come raghav?
does Delhi does some difference from rest of india?
or it changes state wise?
CS is not a class in high school over here
assuming we were talking about high school
we are talking about college
oh we don't have that
what do you call 11th and 12th grade?
school or college
what is 11th grade¿
we don't have grades
must be different then
Tim we also dont
we call it class here
same, or group
Grades are so confusing
meeh i thought you guys will be familiar with grades so i used that
but i guess that is just another american only thing
so we have 1-5 class -> (kindengarten), then 1-6 class/primary Ed class -> school, then 1-4 ESO -> high school, then 1-2 Bachillerato -> baccalaureate, then 1-X uni
and you can skip baccalaureate and do technical education or basic education
here after 12th you do whatever you want
pre school: until 4 years. Just goof around all day
School: 4-12 years. Class 1 to class 8
High school: 12-(16-18). Year 1 to potentially 6
MBO: 16-20 years (lower education)
HBO: 18-22 years (middle education)
WO: 18-? depends on what you study (high education)
After MBO you can upgrade to HBO and likewise for HBO->WO
bachelor diploma or whatever
oh so your high school includes our 11th 12th college
and mine?
which one?
Here it's:

Pre-school: 3-5
School: 6-11
Middle-School: 12-14
High-School: 15-17

Deug/Dut/Technician: 2 years
Bachelor: 3 years
Master: 5 years

then PhD:
3-6 years
after 12th you can do bachelor/ diploma or whatever
then masters
then phd
almost same as mehdi here
but remove middle school
and mix it with high school
yeah same apart from our school till 10th is just called school
so high school is 6 years long
and no high or middle
and your high school is kinda our college
no, it's 4 year long
we it includes our college
of 2 years
*depends onborn day
that is 15-17
about ours
so mostly all education after 17 go for a degree i guess
after you finish HS with 16yo you can go to work, go to technical education, or go for hte baccelaurate and do uni
but do you get a job with HS only?
not here
same here Tim
mc donalds only
you might as welll get a poen job
poen is dutch slang for "money" :P
in spain you can land in any workforce job as long as you perform some small course
@QuangPhạmVăn You need at least 80 rep to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
lol tim
for example to collect fruit you need a 3-week long, 150$ worth, food handling title.
here you can almost do nothing with HS Baccalaureate degree, you can do some manual stuffs or Tourism stuffs (that require last year HS level - not necessarily obtained)
Making money back with my stocks, hellyeah.
or McDo as Tim said :D
I'm learning :)
so basically all you cna do with HS is untrained workforce jobs
like assembly line, food handling, bus driving
but also stuffs like Plumbery etc..
well but that is not kinda the job you wanna do
Assuming you join a professional and pursue a professional deree in parallel
and pay is very less for those at least here
not here, at least not necessarily
usually people working on these jobs wait until they acquired enough experience, and open their own business
depends on the job
manual labor is a dying profession. The less people do it, the more the remaining lot can ask for their work
garbage pickers get a very good salary here.
but it's a shitty job.
yeah its shitty job
@TimCastelijns good point, it's happening for the first time over here as well
and very less pay here
There is no shitty job.. :)
@TimCastelijns not here
he have lots of people
@MehdiB. need a carpenter to fix something in your house? Man you better have some savings cause that ain't cheap
very cheap here
carpenters are indeed expensive
exactly, I brought a plumber for a small leak, I paid 120 euros for 1.5 days of work
it's less expensive for me to travel 155km to ikea and get a new insert furniture than hire someone to fix it
that is very cheap I think
here plumbers are cheap tho
@MehdiB. costly
Tim : that is not cheap atleast considering what prices here
usually hour cost for a car repair / plumber / electrician is 33-56€ depending on task difficulty and urgence
in spain
120 for his work, 80 for the materials (I'm who bought that as well)
Tim, why am I not seeing your answer here stackoverflow.com/questions/43619625/realm-closes-itself
meeh i could technically live of a month with 200 euro
all this to say, as Tim said, that manual labor is dying and therefore getting more and more expensive
@MuratK. I don't answer realm questions anymore
There is a untold story
one of the realm developers is very active in the android-realm tag
I cannot compete with him. It's better that he helps people
get more rep on android-realm than him
then get hired
he is the skeet of realm
But he might notices you
he has. He has pointed out mistakes in my answers xD
... xD
hahaha :D
If anyone's looking for an Android dev role, give me a shout, got two recruiters message me today about jobs in Edinburgh
I think one has the option to do some remote work, not sure if it's fully remote
> Flexible home working is possible, although staff are expected to be
available for office-based work as required.
I can live with that if they fly me out when needed :P
nice Tim
way to getting recruited in realm
I doubt they'd be able to do that :D
Would you ever move to Edinburgh Raghav?
looks likely
Don't care if they can get me a visa
If they can get you a visa you'd move?
Well, assuming I don't go back to college in August, gotta do something
Might as well move
Dutchland apparently does visas without a bachelors
Seriously considering asking Tim to hook me up with something there
why not staying in Singapore?
Brb going to vaporise myself at the thought of receiving help from Tim
My Singapore pass is only valid till July
well he might take his revenge on raghav
"Want to work here? Sure! :D"
*gets Raghav a job working as a PHP dev*
Are you wanting to go back to college?
Fingers crossed you get back in
Anyone have any ideas why my drawable which I've specified to work with API 24 and above doesn't shown on phones with API 24 and 25?
It's just showing the default one
do you've put it in drawables-v24?
day over
have a nice day all
Have a nice day!!!!! :D
I refuse
well, ok i guess
Largely because it's like 2342 here
well... have a nice day tomorrow?
Also refused
Anyone planning on staying in an Airbnb anytime soon?
Me maybe :P
Mostly because I gave noticed for my place and haven't found anywhere to move to :(
Well, if you're up for letting me buy you a giftcard and paying me back for it, that'd be cool
I can apparently get miles again on Airbnb giftcards
I didn't realise that before I booked an entire New Zealand trip though -.-
@Graeme there's a package called ic_no_courses.xml which contains ic_no_courses.xml and ic_no_courses.xml (v24)

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