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Downvoters that don't leave comments. Who are they? Where do they live? What do they eat? Why do they do that? Today on History channel.
App is done! \o/
Hi all!
I downvote without comment sometimes.
what's your app
some banking shizzle
app used to log in to other banking shizzle
I live in kansas, and I eat umm mostly normal stuff I guess
Hi miva!
There were some nasty weird last minute bugs but my coworker fixed them lol
Well, if the question is really bad, or if someone already left a comment, I don't say anything.
sup Mauker, are you better now? :D
Gz miva
I am! :D
home at last
and I generally only do it if the reason should be obvious or if someone else has commented explaining. Or if the poster comes off as a jackass
Did anyone notice I wasn't here for a long time (like... a few days or so)
not that I have a problem with people who come off like jackasses, but I'm damn sure not going to put myself through extra jackass interactions in order to help them out
well a downvote in that instance should be accompanied by an upvote on the comment that you're agreeing with.
I do that
I more likely upvote the comment than downvote the answer
same here
@miva2 I did
@JohnBoker Exactly what I do
@Mauker I know you missed me a lot
Of course, you're my favorite ghost
I'm still a ghost?
I'm real!
Now you are
time to get some pho for lunch
You're like Schrödinger miva
You are and you aren't on this room at the same time
Until I talk to you
Cool! :D
I'm such an interesting being
got OSX maverick on a vmware machine
updating to el capitan
iz of happy
garageband + xcode on laptop
hey Carl
I'm currently arguing about class names with the lead dev of my team :-P
PotatoManager vs Potato_Manager vs PotMgr ?
don't prefix every class with SB
Smurf Name all the things!!!
smurf names? LOL
i like the pink
i dislike ajsone XD
RawGetUIBrowsableProductsFromSearchRequest.java -> GetUIMenuItemSearchRequest.java
this was the sort of rename I was pushing for
the class names, are too damn long :D
probably shouldn't even need "Get" in the final name
RequestUIitemSearch.java for me.
no need for get
That was my first thought. Still looks better than that first one...yuck
the first name is damn long
much long
And Get not being the first part seems confusing and wrong
47 characters
@Anjali we requires users to have at least a 1:1 Q:A ratio on StackOverflow to get access here. Check the rules: room-15.github.io
That's probably even worse than my boss' 27 character variable name...all lowercase
I will second that containing but not starting with "Get" just feels icky
RawGetUIBrowsableFeaturedProductListRequest.java -> GetFeaturedUIMenuItemsRequest.java is another one
FeaturedMenuItemsRequest ftw
well, there's a UIMenuItem, and then a MenuItem
aah ok
and also another MenuItem
MenuItem(1) is parsed from back-end server JSON
i'd separate by packages then
MenuItem(2) is parsed from Realm database lookups
and UIMenuItem is what has what we need for displaying stuff
MenuItem(3) is stored in a buddhist temple
Why is everything "Raw"?
makes it fancier... like sushi
Apparently before a bunch of refactors "Raw" implied... something, I haven't actually gotten them to explain in a way that makes sense.
but now Raw has no meaning
@JoseGonzalez you have write access, please read the rules next: room-15.github.io
and welcome
It means it has no virus protection Carl
I thought it was because it hadn't been cooked yet. Like, the coffee beans in the little bags you can buy
my code review title discussed how I was cooking the filenames
cook filenames
21 mins ago, by Carl Anderson
@Anjali we requires users to have at least a 1:1 Q:A ratio on StackOverflow to get access here. Check the rules: http://room-15.github.io/
@Anjali not sure if you saw my previous response, but the answer hasn't changed.
Requesting again without showing improvement there will only get you a one-way ticket to the dark and dreary world of the ban list
this is gold youtu.be/gMR7aFCsY10
ignore the preview image
For some reason when I read this question and read "Suppose I'm injecting list of some beans:" I cracked up...
Q: List injection order in Spring IoC container

JskyiSuppose I'm injecting list of some beans: @Autowired List<SomeBean> beans; What is default injection order in this situation? I лnow about Ordered interface and @Ordered annotation, I'm asking only about default behavior. What I've noticed is that in case of manual bean registration: conte...

Ahmad, nice video :)
@Ahmad music for you.
I missed that
well I listen to a lot of the same stuff over and over, it's hard to find newer music to share sometimes
@JohnBoker you online?
@CptEric Yes I should have and I did right after.
good morning or whatever it is in <insert hometown>
^Prepping for today's interview like
Dude, I can probably call after school
you'd better know how to invert a binary tree
pshh I got this
Ahmad stahp
I don't need that kind of negativity right now lol
furiously googles binary tree inversion
Actually I think I could do it
now that I've seen an example
Hell yeah I could do this
Google: 90% of our engineers use the software you wrote (Homebrew), but you can’t invert a binary tree on a whiteboard so fuck off.
But can you chuck more wood than a woodchuck chucks if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
yeah inverting a binary tree is easy
Let me try this on leet code
does anyone here have a samsung note 2?
Nailed it!
do you guys get error 500 when you go to that page?
how long until your interview Mac?
2 hours
Foamster, nope
Foamy, I got 'something has gone wrong' but idk if that means error 500
yes, 500 error here
I'm a fucking idiot
Ah, I guess I do get 'something has gone wrong' as well. Saw a form pop up so thought it was good
I was multiplying sides instead of adding them
well god dammit guys, how am I going to learn to code now?
Foamy, try inverting a binary tree: leetcode.com/problems/invert-binary-tree
@FoamyGuy there's no way, might as well just go on reddit.
My solution is 7 lines.
Dave, I used to love that Woodchucker commercial
now I'm stuck on another tree problem
The answer is yes. If a tree falls in the forest but there's no one around it does still make a sound
Een, I didn't know it was a commercial
how can you be sure?
They used to have one of those
MenuFeaturedFragment's updateFeaturedProductsFromDB() calls dao.getFeaturedProducts() calls SimpleRealmPlatform<GetFeaturedUIMenuItemsRequest, UIMenuItemDeltaWrapper>.registerRequest()
It's not a sound unless its perceived cM, otherwise it's just air vibrations
a white old guy shouting at woodchuckers from a distance; probably an insurance informercial if I remember
I set up a recording and walked away several years ago. Then I waited for a tree to fall
sound is a subjective experience that results from a sensory organ/device interpreting vibrations
Een, I remember that! It was hilarious
in your example your recorded qualifies as an observer
Just kidding I got this one too
Sure, Dave, but there was still no one (indicating a person) around
When you hit play was the first time it made a sound
and you were around
until you heard the sound it was just an automatic machine encoding vibrations
Yes, because there was a sound recorded
You're an automatic machine encoding vibrations
How dare you cM sound recorders are people too!
That was pretty insensitve of me
wow, I can't believe As The Rush Comes is over 10 years old
I can't believe you don't have arthritis yet
LOL Dave you're such an asshole.
it's all in good fun
why have I forgotten how to do a merge sort
like I understand how it works why can't I code htis
Adam have you done the second puzzle yet?
not completely
lol Carl. Thank you for the visual.
yw, I found it on wikipedia when we did our last set of problems together
it's a great image
And the concept I understand but this for some reason is a tough problem to translate into code but I'm getting there
Actually this leet code problem is easier
it's giving me two sorted arrays and I have to merge them. So I'm only doing the second part, really.
recursively break down until number of items is 1, then as you return out of the recursion, check the first element of each half and make a new half that's the lowest item first
and return the new half
Dave, I think that's pretty obvious from the animated gif
yeah, idk how it's hard to program though
so i thought maybe explaining it a second time might make him less stupid
did you tell that to the China team too?
"I don't know how it's hard to program!"
nothing can make China less stupid
Just bought the second present for my girlfriend :)
Why in the hell does the auto complete in AS have to be case sensitive?
My Nexus 5x will be here by Friday!!!
ha, I do not have a round avatar!
c-c-c-combo breaker
Shotgun you're lameeee
@TristanWiley that actually does look pretty cool
okay you know what I think there's a bug in this leetcode solution
I'm getting an out of bounds exception when trying to access index 0 of a 1 element array.
why the fuck
nope I had a bug.
Carry on.
Nope Leet code is dumb
Hey! Don't offend my Adam
I'm printing out my answer array, and it's printing out the right answer, but it's telling me I'm wrong. WAT
@DaveS I memorized the URL for Rick Astly so... No
What do I do when leetcode is wrong? :O
Idk I have an hour I'm just gonna accept my fate that I'm fucked and hangout with you guys for now
Hey Adam we can probably call, but cell phones not Hangouts
I'm good my phones downstairs
Bruh, you can make phone calls with hangouts
too lazy
cat ~/input.txt | perl -e 'for $c (split //, <>) { $c eq "(" ? $s++ : $s-- } print "$s\n";'
shooting in cali =(
god damnit
this fucking country
20 victim in San Bernadino
Time to buy a gun
Dave, protect me
damn we live in weird times
there are over 60k people listening in on the police radio online.
Srsly, mass shootings, dragon dildos delivered by Amazon Prime Drones in minutes, Men on Mars
Trump as a presidential candidate
whole damn world is losing its mind
Gotta love the Onion
I am normally a fan (of the onion) but the US is not the only country where horrific things like this happen regularly
I mean there's Syria
But aren't they a little different? I mean, violence is everywhere in Syria, I'm referring to this 'walk in and shoot 20 people and no one will do a damn thing' sorta violence.
I was being sarcastic or something
like that FB post that went viral a while ago asking people how they felt about a potential terrorist attack in the US, and someone said "We let someone walk into an elementary school and shoot 20 children and we did nothing. There's nothing a terrorist would do that we aren't doing to ourselves."
I don't know of any nation with as much gun violence as the US that isn't in an active conflict
I don't either.
Mexico is in active conflict
This is a historical list of countries by firearm-related death rate per 100,000 population in one year. It should be noted that the following list includes suicides, accidental fatalities, and justifiable homicides. Not included are suicides by other means, homicides by other means, accidental deaths by other means, and/or justifiable deaths by other means. == ListEdit == == Charts and graphsEdit == == See alsoEdit == Firearm death rates in the United States by state List of countries by intentional homicide rate List of countries by suicide rate Number of guns per capita by country ...
sort the table by homicide
Tristan I'm so happy you aren't trolling
there are 14 countries higher than the US...
I'm not trying to say that it isn't a problem
but pretending this is the only place in the world where it is a problem is silly
So we're doing better than South America, Mexico and Jamacia
lofty standards
we basically fucked up mexico with the war on drugs though
I don't disagree
14 countries higher in what exactly, Foamy?
Homicides that involve fire arms
Israel has less gun related deaths than we do and they are in active conflict with Palestine
so there's that
they also have a tiny fraction of the landmass and population.
but some of those stats seem out dated
it's per 100k people Foamy
Like I said... I am not trying to say that there is not a problem
simply that pretending this is the only place with a problem is disingenuous.
I don't think anyone's pretending other places don't have problems but when you think of the US you tend to compare it to other big players like European countries, Japan, Canada.
not Mexico, El Salvador etc
"No way to prevent this,' says only nation where this happens regularly."
All the places with more have serious law enforcement concerns
it's an onion article
"says only nation where this happens regularly."
it's satire not literal point
What dave said
it's satire
deaths from car accidents are twice as high :/
"only nation where this happens regularly."
That's not the point they're trying to get across
the highlight of that title is 'nothing we can do'. That's the attitude we unfortunately seem to have taken
"in a nation where over half of the world’s deadliest mass shootings have occurred in the past 50 years and whose citizens are 20 times more likely to die of gun violence than those of other developed nations."
is more in line with the point
if everyone would stop trying to kill other people we'd be ok
I second that plan
^ on the subject of deaths in america
yeah big problem too
Has anyone heard of Julia?
would not have thought pollution was that bad
You wouldn't be alone if you goddamn called me
i'm listening to music and putting laundry away lmfao
that's how i prep
LOOP okay
Anyone used Twitter Fabric before?
Fabric the python web deployment tool?
i feel ready
I'm gonna crush this one
WooT good luck
if your into that sort of thing
thanks foamy
een, we use it in our app, but other than knowing that fact I don't know anything about it
from twitter team
well I don't think we use the twitter part of it
but we do use the crashlytics part I think
I use just the crash reporting part right now
yeah they have several kits
ah, no that is definitely not the python deployment tool
alright going off the grid see you guys in like an hour
good luck
good luck, kid!
Good luch, Mac!!
Good luck man, message me when you're done.
I don't have a friend working at Google; so am counting on you Mac
oh dang, I missed that it was for google.
huh did anyone else know that the square button that shows recent apps is actually called the "Overview" button?
I did not know that
I think someone in here told me
never heard it before
anyone have experience with the Screen Pinning API?
posted on December 02, 2015 by Reto Meier

Posted by Laurence Moroney With the release of Google Play services 8.3, we’ve made a lot of improvements to Sign-In with Google. In the first blog post of this ongoing series, we discussed the user interface improvements. Today, we will look further into the changes to the API to make building apps that Sign-In with Google easier than ever before. Changes to basic sign in flow When buildi

hey Maucker
Hey ee
Guys, do you use any naming convention on your strings.xml file?
at Trover I was using "activityName_text_shown"
so name="legalActivity_disclaimer"
pretty much that ^^
groups things together
that's pretty much how I do it
Good, good.
Question about web development
I do separate when it's a Buttons text or TextView
Okay, so say I want to validate an email. I don't want to have to reload the page but I want to be able to do it without regex.
Where are you doing this Tristan? Web or Android
Is it possible to send a request to a PHP script in JQuery and return a value of true or false based on if the email is valid
It should be
Q: jQuery ajax function to call php script which returns a value?

NickKampeThank you for looking at my issue, hopefully you can help me out as I'm an not well versed in writing JavaScript functions and am relatively new to using jQuery... Anyways, I need a way to use jQuery's ajax call to asynchronously call a php script which will return a value and update the value i...

Is this what I want?
but if you do the validation with javascript then you save a request/reply
Oookey dokes
I think this is what I want
I've used the answer on this page in the past to validate emails:
Q: Validate email address in JavaScript?

pix0rHow can an email address be validated in JavaScript?

Yeah but that can be easily bypassed

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