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It's later than you think, the joint Russian-American space mission has already begun. (source)
reads a book
6 hours later…
dreams of electric sheep
@d0n.key I let have one built
But the house isn't actually mine until it's completed and it was on Thursday
3 hours later…
1 message moved to Trash can
Please use a paste site for long code snippets and stacktraces.
@Gemtastic Congrats!
hi guys,
why does calling `val.isValid(request)` gives an IDE error `Required: type capture of ?, provided T`?
It's not an IDE error but a compiler error. I could not give you a detailed explanation as to why it is because I never got too far into generics with wildcards but I think I might have a solution; give me a second
I may have an idea, if you get stuck
does it require unsafe type-casting?
I don't think so, no. Sorry; got a little carried away with something else
No, it doesn't.. I notice that you declare IValidator<?> val. Doesn't that result in an IValidator for Objects?
You're calling it with a type T, so why not declare it IValidator<T> val?
You can make RequestValidator generic with T like this allowing you to use T throughout the field declarations as well @edmundpie paste.ofcode.org/bFNYe22gu8MBL2bJgBjDes
This should compile without issues (interface declarations in the top mostly for myself to see if it would compile)
That's how I read the error: You're saying you have no clue about the type (type capture of ?), but you're calling it with a type (provided T)
I suggest you just change the one ? with T
@geisterfurz007 You're very service minded :)
the map values will contain multiple types of IValidator. Hence, I shouild use the IValidator<?>.
But shouldn't the map contain the entries contain the class and then the validator for that class?
If you have a String and a validator for an Integer, the whole code would fall apart anyway because the typing doesn't work
@edmundpie Well, no.. It will contain pairs of Class<T>, IValidator<T>, not Class<T>, IValidator<?> as per your registerValidator
if i do so, then i will need to make RequestValidator class generic as well, which is not what I wanted. Because then, I will need to instantiate RequestValidator for every type i encounter.
Maybe IValidator<? super T> val will not require you to make the entire class generic
anyway I've asked it here just now stackoverflow.com/q/60798067/2850848
I can't compile your code, because I have no idea what IRequestValidator is
@edmundpie The answer on your Question is probably your best bet. I even tried to explain the situation to the compiler with IValidator<T> val = validatorMap.<IValidator<T>>get(request.<Class<T>>getClass());, but it's not budging :D
thanks. currently trying it out
5 hours later…
How do you guys test for persistence? How do you test if a service void method is storing data to the database?
Mock the connection to the database and use the mock for testing
@geisterfurz007 I am using JpaRepository interface from Spring Boot, and my service method calls repository.save(). I could mock the interface out, but what do I assert?
In that case, rely on Spring. You are not supposed to test libraries or frameworks
At least that is what I understood
Yea I am not supposed to test libraries/frameworks. That's right. But how do I test the register service method. I will add a snippet, hang on.
 public void register(UserAccountDTO dto)
        User user = new User(dto.getName(), dto.getUsername(), dto.getPassword());
        Validator validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();
        Set<ConstraintViolation<User>> violations = validator.validate(user);

        if (violations.isEmpty())
        else {
How do I test if the registration was successful?
any idea to use streams in this values
@2dsharp mock the repository
use an in-memory repository and check if the user is added
or, if you dont use a JpaRepository, then mock it as a spy and see if "save" is called
where the values are all same for date and different for transactionType like Buy and Sell
@Wietlol I have had weird experiences doing the in-memory repository thing. But I will give it a try.
it works quite well imho
much more comfortable than a spy
@dhS what you want to use streams for?
want to filter data from a list
with same date but different transaction type
I need both the entries in the list
group by / partition by date and then distinct on transaction type
as i am trying to work with stream and filter it is not generating correct result.
Have other transaction two but i want for buy and Sell
what filter do you use?
I am using like this
two transactions of same date but different transaction type one is buy and other is sell
filter works per element
so how do i implement this solution.
it will give you all the elements that
have a transaction dat > 1
AND has a transaction type "BUY"
AND has a transaction type "SELL"
I think none of your items is going to result in true for that
because none of them are going to be BUY and SELL
Yes it is not working
you should try using a group by
Yes i am trying as you said
I have tried with this
But it is not working
based on your earlier comment, I would think you'd use a group by date
But two other data is also need to take in consideration which is ClientId and SecurityId
all 3 data are same
but transactiontype is buy or sell
what could i do in this scenario
i would first make some sample data to showcase what you want
sample data is this
for output
ClientId and SecurityId and transactiondate should be same
but transaction type is buy and sell no other transactionType
Alright I am using JpaRepository from Spring Boot, and I am trying to write a test for persisting two entities with the same ID, and it fails silently without any complaints. Is there a way to know it failed?
4 hours later…
@VimalDhaduk Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.

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