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@Code-Guru Mmmn, surely saying javax.swing or javax.swing.* implicitly refers to all subpackages of javax.swing?
I don't see the need to distinguish between javax.swing and subpackages of javax.swing.*
@LewsTherin Can you provide a quote from Wikipedia that supports your statement?
Swing comes with its own awt classes?
The Swing classes and components are contained in the javax.swing package hierarchy
@It'sYourFault No, that's what I am saying. It doesn't make sense.
it should come with it
@LewsTherin In code, import javax.swing.* only imports classes, not subpackages. So at first I parsed your statement the same way which is why I asked for clarification. Technically speaking, Java doesn't have subpackages.
@It'sYourFault AWT is the original GUI framework that Sun created with Java 1.0. Later, Sun created Swing to replace AWT. Swing reuses many classes that are still in the java.awt package hierarchy.
@It'sYourFault Most noteably several abstract classes, some layout managers, and event-related classes.
@Code-Guru Why does Java not have subpackages.. technically speaking?
Debates, Debates Everywhere
@Washu Debates are good!
@LewsTherin Here's one hit from google: arthyvijayaraghavan.wordpress.com/2010/04/21/…
At least we are debating about Java now :)
@Code-Guru okay; here's the question; if you use Swing, do you have to manually import java.awt , or is it already available when you use Swing?
@LewsTherin With some time, I could find the exact details in the JLS (Java Language Specification).
@It'sYourFault You have to import it.
@Code-Guru I'm reading it.
okay; that makes little sense to me
@It'sYourFault It depends on what classes you use. For example, if you need to use a Font, then you have to import java.awt.Font. If you want to use LinearLayout, you have to import java.awt.LinearLayout.
@It'sYourFault Good question though.
@It'sYourFault Of course, I typically use the coding convention of importing individual classes rather than all the classes in a package.
@Code-Guru But let's say JComponent imports java.awt.Font why import it again? ;)
I think I'm gonna download it to have a better understanding of it; you guys are rocking the boat
You don't have to download it ha.
It comes with the JDK.
@LewsTherin If you use a Font object explicitly in your own code, then you need to. If you are only using Font indirectly through some JComponent, then you don't need to import it.
@LewsTherin Which is what I meant by "It depends on what classes you use".
@Code-Guru I know that. But why? In C/C++ the includes cascades down to the current file.
are you referring to the Swing on this page?
Swing is the primary Java GUI widget toolkit. It is part of Oracle's Java Foundation Classes (JFC) — an API for providing a graphical user interface (GUI) for Java programs. Swing was developed to provide a more sophisticated set of GUI components than the earlier Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT). Swing provides a native look and feel that emulates the look and feel of several platforms, and also supports a pluggable look and feel that allows applications to have a look and feel unrelated to the underlying platform. It has more powerful and flexible components than AWT. In addition...
@It'sYourFault That's the one.
so, it's not a separate framework; I presumed it's a separate software one has to integrate into Java; something like a plugin
Hmm...interestingly, docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se7/html/jls-7.html#jls-7.1 uses the term "subpackage". Perhaps the details have changed in more recent versions of Java.
@It'sYourFault It's a separate framework. Don't be deceived because it comes with the JDK
@LewsTherin imports in Java are not the same as #includes in C++. This is one difference. If you import a class into your source code, it doesn't automatically import the imports from that class.
@It'sYourFault Think of it has .NET C# .NET VB. It is a framework of frameworks
@Code-Guru I know that, hence the question :) I think that's a java limitation ha.
But it's good in a way. Removes the need for those annoying guards and #pragmas.
@Code-Guru Subpackage makes my brain happy :D
@It'sYourFault It's a framework in the sense that the classes in the javax.swing hierarchy work together independently of any other classes in the JDK. Similarly, I would call the classes in java.util a framework, the Collections Framework, even though they are included in the JDK toolkit.
@LewsTherin It's not really a framework; it's more of packages
@It'sYourFault Packages, or a collection of packages make a framework.
@LewsTherin In loose terms, it works. I just parsed your original use of "javax.swing.*" to only include classes, not "subpackages". Thus the start of this conversation.
Framework is synonymous to libraries (there is another term.. can't remember)
lol......and that is the beginning of confusion
@Code-Guru Fair enough :)
@LewsTherin yes, in this context, I would agree with that statement.
@LewsTherin And I love how I can use the word "parsed" in an informal conversation with someone that knows what I mean!
Talking with non-nerds can sometimes make the conversation more verbose.
@Code-Guru xD. Yeah, it's pretty cool.
Or try sharing programming jokes.. wtf look.
@LewsTherin yah, certainly
so, how do you differentiate core frameworks (JFC and the likes) from 3rd party utilities that are integrated into the IDE, which are often called frameworks too?
I've tried telling my non-nerd friends the one about the mathemetician, the engineer and the programmer whose house was on fire.
@It'sYourFault Differentiate in what sense?
@Code-Guru I think I've heard that one before.
@Code-Guru Or the programmer that counts the eggs from 0 to 9
they are both called frameworks, but one is a core framework, and the other is just a helper utility
@Code-Guru I haven't heard about that one
The engineer wakes up and starts drafting plans to organize the neighbor hood to fight the fire, the programmer lines up a queue of neighbors to bring buckets of water to the fire, the mathemetician lights a match and blows it out and claims "there is a solution".
@It'sYourFault I dunno, think of a library has a collection of classes (with methods etc..). Think of a framework has a collection of this libraries.
@Code-Guru Lol.
Is that the full joke?
I thought there was more.
@Code-Guru where's the punchline?
@LewsTherin Don't get me started with counting. I'm constantly surprised how many people can't count the number of months from, say, Dec to May. A lot of people start by saying "December" and putting up a finger. -- face palm --
@It'sYourFault that is the punch lin e=p
@LewsTherin I understand that; it's just that they both have the same name, and without more information, will be confusing
@Code-Guru My problem with that joke.. is that it should have been a chemist not a mathematician.
@LewsTherin @It'sYourFault well, I guess you have to be a math nerd to get it...There are a lot of mathematical theorems that prove a problem has a solution but doesn't give any insight about how to find said solution.
You mathematicians
how you people doing?
@nineT9D Hello, World!
A wife asks her husband, a computer programmer; "Could you please go to the store for me and buy one carton of milk, and if they have eggs, get 6!"

A short time later the husband comes back with 6 cartons of milk.

The wife asks him, "Why the hell did you buy 6 cartons of milk?"

He replied, "They had eggs.
LOL, There is programming logic right there to the core.
@Code-Guru so, the punchline is the mathematician's response?
@LewsTherin haha
@LewsTherin :D
@LewsTherin agreed
so true
Anyone feel like translating that to Java code? :D
how's this for a joke?
@LewsTherin Talk about ambiguous parsing.
@Code-Guru Vex parsing, yikes! :P
@It'sYourFault Ah yeah, I know of that! :P
@It'sYourFault nice
I remember a lecturer telling me once that programmers need clear instructions.. he is so right.
has anybody here ever used the java with windows azure
@nineT9D ? I'm not sure they'll be happy with that.
I love xkcd!
"They " sounds like voldemort
I don't use XKCD much for some reason.
@Code-Guru, please check this apptivate.ms/apps/1350/location-matrix
@LewsTherin It's a great time waster.
please check the above link
@nineT9D Oh my bad.. you can use it with different programming languages ;)
@nineT9D Cool.
please check the link i posted
@Code-Guru SO does the job well :)
How is it?
@LewsTherin definitely, but in a different way
@nineT9D What about it?
It's a w8 app
@Code-Guru Yesh. Depends
@nineT9D is this ur app?
would be better if it's hetero though :)
@It'sYourFault Totally.
@Code-Guru @LewsTherin @TemporaryNickName yes, please gve me your feedback ,if you need any changes
@It'sYourFault , please check the link there
Yes it's mine
@nineT9D I don't own a Windows phone, sorry ;-(
I'm checking it
I won't ask but if you people liked the concept please vote it up
sick concept
@LewsTherin drunk typing?
@Code-Guru Nope.. which part? "Yesh"? :P
@nineT9D is it a mobile app?
@It'sYourFault I've seen that one before and it's still hillarious!
no for windows 8 desktop
!!/urban yesh
@nineT9D make it mobile, and go get investors :)
@LewsTherin [yesh](http://yesh.urbanup.com/489064) 1. The word used by Mooch in Mutts to say 'Yes!'.
2. An awesome way to say 'yes.'
@nineT9D Either way, I don't have any way to install it. I think thi machine is WinXP!
@nineT9D phone and/or tablets
!!/google/who cares?
no need you just need to vote from logo
@Code-Guru Invalid command /google/who cares?
below logo there is a vote up sign
@It'sYourFault tablet and laptop
@Code-Guru , and ultrabooks too
@Code-Guru Available commands: help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, regex, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, beautify, convert, get, google, hang, learn, nudge, ring, roll, spec, stat, todo, undo
@nineT9D make it phone also; not everyone has a tablet; almost everyone has a smartphone
@Code-Guru Invalid command //norris
@nineT9D you'll become a millionaire in less than 2 years
@Code-Guru It's widely believed that Jesus was Chuck Norris' stunt double for crucifixion due to the fact that it is impossible for nails to pierce Chuck Norris' skin.
@Code-Guru Invalid /roll argument; use `/help roll` for help
!!/help roll
@Code-Guru Invalid /roll argument; use /help roll for help
@nineT9D depending on your location :)
It's in the competition for win 8
/help roll
@Code-Guru roll: Roll dice in DnD notation. MdN rolls M N-sided dice. MdN+X rolls as said above, and adds X to the result. You can use any of the four arithmetic operators +-*/,. X can also be a die roll: MdN*XdY for example
@LewsTherin Yah, I got it eventually =p
how can i upload phone app :P
!!/roll 6d6
@Code-Guru 3,5,3,4,4,6 => 25
@It'sYourFault how is the concept
We could play online dnd with that...
Ha ha yeah
@nineT9D what concept?
of app, did you read that?
just package all those 1 - 7 features; make sure they work, and get them on mobile devices
Ok, but please vote up if you really like it
@nineT9D why?
It will help me winning this
what are you winning?
oh okay
does one have to log in before one can vote?
you need to login with stackoverflow
Took my time to do it.
Had to go the warehouse and fix the report.. ._.
@Washu Not damn well high enough.
!!/choose "go to sleep" "eat food" "do work"
@Code-Guru eat food
it will automatically take you looged in
@LewsTherin Guess I'd better log off and find something to eat. It has been decided!
@Code-Guru Why? What is food? :P
@Code-Guru , did you check that?
@nineT9D okay.....I've done that; but you need to get it on a mobile asap
As soon as i am done with the desktop version, i will definitely work for mobile too, sure:)
@nineT9D if my Android skill's already good enough, I would have simply used that idea :)
and thanks
@It'sYourFault :D
are you in the USA?
nop, India
oh.....that idea will likely get stolen soon
@LewsTherin That's a good question. I have some stuff at my apartment...but then I'll have to leave. Not sure I'm ready to do that. I need 51 more rep first.
it's a gold mine :)
@It'sYourFault why?
@Code-Guru Hehe.. you rep whore
@nineT9D because it's a mobile goldmine
@It'sYourFault where are you from
@Code-Guru did you see?
ideas that are worthless than those have fetched millions :)
@nineT9D the USA
forget about the contest; start thinking about how to turn it into a product
@It'sYourFault Hehe.. mine better! It's as worthless as worthlessness.
@It'sYourFault see the concept is that i am a student
if possible, target iPhone, iPad, and Android phones right away
@LewsTherin lol...what's worthless? the app?
and doing that thing at the professional level sometimes becomes giant
Zuckerberg was a student; Bill Gates was a student too
@It'sYourFault My project. "mine better!"
@LewsTherin lol.....you haven't disclosed your project to us; so, we can't really say :-P
@It'sYourFault If i would ever be able to port this on different OS and platforms then i would do it definitely
but they never graduated :P
@It'sYourFault I don't need to.. I know so :(
So I'm counting on its worthlessness to fetch me quids
do you have the skills to actually create that app on mobile?
if i win the contest at least iwill get the recognition for my app
lol.....true; some worthless stuff still fetch millions
@nineT9D really? your focus is on winning a $15k contest
when you can reap more than a thousand folds on it
not at all, i don't ned that
well, I'm gonna save the link :)
neither i would be able to win that
it might be useful to me later :)
@It'sYourFault thanks , may be helpful to me too :)
you aren't gonna be the next Winklevosses or Ross Perot, are you? :-P
:D, not at all
@LewsTherin let us know when it's open to the public
alright....well, need to go get brunch
@It'sYourFault Will do :P If I ever finish it.
@LewsTherin did you see my app concept ?
well i don't think so because at that time you were chatting with @Code-Guru
@Code-Guru :D , :D, fantastic man!!
@Code-Guru lol.....yup; it's his fault :)
@Code-Guru I should change my name to that lol.
hey guys, is structs in C++ essentially same thing as javabean in Java?
Isn't java bean just a class
Java has no concepts of structs AFAIK
javabean is a class that represent singular stuff. it has list of attributes, getter & setters and sometimes it implements serializable
and that's all about it

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