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Hello everyone
Is anyone here particularly an expert at Printing in Java?
Potentially, through the javax.print and/or awt libraries?
....my portrait gets bigger if I have sequential posts. Neat.
Hmm, no one is really here right now, then?
@all @Doorknob Hey
@Code-Guru Heya!
2 hours later…
any oner here?
i need some help
9 hours later…
Hello java!
hi all
a very basic question ... whiy duz the friggin regex in eclipse not work? List<String> items = Arrays.asList(string.split("\[(.*?)\]"));
the pattern ("\[(.*?)\]") actually duz return the accurate data on the following string "["XX3","XX3"],["ED03","KIJ 3"],["001","TSWEK 001"],["002","TEDS002"]"
am i right to use the single "/" character if i want to escape the "[" character
1 hour later…
anyone onlinehere?
I am
@all @ShotgunNinja @Crowz Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How is it going?
Doing C++ stuff
Going good on my end.
Explaining Physics in the C# chatroom ;P
Lol.... What you guys are doing? One is doing C++ and the other one is explaining physics!
@ShotgunNinja What kinda topic you are discussing?
Radiation dose vs intensity.
@ShotgunNinja Okay. multi-talented. I might be asking and troubling you about physics in future when I develop game on my own. :P
I am off cya later.
Shotgun can I ask a physics question?
Well... it's a math question
One second
I was looking at this code and I don't quite get the math behind it
Specifically, what is "theta" and why is it that?
Theta looks like a spherical coordinate of some kind.
Maybe it's the unit angle per ray/pixel.
3D projection is any method of mapping three-dimensional points to a two-dimensional plane. As most current methods for displaying graphical data are based on planar two-dimensional media, the use of this type of projection is widespread, especially in computer graphics, engineering and drafting. Orthographic projection When the human eye looks at a scene, objects in the distance appear smaller than objects close by. Orthographic projection ignores this effect to allow the creation of to-scale drawings for construction and engineering. Orthographic projections are a small set of tran...
Or, you could set it up on paper, and sketch it out to see what each thing may be.
Chances are, it's a trick of geometry, you just need to identify what each point represents.
From Google: glulookat is defined as gluLookAt ( eyeX , eyeY , eyeZ , centerX , centerY , centerZ , upX , upY , upZ ).
what is "theta"?
Theta is probably the aperture angle.
sorry what's that mean?
I'm drawing you a diagram.
@Crowz Isn't that opengl 3d in Android?
Oh, and theta is in radians.
I'm not sure on this, but that would be my guess.
Well, some investigation shows that theta is the radian equivalent for 5 degrees.
Is this relevant in the code?
Maybe there's a 5-degree rotation step that occurs when you call left() or right(), that alters the camera and eye vector.
What are left() and right() supposed to do?
if I were you, I'd make a top-down diagram and calculate what left() and right() do to a sample angle along the XZ (floor) plane.
@Crowz Are you still here or is @ShotgunNinja talking to thin air?
he probably went to the C++ room.
sup @IceD
Hi man
are you any good about java in FF extensions?
Not really, no.
I'm smart, but my experiences are limited.
i just want to know how to use java
in FF extensions
in FF16 and above
mabe you don't know but
Mozilla broke support for java in 16 and above
so I am looking my way around it
can I ask a question on stackoverflow?
will mods look into it or ban it
i don't want to loose reputation
They're not going to ban it if its a valid question surely
ok I will ask
Just make sure you search before posting.
And clarify the issue.
I'm back. :)
Can anyone help me with Eclipse and AVD?
Q: Trouble with Eclipse AVD

Howdy_McGeeI've installed AVD and The Android SDK tools and have linked them in Eclipse via Preferences but for some reason or another under Windows I don't have the Android SDK and AVD Manager to launch. I can launch and run this manually but then I'm unsure how to run my Eclipse Project Through it. Pret...

I know I have my SDK folder linked to Eclipse and my AVD is inside my SDK folder so I'm not sure why the AVD isn't linked into my Eclipse
Went AFK because my mom can't into computers
@Crowz She unplug the router or something?
she keeps making these bullshit requests. "Here, I made this survey online. Could you tell me who answered this question?"
"uhh... no."
"it's... it's an anonymous survey mom."
@Crowz Yeah, my mom is the same way. I almost died when she told me to "update her Facebook".
@ShotgunNinja my mom is mildly computer literate, but whenever I teach her things, she expects more. Right now I am doing queries in a google doc hah
@Crowz Right?
Downloaded access and wrote lots of queries to make her convenient queries. Hopefully she can learn QBE because that shit's the easiest of the easy
@Crowz My mom has no interest in being computer literate. She'd just rather have my stepdad and I do it for her.
The worst part is, she runs Linux at work, as an MRI technician.
@ShotgunNinja my mom is "technology director" of the school districts (she's an english teacher but she uses the most technology)
Hi Guys, can View and Controller concepts of the MVC design pattern be in the same class? im soooo confused
Not usually.
The point of them being separate concepts is so they can be developed separately.
So, putting them in the same class is, while technically not in true violation of the MVC architectural pattern, absolutely retarded.
hey guys I've a question
What's the question, Kareem?
@Crowz the two ways that control statements can be combined are nesting one control statement inside the other and the compound assignments right?
@KareemMesbah Sorry, dunno
anybody knows ?
@KareemMesbah compound assignments?
@LewsTherin yes I mean things like a += b; and so on. Am I wrong?
That isn't a control statement.. I would if, while, for are control statements
@KareemMesbah What are you actually asking about?
@Aaron my question was about the two ways that control statements can be combined in java
@KareemMesbah Give an example of a control statement you're talking about...
@Aaron it's in general not a specific statement
@Aaron there're two ways in java that control statements can be combined one of them is nesting one control statement inside the other such as nesting if inside of another if statement
@Aaron but I am not sure about the other one
@KareemMesbah Could the other one be combining the ifs with an &&
@Aaron actually I think it's compound operators such as a += b;
but I am not sure
@KareemMesbah I have no idea what you're talking about
@Aaron control statements in java means selection and repetition statements
@KareemMesbah Maybe? Control statements are anything which changes what the program is doing e.g if, while, for as they divert the flow of the program
yea, they're as I said. selection and repetition such as if, if-else, switch, while and so on
@KareemMesbah ok
and I've a question here asks me to describe the two ways that these control statements can be combined in java. and I guessed the first way is nesting.
but I don't know the second way
like this int x = (i > 1)? 1 : 0; ???
yes I think you're right
thank you
anyone here?
hi @Crowz
I have a question
I made a jar file of my program, but when I try to use it, it says there's an exception
windows, linux or mac?
navigate to the directory in cmd prompt the type java -jar GridCreator.jar
regarding of jar files, when I finish a project and I want to give it for a friend to run it must it be runnable jar file or there are other extensions ?
give it to a friend *
@KareemMesbah You can get wrappers which can make it into an exe and over stuff like that
@Aaron is it complicated ?
@KareemMesbah Not too bad launch4j.sourceforge.net
@Crowz Working now?
@Aaron if I do so, the one who runs the application doesn't require the JRE installed, right ?
@Aaron the problem is when I open it
@Crowz did you try to run it inside the IDE ?
@KareemMesbah Yes they do, if you want something that easy you need to write in c++ or the likes. But most wappers will take them to the Sun's install page
@Crowz Did you try what I said?
@Aaron it compiles and runs in the IDE perfectly okay
I jarred it in the command line. Gonna try eclipse.
@Crowz I know! Did you try java -jar GridCreator.jar?
@Crowz and I recommend to make sure of the versions of the javac and java they should be the same
@Crowz What errors does it give in cmd prompt?
@Aaron none haha
Just when I open it
@Crowz Does it work when you try it in the cmd line? Or just ignore you
Oh wait... sorry just figured it out haha
What was it?
@Aaron I packaged it in eclipse then it worked
Do you happen to know how to make a special icon for a program?
@Crowz I think its frame.setIconImage(Image img);
@Crowz But I haven't had to change one in a long time so it might be wrong
I mean like, when I run it through NSIS all I get is this icon
@Crowz I don't know what you mean
sorry imgur is being slow
Well like, I put it in NSIS which makes an installer for it, download it to desktop, but I just get the generic (java) thing
java icon
nsis.sourceforge.net/Main_Page just have a look round here, there must be a way, but ive never used NSIS
eh whatever.
I'm kinda having a code problem though, wanna help? Haha
@Crowz Yeah what is it now?
Hello, World!
@Aaron Nice avatar ;-)
@Code-Guru Thanks didn't take long.
@Aaron I usually recongnize ppl here in chat by their avatars, so it often throws me for a loop when they change them ;-)
Especially the ones with generic user##### names.
@Code-Guru I know but the other one was terrible so i decided to change it
@Aaron just having some trouble with my code structure again
I have a redrawImage method that takes a ChangeEvent e as a parameter, such that whenever the sliders are moved, the lines are redrawn
I also have a color selector, and when the color changes, I want the same image to be redrawn, but I don't have access to the ChangeEvent
@Crowz We need code
@Aaron I did the same thing a while back. Got bored with the default avatar and finally settled on this one.
One second
sorry my responds are so slow, I am very distracted
@Code-Guru Well I might still change it a bit from that, maybe add a bit more 3D but im not brilliant at graphics
@Crowz Can you explain your reasoning for usnig a ChangeEvent as the parameter to your redrawImage() method? Usually XxxEvent objects are only sent to onXxx() listener methods.
@Aaron Me either. I like your avatar in its simplicity ;-)
@Code-Guru Because drawHorizontalLines and drawVerticalLines required to know the slider position
@Crowz So send the slider position directly, not the whole event object.
@Code-Guru Hmm okay then how would it be structured instead?
drawVerticalLines(int rightSlider) { ... } ?
A general rule of thumb is to send a method only the information it needs to do its job and no more.
@Crowz That looks abut right. Assuming the position is represented as an int.
@Code-Guru Yep, one second, this is getting weird...
@Crowz Although, I was asking about redrawImage(), not drawVerticalLines(), but then if the later takes a ChangeEvent, the same issue applies.
@Crowz What was your problem again?
@Code-Guru Well redrawImage() takes a ChangeEvent because drawVerticalLines NEEDS a changeevent haha
It's a whole line of problems
@Crowz So redrawImage() calls drawVerticalLines()?
@Code-Guru yeah
And if I understand correctly, drawVerticalLines() needs the slider position from the ChangeEvent, but nothing else, right?
So changing both redrawImage(), drawVerticalLines() and any other similar methods to take only an int will be a much cleaner design and allow you to reuse those methods more easily for other contexts when a ChangeEvent isn't available.
Yeah I just restructured it so now redrawPic takes two ints, the h_divides and the v_divides
And then I run it like this in the changeEvent
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
    	JSlider source =(JSlider)e.getSource();
    	if(!source.getValueIsAdjusting()) {
    		if(finalImage!=null) redrawPic(h_divide.getValue(), v_divide.getValue());
@Crowz looks good as far as I can tell.
@LewsTherin Send em invites with @ references ;-)
@Code-Guru If he keeps doing that it may annoy them...
@Aaron Yah, I mean a one-time invite. Pinging over and over is not a good idea.
Ahuh, well now that part works but there's still a problem.
@Crowz There always are ;-) Welcome to the wonderful world of programming!
I was actually pretty happy with how fast I got rid of the ChangeEvent problem hah
2-3 minutes and it compiled and ran without a single warning
That is the marmite of programming. You either love the problems or you hate them.
@Code-Guru You don't know what marmite is???? :O
never heard of that...guess cuz I'm not British.
Google and Wikipedia cleared it up. And I think I understand the reference...
Anyone see a problem in this code? It seems to never go through the if statement, as the println is not working
if(e.getSource()==color) {
                ColorSelector select = new ColorSelector();
                if(counter<select.getCounterValue()) {
                    myColor = select.getColor();
                    System.out.println("retrieved color");
                    redrawPic(HorizDiv, VertDiv);
Actually derp.
@Crowz Print out the values of counter and select.getCounterValue().
I think the problem is this only executes ONCE, when the color selector opens
I need a loop of some sort, but not quite sure how to structure it.
    while(ColorSelector.isOpen()==true) { ... sleep(1000); }
    Something like that?
@Crowz What are you trying to do?
Well you see the code up there? I need to constantly be checking if the value is updating through some sort of loop
@Crowz You don't want a busy-wait loop on the event thread. This will cause your whole GUI to become unresponsive.
@Code-Guru Okay what do you suggest? seems difficult
@Crowz That's the whole point of listeners. Your code is notified precisely when a change occurs. So what "value" do you need to check if it's updating?
@Code-Guru the counter, which is just an int
What does it represent, though? What's the purpose of this counter variable?
@Code-Guru it increments every time the actionListener happens, so I can check it against a local counter variable to see if my main class's color needs to be updated
@Crowz mkay...I don't see any need for a loop. The repetition will occur automatically each time the ActionListener fires.
ColorSelector select = new ColorSelector();
if(counter<select.getCounterValue()) {
The problem I see is that my if statement only fires once, because color being clicked only brings up the gui
@Crowz The problem might be that you are creating a new ColorSelector each time...
that seems odd to me
@Code-Guru well the idea is that the color selector comes up once as a separate gui, and they select the color, you know?
and what's the reason for calling select.main()? Is this a static void main(String[] args) method?
yeah hah to make it run and come up
You can simply call setVisible(true) instead.
I don't think it's a good idea to call a main() method explicitly. That seems quite strange to me.
@Code-Guru I thought so too I just knew it'd work
@Crowz Does the ColorSelector window have more than just a JColorChooser and OK and Cancel buttons?
It doesn't have any buttons haha
So it only has the JColorChooser? How does the user tell the computer when he/she has finally chosen the color they wish? Or do you take each color as it is selected?
Personally, I think you are making this more ocmplicated than you ned to. You should check out the createDialog() and showDialog() methods of JColorChooser. I believe they will make your code much simpler by removing the need for your ColorSelector class.
I want the user to be able to see the colors before they click "yes", if that makes sense
@Crowz ummm...I thought you said there are no buttons in ColorSelector.
@Code-Guru There are none hah I'd like to put one eventually that's more or less setVisible(false);
@Crowz I think you should check out docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/components/…
@Crowz Especially the second example. It has a button which displays a dialog box with a color chooser. I think this is close to what you are trying to do.
Is there a way to add a parameter to a changeEvent?
Or even change the return value?
@Crowz If you mean when you override the onChangeEvent() method. No, you need to cannot modify the method signature or else the listener mechanism will not be able to call it.
@Code-Guru Damn.
@Crowz What do you want to do?
@Code-Guru public Color stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { return color.getColor() }
@Crowz No, you can't change the return type. Where do you expect the returned value to go?
@Crowz You might find this example helpful: gist.github.com/4534928
I illustrate how to get a Color value from a JColorChooser and send it to another window.
@Crowz I think you are making this all a lot more complicated than it needs to be.
awesome! Thanks!
Sorry went to get beer
No prob. I'm just tabbing between a bunch of different windows.
do you think there's a way to resize the window after it's made?
@Crowz programmatically?
@Code-Guru yeah
@Crowz sure, call setSize() on the JFrame. I'd be wary of doing this, though. It's not common behavior and users likely will be surprised.
Makes sense when they're uploading a picture to grow
@Crowz ahh...yah if a pic is opened, then you would expect the size of the windwow to change to view the full pic...
or else the pic to be scaled to the size of the window...either behavior might make sense, but the former wouldn't be as much of a surprise as I originally thought.
@Code-Guru huh. Not quite working. I am using boxLayout, does that effect it?
@Crowz it shouldn't
Okay here's a really stupid question...
what is "final" and "static"?
@Crowz LayoutManagers just calculate how to divide up the available real estate in the container. They don't tell the container what size it should be unless it asks first.
@Crowz final can be used in a couple of contexts. A final variable cannot have its value changed. A final class cannot be extended.
@Crowz static methods and variables belong to the class itself, not to any individual instance.
static variables are often called "class variables" where as non-static variables are called "member variables" or "instance variables". Similarly with methods.
well, time for me to sign of for a while. TTYL

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