CF - Not a whole lot, my family heads home today so my partner and I are once more alone in Canada (or at least it feels like that). Going to be interesting to see if our mental health holds up
> Although getting something in your eyes can cause them to burn, burning eyes sometimes signal a serious eye condition. For example, conditions such as ocular rosacea, dry eyes and blepharitis can cause symptoms of burning eyes. In fact, anything that causes inflammation can create a burning sensation.
this is the last time I google something health-related
@TristanWiley We are looking for data science interns. I think one is already hired for Winter Semester starting in January. Not sure what exact skills we are looking for but I could pass on your resume, if you are interested.
Not this one - I did run a workshop though. There's a couple spots where I'm in the video but I'm hunched over with my greasy hair because I hadn't showered so I'm not gonna call them out lmao
> I'm Nina, Head of Teacher Operations here at Skillshare. I came across your profile on Stack Overflow this weekend and was really impressed by your experience. I was wondering if you had ever thought about teaching online? I think you could teach a great UI/UX class.
sure, yea, UI/UX is my favorite thing to do, and I sure am good at it.