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@Crowz This is a somewhat simplified example of something that might work for you.
@Code-Guru I have something that kinda works, I'm having trouble extracting the colors in my "real" class.
@Crowz It seems like you are encountering some design issues here. I can think of several solutions, but I'm uncertain which will work best for you because I'm not familiar with the overall design of your existing classes.
@Code-Guru Wanna look at something else? I can't quite figure out the problem
@Crowz shoot. I'll look in between editing my question on math.SE
I don't quite get why it seems to keep writing on the same image.
I want it to dispose of gridImage each time the value is changed and remake the entire picture
@Crowz will you fix the indenting plz?
What is the declaration for gridImage?
BufferedImage gridImage= finalImage;
I want a copy of finalImage to play around with
got it!
@Crowz good ;-)
@Code-Guru Didn't copy the data right
@Crowz Note that this doesn't make a copy of any objects. It copies the reference only. You are assigning a reference to point to the same object as another reference. --- So that was the problem?
@Code-Guru I figured it wasn't doing SOMETHING right or the image would reappear every time, not stay there
Yeah now I am having another problem with doing this in the opposite direction.
so this is that smart person room huh =P
haha nevermind
never been on their chat before is it just people posting questions here?
Yeah hah I am doing stuff in java right now
6 hours later…
anybody awake here?
@AbhishekBhandari Hi
Hey man, can u help me on JDBC?
yes please ! if i can
can u please look into that..
Yes sure ! But I haven't used stored procedure much.
ok, so is it better to go with stored procs or with raw sql statements?
Why would you need a stored procedure for this login . cannot you do it straight
ya ! better with raw! I am engased in a Huge ERP . we never use Stored Procedure ! I dont mean i am right but we dont
i dont know much on DB, but other developer who developed DB is asking me to use everything by stored procs.. he has created stored procs for insertation also.. he is telling using sotred proc will give performance..
so do u use simple statements like statement.execute("insert into table1(a,b) values ('a','b')");
ya !we use it ! but its already inside a framework! we simply call the frameWorks some method .
or any better API or framework for performance? I am having huge data to insert or query at a time..?
I have never worked DB before? :( need some suggestions..
R u using Ibatis
right now I m using JDBC only.. I am developing application on Swing
your Question says ! "Login Failed" it can be mismatch of data ?? In a lay man term !
Q: Unable to execute stored Procedure using Java and JDBC on SQL server

jwmajors81I have been trying to execute a MS SQL Server stored procedure via JDBC today and have been unsuccessful thus far. The stored procedure has 1 input and 1 output parameter. With every combination I use when setting up the stored procedure call in code I get an error stating that the stored proce...

try that ! might have some clue!
how are you?
What abou you?
yea just stuck with an application haha
SO is a good place to hang around in these situations
yea true
maybe you can help me with java?
may be ! what is the problem
Well I got this app for ordering products. Currently im working on the orderlist that gets all orders out of the database and puts it in a jtable
That all works fine, now I made a button that goes to a new jpanel with the products for the selected order
But it doesnt display the products of the particular order i selected, instead I only got it to work so it displays all ordered products
Please tell me if this is clear then i can pass you some code
@AbhishekBhandari hey man, its working now.. I had to use executeQuery() instead of execute()
@DaViDa not clear, what issue u r facing? :(
@DaViDa do you want to filter data on jtable or what?
Well it doesnt display the products of the selected order
on my orderlist class i load in all made orders in a jtable
then i click this button and it shows me a new panel with a new jtable which needs to show the products that belongs to that order
this is the button:
private void btnBekijkActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:
int row = jTable1.getSelectedRow();
int order_id = (Integer) (jTable1.getValueAt(row, 0));
OrderProducts orderproducts = new OrderProducts(order_id);
WinkelApplication.getInstance().showPanel(new view.OrderProducts());
my other class for displaying the products:
public class OrderProducts extends javax.swing.JPanel {

* Creates new form OrderProducts
private int orderid;

public OrderProducts() {

List<Order> orders = WinkelApplication.getQueryManager().showOrderProducts(orderid);
DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) this.jTable1.getModel();
for (Order order : orders) {
model.addRow(new Object[]{new Integer(order.getOrderId()),



public OrderProducts(int orderid) {
ok, so new jPanel is not displaying?
well it is but without products
and I cant call the constructor from this class to an object in the other class since it contains initialize
do u mean without jtable, huh?
nah I see what the problem is
I did a system out and apperantly order_id im passing from the other class is 0 when initializing the other class
i need to return it, but I cant since I cant make an object in the same class and call a empty constructor as it contains initialize
ya.. why dont u change constructor?
it what way i mean
public OrderProducts(int oid) {
this.orderid = oid;
and change

WinkelApplication.getInstance().showPanel(new view.OrderProducts(order_id));
is it working now?
not yet
it should work :(
public OrderProducts() {

List<Order> orders = WinkelApplication.getQueryManager().showOrderProducts(orderid);
DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) this.jTable1.getModel();
for (Order order : orders) {
model.addRow(new Object[]{new Integer(order.getOrderId()),



public OrderProducts(int orderid) {
this.orderid = orderid;

System.out.println("" + orderid);
i do get the good orderid now in the OrderProducts(int orderid) system out
how do i load in the empty constructor now?
since that contains the query etc
as table is still empty
what are you doing man :(

remove public OrderProducts(){}, paste everything from empty constructor to OrderProducts(int orderid){}
public OrderProducts(int orderid) {
this.orderid = orderid;

List<Order> orders = WinkelApplication.getQueryManager().showOrderProducts(orderid);
DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) this.jTable1.getModel();
for (Order order : orders) {
model.addRow(new Object[]{new Integer(order.getOrderId()),
System.out.println("" + orderid);

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
at view.OrderProducts.<init>(OrderProducts.java:41)
at view.OrderList.btnBekijkActionPerformed(OrderList.java:197)
at view.OrderList.access$400(OrderList.java:19)
at view.OrderList$6.actionPerformed(OrderList.java:110)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:2028)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:2351)
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(DefaultButtonModel.java:387)
private void btnBekijkActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:
int row = jTable1.getSelectedRow();
int order_id = (Integer) (jTable1.getValueAt(row, 0));
//OrderProducts orderproducts = new OrderProducts(order_id);
System.out.println("" + order_id);
WinkelApplication.getInstance().showPanel(new view.OrderProducts(order_id));
no man, put initComponents before query, as jTable will be initialized in initComponents..

After initComponents put your query..
man it works
thank you soooo much!!!
public OrderProducts(int orderid) {
this.orderid = orderid;

List<Order> orders = WinkelApplication.getQueryManager().showOrderProducts(orderid);
DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) this.jTable1.getModel();
for (Order order : orders) {
model.addRow(new Object[]{new Integer(order.getOrderId()),
System.out.println("" + orderid);


yes it works thanks!
good to know :)
any way I can give you stackoverflow points or so for your help?
no man its ok.. continue ur work.. :D
thanks!! :D
I have a strange problem with a small http proxy for the windows media player. if i use a fastChannelCopy the wmp works like expected, but If I try to read some data via BufferedReader or Scanner the wmp does not interrupt the connection after the first 8 kb. I don't understand why
hi anyone here
@rekire :hi
@VipinNair hi
well hello
does any body here knows about <jsf
no idea
How can I read a ByteBuffer without removing the data on a read?
Can you guys give me a link or something to learn JavaBeans well?
@all @dystroy Hi
2 hours later…
can factory bean get class of the object it instatiates object for?
2 hours later…
anyone here?
@Crowz I am here..
Hey @LewsTherin
Is there anyway to basically say "if a checkbox is checked, make the value of one JSlider the same as the other
@LewsTherin how did your finals go?
Went ok.. I think I scraped everything
@LewsTherin is back!
Hello.. yay :P
I want the Java room to be full again.
It was never full ha
I've taken this on as a personal campaign.
Fine, then I want it to be filled.
There's got to be a bunch of professional Java developers out there.
We just need to find some who are willing to help and hang out on a regular basis.
Oh there are loads.. for some reason they never come in here.
Peter Lawry, Dystroy, Hovercraft Full of Eels and so on.. always answering Java questions, but never showing up here :(
Well, I want to fix that.
I have a question...
Yes, Crowz?
Can you check if a stateChanged event occured outside of the method?
I don't believe so, at least not through any conventional means. You might want to try incrementing a counter within the method, though, and have that counter value exposed to your external system.
What are you trying to accomplish with this?
@ShotgunNinja do you play any videogame?
@ShotgunNinja Howdy
@Washu Howdy
@Washu Yes I do; I play a lot of League of Legends and Counterstrike: Source.
Heyo @Meraman
Man, I am running with heap size problems.. :(
-Xms1024m or -Xmx1024 not changing heap size :(
@ShotgunNinja I've tried :( But good luck man! :D
java.exe is not taking more than 294m..
@LewsTherin Can you help me man
@ShotgunNinja Basically I have an external class calling this class, and whenever someone makes a change here, I want to capture their change and update a variable in my main class.
Okay, lemme make sure I get this correctly.
@Meraman Hey.. sorry, my knowledge of Java is mediocre at best.
is there anything that might be limiting heap size settings? I got stuck :'-(
You have ExternalClass, ThisClass, MainClass. Some method in ExternalClass is changing ThisClass#someProperty, and you want to try to capture that change and inform MainClass when that happens?
@ShotgunNinja precisely
To make it make more sense, I have a color chooser and a "draw" class
I want to inform the draw class when the color changes
Hmm... any more details on how the interface is set up?
Well it draws proportional lines, right? Splitting the picture into slider.getValue() pieces
Sounds like Observer pattern, or some event listener stuff.
I mean, how does one go about fetching the color from the color picker?
@LewsTherin Its working now.. :) I was giving -Xms argument after -jar jarfile..
but I should give run time args before -jar jarfile.jar..
Good stuff man
@ShotgunNinja there's a color picker in java already, you know? I just set a variable in my main class to the color that is selected then setRGB(x,y, thatColor);
Okay, well, if you have a setRGB() method, then why don't you just slap an event listener around that?
Well maybe you just want to see the program? Hah gotta redraw the image lots
You can compile and run that. Choose a picture with "browse" and try using the sliders
i have a doubt
any one thr ?
@vamsi Welcome to my world
in java while prompting the user to give input
if the user presses enter it will be taken as an empty line
i want to user to type certain input , how to make it ?
If you had some code I could help..
psvm(s[] args){
String a;
S.o.pln("enter the name");
a=scanob.nextLine();// if i type enter here empty will be assigned
instead i want the user to type something
any one thr ?
So if the user enters "Hello" and presses enter, a newline is returned?
if he directly presses enter ,an empty string is assigned to a if tried to print the a out
Ask on main SO.. I can't understand your question
i dont want the user to skip the input
2 hours later…
@Crowz Did you manage to do your colour chooser?
@Aaron nah, right now I am working on layout
flowLayout has failed me for the last time
Laying things out is the one thing I hate the most when doing GUIs
Yeah I'm not sure which layout to use for this simple GUI
how is it going to be laid out?
I want 2 sliders on the top, a big JLabel in the middle (set to a certain size) and two buttons on the bottom
four buttons *
will the sliders at the top be side by side?
And then, actually, I want a button that makes another slider APPEAR below it
Hello, Java!
hi @Code-Guru
'ello 'ello
hey Code-Guru, I got my program to do a lot of what was intended
@Aaron Howdy!
@Crowz good to hear!
now I'm just getting layout to work right
@Crowz I think a BoxLayout would be good and the buttons and sliders would each have to be in JPanels with gridlayouts. Or thats how I'd do it
@Aaron Does box layout allow me to set the size of a JLabel?
@Crowz Yes I think so you would hve to use Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT to have them centered. See docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/layout/box.html
Do you know of GridBagLayout?
I've never used one
@Crowz GridBagLayout probably gives the most flexibility in designing your interface. It's also the most complex.
@Code-Guru hmmm it seems excessively complex for my very simple interface
@Crowz That's very possible.
Okay I'm a bit confused about this but it's probably a noob question
BoxLayout provides some flexibility in a different way. Usually you nest BoxLayouts to get the look you want.
I have an int height and an int width, but setMinimumSize is asking for a "dimension" (docs.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/java/awt/Dimension.html)
On the other hand, GridBagLayout uses GridBagConstraints to define the layout.
@Crowz There are several versions of setMinimumSize(), IIRC.
@Crowz new Dimension(int x, int y); I think is how theyre made
@Aaron That's what I was thinking
I have read on several occasions that calling setMinimumSize() is considered a bad programming practice.
The main argument is that you should allow the layout manager to calculate the correct size for each component. The setXxxSize() methods circumvent that mechanism.
If you're using the method I said though it's unneccesary.
@Code-Guru ah, I see... I'm just having a huge problem with this stupid component not being any size
"If the component is not controlled by a layout manager, you can set its size by invoking the setSize or setBounds method on it. Otherwise, you need to provide size hints and then make sure you are using a layout manager that respects the size hints."
@Crowz Which method are you using gridbaglayout?
@Aaron any layout. One second, let me draw something
Well, you get the idea.
@Crowz It is preferred to use layout managers for all components, so that particular statement doesn't often apply.
@Crowz So which component is giving the problem?
picture. Picture is a JLabel
Program starts off looking like this:
then when a picture is uploaded, looks something like this
@Crowz I still suggest using a box layout, so you have a JPanel for the sliders, picture, JPanel for buttons, and slider. Then in each of jpanels you have gridlayouts to make them evenly spaced.
@Crowz Haha, I just started BioShock recently. Very interesting story line and game concept.
@Aaron Ah I see... so I put the components in their own... JPanels? Then add the JPanel?
@Code-Guru Awesome game, this picture was drawn by the guy who made Invader Zim. Not too surprising though
@Crowz Exactly. You nest JPanels inside of other JPanels until you build up to the final look you want.
and each JPanel has its own BoxLayout which is configured as either BoxLayout.HORIZONTAL or BoxLayout.VERTICAL (or the appropriate names with those meanings).
@Code-Guru He might as well use gridLayouts for equal spacings in the JPanels
@Aaron IIRC, every component inside the box layout has the same size, right? Say for instance you have a VERTICAL layout. Do all the components have to have the same height?
@Aaron Yah, GridLayouts can be nested, too.
@Crowz In fact, you can nest JPanels inside other JPanels and use any combination of LayoutManagers to get the look you want.
@Code-Guru Ah well should only be three JPanels for my look. Sliders, buttons, and picture
@Code-Guru No I don't think they have to be the same size, height or width, in a boxlayout.
@Crowz I'm not familiar with Invader Zim. I still need to finish the original BioShock before i try 2.
@Aaron I don't remember for sure. I haven't used BoxLayout all that much.
@Code-Guru BioShock is awesome...
docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/layout/box.html The first picture doesn't have uniform widths.
@ShotgunNinja Why do you play LoL :(? Better play Dota2...
@Washu Howdy!
@Code-Guru i catched a cold
@Aaron The buttons do have uniform heights. I assume that is a vertical BoxLayout. Does that always happen? (If you know?)
I think I did something wrong...
@Washu Sorry to hear that. I had the same problem after Christmas ;-(
@Code-Guru No I don't think they have to have uniform heights, but im not entirely certain.
@Aaron I'd have to experiment with it to find out...and it's far from a high priority at the moment...just a curiosity in the context of @Crowz's project ;-)
sliders = new JPanel();
    sliders.setLayout(new BoxLayout(sliders, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));

    imgDisplay = new JPanel();
    imgDisplay.setLayout(new BoxLayout(imgDisplay, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));

    buttons = new JPanel();
    buttons.setLayout(new BoxLayout(buttons, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
@Crowz Looks like you have the right idea there. How's it work for you?
it doesn't haha just shows the buttons
oh...except you can't add multiple components to the CENTER of a BorderLayout...
You probably don't want to use a BorderLayout at all...
You need to use a boxlayout not a borderlayout
or else add your components to different sections of the BorderLayout.
I can see why you might want to use a BorderLayout. It let's the center resize to take up any extra space not used by the north, south, east, or west.
@Crowz You should check out all the constraint constants that BorderLayout provides. I usually use NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST, but there are other's which are more friendly to internationalization (i.e. make adjustments based on the current locale).
@Code-Guru But it's not quite what he wants at the moment. And I think the others are only like NORTH EAST.
@Aaron There are also constants like PAGE_START, PAGE_END, LINE_START, and LINE_END which are dependent on the locale.
@Aaron Those might not be the exactly correct names, but you get the idea.
@Code-Guru Alright I'll have a look at them.
lookin' better
@Aaron Those didn't exist when I first learned to use BorderLayout, so I haven't gotten into the habit of using them.
@Crowz Nice!
@Code-Guru Yeah. From Sun: Before JDK release 1.4, the preferred names for the various areas were different, ranging from points of the compass (for example, BorderLayout.NORTH for the top area) to wordier versions of the constants we use in our examples. The constants our examples use are preferred because they are standard and enable programs to adjust to languages that have different orientations.
now a new problem arises: the image is no longer being loaded into the JLabel
@Crowz Is the space left for the JLabel too small? Are you setting the JFrame's size or using pack();
@Aaron wait, let's try something
okay nevermind, I tried loading an image that was less than the size of the frame.
@Crowz We need to see the code
@Aaron That's what I'm referring to ;-)
@Crowz Where are you actually getting the image
never mind
gridcreator.java line 98
@Crowz Why are you wrapping you're picture jlabel in a jpanel?
@Aaron Because it's its own division, right?
@Crowz I don't think it needs to be try it without the JPanel. The only reason you need the other JPanels is because you are including multiple components in each.
it works without the JPanel I am pretty sure
Does that mean it's all in place?
I mean, I THINK so. I don't know how to tell if the label is there
ok well i'm off
hi guys
I'm having trouble with some string formatting when trying to compose an URL
`String url = "%s%s?%s".format(_url, _endpoint, _query)` with _url = "http://site.com"_endpoint="/endpoint/" _query="key=value"
I end up only getting "http://site.com/endpoint/"
IDE says I cannot escape '?' this way "%s%s\?%s"
Is there an equivalent to strtok in java?
is there anything i can do besides _url + _endpoint + "?" + _query ?
@Aaron have a good day
@rxdazn You can use a StringBuilder.
@rxdazn And I'm not sure that you are using the correct syntax for format().
@rxdazn Check these docs: docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/… are definitely not using the method correctly.
hah... I'm thinking python
@rxdazn For starters, format() is a static method which means if you call it with a String object, that object is ignored. This means that what you think you are using for the format is not the actual format string.
String url = String.format("%s%s?%s", _url, _endpoint, _query); definitely is better
@rxdazn When a method isn't working the way you expect, the first stop is the API docs to check that the spec coincides with your expectations.
thanks @Code-Guru, it's working as expected now
@rxdazn good to hear
I know right
I was assuming it worked just like Python's str.format() method but it's more like C's printf()
@rxdazn Most of the time, I like the syntax for String.format() over using + or StringBuilder
Hmmm I have reason to believe my Label isn't showing up in my GUI
@rxdazn xactly
@Crowz Add a String to it when you create it just to test that it's where you expect.
@Crowz Or do something so it isn't blank to start...
@Code-Guru I have my own type of JLabel as a "Label" class
@Crowz I saw that. I'm not sure of your reasons. Still, if you are questioning whether or not your label is appearing in your GUI, you should put something on it so it isn't blank when your program starts.
okay so I did setText to "is this even here" and nothing showed up.
@Crowz Where did you do that?
@Code-Guru constructor of Label
Are you sure that line is even executed?
Well I'ma try to put a regular JLabel in
I suggest adding a SOP or breakpoint to your Label ctor.
No no it's definitely there
Well that's odd...
@Crowz Aww, that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I got the picture to show up, by switching where the sliders and buttons are o.O
@Crowz You put the sliders on bottom and the buttons on top?
@Code-Guru Other way around
then it magically worked
@Crowz Have you tried putting them back? Maybe you made some other change that fixed the problem?
Is there a way to center all elements within here?
i wonder if anybody can help me at this thread? stackoverflow.com/questions/14346940/animate-down-to-sdk-5
@Crowz What do you mean?
See how the buttons float left? I want them centered
@Crowz What layout manager are you using for the panel that holds the buttons?
@MagnusJensen I'm an Android noob and don't have any suggestions for you ;-(
dammit ): i know this aint the main android room, im waiting to be let in there ;o
@MagnusJensen If I think of anything, I'll let you know.
great ^^,
@Code-Guru BoxLayout
@Crowz Try a FlowLayout instead.
@Doorknob Hello, again

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