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Any one here able to help me with my code problems
Guess he didn't need help.
9 hours later…
good morning Java
@CCInc need help again, something really silly and easy
private void totalPrice() {
double currentPrice = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tabModel.getRowCount(); i++) {
currentPrice = Double.parseDouble((String) tabModel.getValueAt(i, 0))
* Double.parseDouble((String) tabModel.getValueAt(i, 2));
PurchaseItem.getTotalPrice().setText("" + currentPrice);
PurchaseItem.getTotalPrice().setText("" + currentPrice);
ok I solved it, I think is time to sleep lol
1 hour later…
@mKorbel ??
came today on stackoverflow and...
lol @knowbody
Is anyone familiar with Groovy? I tried integrating it into my Java code using IntelliJ and I was just wondering what the advantage of using it is because it looked like any other Java class to me.
not me sorry
I don't know anyone who uses it but it seems to be growing in popularity on the web so I'm curious about it.
1 hour later…
@KevinBigler what are u curious about?
@CCInc and I didn't mean new users, but "moderators" or however they call themselves
can someone explain to me why not to use addNotify() with jtable in each method separate?
or how and where I suppose to use it
1 hour later…
Anyone out here able to help me with my game engine?
hey @knowbody
good to see you again
@sigpwned hi
looks like addNotify() "should be" used just once on setup because it performs some initialization
(adds table headers, etc.)
I fixed a bit code u gave me yesterday
oh, right on
what I'm trying to do today is set different column size in JTable
it didn't do what you needed it to?
oh it did, it wasn't working together with validation
because my validation was checking if the amount u want is available in db
it was checking JTextField
so u could add it to list, like 2 items
2 again
and again
ah, gotcha
and u could go over the value in db
makes sense
did you get your addNotify() question figured out?
not really
still dont know where to add it
bottom line -- addNotify() does some UI-level setup
from my reading, you shouldn't ever have to call it
(it's a protected method)
yeah I read that as well
why do you think you should call it?
but it doesn't work without it
is your code up-to-date in github?
give me sec
check now, I was working on PurchaseBasket only
ah, got it
you're modifying your row/column Vectors directly
if you make the changes through the DefaultTableModel, you should be good to go
(so tabModel in this case)
the DefaultTableModel will fire whatever UI-related events are needed
if you make the edits yourself, the DefaultTableModel has no idea the change happened and can't help you :D
so what should I do?
instead of rows.removeElementAt(), use docs.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/javax/swing/table/…
(sorry if that came through multiple times -- think my connection dropped)
no it didnt
so something like:
that would probably work
but i was thinking tabModel.removeRow(index)
(stylistically, when you're working with a data model, you should prefer to use the model-level UI class)
yeah u right
it works fine
can u tell me what u think about this app, it suppose to be easy to use for user, etc. but today I got a feeling that I am just copying the table from my db and showing that to user
i'm not sure i know enough about the app to be able to answer that question
but i will mention that most of UI building "just" putting a database on screen
if the rest of the world would just learn a little bit about how databases work, us developers wouldn't have to write half as many UIs :)
so even if that's the case, it's not necessarily a bad thing
I don't know if u realize but I added another column "code"
because now I need to connect that with db, so user adds whatever he wants to the basket then when he is ready, he clicks on CHECK OUT button and the db should be updated
so the code is unique, so I need to change "checking for duplicate in the table" from name to code
how is code different from product name?
product name is human-readable?
yeah but maybe u can have 2 different towels
one is 10$ the other 15$
and the name is towel
so code will be unique
makes sense
so this is a shopping cart, then?
what's it a shopping cart for?
my uni project
it suppose to be very simple
I just made it big lol
the basic requirement was just to buy one item at the time
I want to be able to do multiple purchase though, because that's how u do shopping
so is a bit more complicated
are u in uni as well?
ah, gotcha
that's cool -- always did the same thing in uni
i've been out of uni for a little while now, haha
i do analytics and data sciences for a services firm in California
oh that's cool. my dream is to work somewhere in the valley in the future
get to do all the fun stuff and get paid for it :)
right on
it's an interesting place
there's a lot of flash and trash -- people who talk big but don't know what they're doing
which company is it?
we need more people who are willing to put in the work and figure it out
if I can know
you'd like it here
sure, of course
I'm looking for summer internship
well, we're hiring
I'm on my first year
where are you located?
London :)
well, we have a London office
if you're interested, i'd be happy to put you in touch over there
not sure if they're looking for developers, though
I would love to get some experience
I study Software Engineering
forgive me if this is a weird question, but what other languages do you speak?
you mentioned yesterday that English isn't your first language
Polish, German and English
the reason i ask is because there's a lot of Analytics that happens in the London office, but not as much software development
the company i work for is a little odd
we're a (reasonably) large Analytics firm
when i joined in 2010, everything was done by hand
i started writing code, and so now there's a small group of developer/analyst hybrids
it turns out that is freaking HARD to hire
that's cool to begin in start-up
yeah, it's been a ride :)
but now looks big :)
so we're always looking for people who are interested in learning both the analytical and development side of things
heh the company is pretty big, but it's not only analytics -- analytics is probably 10-20% of the company at this point
I can send u my CV if u want to?
but that's up from 0% about 3 years ago, so i'll take it
sure! absolutely.
i'll forward it on to the folks in our London office. i'm not sure what they're looking for, but i'll make sure they at least send you a follow-up so you know what to expect
how do you send a private message on this site? haha
i'll shoot you my email
my mail is on github
I believe
ah, perfect
yeah it is
just sent you an email
got your resume
I'll follow up on it and see that you get a response
I opened new room
oh just forget it lol
should I change the size of the columns using setPrefferedSize?
usually u shouldn't use setSize
i'm not sure i see where in the code you're changing column sizes
oh u are checking, sorry
yeah, sorry, i don't think i see where you're calling setPreferredSize()
u are using ColumnTableModel
and then colModel.getColumn(0).setPrefferedSize(40);
sorry, are you talking about the change i suggested?
you should be able to stick with DefaultTableModel
i don't see where you use ColumnTableMOdel in your existing code
(I'm still in PurchaseBasket.java)
I did not, I was just thinking that that's the way how to do it
but dont know if it's the right way
you should be able to continue using your existing DefaultTableModel
and you're only adding and removing rows, i think
(correct me if i'm wrong)
u right
should only need DefaultTableModel#removeRow(int) and DefaultTableModel#addRow(Vector), i think
sorry I'm lost now
sorry, my bad
we talking about changing column width, right?
here's my suggestion
the only changes are in the deleteRow() and addRow() methods
in those methods, i'm calling through tabModel instead of directly to the rows variable
yeah I fixed that a while ago ;)
I was asking about changing the size of a column
because code doesnt need as much space as product name
ah, i'm sorry
i think this is what you're after
Q: Java JTable setting Column Width

Hamza YerlikayaI have a JTable in which I set the column size as follows: table.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF); table.getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setPreferredWidth(27); table.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).setPreferredWidth(120); table.getColumnModel().getColumn(2).setPreferredWidth(100); table.get...

i think the answer to your question is yes, setPreferredSize() is The Right Thing
and also that Swing JTableModel is not as easy to use as you wish it was :)
indeed is not lol
but I just need to get use to it
thanks anyway
do u have holidays now during Easter?
no, unfortunately
but i enjoy what i'm working on most days, so hey
not hard getting up in the morning :)
oh yeah thats cool
how about you? holidays over Easter?
oh I've got 5 weeks off, but still 2 projects to finish. plus I just got a job, going to teach kids how to do games development during easter camp
going for 24hrs hackathon next week
dude, that sounds awesome
and I guess Google Code Jam is next week as well
so busy busy
i'm a little jealous, not gonna lie.
I dont like to sit and do nothing lol
I wish I can work part time somewhere throughout the year
if it's possible in the company u wor for but in London I would love to
i'll be sure to mention that when i pass the resume along
the fact that you can speak multiple languages plays in your favor :)
lerning Chinese now, lol
but I know just basics
that's awesome
i speak English and Texan, and that's it
i know how to say 'you are beautiful' and 'you have beautiful eyes' in 10 languages I think, if u say that to the girl, she's yours :D
working in the pub got some advantages lol
important to find the perks in every job
good my gf doesn't know my tricks lol
but i bet she has beautiful eyes, or at least you tell her so
i need help
hi @Hydroid
hi @k
i made this code
one sec please...
@sigpwned she has :p
public static Object[] readJARFiles(String jarName, String suffix) throws FileNotFoundException{
jarName.replaceAll("/", "\\.");
ArrayList<Object>objects = new ArrayList<Object>();
File f;
f = new File(jarName);
if(f.exists()) {
try {
JarInputStream jarFile;
jarFile = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream (jarName));
JarEntry jarEntry;
while(true) {
jarEntry = jarFile.getNextJarEntry();
if(jarEntry == null) {
can u put it on pastebin?
i want to read files from my jar file
thanx @knowbody
Can I ask a Java question?
fire away @Benjamin
but only one @BenjaminGruenbaum
Why doesn't Java 8 support closures? I mean, they had a really good chance to actually make the language be expressive, and they threw it away... It's almost like a Java 8 lambda is syntactic sugar for an anonymous class :( Did they have a good reason for that?
@BenjaminGruenbaum closures are a fairly complex feature to add to Java, which is why it's take so long to add to the language
Yeah, but they were supposed to add them to Java 8, and they're not adding them
they were supposed to add them in Java 7, too
it's been pushed back for years
ultimately, though, capturing "stack" values is hard in the context of the JVM's structure
adding "functional interfaces" in Java 8 was a big step, IMO
C# got em, Python (kinda) got em, JavaScript got them, the JVM (except for Dalvik IIRC) is a stack based VM, it shouldn't be too hard
then add them!
OpenJDK is an open-sourced implementation
but what makes it so hard to add to the Java language is the fact that Java is a cross-platform and cross-form factor implementation
any change to Java the language has to work on everything from set top boxes all the way up to mainframes
preferably in as backwards-compatible a way as possible, including all existing source code
Well, only stuff that supports Java 8, the fact Java lacks innovation in recent years is killing it
oh, i'm not sure about that
Come on, wouldn't you like to see first order functions in Java? Better task management? Runtime generics? Type inference?
of course! who wouldn't?
I mean, they already had to implement type inference for lambdas, why not add it into the language
but i'd rather have a bulletproof Java implementation a lot more
the lack of closures means that Java code has to be more verbose in places, to be sure
It has to be less expressive
but it doesn't prevent you from writing any code
No, it doesn't, then again neither does C
you're right
but the second half of my thought is that adding new features to an existing language with (literally) billions of lines of code "in flight" has to take the impact on existing code into consideration first
period, the end, full stop
in this way, to your point, Java's popularity works against it
also, to your point about other languages, Python has lacked innovation for years as well
Popular languages can innovate, just like C# and JavaScript
JavaScript the language hasn't evolved significantly in many, many years
some functionality has been added to the standard library
the same is true for Java, Python, Ruby, C#, and every other language
ES5 introduces major improvement, and ES6 is also introducing much more improvements
but JavaScript the language hasn't changed at all
what language features have been added?
maybe i don't know as much as i think i do
proxies (ES6)
strong Object reflection methods
Property descriptors
Much stronger prototypical inheritance methods like Object.create and Object.getPrototypeOf
functional methods like .map .reduce .filter .every .some
variable arguments (ES6)
Seriously, this list goes on forever, and don't get me started on C# because that language evolved faster than you can say Jack Robinson
functional methods like .map .reduce .filter .every .some are not new language features, they're library features
and most of those features were already a part of other languages, including Java
Java is fast, Lars Bak did a great job, now it has to get expressive. Otherwise it'll slowly die. I'm just really disappointed they didn't improve it enough
map/reduce/filter etc are language features, on the prototype of Array, the fact you can cause old implementations of JS to also support them shows how strong JS
most of those features are available in other languages, too, or are incompatible
(Java included)
Really? Let's look at some C# code
I have a big collection of numbers
I want to iterate through each element in the collection, and double it, then select the element corrosponding to it from a string table , filter out the ones that start with the letter 'a' and concat them all
How would you do that in Java?
In C# it's something like:
var concatted = myNumbers.Select(x=>2*x).Select(x=>table[x]).Where(x=>!x.startsWith("a")).Aggretagte((x,y)=>(x+","+y));
Yeah, I read that, that's why I came here, I was mad about not having closures
using a very similar approach in Java 8, i would think
everyone wants closures
but i want a solid Java more
my personal opinion, for whatever that's worth
when the language designers tell me it needs to wait, i believe them
and ultimately, if i'm not willing to go add it to the JVM myself, i don't have a lot of room to complain anyway
but, to your point, learning other languages is never a bad idea
if you think Java's dying, pick up another set of skills
such is the dance in the tech world
personally, i don't see Java going anywhere
I already know other languages, the fact no develop I know would develop in Java for fun means something is wrong.
Up until 3 years ago that wasn't the case
I'd like to see it fixed
then get involved
the JCP is one of the best parts of Java
do u have twitter @sigpwned?
@knowbody yep -- @sigpwned, same as my StackOverflow handle
lol, silly me
will follow u so we can stay in touch ;) but I'm around here anyway
I am using boxlayout for a project and here is sample code that is being executed:
			Box box1 = Box.createVerticalBox();


			JLabel test1 = new JLabel("1");
			JLabel test2 = new JLabel("2");

The problem is that the box is created in the middle of the JFrame Window
instead of the top left corner
How would I start it at the top left? I don't want it centered.
@knowbody absolutely
done ;)
2 hours later…
Is there a rule that I cannot add a JLabel to a JPanel through an Item Listener?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Y U IN JAVA ROOM
Read the conversation
Too much work.
@DemCodeLines going to look at it now, I was eating, sorry
@knowbody no problem. Here is the code
I have a JPanel that is declared globally at the top.
Initialized inside
	    jpnlFinalOrder = new JPanel();
	    jpnlFinalOrder.setLayout(new BoxLayout(jpnlFinalOrder, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
put it on pastebin.com
then in an item listener event for a checkbox, I have this code:
and give me the link
hello guys
is easier to read the code
	    jchkBurger.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {
	    	public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
	    		if (jchkBurger.isSelected()){
						jpnlFinalOrder.add(new JLabel("Test"));
					else model.removeElement("Chicken Sandwich");
@knowbody ^ that is pretty much all needed that deals with this issue
except the panel doesn't show the new label
Any clue as to why its not showing?
can I see entire class code
ignore the else model.removeElement("Chicken Sandwich"); part
@knowbody you there?
Scroll down to line 225 to see the checkbox stuff
@knowbody any luck?
looking through it
Still no luck?
try something like this
jchkBurger.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
if (jchkBurger.isSelected()){
JLabel jlbMe = new JLabel("Hello");
but your if statment inside another if
I meant *put
not but
@DemCodeLines u checking it?
Yes, but executing the item listener isn't the problem.
u said that JLabel is not appearing right?
If I do jpnlFinalOrlder.setBackground(Color.BLACK); it works fine
its just that I am not able to ADD any component
ok sorry I misunderstood u
No that's ok. I kinda didn't explain properly
but yes, its that I am not able to Add any component
add this one inside if statment
It works!
Thanks you so much!
I really appreciate it.
u Need to revalidate and repaint, or else the label will probably be drawn in the wrong place.
Oh, haha ok.
see u tomorrow guys

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