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so what is a good way to stay in communication with you
email or FB message is just fine
I am willing to drive up to Seattle for a visit if it is worth it so you know
In other news I just got done converting a very complicated process that used arraylists into using only DB transactions...
But I am very interested in making this work. Sooner is prob better :P
we'd do a phone interview first before sending you anywhere, so don't worry about it just yet
yeah I hear ya
I'll bring it up with him tomorrow during our weekly meeting
are you guys related
workwise i mean
the company I work for is looking for Android devs
I'm just trying to help a guy out ;)
where you guys located?
ah well
Thanks a lot.
im in san diego and aim to stay here
(you can drop the mod title too if you want :P)
but my fiance is totally on board for moving
esp for the right job
If this works out Ill buy you all the beers you could ask for when I get up there :D
heheh sounds good
How did it look btw?
looked good to me, nothing to worry about
no offence but Ill worry anyways :D
if it's credentials you're worried about, fwiw we've got a front end developer who's an Iraq vet and a couple other guys finishing up online degrees
we've turned down PhDs because they couldn't communicate or show much Android knowledge
Im an Iraqi vet :D
its mostly this is a really good shot at becoming a real boy... and I want to be a real boy :D
the fact that you're on SO shows that even if you don't know everything, you know where and how to get answers, and that's worth more to us than a piece of paper
lets hope everyone else agrees :D
happy late vets day to you pyro
question... i have an alarm that starts up on initial run of the app
it doesnt need to be called ever again
except at boot
so i dont want it on my main menu on create or else it will keep creating one each time, right?
if they turn it off it shuts off pending alarms iirc
and thanks
So what I hear @ErikR saying is "start packing" :P
well I don't want to get your hopes up too high
but I'll do what I can to get you going in the process
so i have an alarmmanager, how do i take an existing alarm and edit it
you can remove an alarm by referancing its id
my spinner is so ugly
why have a radio button in your spinner?
i am able to make it shorter now, but that stupid radio button is there i dont need it
no idea
here is the code:
4 lines?
i mean, is it ok to do just 4 lines in chat
wait! I can try out my new privileges. I don't make the rules, just enforce them:D
1 message moved to bin
oh cool are you a mod
as of today
is there like a style element in the xml for this thing>
so thats just the spinner but you have to set the resource for the spinner in the code

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