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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

yo guys, i got gimbal beacon detection working FLAWLESSY with beacons only 2 inches apart!
later all
cya Dave
o/ good day android programmers
and good night
My nomination for Trover's best picture of the year
(large version available if you click on it)
from here
That is nice!
Also this one:
and with that I'm out of here
cya all tomorrow
@carl omg. the first one is just amazing.
wallpaper material
See ya, Carl
and with that I'm out again
It's funny you say that, Ahmad, because I almost saved it for that reason :)
Temp website comming along nicely
1 hour later…
"Generally speaking, avoid creating short-term temporary objects if you can. Fewer objects created mean less-frequent garbage collection, which has a direct impact on user experience."
Im kinda guilty of this
3 hours later…
good GC should be able to handle this
and it's virtually impossible to not create garbage in Java (or C#)
if you dig into the standard library, you will see how it creates objects for even the most basic operations (not all of them, but many)
1 hour later…
Yo People!
Hello Ahmad
1 hour later…
Ahmad! Da ist man endlich in Deutschland und du bist kaum online. Mensch, mensch, mensch.
I got a java.lang.SecurityException: ConnectivityService: Neither user 10095 nor current process has android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE. in a webview app from a user on android 4.3
Are you accessing the network state to set the network state on the webview?
setNetworkAvailable() on the webview for example
wth.. what is that star?
does it say something when you pull down the notification tray?
@jlindenbaum Hab jetzt Ferien! Also jap. Werde nur noch on sein :D
where are you at?
Yeah thanks Ahmad. I read that already. The 5.0.1 update changed my settings. Thanks anyway :)
I decided not to update my nex4 to 501 yet
a colleague said it lead him to some crashes
more crashes than 500?
well, he said there were stable crashes in settings. For me that is worse than random rare crashes in 500
if they released update with stable reproducing crash - what else can be there
I won't risk )
anyone has implemented showcase screen in android ?
has anyone used android.support.v4.widget.CircleImageView??
That's a private class
You can't use it
It's package protected
why? :(
this is Google, not Apple
that class was created just for some animations so they made it protected
hello everyone
i am developing an app which uses all wall post and event in listview from an open facebook group. I want to access all data i.e, wall post and events in json or in xml format without Login or generating access token
@HimanshuAgarwal maybe you can do that using the Graph API
1 day implementing viewpagerindicator. worst..lib..ever... -.-'
@Guilherme but as i have read it require access token and access token is generated after login
then you have to log in
Facebook won't let you invade others privacy without exposing yours
i have seen similar app which uses same but it doesn't require any Facebook log in; it's displaying all wall post and events without any log in. How's that possible?
1 hour later…
@Qw4z1 Welcome! Please read the room rules.
It's usually a lot more crowded here, but everybody is on their holidays
The Android API council must have been on vacation when SwipeRefreshLayout was committed.
@Ahmad Thanks! (and done!)
apparently missed quite a few xkcd's
Working hard or hardly working? ^^
not working at all ;D
holidays! \o/
Damn! Three more hours of "work" and then it's one month of vacation for me. =)
ny next 2 weeks are soley dedicated to contributing to open source
one month? nice!
Oh you're from Sweden? cool!
I applied for an internship at spotify in Stockholm, let's see how this goes
Nice! Which projects?
Yeah... Switching assignment (consultant) so I thought I might as well take some extra time of. =)
Ah! good luck with that! I hear it's a pretty awesome place to work. =)
Mainly to Kiwix, it's an offline reader/content producer targeted at people from developing countries that don't have access to the internet. LOTS of code to refactor and rewrite.
Yeah I heard the same, they apparently have an awesome office and whatnot
Oh my... Looks pretty sweet. =)
Also everyone I know who have had an internship at Spotify now works there ;)
thanks :D
really? I guess you have a higher chance of getting to work there since they already know you/have worked with you
would be really nice if it works out
but I'm also planning to apply to some german startups in berlin
@Ahmad Heard a lot of good things about Berlin too. Lot's of great parties and stuff... But you might know more about that then me
Yeah Berlin is pretty awesome right now. Great tech scene. Dunno about the parties though lol
Well, I guess your bound to find out if you get to work for a startup there. =)
Fika-time! Catch you on the flip side.
Lol yeah probably haha :D
nobody has even seen the movie!
I bet all this is just a marketing gag
reddit front page post... afaik
sony only pulled it from the US, right? we all still get to see it.
Good morning, all
we being non-murricans.
sup cm. how's the holidays?
we do? because this PR thing worked on me
before the hype I didn't even know about the movie
They will be pretty good after today when I start my 2 week vacation \o/
now I have to watch.
i've been dying for this movie since pineapple express.. saw the previous a few months ago - so excited haha.
cM, haven't you been on holidays for the last 2 weeks...?
I want to see it too. It's going to be hilarious. Pineapple express was good
jlind, no I've been working this week. I was on vacation last week, work this week, then off until the 5th
pffft, lucky you!
I just watched the trailer of pineapple express. Lol.
Bring it on
I need more movies
anything seth rogan / james franco is pretty solid
have a lot of time on my hands for the next 2 weeks
flew back to my parents' beginning of the week.. had forgotten how dreary german winters are.. grey, wet, depressing.
Well, I didn't use any vacation all year because it never seemed like a good time. So I had all of that time plus most of my personal days
ugh I know right?
I'm pretty impressed how there's not even a single sign of snow
o/ mrengineer
Finally got my Moto X last night
nice! I heard good thing about it
how do you like it?
morning, neighbor
I like it a lot. My old phone should have been retired a long time ago
anyone here use junit for simple unit tests in gradle? i am having a bummer of a time understanding gradle properly.
I see how it is, ask an Android question and we're all in holiday mode, talk about The Interview and we've aaaaall got opinions, eh?
sorry would help, but I have no idea about unit tests with gradle :s
same here
is android studio is batter then eclipse ?
many of android developer have issue on Android Studio.
That's not even on debate. It's Ahmad's Axiom I: "Android Studio is better. Don't use Eclipse."
what about NDK?
NDK works
It used to be difficult
I had some plans to dive into that shit
AS is usable here?
Well it hit 1.0, still some bugs when you upgrade, but you gotta live with that.
I am using AS sinec like 0.3
I'm asking if it already has NDK support
I remember it didn't
I dont think so it has got NDK support yet
But if you have compiled .so file, you're ready to go.
It does
I'm using a NDK project that has a lot of dependencies with AS
i will give eclipse the benefit that it made testing easier, setting up a bazillion targets in gradle with no clear documentation from google is a tad frustrating
and most of the document i find is "oh, yeah.. use gradlew and invoke your test target that just points at your androidTest directory". That doesn't tell me how to invoke my damned junit!
@TheLittleNaruto this is what I use to package the native libs.
@giripp @mkalxein give some more quality android answers and request again
There is a native solution though
@Ahmad Sadly, github is not accessible for me :(
But I starred it though so that when I'll be home can check it later
wat. really?
here is a pastebin: paste.ubuntu.com/9570193
Yes, There is some problem with the ISP
Ah I see
no github ?!!?
Thanks Ahmad
is it intentionally blocked? or some kind of bug makes it not work?
Yes Foamy
The ISP what my company is using, they have blocked only.
depending on how they block you might be able to get there if you use https
Might be some bug. Not sure
I should have done this ages ago
also say what you will about eclipse... at least it can create a project, check it into git and then clone it back out of git and have it still be runnable in the same damn environment.
@RinneganNaruto give some more quality answers and request again
I love editing commit messages in ST
what does -v do for commit?
let's you type a message after the command has been entered?
verbose mode
i guess you can still just do com -m "woot"
no no wait
Will see that, Foamy. For now I dont have any currently running project on GitHub
git commit -v opens up the editor you specified
like ST in my case above
@LuminiousAndroid still rejected. Show a better chat history of helping others and not just requesting help and spamming rooms with your question before requesting again
@Ahmad look at mine aliases, maybe find some helpful )
actually, now I see that I don't use most of them - that list os old
nice! :D can you copy and paste the glo alias for me please?
alias glo='git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s"'
glo -5 is like heaven
omg! this is amazing.
even better :0. nice!
*grabbed that one
thanks from me too )
looks great with branches too
Does anybody know if there is a Set<T> implementation, that overwrites an entry if it's already present in the set? I have a feeling that I'm missing the obvious...
Got it..
A: why no replace() method defined on the Set interface?

penpenA Set is a data structure made to avoid duplicate by mean of using equals() on the object; that also means that two object that are equals() to each other are considered to be perfectly equivalent. Ie, whether you use the version already in the Set or the new one, your code should work the same. ...

Time to go home, cya People
@Glitch nice article!
I just learned about the uncertainty principle, or as we say in germany: Heisenbergsche Unschärferelation, which sounds ten times cooler, a few weeks back. Fascinating and confusing.
Indeed :P
So, day after the Christmas party. 3/5 co-ops are in already.
Supposed to be here at 9, it's 1030 right now.
You mean "aren't"?
If not, you've got more than half so that' pretty good ;)
Yeah, I'm pretty pleased with that effort hahaha
They went out to a karaoke bar after the official work stuff ended
I was getting Snapchats til like 230am
sounds fun :D
We aren't having a party this year. We had a year end meeting for sales, tech, and marketing. Pretty much everyone except 3 people
you being one of the 3?
Nope, I'm part of tech
One accounting lady and the two customer service ladies
ah :p
Yeah, I have them tricked that I know technical stuff :P
I would rather have not been there other than the lunch.
can you make your own AS activity templates?
I would really like to have a "Blank Activity" template that is actually blank
yeah you can foamy
copy paste doesn't help with several different files...
@Mahesha999 denied for very low A:Q ratio and seem to use chat only for support. Go be more helpful in the community before requesting again
@Emmanuel are you serious about your threat?
happy friday!
"Jack White’s fabled “Upholsterers” vinyl is real, hidden inside Detroit furniture"
unfortunately I have to work mon and tues next week
@Eenvincible I am
But seriously, why would you ban me for coming to seek help on a site just made for that?
I might not be able to talk much about other topics for my own reasons but is that a genuine reason to recommend I get banned?
Where do you feel I should go to find help?
This chat room is not for tech support
Many people come here when they are stuck with an android problem, so you will have to ban all of them who ask questions
here we go again with this discussion
I think you are just being an asshole emmanuel
coming to chat and dropping a question is not a behavior we want
@Ahmad @CarlAnderson @codeMagic what do you think?
You are the only one complaining here; I have not done anything wrong that warrants banning and if you really think that is so evil to do, you might have to think again
This is a community site
calling me an asshole an everything...
you ONLY come to the room for seeking help
Eenvincible, I've only ever seen you here asking for help with things. Did you read the rules?
I am not trying to cause issues here but all I am saying is this: if am not talking about funny cats videos or other stuff, why should I be banned for asking a question and getting the help that I need?
because that is the only thing you do
> We can teach you to fish, but we're not giving out free tuna. Rules: room-15.github.io
The question you came in here to ask yesterday is most definitely answered on StackOverflow in numerous places. I've answered it myself. Edit: I've re-read it, and it's not what I initially thought. However, I suspect the problem is still documented. And regardless, you show up here, ask a question, bugger off again, and then come back and call one of the room admins an asshole for pointing this out? I'm surprised you're not blocked already.
I am surprised nobody starred the message where he calls me an asshole, where are you @codeMagic...
I stared it for cM who isn't here right now
I was going to star it myself
since I am an asshole I should ban him, but I just want to see where this goes
meaning if all room owners can come to an agreement on the @Eenvincible kind...
too bad there isn't a hat for being an asshole
I am not saying I am not at asshole, but...
ROFL, this is hilarious
Apr 22 at 22:01, by nebulae
omg @Eenvincible seriously?
@Emmanuel you just won!
what did I win?
Asshole award?
I want my award...what is it?
I can see myself buying that T-shirt
Asshole Award T-shirt
Now I know what to say when I come here;
I have the feeling that your time here in this chat room is expiring...
Seriously, let us put this behind us and have a beer
I only came here (3 times before) to seek help and I wanted no beef
man you go from bad to worse with me
I do not like beer...
I couldn't have known
How about some ass bourbon to settle the dispute?
we are just not meant to be together Eenvincible, I am sorry...
I thought codeMagic is the only one allowed to buy that
I have no bitter feelings; you go your way and I go my own;
you realize that I am probably the only owner that would not insta-ban you for calling him an asshole like that...
I am sorry for calling you an asshole and I hope we can let this go and move on with our lives;
I was just feeling like I did nothing evil to warrant a ban
well, repeatedly not following the rules and then calling me an asshole will not help you
wtf is all this?
but I have realized that I should chat about other stuff
LOL, I knew it
Emm are you jealous and want to get your own meta SO post about you too?
Eevnincible, stop in once in awhile and talk about some stuff and possibly see if you can help someone else out who needs it instead of only asking for help...
Emmanuel, stop being an asshole
Problem solved
Mar 13 at 15:37, by codeMagic
Not wrong to ask for help. Wrong to only come here to ask for help
I always come out on the loosing end of these types of conversations...
that is the same thing I said!
Thank you!
You both lose...only I win so don't worry
I think I bit the inside of my mouth in my sleep
haven't done that in a while
Were you eating some food in your dream or what
I wish it were that simple. I grind my teeth in my sleep when I get stressed out, and sometimes bite my mouth
actually had the dentist dull some of the points on my canines and that helped a lot
where are you from Een?
Kansas CIty, you?
rainy Seattle
you have any snow there?
Oh yeah a lot and freezing
so you are actually close to where I was before Ee..
especially yesterday
Where were you Emma?
Look at us all getting along now. This is adorable!
Cool, I have never been there (STL)
it is all thanks to you cM
(attention whore)
I know. I'm kind of awesome that way
And with that, I'm stepping out for lunch...
This is hilariously awesome!
Attention Whore - LOL
I am having lunch here; all are welcome - just bring your own food
@codeMagic ROFL
so wait, someone wrote a Meta post complaining about cM?
someone wrote a Meta post complaining about me
you missed this?
I want to see it
Q: Being judged and blocked on chat before having right to speak a single word

BasjEDIT : Lots of people have mentioned that the personal situation part of the question is not necessary. Thus, on request, I have removed it. Question : As a general principle (not only here on SO), is it fair to be publicly mentioned on chat by a moderator (example : @User : You are denied ac...

you'll have to look at the earlier version of his "question"
who told him to fuck off?
on a private chat?
he didn't post the entire statement in his "question"
he came in here,
requested access, got denied
requested access again
got denied again
then tried to start a private chat with cM
cM was like "yeah I think this is the guy who posted a question in like 10 rooms"
"go talk to Carl, I'm sure he'll private chat with you"
ohhh I remember this
that is the last think I remember
and I said "well gee thanks cM, another person to add to my ban list"
cM telling someone that
"well gee thanks cM" lol
and then he had the audacity to actually go and request a private chat with me
I don't know how much more spammy you can get
yeah...ballxplosion at its best
so I told him something like "I don't understand how completely oblivious you would have to be to think that I wanted to have a private chat with you. Fuck off and go away"
How do you even go to an extent of posting a question in 10 rooms? that is nuts
and so he just posted in meta only the last sentence
and tried to get the moderators in here to do.. I don't even know what
anyway, he was all upset because it turns out he wasn't the person who posted in 10 other rooms
and wanted to have cM take back his defamation or whatever
guy has 208 questions on StackOverflow, 25 answers, half of which are to his own questions.
Emmanuel, where did you move to from STL?
> Would you drive across this bridge? No. If it somehow got built, everybody involved would be executed. Yet some version of this dynamic wrote every single program you have ever used, banking software, websites, and a ubiquitously used program that was supposed to protect information on the internet but didn't.
this is great
"the opportunity to trim Satan's pubic hair while he dines out of my open skull so a few bits of the internet will continue to work for a few more days."
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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