Do I need to use Roboto font and put it to asset folder if my app will support only Android 4+ devices?
I would greatly appreciate for your help. Alex. P.S. Sorry for my English:)
Is there a way to use Roboto without including the Roboto font as an
No there is no other way of doing this for API 11<.
I usually create a custom TextView for the Robot typeface:
public class TextView_Roboto extends TextView {
public TextView_Roboto(Context context, Attr...
he's actually referencing a comment another guy made on that answer
I just set the typeface in the theme and replace the typeface using reflection atm, unless there's a solution that doesn't use reflection for apps with appcompat I think I'll leave it.
I have a simple Custom TextView that sets custom font in its constructor like the code below
public class MyTextView extends TextView {
@Inject CustomTypeface customTypeface;
public MyTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
unless you can avoid it I don't see the point in messing with system fonts, you only need to create the typeface once and pass the reference around if you need it elsewhere
I think this guy goes through a bunch of the even lower level abstraction layers:
I built a basic processor in EEE120 then wrote some Java code that parsed Assembly and converted it to binary in another class. That's about as deep as I got.
Carl, I did something similar to this to get it espresso working with robolectric for us:
why did it take so long for him to be arrested? any one else would've been in holding as soon as the flight landed... i thought all us-bound flights had marshalls on them?