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@Glitch Congrats
By any chance did you draw this in your drawing app? — Smittey 1 min ago
Now we need Sanders and Corbyn to take the wheel
Somebody sure is passionate about their frenched fries
French fries are called French because when they were 'invented' Belgium did not exist yet. It was France back then. But I still like "Belgian Fries" better :D
France can have waffles
Always enjoy a good French Fries conversation
I want my own waffles
We had a discussion about that for hours at my work
MRW MHacks finishes:
Cool, what did you make? :D
If you want to see some old and not updated screenshots of our app, but see the concept @TristanWiley and I made, check out Capture The Tag!
Cool! Sounds great for Android Wear :D
Yeah! We didn't get that far, but we didn't really try either because we only had one watch (a moto360) which apparently doesn't have NFC communication?
You didn't know the Android SDK yet? =p
the moto360 doesn't have NFC?
lol according to my teammates, no.
I'm holding out a bit I'll get an android wear later :)
Hmm I didn't write that. One of us had no android experience, but I think they meant we didn't know the combination of (NFC, Android SDK) lol
but for my next phone I want one with NFC.
ah yeah
don't get a Samsung unless you live in korea.
Anyone here use Devpost? Is it only for hackathons, or can I share other cool personal projects there?
just one of you knows Android? and you and tristan joined? =p
@McAdam331 it's like a portfolio imho
Never used it sorry
My samsung is fine. Nothing spectacular but fine
And it does have a bunch of KitKat roms at least. otherwise I'd be stuck on jellybean
Calling a Samsung "fine" is like a compliment in this room.
I've had more problems with my SE Xperia Ray
I had a Ray and now an Samsung Galaxy Ace 2
My brother had one, I saw it in action, it was cheap and really needed a phone. I'm happy with it.
Yeah Adam, I was surprised by the New to Android Studio line there for a second
Yeah haha I'm not sure what he was going for with that. I didn't write this, I was sleepy.
I didn't sleep until 8:30 ish Sunday morning.
Well, of the other two (one who filled this out), one person had very little Android experience and the other had minimal experience, but some.
I'd like to pursue this outside of the hackathon. Tristan and Zade both expressed interest, which is cool, it confirms to me that we built something interesting.
When I left SpartaHack, I never wanted to touch that project again.
But with this one, I want to refine it (and fix all the hacky code)
and fix yo design
I have comments in there like "//TODO: Should do [x], but am doing [y] because fuck it we have 36 hours, efficiency later."
Okay some of the later screens have been fixed
but we didn't get all our screenshots in
Feel free to reach out to me on Hangouts if you're interested in some other screenshots.
Or just wait till we fine tune and release it haha
i will design the icon myself.
LOL I was just wondering why this school website won't load
turns out it has a div called blockAd
Adblocker removed the entire page
my boss just split a project in two and "re-factorized" the code. He's so proud. But now nothing compiles anymore, some files are gone and I have some gold lines like if (obj == null) { return obj.getX(); }. Please kill me.
oh god
Please tell me by "split it in two" you mean "branched before hacking it apart"?
you should be able to revert the whole thing?
I'm so happy I only have one other person working on the code
And he does a good job with it
@McAdam331 My todos are usually //TODO fix or //TODO optimize
I like to put //TODO maybe [something] that way I don't feel as bad when I never do it
since it was only a maybe.
I like that idea, Foamy
@Luke You should describe how/why you want to fix it. Otherwise, it defeats the purpose of the comment. Like: "//TODO: This data source is not singleton, but rather than spend the time fixing all current uses, we are going to move forward with the current model and handle this as a stretch goal" which is a similar comment that we actually have somewhere haha
// TODO - Only God knows why this works, don't you dare to modify.
Am I the only one in here who thinks comments are useful? lolol
well, they are usually obvious things, or sometimes just an empty statement denoting some stuff should go there
I find them useful lots of times
They are useful
and if I don't remember, I can just run that method and see why it crashes
yeah, they are, but most of the times I'm just too lazy to write them
Kinda funny. Here at work we have laptops that go in sleep mode if not used a few minutes (this can't be changed apparently) and then it shows promotional images of the company as screensaver. Today it's this girl doing a karate kick or something in short jeans. Her legs all spread from the kick. Aren't there some design rules with lines that draw the most attention o something? I think her crotch is positioned on the spot where all those lines meet.
Yeah. I'm really good about commenting when I do things I know are iffy, or commenting when I fix a bug, but I'm bad about commenting when it works
which is terrible, because when I go to improve I'm always asking "why did I think this was the right way at that time"
I was working on a project for 6 months ; 3 months ago, they forked my project to work on some other stuffs bu used my base code. Every now and then, they merged my new code with theirs. Yesterday, the boss decided to split the project in 3 parts (core/common, my stuff, their stuff). But he didn't fetch the last version of my code before and did some "clever refactoring". Then he commited on my branch. Without checking if the code works or even compile...
well nevermind.
// TODO: Time wasted on here: 10
@OcuS Ouch. Does your Source Control let you roll back certain commits? Is this at least fixible? (Despite how much of a pain in the ass it will be)
yes. all of them :D
Well that's good.
he's doing the whole process again, I'm not helping him.
LOL that reminds me. When we were walking out to our car, my partner (who doesn't develop as much as me) is like "I'm really glad we used all the technology that we did that I don't use otherwise, like I'm glad we used github to stay organized." and I'm just silently going why the fuck are you surprised we used source control?!
ops, caps
I know he uses it at work, but I think he was expecting us all to work locally and shit at the hackathon, for some reason unknown to me.
the first time I did a hackaton like thing I was also excited to use git
We didn't at our first one. Suddenly it's clicking that maybe that's what he meant.
Hey guys
my boss often does things in a rush and at very late hours. Last week he sent an email at 2AM: "Server XXX deleted". Next morning, I'm like "WAT???" days before he told me "there's a new server for project YYY, can you deploy there?" Which I did. But this server also hosted other project ; which I didn't move because he didn't tell me he was gonna DELETE the server...
"I'm really glad we used github to stay organized because our last hackathon sucked."
That's probably what he meant.
lol! :D
I was just too tired to register it ha
tristan o/
yeah hackatons are tiring but so awesome
o/ Tristan
LOL Ocus!
@codeMagic Are you and Ocus employed by the same guy? His boss stories sound a lot like yours sometimes haha
You have a funny boss
Adam when should we work on either CTT or our apps? Part of me really wants to work on it part of me wants to sleep for a few months or so.
Sleep for a few months or so.
I'm not touching it.
code in your sleep!
If you want to fork the repo and tweak it go ahead. I'd like to make a local copy of it as well for shits and giggles.
dump that and start making ideas for the next hackathon
I might work on xkcd
I want to do an NFC tag scavanger hunt at the next hackathon.
Kind of like geocaching, but not.
you can make a NFC phone tracker
have tags literally everywhere, upload the location to your server, voila
I don't see it.
So recreate GPS with NFC?
yeah it's a stupid idea
Nah, ideas are never stupid.
well you can ensure maximum precision
That's true.
I think NFC would be a great marketing tool.
"Tap your phone to this tag to go to our website."
lightyears better than QR codes.
"Damn, it doesn't work on my phone :P"
Oh. So maybe not that much better haha.
"It's an iPhone"
"NFC only works with Apple Pay"
"Tag your phone to install this virus"
replaces tag to go to another website instead
Haha, yeah, there may be some trust issues.
Is NFC like an outdated technology? Do people use NFC for anything right now?
we plant powerful NFC tags underground so all phones can be tracked with maximum precision
that's a badass plan
Yes it is. When you find funding, I'll come help. ;P
I forgot there was a dev specific subreddit. I'm gonna have to subscribe to that.
ohh hai!
@McAdam331 I reckon it's much cheaper than satelites
but idk about the ocean
Don't forget the moon so we can track astronauts.
place nfc stickers on the moon
so when aliens come with nfc enabled phones, we can track them
I'm both genius and retarded
NFC in north korea
we can track what kim jong eun is up to
Can't we already do that with that movie? =p
he's sitting in tanks singing Katy Perry, of course.
Or playing some b-ball
Ugh, I'm always so bad with commit messages haha
Don't know what to write. "Made screen X work" sounds kind of lame
meh I put stuff like that all the time
@McAdam331 Haha! I was thinking the same thing when I read his earlier story
maybe it is the same boss
If Foamy says so then it's fine :D
Lol I was fighting a bug with an ExpandableListView for like 2.5 hours
when i finally got it to work I committed my changes with (and I quote): "THAT'S SOME GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE! (Fixed ExpandableListView)"
That must have been painful
Are you bleeding now from your fingers?
No, surprisingly.
seems accurate
soviet ftw
the watermark says brasilball, but none of those countries are brazil.
oh I got the US one now while I was typing why it doesn't have towers...
that mongolian chess looks interesting
more cavs!
BrasilBall is a page on facebook
Hmm, maybe I should make a game of chess with more pieces where you can call in reinfocements
@miva2 oh. my. god. I just saw that. That's terrible.
Maybe that's why the US ball looks angry
haha maybe
us doesn't have fortresses
I love polandball memes
they only have the army
Is Poland more funny than other countries?
Don't know much about poland :(
No, I think the whole theme of countryball started around poland
Ah, possibly
So, I always see them referred to as "Polandball" even if poland isn't in them
Yeah, according to know your meme also known as "Countryballs" but I guess started with poland ball.
I searched country ball and got to polandball :)
Allright, back to work
Yeah I need to do that also
This is pretty good
o/ Carl
Yo carl
In the past week my blog received an average of 27 unique visits per day. I think that's a good start?
posted on September 14, 2015 by Reto Meier

Posted by Lily Sheringham, Google Play team Australian developer Domain is part of a multi-platform property business, which provides search tools and information for buyers, sellers, renters, investors, and agents across Australia. The Domain Real Estate & Property app was voted a top five lifestyle app in Australia and now has three dedicated Android developers who work closely with their d

Any initial feedback, Trevor?
when's the subscribe button coming
at least you can add RSS
When I can find a plugin that works
How does RSS work?
it's basically an xml file containing all of your blog posts
I see an RSS widget as an option, but what will it do?
maybe a link to the XML?
hmm I'll throw it in for a quick second and see what it does
oh. It just lets me display items from an RSS feed url
but, hmm
I don't need a feed of my blog, on my blog, haha
and I don't know anyone else who would want my feed, but it's built in if they need it like you said
Yeah, all it does is show a list of links (maybe in real time?) of my latest blog posts that I set.
This would be more useful than the recent comments widget for sure
if I used it to display a comment feed
Did you sleep yet McD ?
yes haha I slept about 8 hours last night. But I only slept 1 during the hackathon
I am still very wired up and loopy, it will take a day or two to get back into the groove
Cool; That is why you're full of energy to rock on your blogging...
Well take your time
Yeah, I always leave these events with so much motivation
All moved into my new office. I don't think I like it already
New job or new office, cM?
Just new office...for now
oh. Well, that's decent.
like, the ones that go on your wall, that is.
I still have 6, same as before. But instead of being able to see the parking lot I just see trees
And I have a different desk because I didn't feel like moving the two big ass ones I had before
two desks, six windows, you must be very important
This desl is smaller and I don't feel like I can get my laptop screen in the right place. Maybe bitching some more will help
No, not at all
I still don't have the 24" monitor they told me they would get me
I don't know when is an appropriate time to poke them again
How long has it been?
lol uhh a couple months? It's been a while
I would definitely say it's poking time
I'll send a passiveagressive email
good idea
"I'm just wondering if you had a chance to order that monitor yet? I can't see all of my emails on this screen, might have missed it."
Or the much harsher version "Still waiting on the extra four inches you said you had."
@OcuS not a big deal, it was just a bit awkward at the time. :D
Cause I think this monitor is 20" but I'm not sure. And it just sucks cause it's square too
During my move, I did realize how much crap I have that I'm sure I don't need
A bunch of boxes, cables, tablets...
Lol nice
I sent a non passive aggressive email, but hopefully this poke works
You work on a square monitor?
Well, my external one. I have a laptop, too, but it's just 15 inches and I do more work on the external anyays.
Well, I work on a 13 inches macbook
That's my personal laptop. I love it, I would work on that no problem haha. As long as I could have the external screen still at work haha
at home I have a 22" external
20.5 at home
so much love
15 retina
other displays are shit
my gramma has a 22" external
haha nice edit
I'm like damn, Jyoon's gramma is living better than I am
your feed's working superbly
Which program is this?
Wow, that's really cool haha
Yeah, what software is that Jyoon?
Reeder for Mac
worth it
Dollar is too damn high here :(
internet is so damn fast here today
stupendous 15 KB/s down.
Neat, I'll check it out. Thanks Jyoon
1 hour later…
ugh, there is no way to change the textSize on TimePicker from xml -_-
make your own
don't got time fer that nonesense
i feel you
Yeah custom layout; ain't got no time for that?
not for a widget lol
ugh I'm still so tired
and I didn't pack lunch because I over slept last night because I didn't sleep at all the previous two nights.
Hackathons are so bad for your health lol
@Ahmad I don't know how you do these all the time, and in different time zones.
forgot to mention that my friend was there again for Apple
do you remember meeting anyone named Marco? lol
I didn't talk to any Apple guys haha
he sent me lots of snapchats that were pretty funny
even when you change it from java it only affects the center row, not the top or bottom
curse this device with abnormally large resolution
and whoever implemented TimePicker
Yeah it's really hard to get the right ids for pickers in java
I did it with datepicker, but the id was also specific to the OS so I removed it
because once I ran my app on dev preview it failed.
luckily I am basically targeting a single device
That helps.
But yeah, it wasn't important enough for me to just make my own date picker, so I just use whatever comes with Android.
thats basically where I am at
this was supposed to just be a "quick adapt this app made for a much smaller screen to look decent on this one that is way more pixels"
Hmmm. You'd think Android would use dps in the right way so that happened?
github.com/toshikurauchi/MaskedEditText someone here ever used this?
Well this device has a relatively large resolution and honestly even all of the system text is super tiny.
There is probably some style setting somewhere in the specific OS build that should have been increased but wasn't
@mcadam being 19 has its benifits
I've slept 11h today tho
haven't slept so good in a long time
I slept 10 hours last night
all-day volleyball tournament yesterday
played for ~7 hours
got knocked out in the semi-finals
rained the entire morning of the tournament, it was almost cancelled at noon
Guess I'm not giving good answers today...
My head hurts.
had fun though, didn't expect to get that far.
Well that's good, Carl.
That guy on the left looks like he's about to break a hip!
jk jk looks fun!
Judging by everything around you I'd have expected your team to be convered in mud.
volleyball is difficult for average-sized people like myself
kills my wrists too
Carl is on it again
Can't catch a break huh?
it wasn't too muddy, but the grass sure got beat up
I can't breathe deep today without it aching from soreness
Who does the boosting carl? The lady without shoes?
setting you mean?
Yeah that is what I mean
the lady in the teal shirt does that
the shoeless one, and the one in the green seahawks shirt were hitters
I used to love this game until I couldn't find a place to play it
eww, Seahawks
You probably hit pretty well too carl? No?
I like to, yes :D
@trevor-e Uhm.. kinda live in Seattle here, ya know?
What's a hitter? I just know set, bump, spike, and fall down
Never mind, I got it now
to get more technical (about volleyball), we run a 5:1 offense
Pair Programmers
so we only have 1 setter, and then everyone else plays either Outside hitter, Middle hitter, or Right hitter.
@CarlAnderson I know, it's just my auto Patriots fan response
I play middle hitter
Makes sense
Being tall is good although not necessary;
I used to patriotically like the Patriots, but don't anymore. Too much shady stuff going on with that team.
I wonder how many places Google had to update their new Google Logo
even considering they probably have it automated pretty well

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