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Hm what does the eclipse debugger shows you?
image = ImageIO.read(new File("C:\\Users\George\Downloads\image.jpg"));
why do i get illegal escape character in the line above?
image = ImageIO.read(new File("C:\\Users\\George\\Downloads\\image.jpg"));
@jdknight thanks mate
do I have to scale the image to make it appear in the JPanel?
hello guys
I have made a JPanel class with a JPanel method
what I need now is to make the thing that I wrote to run
I made in the JFrame class an MyJPanel object. How do I make the code run ?
2 hours later…
Hi everyone
What do you mean @georgemano
@Washu I have made a class for the JPanel but I have difficulty to run it
@georgemano what's the difficulty?
I make an object after that I the object to my panel
but it does not load the picture
ohh you are having trouble with
image = ImageIO.read(new File("C:\\Users\\George\\Downloads\\image.jpg"));
it just doesn't load or shows an error?
doesnt load the picture
thats weird
im checking and that should work
have you tried ImageIcon?
Try this
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(path);
@georgemano ?
that does not change anything
3 hours later…
hey all, Is it possible to set value to s:iterator through javascript ?
@Brittas hm
I think it is
Are you using Struts 2?
@Washu yes
my most of the work is in client side, So after calculation I will get an number say is 5, So for 5 times i need to iterate a div which is put under a s:iterater
can u help me for the same
to set the value
hello java people
throw new TakeItEasyException();
2 hours later…
List list = Arrays.asList("komal girish mahendra amit
mahendra".split(" "));
System.out.println("Elements in list : " + list);
Im using this simple example. but its showing a error. so anybody tell me what is it?
Error is Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.Arrays$ArrayList cannot be cast to java.awt.List
at com.simple.java.java.main(java.java:23)
@DurgpalSingh :: hello
its showing error
luk this
List list = (List) Arrays.asList("Ashok Lalit Sandeep Krishnakant Durgpal Ankit".split(" "));
System.out.println("Elements of the list: " + list);
what should I do?
Error is Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.Arrays$ArrayList cannot be cast to java.awt.List
at com.simple.java.java.main(java.java:23)
m waiting.....
hello @AkhilSoni sir.
what do want using that array List Exactly ?????
r u there?
yes i m here
for u only :)
add elements in array list.
and then output
by this method
Thanks for coming.
what happend.
ok 1 min
1 min giving u solution ok
wait 1 min only
public class JavaDemo
public static void main(String args[])
ArrayList<String> arr=new ArrayList<String>();
// add the elemtnt in to array List

Iterator<String> itr=arr.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
String string = (String) itr.next();
System.out.println("Element is:"+string);


try this one
in that way u can add and iterate the array list content :)
I just want to use List class.
then what to do.
both are same . what's the problem with arrayList ?
I have no problem with arrayList. but I want to use only List class to add element in to list.
use the Java.util.List class while Importing the Package
let's see the below Example :
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class JavaDemo
public static void main(String args[])
List<String> arr=new ArrayList<String>();
// add the elemtnt in to array List

Iterator<String> itr=arr.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
String string = (String) itr.next();
System.out.println("Element is:"+string);


actuly I'm reading collection fremwork
so I want to use only that code in my program.
so any problem ?
yeh. using that code a error is showing
Error is Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.Arrays$ArrayList cannot be cast to java.awt.List
at com.simple.java.java.main(java.java:23)
import java.util.List; use that package and remove the java.awt package
see the pakg list
n then try
will try
hello java people.
I need some help on Esper CEp engine
its working
ok that's fine
hi all
hi all
@ChaturvediDewashish Please stop spamming your chat room here.
2 messages moved to recycle bin
@AkhilSoni hey mate, try the following code
List<String> al = Arrays.asList("My name is Jason".split(" "));
for(String s : al){
@DurgpalSingh List<String> al = (List<String>) Arrays.asList("My name is Jason".split(" ")); try this. The problem happened because you didn't provide signature for your List. It should have been List<String> since you are making list of String elements. ArrayList<String> al = Arrays.asList(stuff); doesn't work because Arrays.asList returns List object.
If you want this to happen, you should go ArrayList<String> al = (ArrayList<String>) Arrays.asList(stuff); and it will cast that List object to ArrayList
If you are working with Java7 ArrayList<String> al = (ArrayList<String>) Arrays.asList(stuff); this can be simplified as
ArrayList<String> al = (ArrayList<>) Arrays.asList(stuff); by using diamond operator
@TemporaryNickName Dang, ctrl k your code next time.
I found an even better code
List<String> al3 = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("asf asf asf".split(" ")));
anyways, cheers guys I'm going back to php
Ctrl K
what's Ctrl K?
Which looks better:
String s ="Use Ctrl K"
String s ="Use Ctrl K"
Control + K
List<String> al3 = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("asf asf asf".split(" ")));
There! Well done :P
i think the problem with java is that it sometimes require to use too many functions to get a simple thing done
you had to use like 2 functions + constructor to get the above thing done lol
I know yeah lol
and problem with PHP is function names are too long lol! e.g. mysql_real_escape_string()
whoever designed this should come up with a new name lol
Yep, snake casing or something sucks
hi can somebody help me solve my java problem ??:)
but i think advantage of having so many specified function is that it gives you more control
@Serv0 Just ask the question... don't ask to ask.
i have an issue with the understanding the arraylist which contain the objects from different classes. I have 6 objects. All of objects have 2 attributes in common.(ID,Type) Every object has its own attributes. I created mainObject class with 2 atr (ID,Type). The other objects extends the mainObject so they have
@TemporaryNickName Uh?
class mainClass{
class extendedClass extends mainClass{

class extendedClass2 extends mainClass{
@Serv0 ctrl +k
Format your code using ctrl +k
Doubt you can edit it now..
@TemporaryNickName Global functions are not the best (it depends), if I understand you correctly.
@Serv0 Apart from the code not compiling... what's the problem?
i read the values from file and i need the one array list for all the objects
FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("data.txt");
// Get the object of DataInputStream
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
String strLine;
// Read File Line By Line
while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
    // Print the content on the console
    String s[] = strLine.split("\\|");
    mainClass myObj = new mainClass(s[0], s[1]);
@Serv0 Do you make object out of mainClass, extendedClass, extendedClass2 and you want to store all of them into a list?
Then create an ArrayList<mainClass>
Then you can use List<Object> l = new ArrayList<Object>();
or <mainClass>
@TemporaryNickName God no..
It defeats the point of extending mainClass, and having to cast.. sucks
but the problem is when i create arraylist<mainClass> list = new Arraylist<mainClass> i only the vales s[1] and s[2] are added and i don't have access to other classes methods
well, you do
I tried the <Object> but its not working :)
by using <mainClass>
wait a sec...i'll try
@TemporaryNickName If I expose certain methods in mainClass to get me id and type, why would I need to cast? :P
make condition like if (curObject instanceof mainClass) //dothis
if(curObject instanceof extendedClass) //do that
Nope, again defeats the point..
Just expose methods in mainClass to return what you need.. then you don't need to cast.
is instanceof part of casting process?
If you are absolutely sure you list contains mainClass then you are fine.
I had to open internet explorer.. I feel dirty now
the <mainClass> is working but it takes only first and second parameter
@TemporaryNickName No but my doing instanceof.. it implies you will use a cast.
id :4586176Type :Aerodrome
id :68352072Type :Obstacle
id :4825070Type :Runway
id :4479624Type :Airspace
id :72275967Type :Obstacle
id :4586182Type :Aerodrome
What do you guys think of Java proxy classes?
but when the object is runway it have more then 2 parameters
@Neil No idea.. still haven't looked at it.
@Serv0 What?
@LewsTherin yeah I see, people typically go mainClass newOb = curObject; after using instanceof, is that what you mean?
mainClass myObj = new mainClass(s[0], s[1]);// the mainClass have only 2 atributes
@LewsTherin Aww, ok :(
@TemporaryNickName Mmn, cast means (type)someObject
@Serv0 Ok.. go on..
hmm, i don't see why you wouldn't use instanceof at this point. Because it isn't casting at all
@TemporaryNickName If the ArrayList contains mainClass objects only.. you shouldn't have to use instance of.
Although Java generics suck, so you are probably right.
my idea is this
List<mainClass> list = new ArrayList<>();
is this ok?

while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
				// Print the content on the console
				String s[] = strLine.split("\\|");
				ItemObject myObj = new ItemObject(s[0], s[1]);
			ArrayList<ItemObject> items = new ArrayList<ItemObject>();
			//ArrayList<ItemObject> items = new ArrayList<ItemObject>();

				for(ItemObject temp : items){

						Runway run = new Runway(s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4]);
mainClass is the name of a class? wth?
if(curElement instanceof mainClass){ invoke mainclass method }
That's wrong
itemObject == mainClass
@Neil lol
runway == extended class
@Neil ye, i know you should say MainClass in OO fashion
It's probably a test project or something, and you're thus forgiven
@Serv0 itemObject == mainClass or itemObject == ItemObject?
But I can't bring myself to name classes that way, not even in a hurry
it wasn't my idea initially
ItemObject == mainClass
the other objects like runway are extended
i was just trying to replicate above code that was posted heh =/
anyways, going back to php lol!
What do you mean by mainClass.. base class?
I don't see mainClass in your codez
main object
the other classes are RuWay extends ItemObject
Ok that's better.
Why are you checking if an object in list is a Runway
public class ItemObject {

	private String ID;
	private String objectType;

	public ItemObject(String ID,String objectType){


	public String getID() {
		return ID;
	public void setID(String iD) {
		ID = iD;
	public String getObjectType() {
		return objectType;
	public void setObjectType(String objectType) {
		this.objectType = objectType;
And by the way use instanceof instead
i am trying everything:)
public class Runway extends ItemObject {

	private String codeID;
	private String designator;
	private String length;

	public Runway(String ID,String objectType,String codeID,String designator,String length){
		this.codeID =codeID;

	public String getCodeID() {
		return codeID;

	public void setCodeID(String codeID) {
		this.codeID = codeID;

	public String getDesignator() {
		return designator;

	public void setDesignator(String designator) {
What is your problem exactly?
The code you posted inserting only when you find a runway object doesn't make much sense.
If I'm grouchy.. it's because I didn't get any sleep :)
i read the lines of source file
while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
				// Print the content on the console
				String s[] = strLine.split("\\|");
the lines are like
first is id / second object type / ...own attributes
i can trandsform the lines into arrays
@Serve0 is this for your homework?!
String s[] = strLine.split("\\|");
no i am out of school
this can help me to get one job
but i am stacked on the arraylist of various objects :)
then you have to check which class this object belongs to right?
i read lines,one by one......then i add the s[0] and s[1 values] to the constructor to ItemObject
because the ItemObject have only 2 attributes
but the objects like runaway which extends the ItemObject
public Runway(String ID,String objectType,String codeID,String designator,String length){
		this.codeID =codeID;
my point is to get the lines/ create objects / sort them / write to the file
    import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class Test {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Test t = new Test();
		List<MainClass> list = new ArrayList<MainClass>();
		//Creating new instance of inner classes
		list.add(t.new MainClass());
		list.add(t.new SubClass());
		//foreach elements inside the List
		for(MainClass c : list){
				System.out.println("Found a MainClass object! ");
				System.out.println("Found a SubClassObject!");
i figured that you cannot use instance of since we are assigning list signature as MainClass (and we are foreach looping using MainClass) therefore all instances are going to be instance of MainClass
Hi @LewsTherin @Neil
@Washu Hi @Washu
but small disadvantage of this code is that .equals method is actually casting the c objects to Object lol. However, this casting is just temporary
sec i'll try
Small disadvantage.. lol
@Washu Hi
@TemporaryNickName Just know that this is an antipattern
Fine for tests, but don't write programs like this
If you derive a class, you have to be able to treat it in the exact same way as its parent class or you'll get into a lot of trouble
@Neil Thx for pointing out that.
@TemporaryNickName I speak from experience :)
I think inheritance using extend in Java makes some procedure quite complicated
@Neil Cool
@TemporaryNickName In what sense?
Just like the above case
Interface is good when you want to give no restrictions on how something is implemented, like when you want to write a library
@LewsTherin What's up
lol i think that was pretty stupid sorry
You are a PHP developer. It is understandable.
no i am not lol
Oh, alright then.
still learning heh :/
@Neil Half right...
It's more about specifying what message can be sent to the object.
I was surprised how Java displays new SubClass() object inside <MainClass> list as MainClass object
so instanceof can't work
@LewsTherin Interface can be implemented however.. technically you could throw exceptions when called, though it would make little sense
It's simply a way of saying, "I need a class that works something like this.."
Whereas deriving from another class has a lot stronger restriction on it
I'm not talking about how an interface is implemented, but what it means to implement an interface..
@Neil Mmmn.. what restrictions?
@LewsTherin As in, you don't derive from an ArrayList and implement a LinkedHashSet
You derive from a List an implement a LinkedHashSet
Actually technically you'd derive from Set, so that's a bad example
You implement a List :)
And what's stopping you from extending ArrayList?
@LewsTherin ArrayList is done using arrays.. if you were extending it to work like a Set, it's really no longer a List
You probably could, but it's conceptually wrong
Unless, you have two separate structures? :)
But it is weird.. a list and a set..
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class Test {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Test t = new Test();
		List<inter> list = new ArrayList<inter>();
		//Creating new instance of inner classes
		list.add(t.new MainClass());
		list.add(t.new SubClass());
		//foreach elements inside the List
		for(inter c : list){
			if(c instanceof MainClass)
				System.out.println("Found a MainClass object! ");
				System.out.println("Found a SubClassObject!");
i'm talking about this
What, you mean derive from ArrayList and not use it?
took sometime to write code, sorry
would this be inheritance as well?
Thinking about it.. yeah
But implementing is the right word.
I wonder if you can have an interface that implements another interface :O
you don't need to
interface inter implements anotherInter
because you can implement multiple interfaces
Yeah, that makes sense.
I think it is possible in C#.. a sec
You can do that, yes
What if you need an interface to require that it is Serializable?
You simply say that it implements Serializable
@LewsTherin Why you always relate things to C#
@Washu lol
@Washu xD, so I can slag Java haa
@Neil I knew it! :D
@TemporaryNickName You have to know that @LewsTherin is a Java Hater u.u
@Washu :/ niooooo
Does any of you ever worked with Citrix Server?
when someone realizes Java code is unorganised and started to compare the language with other languages like C#, its about to tell him "welcome to java" I think
anyways back to the watching walking dead lol!
Ah shit
Thanks for reminding me!
And no thanks.. now I won't study lol
do you hate java as much as i do?
I probably hate Java more than you do :)
i think it's just a java culture that java developer hate java itself
pretty weird
I'm not a Java developer.
In fact I'm not using Java now.. I finished my assignment ages ago :P
me neither!
Until the exams I guess.
i recently started to love JS
i love its loosely typed concept
anyone else loves it too?
It's a love hate relationship however.
But Java is awesome :(
I prefer things to be strictly typed.
java is awesome language because java community frequently come up with a new java music video youtube.com/watch?v=Mk3qkQROb_k
- Why both java & .net developers opinion that the language they use is the best, is subjective?
- Because they cannot Objective-C
i think they make a new music video every year
@Washu Nice.. objective(ly)-C
which language wins at production speed java (with spring, hibernate) vs C# with .net?
Ok I will learn the code of the devil
@LewsTherin can you link me a C# manual?
@Washu ?
@TemporaryNickName No idea
@Washu msdn.com
I think this java (with spring, hibernate) is way faster
from my own experience
You've had experience with C#?
spring framework is simple to learn and reduces your code a lot
So how do you know?
just guessing!
You said from your own experience ;) Guessing isn't good enough ha..
but one thing i know is it was better than PHP
Anyway, I really have to get some work done.
@TemporaryNickName Spring? Oh I can't wait for @It'sYourFault to see this :P
@LewsTherin Where is the manual?
who's it'syoutfault guy?
A good friend
Hey @LewsTherin have you joined the EDX?
@TemporaryNickName Some guy that loves PHP
@LewsTherin yeah just found it
"Some guy" - I'm mean xD
@LewsTherin edx.org/courses
mmn, thanks bookmarked.
You can join the course if you want and is pretty easy
i think you can even get a certification from harvard
are they for free?
There is a project in it too :P
I haven't finished any of those yet but i really plan on finishing the introduction to computer science
@Washu Nice, thanks
i would love to grab more but i wont be able to finish the homeworks and the projecs
@LewsTherin Yw :)
wait, have we seen Ziang Xie this guy just came into this chatroom like an hour ago?
@zhangxiaojie oh it's a different name
@TemporaryNickName ?
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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