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I accidentally dropped all indices of an ElasticSearch instance
I wanna cry.
Such is life.
Such a lovely way to start the week..
howdy I would like to create a function that works in the form of displayEdittableListView(array,functionOnComplete);
anyone around?
Sorry Will, I can't help tonight, gotta fix the mess I just did on a server...
also there is the oscars right?
thats okay
Good day \o/
Good night ;)
1:39am here
@William displayEdittableListView(array, InterfaceForCallback callback);
Anyone actively around right now?
Depends on what you need
So I have a phone interview tomorrow, and I'm obviously having last second jitters
Lol, I'm sure you'll be fine. You talk on the phone with Tristan. If you can make it through that, interviews a piece of cake
Who with?
and really, the things I don't know a lot about are some background things - services, alarmmanager, etc. Any idea what types of questions are typical for those topics? Obviously I can't cover everything in a night (nor could I do it in weeks) but if there's like key things I should know/be prepared to answer then I'd feel more relaxed
PM me (or read the owners chat) if you wanna know. I don't wanna blast it public yet haha
Ahh, I know then :P
yeah haha
I think I'm psyching myself out
In my experience, no one asks you to implement a full blown Service or Alarm clock or something in an interview
It takes too long
I think I know enough to talk about them and what they're used for which is I think what they'd ask
They'll usually ask you conceptual questions (What is START_STICKY, is the AlarmManager guaranteed to be perfectly on time, why or why not?)
And then maybe ask you to do a snippet of code
They did in my intro call. They were like "I need to write an application that wakes up the users device to preform an action at a specific time. Which of the following do I use?"
I've been asked to do a quick simple ListView adapter
That would be gold
And been given a broken PackageManager look up code and asked to identify the problem and fix it
And also asked about NetworkOnMainThreadException once
I just need to be prepared to answer android concept questions. My actual coding question(s) are just Java based. "They may or may not be Android specific" as if coding interviews weren't broad enough already.
Most companies that are worth there salt, and this one ought to be, are less concerned with your ability to code from memory using the entire SDK, and more concerned with your ability to be able to look into a problem, access any resources you need, and figure out the solution without being spoon fed
Yeah, you might get though-process-testing questions like Conway's Game of Life
Or BSTs and stuff
Basics CS concepts are pretty common for this
I suck at trees
And something tells me this company would want me to have at least a basic understand of trees/graphs
As long as you don't turn them all into LinkedLists you should be fine
guess I'll read the trees chapter of ctci on my plane home
thanks for calming my nerves haha. I'll message the chat tomorrow I'm sure to say how (I think) it went
Happy to help, best of luck!
@mcadam the company you told us about in mod chat?
What happens in the mod chat stays in the mod chat
so yes
yes, you better learn your trees
I have this entire directory of data structures, algos and interview qs that I did
I have them on github
I feel like most such python scripts could somehow become python one liners
but private for now
may make them public
you can make everything a one liner
and then call it functional programming!
You know my email if you wanna help a guy out ;P
you want them?
You don't have to though. I have Cracking the Coding Interview in my bag
will read on the plane
Couldn't hurt, right?
just a min
"Brace for impact!"
*McAdam is too engrossed in his book and is thrown down the aisle into the drinks cart RIP*
use at your own risk lol
"This Tree should print out a sorted list, but it's printing out "MOVE TO GERMANY". Any idea why?"
Wow so reassuring
4 mins ago, by Ahmad
use at your own risk lol
I'm off
night m8s
Hello, everyone. How are you doing?
Can someone with 10K reputation screenshot this question stackoverflow.com/questions/14398409
with answer.
@rupinderjeet imgur.com/a/KNRB3
thanks, nothing much there though
I am learning C++
and doing some drawCircle and drawEllipse. Its funny.
Gooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!! :D
tl;dr, Bhargav?
the amount of bugs in the amazon video app is really amazing
If it makes you feel any better I've been debugging an Apache engine for several days now because it decided to make up its own specifications for this format
Payload should be in _event, they decided _eventdata was a better place
And that too only gives you the name
You need to go to _eventdatamap for the actual data
Because why use the _event variable the spec talks about
I love when that happens
I eventually just took to logging every possible key-val combination in all three to see where my data was
Never found it, because the engine wasn't serialising my very serialisable object like the documentation says it should
Eventually figured out that if I give it a HashMap, the payload data mostly shows up
aaaaand meeting
Hello, Android!
anything new going on?
Nope, development is an endless loop of cursing libraries and saying you could do it better, but never actually doing it
I'm just getting started with a commodities trading project. Trying to wrap my head around it.
Basically, I'm writing a callback that executes at a user-defined interval. But somehow I have to use the history of closing prices from previous intervals to decide whether to place a trade.
if closing is going up at a steady rate, invest
If there was a very sharp drop, invest
If there was a very sudden increase, sell
If Trump mentioned it in a tweet, buy
Simple, really
good morning
Why does W0MP usually show up before you with a good morning?
It's almost as if Eric has a terrible morning until he joins this room
kind of that
i log in after my first coffe
how good i left my project last day defines the coffe time
i messed up a lot of things on friday apparently
More relevantly, why is W0MP not addicted to coffee?
Hah, join the club
I've messed up stuff that doesn't even exist
i mean it's probably just 50% my fault
Ahh, only one arm
SOAP services are terribly horrible to parse
That explains the lack of coffee
Can't drink gallons of it with only one arm
Too difficult to pick up the barrel
there are two arms >.<
why is not showing TT^TT
you need to escape that \\
Who knows?
I'm carrying myself
Damn, that's bigger than I expected
there's nothing that says i'm a psycho than listening to amon amarth high enough for your coworkers to notice it. and look you weirdly as you were smiling and nodding at the song.
that wall of code image :O
Q: Has a STEM professor ever won an Oscar?

user70019Has a STEM professor ever been nominated for - or won - an Oscar? I don't mean like Russell Crowe playing the role of mathematician / economist, John Forbes Nash, in A Beautiful Mind, but an actual STEM professor.

@RaghavSood I saw that in the Lounge. Interesting, eh?
@RaghavSood I'm writing this for a client, so I kindda have to implement the strategy he's giving me.
What's that?
user image
@SanjayKumar You need at least 80 rep, and a q:a ratio of 3:4 to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
why does everybody try to assume orwell's political stances based only on the book they like?
surely raghav knows as he's inside veryone's computers since ragahvSA launched
We cannot comment on ongoing planet colonizations due to our Still Surviving Natural Inhabitants Privacy Policy, sorry.
- Skynet Management
oh damn
still, any guess?
Gonna head home, cya all in an hour or so
logout has some error , logout is not defined
> logout is not an attribute of Raghav.class, did you mean logout();?
hmpf I still don't get why the one crash is ALWAYS reported twice in logcat and therefore in firebase :/
Are you uses any UncaughtExceptionHandler?
Happy Monday!
@Dharmendra no. I just use firebase and hockey but I already removed hockey completely to test if that is the cause
A: Do more roads lead to less traffic jams?

CptEricYes and No Many answers already cover part of this, so i won't enter in detail in the data. Scientific papers prove that more lanes and more highways create induced demand, both by creating a faster and personal alternative to public transport and by allowing citiziens living in the expensive,...

when i get inspirational
@MarkO'Sullivan this needs more stars
> 8 lanes going into 2 lanes instead of 4 lanes into 2 lanes will just piss twice the amount of people in the same amount of time.
Someone in my office shared it this morning :D
Fixed that issue from Friday, just need someone to review the app before publishing it. All being well it'll be published before I leave work tonight!
@MarkO'Sullivan "★☆☆☆☆: Did not release on Friday" - Reviewer
haha :D
awesome cats
the second picture is creepy though :D
Lunch time!!! :D
@MarkO'Sullivan "★★★★★: I hate it." - Reviewer
You guys :D
We've actually got Golf magazines waiting for the apps to be released so it'll be featured in their April editions which is pretty cool
sup fellas
@MarkO'Sullivan "★☆☆☆☆: I hate it. Too Much Realm" - Reviewer
@Graeme so far only jacoco which is included in gradle
"★★★★★: I love it. Though not as much as I love Realm" - Tim
I literally got a review on my app like this: "★★★★★: No"
does anyone here happen to be also an iOS dev?
some people tried to make me an ios dev, fortunately that idea died fast
A wild orange circle appears!
I had a stupid review once which was like this: "★☆☆☆☆: Fantastic app, keep up the good work"... :(
I'd ask for iOS help on the iOS channel, but from my experience, they're not very active in that channel. Or helpful...
had it many times mark
I also had one like this
"★★★☆☆: Cold cake"
I still haven't figured out what it means, but there's a 57% chance the user thought that was a search box
There's a couple iOS devs here I think @Guilherme
holy shift, my speaker was so loud
yes, there might be. they will appear sooner or later
user image
That one line that holds everything together
/* From this line below this code is protected by the laws of God. Because only God knows how this shit works. Do not delete! */
I once saw a code that the "drop all tables" method was named roundhouseKick();
That guy surely liked Chuck Norris
That cat is hung like a horse.
a guy in the iOS channel just suggested I should start my iOS apps using a javascript framework
I was trying to terminate this idea as politely as possible. I think I failed
Just burn it with fire
But what about Xamarim Guilherme?
what about yo momma?!
seriously, that don't even deserve a polite answer :P
I couldn't find a good "That's harsh!" gif :(
Well, if any iOS dev appear and care to answer:
TL;DR: I've been outside of iOS world for ~18 months, now I need to start a new project from scratch using Swift and there are a few things I would like to know, but not waste time reading hundreds of articles:
- which networking lib? Alamofire or any new alternative?
- which reactive lib? RxSwift?
- MVC or MVVM or what else?
- which dependency injection lib? (I don't know any)
- JSONModel is the thing to go or Swift can do serialization on its own?
meanwhile, back to the articles

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