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wait what did I miss
when did I say this?
eski's co-worker knows you
everybody knows me
I'm famous.
on the internet
you should change your name to notPewdiepie
@eski wait, did he actually refer to a comment I made on Stackoverflow?
he pasted an answer that referenced you and your answer into our chatroom
LOL. Awesome.
Q: Roboto font for Android 4+?

AlexMomotovDo I need to use Roboto font and put it to asset folder if my app will support only Android 4+ devices? I would greatly appreciate for your help. Alex. P.S. Sorry for my English:)

I'm trying to convince them to go with loading the typefaces from assets
as it ensures consistency
A: Use Roboto font in app with minimum API level 14

Ahmad Is there a way to use Roboto without including the Roboto font as an asset? No there is no other way of doing this for API 11<. I usually create a custom TextView for the Robot typeface: public class TextView_Roboto extends TextView { public TextView_Roboto(Context context, Attr...

he's actually referencing a comment another guy made on that answer
it goes deeper!
I should change my SO name to googleBot
convince people I'm an AI by only linking very accurate search results in context but not saying anything else, freak people out in NSChat
woah, maybe you'll get acquired by google
How crazy would that be
Maybe they would hire you to drive their cars
and your last message in room 15 will be "it was such a journey"
lol get $4 billion for AI technology that doesn't exist
annnnnd... it looks like we're going to ignore my concerns with using system fonts and do it anyway because it 'might' be faster performance-wise.
@eski nope
it's not
if you cache the font then it's not
that's what I say...
how do you think the system fonts get applied?
you could go with my lazy ass approach and use reflection to change the asset for one of the default font families and then set it in the theme.
that sounds wonky dave
it is wonky but it's the only way I found to set an app wide custom font
oh I guess it's per activity
@eski show them this
font creation inside TextView.java
Motherfuckin Android is open source
@DaveS Nope there is an easier way
interfere with teh LayoutInflatorFactory2 and then just catch every TextView
and set it to your custom font
just a min, I did it once, lemme find a snippet
what are you guys trying to do?
All the Typeface.create methods call through to nativeCreate
so I'll have to dig a little deeper
set custom font for everything easily
is what I am using it for
for everything in your app?
why not extends TextView and set the typeface?
I call it in onCreate of each activity
interesting, still uses reflection though
But only once
what am I missing?
and you don't need to use reflection if you don't use appcompat
we use it unfortunately
how do you force it to use that layoutinflater factory?
because you can't change the LayoutInflatorFactory once it's changed
by reflection eski
is it bad to extends TextView and set the typeface?
no why?
and actually you don't need to do this:
oh I see
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("TextView")
                    || name.equalsIgnoreCase("EditText")
                    || name.equalsIgnoreCase("AutoCompleteTextView")) {
I might be missing something
just get the element and check if it's an instance of textview
no but there's a lot of other types of views that use text
like a button with a title
You should gist it so I can star it
Why aren't you just using Calligraphy
ahmad, so do you get the requestLayout warning in your logs with your custom layoutfactory?
I see, you want every child of TextView to use that font
@petey request layout warning?
using that you can even change the font of the action bar menu
so basically everything
I just set the typeface in the theme and replace the typeface using reflection atm, unless there's a solution that doesn't use reflection for apps with appcompat I think I'll leave it.
Q: "requestLayout() improperly called by..." error on Android 4.3

SanjayI have a simple Custom TextView that sets custom font in its constructor like the code below public class MyTextView extends TextView { @Inject CustomTypeface customTypeface; public MyTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); RoboGuice.injec...

hmm weird
@eski Typeface.creatFromAssets() which is used to load custom fonts routs its calls to native code as well.
(I just checked in Typeface.java)
@EmmanuelMess LOL...
I was thinking about looking at the native code, to see if it is cached platform-wide for system fonts
system fonts are cached iirc
navigating the native code is a PITA
but the fonts you create from assets are not
but you can cache them yourself
not that difficult
honestly though I'm surprised they didn't think people would want app wide custom fonts sooner.
yeah I don't think it is a big deal at all to load a font once
but that's what we are debating...
err considering google does it in some of his apps I don't get why someone would even question it
@DaveS Not the first instance of poor android api design.
we only support 4.0+ and there isn't a non reflection solution for that =\
you go eski, destroy 'em
that I could find
I'll definitely lose
my opinions carry almost no weight
tell em the same guy he's referencing for his argument agrees with you
that was a different guy that pasted that
unless you can avoid it I don't see the point in messing with system fonts, you only need to create the typeface once and pass the reference around if you need it elsewhere
say ahmad says you're wrong
they'll immediately know
are activities' typefaces inherited from the application context?
what do you mean with activity typefaces?
systemwide fonts?
my fonts override example, I do it per activity but I did that before I extended application
I'm wondering if it would work if I changed the default font on the application context
rather than for every activity
I'm not sure how you want to do that
but it's an interesting thought
in the onCreate of the application instead of onCreate of the Activity
yeah I think that would work dave
I assumed that's how you were doing it before
ill have to try it later when I get time
in the app I'm working on we defined a bunch of styles that a view can use to set a typeface
and then based on the sdk level we override the style
so lower sdk versions will degrade nicely and newer sdk versions will use the right font
We have this in our App.onCreate: CalligraphyConfig.initDefault("fonts/ProximaNova-Regular.otf", R.attr.fontPath);
@NathanielD.Waggoner Who needs a little enforcing?
no one
just saying you are the
cause you have all them guns
I just reread what is he doing with tabs....
I don't have guns :)
But I can probably enforce without them.
Wasn't it you who uploaded all those pictures with lots of guns when everyone was loading selfies?
@adam you can do that with Calligraphy?! awesome!
Yeah, it was a 1 line implementation
Then in our styles or layouts or whatever we just specify...
<item name="fontPath">fonts/ProximaNova-Light.otf</item>
In style
In xml
Gives a red squiggly in Studio but it works
It was just one rifle :P Unfortunately not mine.
Which one of you is EmmanuelMess?
Em, obviously
@emm how many times did you just get pinged?
only 1 time
Ya'll talking about Berliners earlier made me want a donut.
I want a bacon donut now
I want a Bacon
World peace anyone?
only if it comes with bacon
Bacon Pieces anyone?
Yes please!
(this is a satire blog for the non-canadians)
Adam - we're proximanova too... awe, internet friends.
lol dave.. who'da thunk not vaccinating would spread disease. indeed.
another goodie, these are satire as well btw
ok, I'm back. You can all stop keeping an eye on codeMagic for me.
he's only said like 3 things, he must be full from Country Kitchen Buffet
He's been busy tracking down a bug that should have been handled on the server and dealing with customers
hooray another update that'll take eons to roll out, not get rolled out by manufacturers
codeMagic, you're dealing with customers again!?!?
Dave why is that video pitch adjusted? It's so high!
jlindenbaum, i agree
of course, Carl. Don't all developers???
well shit
what about skills most of my girlfriends can barely comprehend?
get smarter girlfriends?
"stop typing gibberish" is the best line i've heard
they understand the concept of what programmers do. but anything past that is just magic that makes the world tick
I just tell them my app controls a grill with WiFi and leave it at that
the number of abstraction layers that we work on top of makes it pretty much magic for everyone
yeah a lot of non tech people will zone out after app.
oh yeah, if i had to manually paint views on the screen of a phone, i'd probably change careers.
could you imagine doing it with binary instructions to the processor?
I think this guy goes through a bunch of the even lower level abstraction layers:
starting with physics
I built a basic processor in EEE120 then wrote some Java code that parsed Assembly and converted it to binary in another class. That's about as deep as I got.
never did much involving high level -> assembly
other than learn about it a bit
I wrote a pipeline datapath simulator using Microsoft MFC in college :D
i went as low as MIPS and as of that day i've been OK with abstractions
exactly lol
just let magic be magic and fly on your fuckin carpet
let me attempt to write my snowflake.
@DaveS quotable
New theme song for the room. I decree it.
@Ahmad, more music for you.
Gotta say that one of the most helpful features of Android Studio is warning you when you forget to call show() on a Toast.
you might like this adam:
I haven't tried it on android yet though
That's pretty cool.
Studio does a lot of that for you already though, I think.
anyone here use Robotium or Espresso?
I've used both
is this real 'murrica?
eski - which did you prefer?
would you recommend either of them?
yeah I like espresso, robotium is sub-optimal, and you'll be doing a lot of Thread.sleep if you use it
convo with the CEO today was "we need to start planning software projects with the assumption that we'll be around after April"
The hamcrest matchers take a little getting used to, but it's worth it once you do. It's a lot more extensible than robotium
and I told him that getting automated testing going is pretty much #1 on my list if that's the case
that's good news
yeah espresso is great, getting it to work with robolectric is a hell of a process though
It seems like they're working on unit test support with android studio though, so maybe robolectric won't be necessary in the future
is robolectric required for espresso?
no they're separate
so this happened - tmz.com/2015/02/03/…
but they mess each other up unless you manage to get robolectric tests into their own submodule
is there a proper suite that works with android studio yet?
i have 0 tests in my app right now, because i can't find documentation that isn't for eclipse
they all work with android studio
Carl, I did something similar to this to get it espresso working with robolectric for us:
why did it take so long for him to be arrested? any one else would've been in holding as soon as the flight landed... i thought all us-bound flights had marshalls on them?
he was arrested as he landed
it's only now that it's going public
that's not how that intro sentence reads... "was just arrested in LA... for a flight back in July"
meh, I don't really care about tabloids, or the events in Conrad Hilton's life
ok guys time for a question...
oh you're right
I have a row item that has a gesture listener
thats tmz fogging it up. He was arrested as he got off the plane according to another article.
spoiled brat.
on the long press event I am displaying a View that occupies the whole screen
I am trying to respond to the ACTION_UP event when the user lifts their finger
my code works if I do not display a View during tap and hold, but when the View is displayed ACTION_UP does not fire...

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