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Damn it! UPS let me down again. No phone :(
what phone are you getting
Is it supposed to be hard when I have an activity with a navigation drawer and want to start a new fragment in it that does not make use of the nav drawer?
Nexus 6
I'm writing weird hacks to change that navigation drawer icon into a back arrow and vice versa
and thats even without the fancy animation
a bridge to terabithia
motherfucking script writers
What the hell are you talking about Eric? :p
a movie
for kids
with a fucked up script
@CptEric I have not heard this title since 4th grade
What's wrong with it, Captain?
miva, shouldn't the Activity handle the nav drawer?
yea....did you like the book (I totally forgot it)
The past 2 months or so I've been watching the old Pink Panther movies (the detective comedies). The end of The Curse of The Pink Panther is fucked up. Like seriously...
it's a TOO DAMN WELL adaptation of the book
basically the main prota is a 12yo kid with a little (and two older) sisters
I didn't read the books but enjoyed the movies
@miva2 like, setDrawerIndicatorEnabled(false);?
knows a weird girl with a lot of imagination, they imagine a fantasy world on the other side of a river stream, they call it terabithia
his art teacher invites him into a trip to a museum
and we he comes back his almost-girlfriend has died of drowning trying to cross the stream.
cM, yes that's what I do. But when pressing this element, it opens a new fragment that does not need the navigation drawer. I used to start a new activity but my more experienced coworker told me to get rid of that useless extra activity and just use a fragment. Now everything is messed up lol.
@petey Yeah I used that, among many other things :)
miva2, that kinda sounds like the way to go using the onstart/attach in the frag to update he actionbar and lock the nav drawer so it wont open.
I used this pastebin.com/gqkWtXVC when I open the new fragment
also sounds like you are on your way to creating a basefragment class that would be pretty useful with these optional config
basefragment? hmm maybe. but this is only needed for this one fragment.
of course....but that is today
Well, the release is soon so I don't think I'll have to create many more fragments :D
But yeah for the next version maybe
The thing is, when I started a new activity instead of a fragment it worked simple and perfect lol
I'll do that on monday I guess
that weird code above works well before opening the fragment, but when coming back from the fragment by using the back button (onbackpressed, not the nav icon) the back arrow stays in the toolbar instead of changing back to the nav drawer icon.
And I tried putting that weird code in the onbackpressed and modifying it.
And all that for a super simple fragment that just shows the version number lol
and why you don't want the drawer to be shown?
Is it a good idea to:
The activity has navigation drawer so everything in it also has the navigation drawer.
Everything that does not need the navigation drawer should be started in a new activity.
Because it is one level deeper into the app. It is not accessible from the drawer. It has the back arrow instead.
yeah, i'd start a new activity for that
Yeah, makes more sense to me too
Well, especialy considering all this weird crap I wrote
I might have done something wrong though
i'd open a new activity
and set the homeUp button there
also make some type of material transition
so it doesn't feel like a new activity
@miva2 whah you went to devoxx? :0
how was it?
@miva2 try reseting the navdrawer and actionbar in the onstart of the previous fragment
did romain guy and chet haase present?
or the ondestroy/onDetach of the current fragment
Eric, well it just works when I set a new activity lol. That's what I had already before I removed the activity(that was basically empty and just opened the fragment)
Yeah Devoxx was great! :) I don't think Romain or Chett were there or I would have at least heard that right =p
There wasn't that much android. Well there was gradle, that was a nice talk. And a great talk about how text works internally in Android.
oh damn
Then a crappy talk about many of the most important libraries for android. Very interesting but the presenter wasn't that good.
I thought they gave a talk at every devoxx
who was the presenter?
ahh romain guy, he was the one ranting 'bout listviews being wrongly used , on a SO answer about retaining listview item state.
wait I think I've heard that there was an awful talk at devoxx
I don't remember his name but I think he did 2 or 3 presentations during the 2 days I was there.
Bad speaker = bad talk, even if the topic is interesting #Devoxx
@petey Thanks, I might try that! :)
ugh, I had the same experience once
@CptEric I doubt it was much of a rant. Probably more of telling someone how they should be used appropriately :P
this one girl gave a talk at a conference on 3 different occasions
I almost fell asleep during one of the talks
and she was so unprepared for all of them
I had a colleague presenting about microservices! :D
Too bad I wasn't there that day
But it's on youtube
@codeMagic well it started as a well done explanation that turned into rant as more people suggested the same "wrong" approach and wanted a 'why is it bad' explanation
youtube link?
we're really big on micro services here at my work place
I think our stack is written in 12 different languages
and sourced in like I don't know how many small apps
i really agreed with him CM, but i don't think some of his responses were as constructive as they should be, once or twice the "because i made listviews not behave like that" phrase came out.
Lol! I understand. I have seen one of his answers that sounded similar to that
and that's is a really bad way of trying to explain something to someone
When Leo's circle is grayed out we almost look like the same shade.
Meh okay maybe not
Adam, you are grayed out
wait why is it grayed out?
I really like listening to him talk. Maybe because he sometimes comes off as an arrogant ass :)
Because he hasn't been here in a while so the old avatars get a little tint to them, ya know?
on mine they they get lighter though instead of darker
@codeMagic the original question was, if i remember well, "how can i make a listview NOT refresh it's items so i can retain checkboxes and edittext's contents before sending to the server?"
Depends which way you read them
like a half transparent white block goes over the top of them
@Ahmad Sorry it's not microservices. That was a different one of his talks, not on Devoxx. This is his Devoxx talk:
the ones that are grayed out get lighter, not darker
are you using some kind of theme replacement or something?
Oooh must be my dark theme
Look at dem circles
And then it's broken by cM BECAUSE HE REFUSES TO COMMIT
Adam, you are a refused commit
Sorry, I'm trying to be funny
Going home now
I smirked. You can have a star.
commit refused, local changes would break all the shit. Please do the merging and try again.
That makes my weekend! <3
Allright, time to go home and fix this monday. Goodnight!
see ya
i'm gonna shower and keep working in {me}'s app.
Anyone else look at Neb's avatar and just think 'illuminati'?
yo Adam
o/ Een
TMI = shower?
i've seen worse things explained here for "gonna shower" be TMI XD
"shower and keep working in me" can be misinterpreted pretty easily Eric haha
it's just your dirty mind
Fair enough, I do have a pretty sick one.
winter could have officially started here
you know what that means?
That it's winter time?
Snowboarding season!
yay, my master thesis was graded \o/
/me last winter
How'd it go, cygery?
@cygery congrats!
And that's great! \o/
There's Carl ^
was I expected?
highscore :D
new photo carl?
But that's where you are
yep, I feel like I improved upon my looks.
still not sure about these two tails though
you went from triton poseidon to mermaid :P
\o carl
Digg Raises $4M Series A From Betaworks Backer Digital Garage http://tcrn.ch/1lncyjT by @ingridlunden
aka throwing out money?
what a world we live in
they could have just given it to me
I would have found a better use
I could've bought a diamond encrusted rolex
what happened? can't understand that many economical technical words
^ me_irl
misa is dumb gungan in economical speaking, tusa know?
Digg, as betaworks, have raised $4m in their initial round of funding.. I think
and if you're not familiar with digg then you're not missing out
it died 5 years ago
Okay good I don't have to feel bad
thank you sensei.
wow my 'how to get stars in room-15' message has 12 stars? I should have added 8) Lists
i like lists.
In the famous words of OcuS:
Jun 15 at 14:40, by codeMagic
WAT. (572 characters left)OcuS 56 secs ago
I just asked that so we should know soon :P
Lol! Good ol' Ocus
A bunch of people just came into my office right after I had a sneezing fit so I looked awful. I'm really not feeling too bad but they told me to go home. It's not lying if I let them think I'm sick, right?
go home silly!
Well just say "I'm sick." They won't know that the whole sentence is really "I'm sick of your shit." So no, you didn't lie.
I'm going to soon, petey :)
Lol, Mac!
My boss just sent out this email "James is sick and going home early. For real James…. Go home" haha!
You better go home!
else they'll start wearing chemical protection suits around you
oh. great
we don't have president. again.
See ya
cM's coworkers:
may we have it next month then.
see ya cm
@McAdam331 no big deal, I was a little surprised you took off so fast, but figured you had something come up
Yeah I had to give a presentation in class.
have you heard back yet?
Nooo :(
well don't quit your day job! :D
dave is here
or is HE?
Are any of us really here?
Carl I'm gonna ping you in the other chat

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