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@Ahmad use a SE api to automatically post starred messages in the blog (If they provide any for chat that is)
I don't think they do tho
did you give up on the blog Ahmad?
I still haven't got my response from Github Edu.
@CarlAnderson I figured out how to work with subdirectories, just didn't update yet
because it requires me to go through all templates and update the path
Here's some motivational music for you.
it seems like this is the only solution
@jyoon nah, they don't provide such an API
@nil now you're unicorn octosquealer?
really disappointed in Espresso so far. The documentation / explanations of things is really bad / missing.
I thought you enjoyed it?
I really like the tests that I have,
and it's super fun to watch it execute them
but there's a lot of assumptions I'm running into that aren't explained very well
for instance, if you want to put some text into an edit text,
the test will fail if it thinks the edit text isn't 90% visible
and looking at the edittext on my screen, it IS 100% visible
90% visible?
but instead I end up having write a scrollTo(editText) call instead
can't it actually determine with a certainty if something is visible or not?
> android.support.test.espresso.PerformException: Error performing 'single click' on view 'with id: test.com.myproject.app:id/navigationButtonProfile'.
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Action will not be performed because the target view does not match one or more of the following constraints:
at least 90 percent of the view's area is displayed to the user.
Oooh okay
for some reason I thought you meant View.VISIBLE
which would be fine if it was mentioned in the docs
or if they mentioned the scrollTo part in the docs
they didn't at all?
huh, that is indeed weird
it's mentioned in the "Start Guide", but not used in the "Examples" <- which is where everything links to
also, all of the sample code does static imports of the functions, without actually showing which static import
so right now I'm stuck trying to figure out the onData call I want to use, because I don't know which (of three possibilities) of allOf, is, and instanceOf I should be using.
oh man :/
onData(allOf(is(instanceOf(String.class)), is("Americano"))).perform(click());
that's 7 static functions right there
another thing that is somewhat irritating, is that the english words they are using would imply that they're using booleans somewhere in the process, but they're not.
is("something") doesn't return a boolean value
I wanted to write a conditional test that tried to determine at startup if I was logged in or not, but all of the conditions that I test in the app are Assertion style conditionals, not boolean ones.
anyway, seems like a good thing to write a blog post about, if that ever ends up happening ;-)
Put it in the Room-15 blog! Oh, wait...
We should set up a blog that's basically an archive of every starred post and the context around them, grabs like 20 lines above and 5 lines below and then you select which lines are relevant and hit post, gold saved forever.
posted on March 13, 2015 by Android Developers

Posted by Joshua Gordon, Developer Advocate Haystack TV is a small six person startup with an ambitious goal: personalize the news. Traditionally, watching news on TV means viewing a list of stories curated by the network. Wouldn’t it be better if you could watch a personalized news channel, based on interesting YouTube stories? Haystack already had a mobile app, but entering the living ro

Then star-whoring can achieve internet immortality
Carl it's been nearly 4 hours, you should ask Ahmad where the blog posts are at.
gar nichts
o/ cM!
I used process because doInBackGround is a method so there might be multiple threads running in it. So it's better to call process than thread.
o/ nana!
How's it going?
lol Bb where did you get that one from?
Not great
How's it going on the east side?
A: Create a Handler inside doInBackground

Apurva I always get this message: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare() doInBackground() is a non-ui process and handler can only be used for ui thread. You cannot use handler for any thread you are executing inside doInBackground method. That's why it raises an er...

wait the answer is getting better
@Ahmad it's been nearly four hours. Where the fuck are the blog posts!?!?
It looks like it's sunny outside.
Lol nana
I like consistency...
Ahmad, did you see the memo about getting the blog post done?
I could swear someone here suggested me this tool..
Ahmad are we famous yet?
Ahmad why are you such a failure?
Ahmad why wouldn't you just tell me the name of the tool I am looking for again?
Ahmad srsly!
4 mins ago, by Ahmad
@kLuTcH you've got write access, welcome. Please read the room rules.
@Daniel Welcome! Please read the room rules.
@Daniel since we are huge Jake Wharton fanboys, you've been given write access, welcome.
Too slow carl.
You work at square?
Like Carl said. We are very fond of Square here.
I typed twice as much as you AND granted the access.
now you're just bragging
Thanks and hello :)
o/ bb
Nothing like special treatment... I wonder how does Klutch feel now.
Ahmad - you OK? Feeling dizzy? Put your head between your knees so you don't pass out.
Klutch, we are such huge India fans!
because I'm working nonstop on the blog?
Are you really in India right now?!?
Where is Em? How come he'S not obeying? Did he leave yet?
Is that better, nana?
nana - open the fucking blinds, shave your neckbeard.
He's in Ecuador nana
You mean Mexico?
@Daniel do you know Jake Wharton personally? I'm sorry I had to ask.
Omg, Ahmad!
SOuthern Mexico, nana
Nana, they also have these lamp shade thingies that hide the naked CFLs
We lost you, someone kickban Dan, or Ahmad loses it.
cM, South South Canada. FTFY.
jin, is their purpose decorative or functional?
I am leaving for a little bit
nana, functional.
Cause I don't like Apple.
they diffuse the light for better, even distribution of light through out the room.
I buy Lenovo, just so you have an idea who you're talking to.
I will return after about 4 shots and 2 beers
Less reflection on your monitor screen form the two harsh light points in the room
cM, I'm gonna have to ask for your keys.
That sounds like a great idea cM! Make it 4 and 4, f it's better
and your wallet.
ahmad, this is not a stick up haha
You guys really want this blog.
Well, I'm LAZY.
Stop wasting time!
you guys gotta wait a bit
How did you hit Y instead of S... you're drunk nana.
QWERTZ master race
you have a qwertz keyboard?
because I do.
S is in the same spot on QWERTZ and QWERTY, don't gimme that shit.
I have shitty US QWERTY kb but QWERTZ ubermensch layout.
QWERTZ master race is the same as saying german master race. I don't that's what you want to say.
Think again
stepping away from this conversation
is there another layout with QWERTZ?
Plus it's not just Germany, you know.
Back to the important thing - get a lampshade you bachelor.
I kind of like it, it's unapalogetically utilitarian.
And if you saw the rest of the lab, the absence of the lamp shade would likely be the last thing you'd notice.
"Unapologetically utilitarian" - Nana Ive
Wait, this isn't your home?
it's the new york lifestyle
^ but it's missing a bed bug.
It is. It's a lab in my home.
people in new york don't have enough money to buy furniture
money nor space
that's why emmanuel emmigrated to ecuador
South Mexico.
$1100 for 850 sq. ft. with parking. That's like 4 new york apartments - wait, they don't have parking.
I wonder how large is my place...
apropos mexico:
I pay 1500 for 600 sqft :(
I really hope I can get in. Would love to go to wikimania in Mexico.
ok, I'm out of here. @codeMagic you can now post whatever trash code snippets you want again.
Ahmad, which app are those many notification icons from?
1.5k for 600sqft trevor?! o.o
renotify cygery
it's for long term reminders
Laters Carl the grey!
it just creates a persistent notification
I could have found a cheaper place, but there are so many colleges in Boston
cya carl
so I'm competing against college kids for crappy apartments
$2100 I win
instead I decided to get a nice apartment slightly out of the city
ahmad, keep in mind most places in north america are "warm, dunkel" so at least most of the utilities are included
thanks Ahmad, looks like a nice and useful app :)
it is!
so that's what @codemagic is up to in his free time: wnep.com/2015/03/13/…
Inside a backpack o.o
I don't think the arrow points to the Walmart.
when i see stuff like that i realize i am not creative enough...
google maps skips frames =(
oh wow just realized it's friday the 13th
@jyoon I am many things, all of them squealing the octocorns.
I like it.
@Ahmad it's been nearly five hours. Where the fuck are the blog posts!?!?
@Ahmad I only make it; I don't smoke it, I swear
I am coming up with titles in my new startup and CTO and CEO are so boring, so I chose to call the CEO Führer and the CTO will be Obergruppenführer.
heading out guys see you on monday
Later Een
See ya, Een
Hr could be Berufsbauchnabelglattere
PR will be Reichspropagandaminister
Reichspropagandaminister Göbbels aka nana
I don't know, I think I might suck at PR. I might be good at propaganda though...
That's marketing not HR
Maybe that should be... (as Dave S said) Marketing.
nana guess what the German word for ambassador is
it's hilarious
that's a bit discomforting - you know as a german national I feel obligated to say something against hitler ascii art
Botschafter sounds awesome
@Ahmad , if you see Hitler in that that you have a whole another problem ;)
you guys just don't know
you edited it!
pls. no browny stuff.
Offtopic: Have you guys heard about a tool that would let us create android screens and then click through them to see the flow through the application?
which tool?
:) Browny, Gay Brony
or are you asking us the name of this tool?
I asked this before and someone told me there is such a thing in AS
like testflight nana?
I don't know what is testflight, let's see.
Imagine this, you open this magical tool and are presented with the usuall layout editor, here you create a layout you like then you chose a button or a list item and define that once cliked another layut should open, or something else should happen.
Then when you'Re done with this, you could possibly export this as an app skeleton.
Yeah I know what you mean
it's like storyboard for AS
but I can't find the name for it
So you wouldn't have to create the activities? Just click through layouts?
Does it exist?
Storyboard for Android built into AS?
what in the actual fuck is that.
maybe this fluidui.com?
unipus, and an octocorn?
corn, but you got the gist
unipus and octocorn
@codeMagic Yeah I saw that today, but that's not really it, it'S kind of shitty.
Do you like Apfelsaft?
is that an obscurely named Android library, or do you mean apple juice?
There is a storyboard like editor in AS
I'm pretty sure
that's supposed to be applesauce right?
Ja, ich mache, mein Fuhrer.
There's a "Design" layout in AS, that's pretty fucking bad.
everyone likes applesauce unless you are a monster
juice - saft, sauce - soße
Apfelsoße is apple sauce
bad as in not good or bad as in "You're one bad dude, man"?
I'd guess just plain old boring bad
oh, that's no fun
But! I still have to find it.
I don't know why, but it seems it's common to see Dreamweaver (yeah, that thing) called "Dream Viewer" in India?
oh yeah i misread the article
Otherwise I have no idea what this Dream Viewer thing is that some Indian guy we hired is referring to. It's under his "Java IDEs" list of skills.
He thinks Javascript is Java
I would have said that he maybe meant team viewer
but in that context it does not make sense
Ahmad, where is this mythical tool you hide from me?
I have no idea
I searched everywhere
it's like I just made it up
If he crashes and burns, it'll be obvious.
Everything suggests he's smart and knows what he's talking about, though.
I think it's just a language barrier thing with his resume.
that's very possible
Found it, it's the Navigation Editor in Tools > Android > Navigation Editor
Such hidden. Very invisible.
I knew it existed
today is world sleep day
in spirit of that I'm going to sleep
tomorrow is pi day
as a great gesture of how much I honour this day
@DaveS only in america
sane people write their dates like this 14.03.2015
nah that's how extremists write their dates, why do you hate America extremist?
thanks, nana
I hate freedom and like living in my commie europe, where I'm forced to receive free education and health care
life is unfair
the metric system is a symbol of the devil
which proves global warming is a hoax
cause all these scientists use the metric system which is for the devil so clearly their hearts and minds are corrupted.
scientists are the devil true
@codeMagic What did I do now?
You shared the thing you found
Oh, of course! I am awesome.
I saw that when I was searching for you but someone said it was bad and it didn't sound like what you wanted so I didn't look at it further. I failed
Yes, I know that
So I was thanking you for not keeping it yourself like Ahmad was doing
scientists and their evidence
- can confirm I'm brown and don't believe in evidence
what's a "cis male"?
catholic, irish, sexy?
cosx - isinx
It's there in imaginary number theory
Or maybe I've been doing too much math
Is it just me or is it the simplest things that end up being the biggest pain in the butt.
I've been trying to setText on a TextView for a week and a half, if it makes you feel better
I am having the hardest time just pulling a contacts image to put in an ImageView
like... loosing my mind
@RaghavSood that better be some very tricky textview lol
@Ahmad "Typically used by whiny tumblr users who complain about not being accepted for who they are and yet bash these "cis" people for being born and being okay with the sex they were born with." ha.
Android Wear does weird things to normal things
TIL cisgender.
Tumblr = most surreal place on the internet
if you enjoy this, you'll enjoy /r/tumblrinaction
afk passing math
math? you don't do math on 5 am
that never ends good
@Pyrodante what's the problem?
I am selecting a contact
but then when I want to get that contacts image it doesn't work
one of the problems is I need the image on some future run...
I Seem to have the contactID
maybe there is no image?
I am selecting a contact with an image?
never worked with contacts before, sorry can't help there :s
Google Content Resolvers :/
@nana can you update your SO profile to detail your escape from Monsanto as a genetic experiment for self farming bananas?
I think the story should be told
wubba wubba
So, I have AIME on the 25th, and I need to study. Shit.
good luck!
@DaveS I can, but will I?
as a sentient organism it is your right to decide
How much money is too much money?
I have a "standard" drawer_list_item and a v14 - drawer_list_item. Shouldn't the v14 one be used on API 14 and higher?
Becasue that not how it wors right now
but it used to do, before API 22
Hold on, when did you first release your music helper?
I don't know, why do you ask? :)
I can check
Because you have quite a lot of downloads.
"If you use layout-v11 it will be used for all versions >= 11 unless a higher version is specified (e.g. layout_v14). So you should only need to make the one folder, layout-v11."
So the answer is yes
but it does not work
Go here and thank me later.
thank you later
but I don't understand
nana, I uploaded the first version 2013-11-29
Thanks, it's cool that you still update it.
seems legit nana

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