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its this problem on codeHS and been struggling for about an hour now lol
What could have caused the error though? I've tried multiple REST Service tutorials, and get the same error
Living in china doesnt even allow me to search it up on google rip
@CrashBandicoot com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer did you import the wrong class? Java doesn't find this class, it could be because you didn't add the right dependency version to your pom.xml
I mean, I followed each step to the letter on that tutorial
Including all dependencies
Link the tutorial please
@CodingBat i herd about the strict laws
Yeah I only moved here 2 months ago cuz dad's job and I miss youtube and fb so much
@CodingBat lol
Another tip is to create a README.md in the project root and describe your project. You can add things like links to the tutorial you followed there @CrashBandicoot
@eFox I see. Well thanks
Can you guys help me how to code this problem?
@CodingBat please use a code pasting site like pastie.org
and for the love of god indent your code
@wonderb0lt sorry didnt know theres stuff like that, give me just a sec
@CrashBandicoot Did you try this? stackoverflow.com/a/18099938/8724372
Tried that
@wonderb0lt pastie.org is apparently blocked in china, any other sites?
@eFox When I follow those steps, it gives me an error that tells me to do the opposite; constant loop of problems
I think this tutorial is just plain broken, there are dependency issues. What happens if you get the latest of all the dependencies?
@eFox How do I do that?
I think you can just click on the dependency folder and click something like "add dependency" and choose the latest version, otherwise you can go to Jersey's own website and see what their latest releases are @CrashBandicoot
I don't use eclipse as it sucks
So you'll have to google the details
paste.ofcode.org/83Bc8GTEe4qYddUWygsYF2 this is the Expandingarray.java file
and paste.ofcode.org/Q2HzP7QpmmtaCUseBZ4wGR the tester file for it
We're not going to do your homework for you :)
yeah i know
um so basically
idk what the question really is asking me haha
What's your question?
@eFox Is this the right place for the latest asm dependency?: mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.ow2.asm/asm/5.0.3
Idk what "public void add(int index, int element) " this method is supposed to perform
so i am not sure what to code
I'm pretty sure it's supposed to
> Add the int element at the index in the array
@CrashBandicoot Looks like it
@wonderb0lt yup, will give it a try and ask again if i cant do it
Please do. If you have concrete questions we're happy to help. We're just not gonna do your homework :P
@wonderb0lt yeah you're right need to try and improve myself rather than just asking answers :)
@eFox Which of these do I use then?: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.ow2.asm/asm/5.0.3
The asm-5.0.3.jar has a different groupId than the other one.
Which is different to the one used in the tutorial
@CrashBandicoot Go to the "start" page of the group asm: mvnrepository.com/artifact/asm/asm you see that there's a notice on the top of the page telling you that the organization has changed their group name and what it changed to is in th elink
That's how you can tell what the group upgraded too
Ah okay
So I'd use the 5.0.3 one?
Yes, or the 6.0
That could be the problem with the application
Done putting the relevant jars in
What is the proper way of refreshing a Java project?
You can use an unrar program (like 7zip) to inspect the Jar files. See if the class is located in the jar at all
You can probably explore the dependency jar in eclipse as well
How do I explore dependency jar?
@wonderb0lt I just cannot understand what "Remove the element at index index" is and how to code it
@eFox I've downloaded 7zip
How would I go about inspecting jar files?
alright good night guys its 11;30 here
I'm getting this error in my XML file though: Multiple markers at this line
- cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'project'.
@CrashBandicoot right-click the war > 7Zip> Open archive
In Windows Explorer?
Pro-tip: google the error
Yes, in the folder where you have the war, right click it, go to 7Zip, pich the first open archive that has no arrow
I only know how to do that in the GUI
It's not there
Because I used maven dependencies to manually type them in. I didn't copy and paste into eclipse project
What's not where?
the .jar files aren't in the Windows Explorer
They are only present in the Maven Dependencies folder of the Eclipse project because I manually typed them in within the pom.xml file
That's where they're supposed to be
I can't find them in the Windows Explorer
your_project_root_folder\target\warname\WEB-INF\lib is where they are at
If they are not there well then we have another problem
ah found it :)
7-Zip Open Archive?
yes, the one that doesn't have an expandable tab
shows META-INF and org folders in 7-Zip
never mind
Well, look into org. Explore the jar
Pro tip: the link to a class follows the folder structure
gone into org
objectweb folder shows, followed by asm
asm folder contains a bunch of classes
But I don't think asm is the right one you should be looking into. Why are you exploring that one?
org -> objectweb -> asm
Only path
But why?
The missing class was a jersey class no?
Oh yeah, sorry
Only asm jar is showing in the lib folder now
You need to re-package your project
How would I do that?
If you don't know how to do that you need to go find yourself a Maven basics tutorial
You've obviously already done it once though
I can't quite remember
Do you mean a clean install?
Son, you need to learn that shit
Yes, a clean install
mvn clean install
Ohh, I know how to do that
I've done it, and there's a BUILD FAILURE
Before I changed all those jars just then, I used to get a BUILD SUCCESS
What does the failure message say?
nvm, got a build success this time round
After restarting eclipse
I wonder why the IDEs have such issues with that. Netbeans is incompetent in that way too
I dunno how IntelliJ holds these days because I only use the commandline since I went IntelliJ all the way
I see
Should I try running the application now?
Same Exception
with 404 Error
So, back to the exploring then
jersey servlet container class <-- google that
com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer ?
Which of the Jersey jars would it be?
See if you find that one or the org.glassfish one in the server jar
if not, check the other one
you have two jars
Check them both
3 isn't it?
jersey-bundle, jersey-server and jersey-core
Is it 3 that are Jersey?
Well then, check them all, but doesn't jersey-server sound like a good place to start?
Then, if not in there, maybe it's in core?
I got to this: com\sun\jersey\spi\container\
Is there any org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer?
But not com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer
no org folders in either of the jersey jars
If you googled what I told you above, the first result should be stackoverflow.com/a/22023981/8724372
And it states that the newer class for the servlet is org.glassfish
I'm getting this error:com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer
Would I still have to use org.glassfish?
I found it!
Great! Now edit your web.xml
in the jersey-bundle jar
Drop the .class
But try that
can you find a org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer in eithe rof the jars?
There are no org folders in either of the jersey jars
Keep in mind that the tutorial is a legacy thing. Web.xml isn't as used today as it used to be
Woah, I'm learning so much from you
Which is why I recommended the Oracle one
I'm using Eclipse, because my colleagues are, so it'd be best, for stuff like source control etc
It's not the best for anything
Source control isn't the best in Eclipse
I think I might have to use Eclipse for now, and I'll definitely think about using NetBeans another time though
The only advantage of using eclips because all of your colleagues are is that they can help you with IDE specific things.
I see
How would I change my web.xml file?
Eclipse likes to do a lot of annoyig things that you don't see.
Put the name of the servlet class in there
It's already there
Then clean install that app
Build Failure
'dependencies.dependency.(groupId:artifactId:type:classifier)' must be unique: com.sun.jersey:jersey-server:jar -> duplicate declaration of version 1.19.4 @ line 47, column 15
For future note: if you want anyone to help you, include the reason why the build failed with the announcement that it did ;)
Looks like 1.19.4 is still in there. Did you delete it from your pom?
I had duplicates of com.sun.jersey dependency
like 3 of them
then remove the old version duplicates and try again
Think of it this way; if you have classes with the same name and the same path, how's the computer gonna know which one to pick? ;)
No duplicates
When I delete those duplicates, it gets rid of the other jersey jars
You can exclude dependencies of a dependency if you have two dependencies with the same dependencies
But you don't need that now, just good to know
Okay xD
They're all meant to be 1.19.4
Is that the latest version?
What do I change?
I don't think so, Jersey has a 2.x
Oh yeah, the glassfish
And for the 2.x it's supposed to be the glassfish one I mentioned earlier org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer
15 mins ago, by eFox
If you googled what I told you above, the first result should be https://stackoverflow.com/a/22023981/8724372
Read that answer
But that changes the names of the jersey jars
Delete the old dependencies from your pom.xml and put the newest ones there
You use the ones corresponding with the jars you have. you have 3 jars to update
Okay cool
Go to the maven repo of the old jars, follow the links to the new ones
the org.glassfish 2.x dependency adds multiple more jars with it
Yes, that one has dependencies
it says in the maven page what dependencies a jar has
Only the jersey-bundle needed changing
The others are the latest
Done that
then try again
build failure
'dependencies.dependency.(groupId:artifactId:type:classifier)' must be unique: com.sun.jersey:jersey-server:jar -> duplicate declaration of version 1.19.4 @ line 48, column 15
Did you remove the dependencies from the pom? Is the bundle listing any of the two others as dependencies? But more importantly? What's at line 48 column 15?
Yeah, replaced the old dependency from pom
And clean build?
clean install
What's at line 48 column 15?
of the pom.xml, Line 48:- <dependency>
Is the bundle listing any of the two others as dependencies?
Found the duplicate on pom.xml nvm
I'm leaving now, good luck working on your own
Ah, don't think I'll be able to fix it xD
Got another build failure
Well, keep trying. I'm not gonna be here to hold your hand through your career ;P
I have no clue xD
Thanks so much for the help though!
It attempts to delete the target folder in the clean install
2 hours later…
Aside from those who experience certain kinds of injury, it's a biological fact that everyone dreams. However, not everyone remembers his or her dreams. (source)
Hi I have 5+ yrs of exp. in Java, I'm searching for Job, what are the multi threading concept I need to read? anyone guide me.
@AnilNivargi Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
You've worked 5+ years with Java and have never even once touched threads?
@AnilNivargi What to avoid doing with threads: gist.github.com/Jenna3715/29577559e72bf459e9311e6380b3cace
AFAIK you can't get a StackOverflowError if you use a Thread to call the method in a recursive method.
2 hours later…
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The Wolfram Language is insanely overpowered
It's also insanely slow
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