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I found this code in the library
  static public TwainSourceManager getSourceManager()throws TwainIOException{
    try{                                                      // wait until native thread is up and running
    }catch(Exception e){}
      throw new TwainIOException("Cannot load Twain Source Manager.");
    return sourceManager;
it looks like you don't have it installed
installed where?
I was investigating these parts too
you have to add the jars to your build path
However, my main dilemma is, the plugin or code works well in ImageJ, but when I compile it myself doesn't.
I have added the jars, otherwise, it would give errors, right?
It did give an error
did you put them in the build path?
are you using eclipse?
I mean, an error related to classes/jars. Eclipse does not give any error
It compiles and works
send a screenshot of your project in the project explorer
for some reason it says it is not installed
but it is
sorry, I have no idea why it's not working :(
no problem, i'll try to figure it out
but as I have asked in the question, it works with imagej precompiled program
that's weird
Tomorrow, I'll try this with another computer. It doesn't make much sense but I'll try
ok, sorry I couldn't help but I hope you can fix it :)
good day/night
3 hours later…
I'm confused, what the hell is Java GangNam Style? Any way, I need some fairly specific information regarding the javax.sound.sampled package, is anyone here familiar enough to help me out? I didn't want to post a question because I feel like it's going to end up being something stupid I've overlooked somewhere.
4 hours later…
please help me about a javafx concurrency question
Q: Cannot start JavaFX Task using Thread.start()

MahanWell I am currently studying JavaFX and as a total beginner(but not in Java) I started reading the official tutorials in Java and I'm currently studying Concurrency in JavaFX. and I tried to create my first JavaFx Task Object and start it. This what I have tried so far Task<Integer> task ...

thank you
4 hours later…
I would like to know, what is this socket bind? can we bind the port and IP in server aswellas in client ?
@highlander141 socket bind means you are reserving specific TCP/UDP port for your app
yes, but is it on server end or client end?
server will be already bound to specific port and listening for client connection
when client want to connect to server, it will get port from OS, binds itself with port.. u can say your app is registering that port with OS, so OS knows to which app forward received data from other end
when you bind socket, u r doing for yourself, not for other end..
@user1508907 thanks a lot, so u mean like, we dont need to bind the port and ip on client side?
do u mean opening port or binding port? You must bind port and ip for communication on both sides
server will bind when it starts in server side and client will bind when you want communication with server.. both will bind for communication..
while creating the socket itself, the port will be opened I guess, as you said, client "will bind" is it like client binds itself? My problem is like, i am using php client and java server for some communication, if by mistake, the java server has been stopped, the port will be still be opened, then in that case how the client connects?
if we start the java server again, which will show error like port already in use...? to overcome this, we need to bind the port and ip on server side, am I right ?
is anyone here familiar with the sound api?
and/or the control api? my problem is controlling audio volume
yes, u will get error if you have not closed socket when server stops.. better you have to design server which should close socket when it stops..
@KevinBigler, what problem u r facing?
my program will not recognize FloatControl.Type.VOLUME
or I cant find a supported line or something, I'm not entirely sure the exception isn't very specific
may be mixer not supporting VOLUME controls..
FloatControl.Type.MASTER_GAIN does work, but its not a volume gain control so it wont work for my purposes.
okay and i'm still learning the api, is there more than one mixer on a system? i mean an average system. could i possibly enumerate through a list of mixers and find one that supports it?
sorry I am also not sure, not used sound API much..
yeah, I've always heard its not that great but reading through it I realized it might be something I wanted to learn. I'll have to find a book. Oh before I go do you have any idea how to specify the file a TargetDataLine should play? For example when you open a clip you're required to include an AudioInputStream but with a TargeDataLine the open method takes an AudioFormat object as an argument so how does it know what audio file to play?
I think TargetDataLine is for recording, if you want to play, you should use SourceDataLine..
oh oops did I have those backward?
well thank you for your time.
Oh I'm one step ahead of you haha, I just came back from there. In case anyone is curious with the SourceDataLine to play sound you open the line, start it and after its been started you can write byte data the the line using its write() method. It would have to be inside of a while() loop though to continuously write data to it and continue playing. Or I suppose pre-loading the audio files might be an option. I finally found the page I was looking for :-).
yes.. u can preload on Clips but for unknown or large audio, you will use SourceDataLine..
and TargetDataLine is for reading audio from microphones.. its reverse of SourceDataLine..
@KevinBigler hope that document has resolved your issue
@Washu hello
i hav som clarification in jsonobject
can any body please
@theunlucky what is the problem?
i need to pass the json object to jaxrs web service
Wht type of param i should use ?
any ideas ?@Washu
@Washu okies.. wil look into that...
@Doorknob hi
hello @Rhs
hey out there is there a trick to override a private function by reflection or so?
I don't believe you can over ride a private method.
I think so too but I don't know how I can extend a functionallity
If I remember correctly you can over ride a protected method IF the class inherits from the class the method is in.
does that make sense? haha sorry its early here.
well here it it 4pm :D
No, iirc;
Are you correcting me? I'm not sure what iirc means.
it will make two methods, one accessible from the higher-class scope (and only with scope qualification), and one accessible from the lower-class scope.
iirc = if I remember correctly.
in other words, take it with a grain of salt.
oh sorry I'm not good with the internet acronyms
ah shit i have to go...
well try protected and inheritance that might help
If you had, say, class Bar extends Foo, and they both implemented baz() in the private scope, then calling baz() would change based on what the object reference was instantiated as, if I remember correctly...
Either it would be what the object was instantiated as, or the type of the reference itself.
right, but if the method in Foo was protected Bar would be able to override the method, which i believe is what they wanted to do. but i could be wrong
and you couldn't access baz() from any class that didn't directly inherit from Foo.
I assumed that in the original question that Bar was outside of the editable scope of the project...
Hence why you'd want to wrap it and try to override it.
In my experience, that's the most common reason why people ask the question.
you may be right
I'm having a threading issue, any chance you're knowledge able in that area?
I've only worked with threads once or twice, but I can give it a look.
Well, Java threads, that is.
Java threads are modeled after the way threads work in a computer. Hence some of the method names that don't quite make sense if you only know Java.
any way i'm working on a metronome
so timing is very important, and i think my issue is in loading the audio file. I'm trying to find a way to thread the program so I can get the audio data through an input stream, play the audio at very specific intervals and update the UI all in separate threads.
I've been messing around with a producer/consumer model to handle the first two tasks, one thread loads the audio file and puts it into a queue and another takes it from the queue then plays it and closes it but its glitchy at best so far
Isn't there an intermediate data format you can use to store the raw audio?
Some class, or at least an array or list of samples?
Or is that what you're describing?
see audio in java is tricky, i'm not really sure but that was my thought when i decided to use the queue, load and store a bunch of them somewhere maybe my implementation is the problem?
What are you queuing? Audio file handles, or raw samples?
i'd prefer to use AU files because they're native to java and the program would be cross platform
i'm storing the files as a Clip object
That talks about using a SourceDataLine class when you have large files that won't load into memory completely. Have you looked into using those?:
right but they're small files, just ticks. and yes i've read the sound API excluding the midi stuff
and the API recommends using Clip whenever possible
oh i think i might have found the problem... i just got a notification my processor fan isn't working, i bet its getting hot and having a hard time keeping up
on a related note i better shut it down. thanks for your help.
Right... Hope I've helped.
2 hours later…
I just want to know more about threads in a game development
hello can anyone tell me why i cant create table in my database using this code
import java.sql.*;

public class Q1 {

public static void main(String[] aa) {



Connection con= DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL", "scott", "tiger");
Statement s=con.createStatement();
String b=s.execute("create table Users(User_id number primary key,User_Name varchar2(30),Email_id varchar2(50),Deptno varchar2(3))");

System.out.println("Table Created...");

catch(Exception e)
{ }

}//end class
mm You can view your exception
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("error : " + e.getMessage());
@Dezigo Done.
@SumaSultan There are safeguards against remote table creation; I'm not exactly sure on this, but using Statement#execute() may not allow you to use the CREATE keyword.
Try using another method in the Statement class, such as executeUpdate().
cannot find symbol method executeUpadate(java.lang.String)
@ShotgunNinja i tried using executeUpadate()
You spelled it wrong.
It's executeUpdate().
Lesson has been learned: Always make backups.
@ShotgunNinja sorry meant to send you this error "incompatible types"
@SumaSultan I think execute method returns boolean not string, I think u r having compile error..
@user150 yes i changed it to boolean but still same problem
@ShotgunNinja Do I need to create iterations in one own thread just like: in while(); - mobs physic - towers physic - bullets physic - finally draw (mobs/bullets/towers) ?
what error u r getting now?
@user150 no errors only table is not created in database
@SumaSultan table should get created..
just put catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("error : " + e.getMessage());
to know what exception u r getting..
@user1508907 error : oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
i do have the oracel folder in the same directory already
@SumaSultan have u given classpath set to jdbc driver?
@SumaSultan java.lang.ClassNotFoundException ?
catch (Exception e) {
and let me know..
@SumaSultan you need to add 'oracle.jdbc.jar' to your project*
sorry typo: e.printStackTrace();
@user1508907 i got this
java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java)
at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection.<init>(OracleConnection.java)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.getConnectionInstance(OracleDriver.java)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect(OracleDriver.java)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:582)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:185)
@Dezigo i did
@Dezigo That's typically the easiest way.
@SumaSultan Sounds like you need to double-check the connection to your database.
@SumaSultan you might have listener running on different port or listener might not be running..
@user1508907 you mean in services .its running
Hey everyone..I have written a NoSQLite4j .. It is a nosql database native to java ..Can someone please review and post some comment..github.com/debarshri/noSQLite4j/tree/master/NoSQLite4J
I love the commit comment on java-json.jar: "Here we go"
@ShotgunNinja maybe you are right.. but with threads it's looks so beautiful - but I have one problem (Too Much CPU usage) :(
@Dezigo Add some arbitrary yields or sleeps to the threads, and you won't eat up as many CPU cycles for the amount of difference visible to the player.
@SumaSultan can run command "lsnrctl status" in CMD and post here
If it was a first-person shooter, then you could go all-out, and process as quickly as possible, but it's tower defense.
Processing 400 frames of collision checking a second isn't really necessary.
The best games know how to do more with less.
Sup, @Washu
C:\Users\ADMIN>lsnrctl status
LSNRCTL for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 02-JAN-2013 20:51
Copyright (c) 1991, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
TNS-12541: TNS:no listener
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
TNS-00511: No listener
32-bit Windows Error: 2: No such file or directory
TNS-12541: TNS:no listener
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
@SumaSultan type "lsnrctl start" in CMD
@user1508907 error
@user1508907 Starting tnslsnr: please wait...
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
TNS-00530: Protocol adapter error
@SumaSultan, how were you connecting to the database in the first place?
@ShotgunNinja sorry what you mean
@ShotgunNinja you were right..
I had thread.sleep(2), than I've increased it to thread.sleep(100) (on all threads); and my CPU Usage has fallen by 75%
@SumaSultan can type "ping" and post result here

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
@Dezigo How does it affect the smoothness of gameplay?
@SumaSultan I am NOT DB Admin, not sure what issue u have, can you try restart your machine..
@SumaSultan Either the computer you're on isn't configured with the right database adapter installed, or there is some other issue. Have you connected to the database using another method (ie. SQL client) in the past?
i use sqlplus
i tried with different machine it worked
@ShotgunNinja frame by frame animation :D, I'm trying to optimize it ( by increase time holders and speed)
but this one no one could know the problem :(
@Dezigo In game development, there are a number of different ways of getting consistent timing for the main loop.
@user1508907 @ShotgunNinja thank you for your time
@SumaSultan You're welcome, hope it helped.
@Dezigo You should use an animation tweener for frame-by-frame stuff, so that you compute the amount of time into an animation sequence, and use that to select a frame based on system time, rather than advance frames based on inconsistent processing speed.
@ShotgunNinja I made it like this one
@SumaSultan try running "lsnrctl start" with admin rights//
@SumaSultan start CMD as Admin..
how do people attract developer to contribute in a java based open source project?
yes.. I made it with system time..
just like this one
bullet physic
public void physic(){
    if (walkFrame - startTime >= walkSpeed ) {
        //shot to a ship
        for (int i = 0; i < Screen.ships.size(); i++) {
                    shotEnemy = i;

                    //if (currentFrameStep++ > currentFrameTimeHolder) {
                    //make a shoot
                            new Bullet(
@debarshi Good question. Talk about it with people who are interested. The hardest part of doing stuff open-source is the fact that the mystical 'community' which it thrives on doesn't exist at the start, and can only be gathered or built from word-of-mouth.
Can anybody please explain why I get the error in the following Java Generics example? pastebin.com/PYJkKNbs
Well...i am developing a scalable nosql database in java that can handle purely unstructured data and not just key-values..I am looking for people who would like to contribute...
There's (next to) nobody here.
If you want to get people together on an idea, you have to do the following: (1) Make sure you know why it's a good idea, (2) Go outside of your comfort zone (if you have to) to try to explain it to others, and (3) Make sure it's a good idea.
Personally, I have no use for a nosql database, and while I think it's cool, I'd also like to earn my rent and pass my college courses.
That being said, and not to sound like a dick, but this chatroom has no community sense to it. People come and go, but not even the moderators are in here regularly.
See..let me put this way..There are really good nosql databases like cassandra and hbase..but the problem is bundling them with ones own products is a challenge because of number dependencies as well as size of project and implementation complexities..
Again, it's cool, but I have no interest in it. I'll pass it along if anyone wants a Java implementation of a NoSQL database, but other than that, you'll have to scour elsewhere for active contributors.
Thanks mate for your input!
Sure thing, dude.
@ShotgunNinja HALP
@Washu Whut?
how to copy the data of a jtable to the clipboard?
@ShotgunNinja you there?
Yes, and I don't know.
Someone working with jboss 4 and JAX-WS?
No, unfortunately.
@Washu google it.. there will be lot of examples..
Just did
none good examples
do u want selected rows/cols in clipboard?
copy all jtable
then iterate all data in table and create string which represents something like CSV and place it on clipboard
i guess..iteration makes sense
Hello, Java!
@Washu cat dancing on your keyboard?
@Code-Guru kinda... D: the cat in my office
@Code-Guru how are you how did you spend new year eve?
@Washu I'm doing better. I got sick just after Christmas. I spent most of New Year's Eve playing PS3. Fortunately I'm getting better now.
@Washu How about you? What did you do for the holidays?
@Code-Guru drinking every booze possible
wheres java?
in my scotch ;) @debarshi
@Code-Guru and for christmas crazy dinner with my family... it was funny :)
well..i got a crate of de konnick
its really good
ohhh nice
@Washu Sounds fun
@ShotgunNinja how come you have no hats?

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