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> Use infinite loop and break it when response is not equals to null.
both of them need to uninstall ADT
that person should not be allowed to answer anything ever again
@Ahmad Just came across this deleted answer. I can't tell if you were serious or not but it gave me a good chuckle :D
hmm neb
I'm not sure if I was
You shouldn't be allowed to answer In SO for as long as that loop is running. — Emmanuel 1 min ago
omg emmanuel
Ahmad, I've verified the delete key does work so you should undelete that :)
Emm heh
really I liked it
downvote pls on that if you can
the snark is running high today.
So I do makes sense then codemagic
Sooo much snark
Also watch this
Ah, nothing like crushing stuff to relieve a little stress
speaking of crushing stuff... I started answering, got distracted, and finished answering after this got shot waaayy down
Q: Solve this by java using loops

user3412253https://i.sstatic.net/8Bxkx.png can you please solve this problem ? by using java and only java. don't use any extra classes please. just the main class Selection, loops, Scanner only .. waiting for you all.

Hahaha, the end of that video.
> can you please solve this problem ? by using java and only java.
> don't use any extra classes please. just the main class
> only .. waiting for you all.
waits for you all
still waits
waiting for us how long we take to close it
only... waits
@TGMCians Well, took them 5 mins to mark it on hold XD
... for you all
heh neb
I am the least productive person today ever
Someone could've given him the answer in Python or something.
damn I'd do that
Ohhh he was testing our response time
i apologize, i didnt make it clear to you. and this is not a homework, its just an extra problem and I AM TESTING the community and the speed of answering q, anyway here is a link for my work i.imgur.com/tfhnwhV.pnguser3412253 5 mins ago
he was waiting how long we take to close his question
I see
He was just trying to see if we were worthy of answering his questions...
I didn't know I was being tested today.
I guess we failed :(
We suck...
TIL: Upvotes on comments don't give rep. Didn't actually know that, never upvoted a comment before. XD
We should probably go dig ditches or something, we're clearly not worthy of programming in Java, and only Java.
Flutter, I like your snark.
Nope, flutter, you can get badges but other than that they just look cool when you have comments with a lot of upvotes
The above ("question") isn't a question, its a command... If it bothers you that much, I can delete the answer. — FlutterDashie 5 mins ago
@nebulae chuckles thanks :3
I love the countdown that doesn't count down
also how the check for -1 to 0 is if x > 1...
I need to work.
hows this layout look?
A: Saving login on website

NoobTake a look at what Ive done here. Lines 52-80.

No meaning of the answer now who have only link
too small / flimsy
hanchorllc.com/2014/02/01/… Oh dear. Another headache for the iOS team.
the text you mean?
ZOMG YAHTZEE! I made a yahtzee game on my TI-83 and then a better version on my TI-89, but I haven't done any scorecard or recognition things. It looks pretty nice
hehe i have a stupid love for yahtzee...
so do old people
and they click ads
so... yah
It was all planned out
yes the text parts and what looks like a resize photoshop tool, is that intentional?
Protip, but you've probably figured this out: The normal distribution (or something) Of a large straight is always the same.. I was using that when I started working on score recognition XD
yah, this is a half photoshopped mockup
I'm trying to layout the middle scoring section for multiplayer more better
The black text is unreadable I'd say
currently it looks like...
either use a lighter text color or a lighter background
I love Yahtzee!
@codeMagic THIS.
This what?
@codeMagic This sums up my feelings. XD
Aha :D
I should figure out how to get my TI-89 yahtzee program onto the computer and show you guys sometime... Its gonna be fun for me to look at now that I know more about various languages XD
its all messy in the middle.
problem is there could be 8+ people playing...
I have no idea how to play Yahtzee.
Why aren't you in school, Flutter? Weather or just skipping?
when it's your turn, it looks like that
I am in school. Funnily enough, I'm in my AP Java 2 class right now. chuckles They're just learning about recursion, they only recently went in to inheritance.
looks much more like it's belonging together
not sure about black on blue, I like white on maybe a slightly darker blue better
I need to make room for the players tho
If they close that question, will I lose the 30 rep from the upvotes? Or only if they delete it? orr...?
Im just concerned about laying out the middle right now... how to make room for all the players and the scoresheet and the current players current roll
Only if it is deleted
and not make everything teeny
I despise doing ux.
Hopefully they just close it... That answer basically doubled my rep XD
you could probably make it look like a log window with scrolling events or so
And I'll be back in about 30-40, school's ending
Flutter's in school?
I didn't... think of that...
thats a freaking awesome idea. actually.
@RaghavSood Yep. Java class. I'm way ahead, sitting over with the Robotics guys
I woulda joined robotics if I wasn't so busy
Oh nice
except box2d... scrolling... not sure bout that...
Robotics is cool
THey're team 2502, They made nationals or state or something or other XD
I did it for a few years on my own with some friends
eeek, robotics is weird math
We still do it, not as much though
Represented our school in a bunch of competitions
how can this guy call himself an Android developer?
he can call himself anything he wants.
doesn't make it true.
from now on I am Dr. Emmanuel
for instance: hello! I am a cat!
purrrrr! n stuff.
you are right
not one US dev on that first page
Mostly indian
I'm a licensed pornstar
I believe you.
I have many questions about this app. But my first would be, Is there really a demand for this?
Q: Make a Call from Sleep

user3412384I made an App which Monitors the Accelerometer of the Phone and when it's tilted it should call a certain Number. I got everythung running so far and it even does the call, but only after I unlock the phone per Hand. The App is meant to call me when someone tries to steal the tires from my car,...

I imagine there would be
It could be for personal use, but as a car-alarm type deal it'd probably have a fair bit of interest.
> the App is meant to call me when someone tries to steal the tires from my car, so the phone must call me from the sleep state.
But the phone would need to be in the car...
The idea is that if the car tilts at a certain angle, then someone's jacked the car up to take the wheels off.
he is going to put the phone inside the wheel
and then wait for the call...
I understand the idea. Just not sure it will work. How does the app know that is why the phone is tilted?
"why people are calling me always when I am driving?"
You'd just have it on a cheap device that's always on, tape it to the center console or something, run a 12v->5v usb adapter directly to the battery.
You'd turn the app on when you locked your car.
Yeah, that was kind of my point was that you would need a separate device...
You could.... set it up to hook up to the bluetooth on the car stereo maybe?
So if the stereo is on, then the app is disabled.
I just wasn't sure if that is what the OP had in mind so it made me chuckle thinking about the app only being on the everyday phone
Oh yeah I think it's a given that for a car alarm you'd need a separate device. A phone just happens to have all the functionality that makes it useful for this type of thing.
If I am going to steal your wheels, I would probably steel your phone too by breaking your window
Adam, I guess I just don't have enough faith in people to assume that's what the OP was thinking
I had a friend whose car got towed out of his driveway. We were doing an engine swap, and the car wasn't running, and they came down the driveway, hooked it up to... something, towed it a few blocks over and stole the wheels, seats, and a few engine parts. =\
(mexican joke will be provided by codeMagic)
I guess I can be glad I've never had to worry about that
Haha, Emmanuel, plenty ran through my mind but I decided to be good
Indeed, I'm glad I live where I do now.
Oh wow, requires Android 2.1...
Shit, even this has 2.3.
afk getting breakfast.
(I'll field the "Dick Smith wtf" questions when I get back)
How's everyone doin? :3
super tired today. I dunno what I was doing last night, but it wasn't sleeping restfully.
an octopus is just a wet spider
@Reno ...Wait what?
... Okay then...
We have all young overachievers here
Raghav has a wikipedia page
I am leaving ! bye
ProfSmiles was Mr Australia
byyyye @tgm
Ahmad did a thing for wikimedia
And I could have killed 17 people but I didn't
Has anyone seen ProfSmiles in a while?
I don't think he's been in in ages
You'd have to set the bar really low to call me a an 'overachiever'
> last seen 226d ago
I lost my consecutive day count for some reason the other day...
Should we remap his ownership? I knew he wasn't here for a long time, but 200+ days
I am down for that....
takes advantage of the opportunity
I know a location it could be remapped to <hint hint wink wink>
Jan 25 '13 at 15:59, by ProfSmiles
remind me next time my girlfriend is over to bullclip her hair o.O
He died after doing this
His SO profile says last seen 4 hours ago
He hasn't been on chat though
you guys must have made him mad
so he left
mybe send him a msg and ask if he wants ownership still?
@ProfSmiles pls giv me codes thx
ProfSmiles plz rspnd.
I think I have an email of his
he has a g+
and it says "Can usually be found on the Android Stack Overflow chat room."
my brain has too many tabs open
at 2am
are those Chrome tabs or IE(yuck) tabs?
snap, tim berners-lee just did an ama
So, is a Long Black not a common type of coffee in North America?
A long black is a style of coffee, most commonly found in Australia, New Zealand and Brazil. It is now becoming available in the UK, predominantly in London. A long black is made by pouring a double-shot of espresso or ristretto over hot water (usually the water is also heated by the espresso machine). A long black is similar to an Americano, which is made by adding hot water to the espresso shot; but a long black retains the crema and is less voluminous, therefore more strongly flavoured. The order in which a long black is made (water first, espresso second) is important -- reversing th...
no, there's no Long Blacks here
Tim Berners-Lee!
And how many people didn't get the difference between www and internet?
you can get an Americano or a Macchiatto pretty easily though
Ah, righto.
I guess I'll survive.
the vast majority of Americans (pre Starbucks) drank drip coffee
which I don't think you really even have in Australia
Drip brewing, or filtered coffee, is a method which involves pouring water over roasted, ground coffee beans contained in a filter, creating the beverage called coffee. Water seeps through the ground coffee, absorbing its oils and essences, solely under gravity, then passes through the bottom of the filter. The used coffee grounds are retained in the filter with the liquid falling (dripping) into a collecting vessel such as a carafe or pot. Paper coffee filters were invented in Germany by Melitta Bentz in 1908 and are commonly used for drip brew all over the world. In 1954 the Wigomat was...
I was going to say that the vast majority of Americans drink drip coffee, but I'm not sure that's true now that Starbucks is everywhere.
> pre Starbucks
And then came along Starbucks. It was the beginning of a new era.
I drink only drip coffee, with cream, sugar...
starbucks is yuccch
my wife doesn't like Starbucks coffee
shes smart
We have drip coffee here, just not in stores.
She is from Spain. Good coffee is part of the culture there
I hate Starbucks
nobody in American knew what espresso was before Starbucks expanded in the '90s
Dennys does it, but coffee shops don't.
avoided saying: i guess she DOES have good taste after all
And it VERY difficult to get a decent Espresso around here too.
theres some great coffee here, just not at starbucks.
Most people who would drink drip coffee (that is, they're buying pre-ground coffee) typically put it through a french press, though drip machines like that aren't uncommon.
I am surprised too... she might have had an off day....
pre ground coffee! heathens!
Plus the stigma of being perceived as pretentious, when I ask for Espresso. Because I can't drink the 20 hours old mud water drip shit they have everywhere.
Heh. Yeah, old drip coffee is terrible.
I found one place that has adecent Illy coffee and machine, they still manage to fuck it up. I still go there because it's the best I an get withing walking distance (15 minutes walk)
My inlaws make super-watered down Folgers drip. If you want to call Starbucks terrible, you can, but you don't have any idea how far down the scale "terrible coffee" goes past Starbucks.
I don't hate Starbucks for their coffee, I hate them for the product, the hipsterdom, the prices...their customer base.
I'm a bit of a Starbucks fanboy
I just really like their dark roasts much more than most other stores around here
I like Starbucks.
I don't drink there often
I like the machine 10m next to my chair
Rarely to be precise
I never even had a Starbucks coffee from a Starbucks store, I drank couple of those cooled mini glass bottles.
I walked in but they asked me for my name so I walked out.
Haha, Starbucks is so cheap! (at least, that was what we thought, relative to cafes here)
user image
Starbucks here you get a small coffee for ~$5. Starbucks in Canada we could get two decent sized coffees and food for both of us for ~$10.
Mistrfu, it's ok to tell them your name is "Mr. Fu"
Because of Tim Hortons competition?
Carl, i know where you are. and I know there are like 500 coffee shops around there. and they are all better than starbucks.
they don't ask for photo ID to prove it.
Yeah, we were surprised at how cheap Tim Hortons was too.
I mean, I just paid $10 for a sandwich and a tiny long black. Yay. :|
aww timmys <3
But, why should I participate in their game to make me feel like they care? I want coffee for money, I don't want friends.
lol Neb. Maybe I just like "burnt" coffee :D
large double double.
have you been to cherry street carl?
no, not that one
Umbria, Zeitgeist
a couple others
cherry st is the bomb
the best, hands down
I had some great cups in Seattle. Best ones in States.
except victrola
and vivace
and that one up on the hill
nope, thats victrola
damn they make a good coffee. just... damn.
its like velvet
I don't even know
So the Malaysian Airlines plane may have been found...
oh yah?
Well, my source was my fiancee. >_>
But that link looks better than me pasting in a Hangouts transcript :D
thats tomnod
The IT guy found the plane and then got fired for doing it while at work
he found it on tomnod
so yah, now would be a good time to buy stock in tomnod...
well yesterday
Also, she published this this morning
chicago.cbslocal.com/2014/03/12/… <-- says the image he found wasn't it
theres a suspicion of pilot suicide now
i read
Yeah that does look like boats.
The bits that could be the wings are probably clouds, and the two tips you can see are just boats with a wake behind them.
so freaking weird
how does a plane just disappear
and the thing with the cell phones, wtf

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