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wait theres a unit lower than intern?
Janice from Accounting
I thought interns were the basic building blocks of all business
This must be how CERN felt when they smashed the first atom
quality joke dave
Thanks Tim, and no thanks to the indecisive person
@TristanWiley Do you know anything about data science?
@WarrenFaith yoooooooooooooooooo - Do you know that this file seems to be broken? github.com/alexzaitsev/apk-dependency-graph/blob/master/run.sh
It links to build/ which doesn't exist in the project
yo graeme
Hi CF :)
knowing the state of android ecosystem, most of the phones released last year or earlier won't get a fix for that one
Oh, nevermind, you have to build that from source
It's been a while Graeme, hope everything's good (y)
WF - I'm very impressed to see your name on there. You're like - internet famous.
looking awesome in superman avatar
you mean my kotlin avatar?
Mehdi - Good thank :)
CF - Not a whole lot, my family heads home today so my partner and I are once more alone in Canada (or at least it feels like that). Going to be interesting to see if our mental health holds up
@AdamMc331 lol no the fb pic of superman
graeme :(
oh hahah. I wore a captain america shirt ;P
and your whole family was also there i imagine
love all those pics
yeah it was my brother's wedding
flaky internet in the office is no good
wireless isn't working at all, wired connection is iffy
is google reachable at least? :D
everything is reachable if you refresh enough times
> Although getting something in your eyes can cause them to burn, burning eyes sometimes signal a serious eye condition. For example, conditions such as ocular rosacea, dry eyes and blepharitis can cause symptoms of burning eyes. In fact, anything that causes inflammation can create a burning sensation.
this is the last time I google something health-related
@Code-Apprentice Kinda sorta idk why?
@TristanWiley We are looking for data science interns. I think one is already hired for Winter Semester starting in January. Not sure what exact skills we are looking for but I could pass on your resume, if you are interested.
It just worries me and usually it's all wrong :D
Where are you working CA?
That looks awesome Adam, did you help organise it?
Not this one - I did run a workshop though. There's a couple spots where I'm in the video but I'm hunched over with my greasy hair because I hadn't showered so I'm not gonna call them out lmao
@AdamMc331 are you wearing an orange top by any chance?
@MarkO'Sullivan raises hand I DIDDDDD
@AdamMc331 Cute <3
@AdamMc331 I think I found you haha
Awesome event Tristan
@MarkO'Sullivan You probably did. I'm not shy about sharing my pictures, I just didn't care for the way I looked in that video lmao
Me then Adam
I seen Adam, I can't see you Tristan
Oh wait, is it you they're walking behind?
oh nostalgia
@MarkO'Sullivan yes
I wish there was events like that over here
who filmed it?
@MarkO'Sullivan Yeee
An UMich on campus film crew
They did a great job with the filming
I'll let them know :)
yup what mark said
I'm gonna be devil's advocate here and say they could've done a better job
stfu Dave
I got paid $25 to shoot part of the video!
You should refund them
Dave you're the best thing happening to today.
I strongly agree
Carl with a circle avatar just said that
:O I didn't even star that
Starring. I say we make today the unofficial "Be Nice To Dave Day". Everybody gets one.
You just implied my stars are only because people are being nice and not because I'm being funny, which isn't very nice.
Fine unstarring we're not being nice anymore.
I'm tired of your shit, Dave.
welp time to drive home
cya adam
@DaveS lol
@AdamMc331 make sure raghav gets notified about when my day is
> You earn 7.24872 million larvae per second. (×147K bonus)
Tim - XD
holy blue trangle moly
I've decided I'm just going to call that a trangle
CF have you been slacking
what causes you to bless us with your presence, Mr. A-Bourbon?
I thought you'd given up on us Android people
I got home and didn't feel like doing anything else for awhile I missed you
tim what?
> You earn 9.87290 million larvae per second. (×201K bonus)
@codeMagic we're doing cookies again. Or larvae. Or paperclips.
I don't see any paperclips
you don't see any larvae either (does he @DaveS ?)
expecting a good reply from Dave, make us proud
> You earn 16.2249 million larvae per second. (×324K bonus)
movin on up
> You earn 19.6321 million larvae per second. (×392K bonus)
gn all
cya cf
@ColdFire nice more than me
> I'm Nina, Head of Teacher Operations here at Skillshare. I came across your profile on Stack Overflow this weekend and was really impressed by your experience. I was wondering if you had ever thought about teaching online? I think you could teach a great UI/UX class.
sure, yea, UI/UX is my favorite thing to do, and I sure am good at it.
She saw that you use python on a daily basis and concluded you must not be a real programmer and design UIs instead
Be nice to me dave
I can close all your questions
maybe tomorrow can be your day then
ah shit. don't tell me I just clicked on that larva thing and will now have another time killer?

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