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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@DaveS what are you talking about? How am I not still fun? I'm a barrel of laughs
you didn't say anything about my gross mispelling of mariana and you don't even acknowledge that there's creepy crab exploration going on 11 miles deep.
I haven't paid much attention tonight or clicked the link. I'm bad and I should feel bad
you should
it's a live stream of an ROV exploring the mariana trench
it's cool
show your kids
3 hours later…
Yo o/
1 hour later…
good morning
I wake up at 7AM to work on a freelance project before work :)
thats great
new discipline. instead of playing games in the night, work on side projects in the morning
its really nice
Yes. Yesterday I have struggled to understand these things
but today its my turn :p
and i am not able to understand
Yes. Its really headache.
Just put basic code in pro file , set minifyEnabled true
in app build.gradle
yes but first i need to go through that
and dontwarn your libs / package ;)
Good luck
2 hours later…
@Boston Airport; I loved this city it makes me sad I leave; will definitely come again..
good morning
@Mauker congrats! :)
i'm gonna punch apple in the face
with a spork.
today xcode & emulator are taking up to 60% cpu and 80% ram
just 'cause
what is the command to check it ?
dunno , i open the resource panel
tatters is a nice word.
I'm reading a book where the heroes are called tattari
@CptEric lol
"FILE.swift:113:13: C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift"
someone stop me from causing a massacre
you're in Apple. You are doomed!
heya ocus
so its all on trump now?
Trump wins?
on the republican, aye
I accidentally closed mah whindo
Was wondering why it was quiet
I don't get the Republican and Democratic thing. There are three running for Republicans and two for Democrats. Are all them running for presidency?
mr5 - No, they're running to be the nomination of the party. Only one per democrats and one per republicans will run for presidency.
so it's like semi finals?
it's because in usa there are only two parties big enough , but many "ways of doing things" inside those parties
so instead of having 5 parties like the rest of the universe
they just have all the liberal/lefties on one side, and all the neoliberals/cosnervatives in the other
and they fight eachother to see what "side" of the coin will be candidate
so which one would win will be the next title of the country?
the winner of the primaries/caucus gets to be the "candidate"
for the official presidential election
I mean, state form of government
i think you got it now :P
Basically, Hilary is going to run for Democrats, Trump for republicans - One of those two will be president.
maybe bernie catches her but i'm not really sure. i'd vote him anyway.
why is there are an elimination?
some candidates have been eliminated from the party, why is that?
they retire themselves
instead of losing, they just "leave the battle".
It would be uncharitable to say that it's because the majority of America can't keep more than 2 concepts in their head at once so it would be difficult for them to choose between three things.
not enough supports?
so they an always be candidates in the future
So I would never say that.
tries to understand if graeme is serious or sarchastic
Both :)
brain implodes
It's actually the majority of the human race that aren't smart enough to be able to choose between more than 2 candidates.
we've got like 7 parties on our parliament, none big enough to rule alone :/
current polls suggest that Hilary and Trump would likely be attending the Finals :)
and we like it that way, nobody should have supreme power over everything just because he won
Spain sound more advanced than the rest of the voting countries I know about
Hilary got more votes so I think she will win?
@Graeme actually it's just three regions in spain that work that way
the rest have just 2 or 3 at most.
we had our parliament system before the dictatorship so even before the constitution was created we already had a chamber working that way. so we're small "republican parliamentarist republics" inside the spanish constitional monarchy.
catalonia, aragon, valencia, navarre, mallorca, and basque country.
Does anyone here use Telegram? (or any other service which is based on SMS "authentication")
I'm familiar with few of those words
lately the central government has been blowing up all our rights though, that's why atleast us and the northern weirdos are running for independence.
goodmorning! o/
¬.¬ Samsung broke my colour scheme
nice system you got there. hope our future leaders will do it that way too
it's pretty easy
The material design red is too bright on their new phones
each sub-region ( aka, each department , county, earldom , depends on the country you're in) has X seats in the parliament assigned (based on population). we vote the candidates for our seats, and then the elected members of the parliament pick who's the president.
As in, "argh, my eyes! Samsung why are you doing this to us?!"
…I'm asking because if yes, then I have seen some bad news about that. Russian mobile networks are actively intercepting Telegram SMS and stealing accounts. Probably the same is/will be done with Whatsapp, Viber, etc.
actually, I have no idea what kind of system is running inside our country but one thing I am really sure about, it's really really messed up and lots of corruptions plus politics are happening
which country, again?
Graeme, what is Samsung doing to you ?
philipines, right?
BB - #F44336 on the new samsungs is so bright that you can't actually look at the screen :P
presidential republic, like usa
I would never make an app that sells in Russia. <personalembargo>
I think, one idea will be given and no consensus are being made shrug
problem of presidential republics is that, by voting president and parliament / senate separately, you're mostly creating a bottleneck for important laws.
@Graeme no problem, everyone has to use a VPN anyway here. Although it's not yet a China 2.0
hmm, I don't exactly understand. Do you also have those senators?
I would be in jail in Russia. Not a nice place.
we do, but they are just a remnant of the past. they serve only to "valdiate" constitutional changes and discuss european union laws, not normal country or regional laws.
most people want the senate out.
what kind of voting system do you have also? do you vote separately like us, or is there some system that handles it?
we vote to parliament, and to senate.
and the parliament elected members have to pick one president
so , if party A (left), party B(center), and party C(Extreme left), have more seats than D,E,F , they pick one person from their ranks (usually from the most voted one) as president, form a coalition or some sort of written pact, and vote on the parliament over it.
senate has nothing to do on how the country is ruled.
I think my brain stops working :(
and then there are the regional parliaments XD
which work better or worse depending on how old they are and if they were just "we want it too" babycry or if it was really needed.
for example ours works daily, but there are ones that just work weekly or monthly. ( depends on population mostly)-
that's sad to know
it's also sad that I cannot comprehend most of your words :(
sorry for that
anyway, gtg
Cpt ^^
Do you think this looks ok: hastebin.com/sexasopeza.xml ?
i think it's ok
But that date variable(in ng-bind) is undefined whenever I want to update its value
I have this: hastebin.com/qorahugiwi.vbs in controller
thought ng-click is working fine.
Cpt?!? Do you copy ?
they still have'nt fixed the lint warning bug in android studio have they
every setText is showing a lint warning "may cause NullPointerException"
sorry TLN
i'm reaaly busy
It's really hard to describe a user agent to none technical people
ok TLN
you're using the Cordova JS way
you should use the ionic way
cordovaJS uses document
but there's not really a working document in ionic so it doesn't always work
turned on instant run while making design changes and it's still not working properly
\o jason
@CptEric Well... that was not a problem anyway..
That's what I was trying.
@Graeme "You know how your car has a make & model, and you often need to tell people the make and model for things like insurance or a parking permit? Well, the user agent is like your browser's make & model."
a hello world, TLN?
now it loaded
setup a this.date or self.date and update that
i think
damn too long since ionic
can't help you, sorry :(
i've been working full time on three ios projects lately
OMG, 3 projects together ?
One man army :P
1 big with lots of damn small itty bitty hell-of-a-ddificulty-to-fix glitches
1 big from scratch i just started 1 month ago
and 1 small with some little features here and there from time to time
I guess first one would be painful.
and there's more incoming, we might need to find a freelancer to come and work here in-house :/
like, something is crashing on the users 9.0.2 iphone 6+, but not on any other phone from him or from us.
How many hours do you work daily ?
6 hours . This is pretty interesting compare to our 8 to 9 hours.
i have 5 hours of classes on the afternoons
no more time for würk
But mostly glitches and here-and-there features are developed by support team. so this is a big relief.
No sweat
i am the (on IOS) support team of my coworker, that usually layouts and does the main IOS things
so imagine how much work he has XD
But it could be difficult to manage 3 project in 6 hours. But you are doing well I know :P
for now®
@JasonWyatt Good call - I tried to describe it as a rugby player wearing the wrong shirt :P
i miss android.
brb time to lunch
git push origin hamster #GitTyposAreAWesome
So - I'm going to create a little app for fun. But the last time I did web/rest stuff I did it in Tomcat back in the day. What is the new standard/tech for java webservers? Nice lightweight ones.
Is there another side to Retrofit? That would make things easy
nanohttpd looks interesting
Pottering around with Jersey server in Netbeans shudder. Not fun so far but seems fairly standard
netpork - I'm looking for something that I'd be able to deploy to another webserver/build on in future.
can you use java8?
if yes, you could try spark
a friend told me it is similar to sinatra for ruby
Gradle sync started... 25 minutes ago.
Hey Mauker - How'd your lib get on materialUp! ?
half an hour already. Seriously, wtf?
I honestly have no idea!
I just found out that someone put it there
Be nice if mine was on there - but then, no one but you guys knows it exists :)
I do ha
try to send it to android arsenal
Good idea
visa interview scheduled
for US ?
yeah for the US
Good luck.
thanks mate
Cool - how'd you get a visa Ahmad?
Simple gradle clean solved that issue
@Graeme have not gotten it yet - applying for a J1 :)
have to for my internship in the summer
I guess J1 is for student visa.
Ah, cool, I got a year long student visa
did you have to go through an interview as well?
Mauker - How'd you get your lib on Android Arsenal?
I can't remember one...
I had to send an email
he has connections to the android mafia
dem midshift
always sleepy
@Mauker I sent an email too (via the form on the site) and never got a response.. :-/
I can't even find the form :P
@JasonWyatt Mine came in two days I guess.
@McAdam331 also sent his lib there, took a few days. I think you should try to send the email again if it has been that long already.
Yeah you know I submitted two other ones I have and they never got in.
I should try again.
I guess the admin is on vacation :D
and it's 4rth of may
we're melting here.
andrea says \o
May the fourth be with you!
use the force, adam
I'm excited for tomorrow - Revenge of the Fifth.
May the fourth be with you always
"a sith only deals in absolutes" . "do or do not, do not try".
this is why our generation has trust issues.
Andrea should draw something to celebrate the 4th :)
@RaghavSood you had a J1 before right? how much $ did you pay for an insurance?
I have an F1
And I get insurance done in India
It's about $1200 for me to get it done here
About $600 in India
oh fuck
so it'll be pricy
but you had this internship last year as well right?
Odds are you can get a cheaper one in Germany, since you're from there
did you not get a J1 then?
I may not have done a very official one earlier
Lol okay haha
damn I thought this would have been covered :/
Expensive world, the one we live.
I'm glad I did my Student Visa through my university o.o I hardly paid anything
if you upvote her answers she says, bc she needs only 14 to enter
@CptEric Wait, what
14 points
hmm apparently it's $250 for the one MS recommends
and the reimburse it after all! \o/
you overpaid mate @raghav
I didn't take the one here :P
I got mine done in India, for about INR 30000
Which is $450, not $600 as I said earlier
javascript is so ugly
got a headache from it. definitely not from gaming till late last night
aah I see, raghav
wow, new version of Opera browser has built-in ad blocker
wow, nice
Good morning people
So with an Apple enterprise membership, you can't host apps on the store?? What kind of shit is that.
I guess if you want to develop apps for both internal and the public you need two memberships... that does seem odd.
yo cM
I thought you need to pay for everything at Apple; including just saying the word Apple
Lol, Een
John, I was looking at the differences here developer.apple.com/support/compare-memberships
We have someone porting our app to iOS and I need to manage the memberships and how all that is going to work. Just seemed really strange
It looks like the only benefit is that you get the install file. Which we were going to host but wanted to be able to put it on the store also
ugh :/
well, if you were going to put it in the store anyway just get the org account and direct people there to install it
enterprise is for when you want to keep it out of the store.
Right. I think we wanted to have both options. Or maybe we don't know what we want. Lol
We host ours for Android so I think that's why we were originally going that route. Plus we don't like the time it takes for an update to be available
ah yeah that's the downside
We have specific customers and they can only use it if their device is registered through our site so that makes it a little different than most situations
Yeah, when I told one of the owners about it taking weeks, he did not like that at all
I'm going to put together a list of positives and negatives soon then we will meet about it. Just thought I'd see what others' experiences have been. I know there are some in here who have dealt with iOS
You might just need both accounts.
it really doesnt cost that much
Good luck cM; don't quit like Ted
Not really. I'll bring up the two accounts scenario
But our CFO is pretty tight with stuff. Ha
One of the owners bought a freezer for the office for under $200. She flipped out until she found out that he paid for it himself
Though, there is a difference between buying a freezer for office ice cream and a developer account
Kasic dropped out. Really didn't expect that yet
so, trump it is
i thought it was a joke 6 months ago
andrea is drawing XD
I did too from the beginning. I didn't really think it would go this far
@Mauker , @All , from andrea :
Nobody believed him
I am surprised myself
trump :/
The only surprising thing is that he did it despite the republican establishment being against him
@codeMagic It waas Ted who dropped out; Kasich did too?
(Googling like so fast....)
This is over
we are doomed
The one nice thing about trump is that he doesn't want to start a war with russia like every other politician
so he might actually be safer
Een, I get news updates through our local talk radio station. Just got one that Kasic did a little while ago
This is a huge gamble but hey, war is the last thing anyone wants
no , he'll just wage war against anyone else :/
I still think the establishment will try to find a way to bamboozle him
Let us wait and see what happens in the next few months
The whole process is weird; how can they still thwart him cM after all the winnings?
The only people that I'm aware of who he wants a war against is ISIS
The system huh
I don't know, Een. But they seem to make up rules that suit them. I don't know if they can. Just saying I wouldn't be surprised
Yeah sometimes I wonder why we spend billions of dollars on fighting wars most often on our own
Many countries are taking advantage of the US citizens who pay taxes
It is not fair lhaha but those in Washington don't give a hoot
No matter what Trump says right now though, the political system in Washington won't allow him to do much on his own;; too much talk
well, usa gov likes to wage wars, and we don't. so we kind of let you have your bits of fun.
nobody (not politician) on europe cared about irak having MDW's
and we did giant demonstrations against the war.
Speaking of WMDs, there's the DreamCrusher
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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