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@JennaSloan Does "sandwich" mean "square" in another language? xD
@Michael it's a new emoji
It was added in Unicode 10.0
I don't like how emojis are not standardized. They look different depending on the device.
Two smiley face emojis can look completely different. You think you are sending a particular looking icon, but the icon the other person receives might look different.
lol. My cat has got herself into the wardrobe and now she has curled up and won't leave
1 hour later…
found and answer by motaa which was worth upvoting. It was even accepted but not upvoted by the OP (facepalm)
quick doubt. If I downvote an answer and it gets deleted, do I get my rep back or not?
"All courses of action are risky, so prudence is not in avoiding danger (it’s impossible), but calculating risk and acting decisively. Make mistakes of ambition and not mistakes of sloth. Develop the strength to do bold things, not the strength to suffer." -Niccolo Machiavelli (source)
@Tavo You could just upvote all the other answers instead of down voting just the one
nope. The answer was wrong, hence the downvote
never mind. The guy edited the answer instead of deleting it, adding the answers of everyone else (facepalm)
in Chatter Bots, 3 mins ago, by Jenna Sloan
In other news, I bypassed WolframAlpha's expensive API simply by sending a GET request to "http://www4c.wolframalpha.com/input/json.jsp?output=JSON&includepodid=Result&f‌​ormat=plaintext&input="+urlencode(input)
@Nilesh Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
hi @Nilesh
Hey tavo would you help me differentiate bw SecureRandom and Random
As per my understanding, theoretically the difference is : Next random number generated is unpredictable in case of SecureRandom, which is not the case for Random
@Tavo Expecting your lguidance
boh. The only two differences I know are the seed (Secure is not clock-based) and the number of bits, 48 for Random and 128 for Secure
the rest, I really don't know. Have you googled it?
Yeah.. But the results are irrelevant
I seriously doubt the answer is nowhere on the internet
A: Problem with random generator in Java

barjakI couldn't say if the results you have are normal or not. But if you are not satisfied by java.util.Random, have a look at java.security.SecureRandom

Read the comment discussion there
I hold the point of Robert
Do you ?
no, I don't
Here OP is asking for unpredictable random number..
I want to ask about randomness.. But I'm sure my question will be marked as duplicte
if it's not duplicate, it won't
Let me take your opinion first
My question is
if you are just going to ask the same question, the it'll be. Also, you can link the other questions in yours and say that they don't answer your question, stating why they don't
In Random and SecureRandom can I expect the later to have least collision on first call to nextBytes() as compared to first
likely so
Thanks Tavo for your opinion..
I will do some more research and then ask
Have a nice day
sometimes I don't understand SO. People downvoted a question to which I wrote a simple and accurate answer. And people downvoted my answer as well, despite it was correct and answered the question. I wonder if people know what an upvote/downvote is for
which question
SO should make it compulsory to mention reason for downvote
I agree
at least for the first downvote
the thing is, once there's a downvote, the chances of people downvoting more grow exponentially
I understand the anonymity of the downvote, but the reason could very well not show the username
/react hi
@motaa Did you find a solution with your chart problem?
morning. @Julo0sS not yet but it is secondary right now :D
@Julo0sS not really since it focuses on the point of a linejoin
hi geist
Are static codeblocks executed before the main method of another class? I got my Main class file somewhere and I have another class somewhere else in the project which needs to initialize one certain value that will be first time set in the main method. So if this static code block executed before main, then that would throw an NPE, hence the question
Q: Static Initialization Blocks

RomanAs far as I understood the "static initialization block" is used to set values of static field if it cannot be done in one line. But I do not understand why we need a special block for that. For example we declare a field as static (without a value assignment). And then write several lines of t...

@Julo0sS Found that one but does not answer my question :/
guess that if your static part is in another file/class, that should not happen
But I think I found an article. That states that the static stuff is only executed, when the class is first mentioned during execution which is not the case for me so I guess I should be good to go
@geisterfurz007 give it a try :P
Yeah will do once I am in a state that I can run this thing :D
@geisterfurz007 hangover? ^^
/react throw up
@Julo0sS Oh no not that kind of state :D Nah I rather meant progress with this thing... Took an old Swing application apart and I am currently putting it all together nice and clean but in JavaFX. And the old stuff was so messy and connected all over the place that I just copied the whole background works (SQL-stuff and extra classes) over and rebuilt the UI. Working on it for 1.5 weeks now. Have to admit that I am not always 100% concentrated ^^ But yeah. Still gotta fix a lot of stuff
to have a first run. Hope that I will get it done today or tomorrow. Then I am only missing two more Scenes and I should be done for now
@geisterfurz007 yeah remember you talked about your swing/jfx conversion :P
swing is messy...
It is..
and my coding style was even worse
in Leaf Village Ninjas, Jul 4 at 13:15, by geisterfurz007
`((String) Beurteilungsfenster.getFenster().getPanel_Mitarbeiter().getTable_Rechte()
								.getModel().getValueAt(Beurteilungsfenster.getFenster().getPreviousSelection(), 3))

Here ^ that is one half of an if statement I wrote
Looks like a nice thing to not do ever again xD
/react disgust
In that part I was like "OOP = as many method calls as possible" -.-
At once, of course
@geisterfurz007 can I see the other half? :D
It is by far not as impressive as that one. I think it was checking the content of a textfield in the same panel for equality to Beruteilungsfenster.getFenster().getKennung()
The part making it so retarded is the fact that I had all the panels liked together in one class (Beurteilungsfenster) which had one object that I could access from anywhere (.getFenster()). So I got the panel containing the table I wanted to check a value from, then the table and then the value I needed
This class/object beeing an object I could access from anywhere was so... heavily... abused by me... Horrible
Now I use AppContext by Michael to have I think two objects centrally accessible and the rest is done with method calls. and javaFX stuff that is AMAZING
I can bind stuff to everything *-* bind items here, bind selections there, some buttons over here and String over there :D
txtMitarb_Kennung.getText().equals(Beurteilungsfenster.getFenster().getKennung(‌​)) that is the other part of the if ^^
Hey hans ^^
hey gei
CrashBandicoots avatar like: Im back! Are you ready for more questions ?
No questions for now though xD
Seems like I got bad rep here
you do?
for asking ?
Makes Sense!
I think so xD
@Julo0sS hehehe :)
there are no stupid questions, just stupid answers :P feel free to ask
/8ball I am groot now!
@Hans1984 I AM Groot.
hey Tavo
I am Groot!
stop it
/8ball STOP IT !
@Hans1984 Better not tell you now
yeah you better dont...
oh wow. It looks like I answered the right question today. Got almost 100 rep
hi btw
@Tavo Bounty?
nope, just a simple question about mergesort
@Tavo Nice! :)
takes me 50 approved edits
hard work
I ve edited over 350 posts by now
all my rep came through that
+2 rep each post :/
you might want to start either asking or answering questions
i have no questions
and there are so many smart ppl on this site its hard to be the one with the right answer
but you are right it would go alot faster that way
And I'm here with only 100 rep... xD
@Hans1984 But you could be the one with a nice question and get rep from it :P
yeah true
everybody has questions :P
Well, 93 to be exact
well i dont figure out my questions on this site
but true everyone has questions
There's a LOT to JavaScript
It would take so long to learn it
@CrashBandicoot Js is not that hard to "learn", easier than java imo...
Its also worse than Java
I dont have questions
But there's so much content in it
@Julo0sS waaaaaaaaaaay easier
@Hans1984 don't say this :P
at least, not questions that anyone except Jon Skeet can answer
so I ask him directly :D
what you gonna do about it ?
/8ball will Jon Skeet reach 1Mio rep this year ?
@Hans1984 Reply hazy try again
/react don't care
@Julo0sS Unknown human emotion. Please visit replygif.net/t for a list of emotions.
hes at 950k
@Hans1984 he is probably some kind of bot...
he's not human
hes not
you dont know him ?
/8ball is he your bot friend ?
@Hans1984 Better not tell you now
/8ball are you alright ?
/8ball is it a secret?
@Hans1984 Cannot predict now
@Julo0sS Don't count on it
oak behaves weird
/8ball can you give any useful answers ?
/8ball Jon Skeet ?
@Hans1984 Concentrate and ask again
@Julo0sS When pigs fly
lol he lost his bot-mind
/8ball Will it rain?
well since your are useless anyway
@CrashBandicoot When pigs fly
Hi is anyone experienced with ELK stack here ?
it has been raining for about 15 hours in the netherlands so far
and it will continue to do so for another rough 3 hours
yeah its been raining alot lately here too
and it will rain again today
> Compilation completed with 1 error and 0 warnings in 47s 821ms (moments ago)
47 seconds O_O
@geisterfurz007 working on your smartphone?
@Julo0sS Yeah... you cannot imagine how hard it is to code with those small keys >.<
Can you do JUnit Testing after the application is already coded?
you have to code first and then test anyways :D
I'm just trying to show proof of Unit Testing
Is it a complex process?
I don't use it because I am a horrible programmer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm no better than you
But no it is not. You prepare extra methods with special annotations for JUnit, then use methods of the framework to do something along the lines of something, something.methodName(thisShouldBe, equalToThis);
Q: Why use JUnit for testing?

Artem MoskalevMaybe my question is a newbie one, but I can not really understand the circumstances under which I would use junit? Whether I write simple applications or larger ones I test them with the System.out statements and it seams quite easy to me. Why create test-classes with JUnit, unnecessary folde...

Hmm, makes sense!
Debugging and Unit Testing sound like similar processes
Where either of them is a method call and the other is the value that should be returned. You prepare a bunch of them and then run the program as JUnit test. JUnit will find the annotations and execute those methods. Those then will throw exceptions if the outcomes are not equal.
I check that the code does what it's meant to do, for these scenarios and once I can see it's correct we're good to go
These can then be used to track which method failed with which input and work with that
@CrashBandicoot debugging is when you made shit :P
Would it be useful to include Debugging in a report?
@CrashBandicoot They are not though. In one you are looking manually for the cause (=line of code) that will make something buggy whereas the other is automated to find cases that are not working like they should so you can later debug the stuff using those values in needed
@geisterfurz007 I see. Thanks!
hehe, did you notice this? :
@Hans1984 lmao 4-times "maybe" in a row :D
That's not testing, that's "looking manually at output" (known in the biz as LMAO). More formally it's known as "looking manually for abnormal output" (LMFAO)
@geisterfurz007 I am Groot. I'm GROOT.
nice :D
/8ball are you groot?
@Hans1984 I'm GROOOOT!
dude wtf?!
Groot with the Venom symbiote.
its groot :P
unhealthy it seems...
thats fox
		Parent root = null;
		try {
			root = fxmlLoader.load();
last line throws IllegalStateException because the "location is not set"
which is totally correct... because... WHAT ABOUT THE FIRST LINE THERE?!
My code currently outputs 2 null values
When it shouldn't
tough times
Would a JUnit Test be appropriate?
Does it do so for every input?
So there are 7 outputs for each Aircraft
It reads it from a .txt file
Everything is correct, apart from the last 2 outputs (null)
You want to use JUnit for two things: Check if the method you wrote works correct in a lot of different cases for different inputs and find out which inputs cause problems. If the last two values are always null no matter what the input (or if no input exists) then you should debug, because JUnit will only tell you: "Something is wrong there..."
/javadoc Platform#runLater
@geisterfurz007 I am Groot! I am Groot. I am GROOT! I am Groot! I am Groot. I am Groooot. I AM Groot. I'm Groot... I AM GROOOOT! I AM Groot! I'M Groot. I AM Groot. I AM Groot. I am Groot. I am GROOT. I am GROOT... I'm Groot. I'm GROOT.
Perfect! Right what I needed...
/javadoc Platform#runLater
@geisterfurz007 void runLater(Runnable runnable): Run the specified Runnable on the JavaFX Application Thread at some unspecified time in the future. This method, which may be called from any thread, will post the Runnable to an event queue and then return immediately to the caller. The Runnables are executed in the order they are posted. A runnable passed into ...
the runLater method will be executed before any Runnable passed into a subsequent call to runLater. If this method is called after the JavaFX runtime has been shutdown, the call will be ignored: the Runnable will not be executed and no exception will be thrown. (1/3)
@geisterfurz007 why dont you try direct load?
lol Oak
good boy
@Julo0sS Because I am unsure where the differences are. But it works now. Failed to add a / -.-
Now I am crying a bit on this end and a bit on that end, because the whole thing starts with a cascade of error messages that show up a load of exceptions
I think I know why not the direct one... Because I wanted to set a Charset as well
@geisterfurz007 FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(Charset.forName("utf-8"));
then load
I'm trying to include JUnit Testing in my Portfolio thing
Is there a simple way of doing it?
I'll do the debugging thing now, if I can xD
@Julo0sS yeah and then I have to set the location :D
no need to set location if you load it directly :P
I wanted a charset >:|
found this :
I got it working by now though
@CrashBandicoot In eclipse there is a way of including JUnit to your project and then it is as simple as writing something like this digs up college stuff
@Julo0sS Looks really unhealthy :D
@geisterfurz007 hehe :D
@geisterfurz007 I see
    public void testeInvert(){
        Assert.assertEquals(0b0001001111, SudokuBitSet.invertBits(0b1110110001));
@geisterfurz007 But surely though, I can't include JUnit Testing atm
Could you have a look at my code?
Could you create another room?
There's quite a bit of code
@Julo0sS so much stuff. But I guess I either have to drop the charset or I am not able to load directly :D
nvm I can, but not with the static method
but you can load directly... i don't understand... ^^
And I got it running by now ^^
33 secs ago, by geisterfurz007
nvm I can, but not with the static method
@YashdeepHinge Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
Hi all
have you guys read this critique of interfaces/lack of multiple inheritance in java? blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2015/01/08/…
@LangeHaare Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
"None of it’s methods are implemented."
i can guarantee that that article is not 100% true
do I have to read further?
the crux of it is about the observer pattern
where he has a class subject and a class widget and he wants a class observablewidget, and he's annoyed because that can't inherit from both subject and widget, and so (he argues) he's forced to choose between duplicating code and violating separation of concerns
on a side note, the argument about sharing, or not sharing variables with the same name also exists without multiple inheritance
try this:
class A { protected int i; } class B extends A { protected int i; }
what happens now?
Compiler: "Perfectly fine."
"That’s right. And so the keyword interface was invented as a way to prevent multiple inheritance of classes." not entirely true
i mean what the hell
I wont read further
i feel my IQ dropping
One way to write code is to never use classes... yep thats right... actually not, but you never take classes in as parameters or return class types
aka, you only ask for interface parameters and only return interface bound types
it is an accepted solution to the problem of multiple inheritance
however, the only thing that is actually a feature that multiple inheritance has is not mentioned on that website
so I would say that it is worthless to read it
@LangeHaare does that answer your question ?
@Wietlol not really, I mean, how would you solve the observer pattern problem they raise? Or are they right that it needs either code duplication or un-separated concerns?
I agree that it's badly written and a lot of it is wrong/incomplete/over-simple
but there's a concrete example in there that I don't really see a response to?
When I press Toggle Breakpoint, the circle thing doesn't show on the left...
@Wietlol I got into this through a conversation in the python chat - chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/38070689#38070689
and that conversation is a good argument for avoiding multiple inheritance!
but while I was feeling smug about not having this problem in Java, I came across that article
1 hour later…
Hey Michael
dont be shy
Morning, Java!
Hey Michael :)
Hey @Hans @gei
@LangeHaare that code snippet is not a valid example
take a look at java: "interface A { default int getVal() { return 5; } } interface B { default int getVal() { return 10; } } class C implements A, B {}"
what will happen now?
in simple terms, nothing, the compiler says that you inherit 2 default methods with the same signature so you have to implement the method
the only feature multiple inheritance has is constructor invocation
interfaces cannot have constructors
hence why variables are useless as variables are only allowed to be used within its own scope, aka the class declaration scope
so interfaces dont have variables either
im not familiar any more with the observer pattern though, so I would have to look it up
depending on how smart the Java copmiler developers are, Java may find interface fields in Java 11 or 12... but having written my own compiler, I can tell you that they really have to be smart to do that.
Does someone knows about Vaadin and upload here ?
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