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picks nose
3 hours later…
This message intentionally left blank.
"Your overnight success story is always a result of everything you have done in your life until that moment." -Bel Pesce (source)
2 hours later…
@Devilius The overriding child function will always be called instead of the parent. If you want to use the parent method then don't override it, but if you still need the child function as well then: Create a child function but give it a different method name so it does not override.
in Hikari Connection Pool , the ArrayList<Statement> was replaced with a custom class FastList that eliminates range checking and performs removal scans from tail to head. What do they mean and why is it faster?
@spakai Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
I like how some people try to use this room as a way to have their homework done
ArrayList code seem to have rangeCheck() being called in a lot of places ., add, remove,
it is just this : if (index < 0 || index > this.size) , this makes a lot of difference when removed ?
@spakai If you have the same code being executed in a bazillion different places, it's best to externalize said code, like into a method
@Jenna Sloan, i get that , but the author of FastList removed range checks from his code, implying that rangeChecks slows down ArrayList
on the 2nd fact - performs removal scans from tail to head - there is already some discussion - stackoverflow.com/questions/15352062/…, just saw
1 hour later…
Hi Java People! :D
hi tavo
@PradeepSingh Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
Would it be bad to add "Procrastinating" to my list of professional skills on Facebook?
@JennaSloan No. It wouldnt be bad imo. Humour is often a "useful skill" ;)
My app "Pseudocode Converter" is now out on the Play Store. It converts code to pseudocode or the opposite. I appreciate if someone is interested in it. Thanks!
What is the "this" keyword used for in Java?
this is a keyword in Java. It can be used inside the Method or constructor of Class. It(this) works as a reference to the current Object whose Method or constructor is being invoked. The this keyword can be used to refer to any member of the current object from within an instance Method or a constructor
Makes Sense!
Hi @CrashBandicoot !
@Julo0sS Hey!
I still don't understand it tbh...
you might have seen code similar to the above
the argument passed to the constructor has the same name as the class variable
so which is which
Argument = String a_member
Class Variable = String a_member
Constructor = X(){}
@CrashBandicoot ? Does spakai example help?
I understand the components of the example
Just don't understand what this. does
this tells : this instance. You use this in a class, and it refers to the class itself
imagine spakai example like this : paste.ofcode.org/nxL5DJhT8NkLrJSvueJ2Ey
So wait, is it saying that the Argument = Class Variable?
when you will instanciate a person, you will tell :
Person crash = new Person("CrashBandicoot");
if you had getters, like "getMyName()" in your Person class
you would call crash.getMyName(); and it will return "CrashBandicoot"
nothing new here, right?
now, referring to spakai example, if the var you give to the constructor has the name "myName" too
if you don't say in the constructor (the class) that you want to put the "myName" you received INTO the class instance, in your myName String (not in the one you received but the one you keep in your class), he doesnt know which one he has to use, then you use "this"
Thought the above definition was clear... :/
Very detailed
Thank you
I didn't quite understand that website though for some reason
So, it points out which one to use
The 2nd example of the website, with the "method(int variable)" shows exactly what it does
Example of this keyword in Java for Variable Hiding
So, in that example
The "this" keyword tells the sysout that it wants the 'variable' method?
System.out.println("Value of Instance variable :" + this.variable);
System.out.println("Value of Local variable :" + variable);
The 1st Line
It specifies that it wants the "int variable" right?
@CrashBandicoot this inside of methods refers to "this object", the specific object whose method is being called
Makes Sense!
The 2nd example
The "this" refers to the 'int variable' object
yes, but the one declared in the class
this.variable refers to the "int variable" declared in the class
and variable (without this) refers to the "int variable" received in the method call
It's a kind of magic
I see :)
Could you give me a brief explanation of up-casting/down-casting?
Q: What is the difference between up-casting and down-casting with respect to class variable

DhivakarWhat is the difference between up-casting and down-casting with respect to class variable? For example in the following program class Animal contains only one method but Dog class contains two methods, then how we cast the Dog variable to the Animal Variable. If casting is done the...

This is really well explained there
what is javabin
suggest me some document online to go further in javabin
@Julo0sS Thanks!

Strategy Index Developer


You may have heard about it in the news earlier this year, it made headlines. We made a pretty substantial acquisition…

Posted on Stack Overflow Jobs on May 19, 2017

This looks cool
For this:
Animal animal = new Dog();
Dog castedDog = (Dog) animal;
2 hours later…
Morning, Java!
@Unihedron >implying air travel is cheap and easy
Hey @Doomed
is Comparable<T> a built-in thing in Java?
or is it just created in the tutorial?
Q: Spring Boot doesn't seem to find Repository

Doomed MindI'm not sure what's wrong with my configuration, but as far as I can see it should be correct, despite that spring announces that there is no such bean definition. I veryfied these points: The configuration class is in the root package of everything else The repository extends JpaRepository, th...

I see
in order to sort lists and arrays, you need this interface?
Generally, yes, however you can usually supply an instance of Comparator<T> to the sorting method instead of implementing Comparable<T>
Oh I see, makes sense
I would only use a comparator if there would be more than one way to compare the objects
So, if the List/Array was in the "Book" class, I would put the instance of the Comparator<T> in the "Book" class?
What is a "helper class"?
posted on June 15, 2017 by CommitStrip

@Gemtastic Hah! Luckily my brain did not think of spoken language! Haha! That would have been dumb :] Luckily not the case for me haha! Actually I hate Pascal. And that was the language I was taught programming in. Java would be closer for me I think were I really felt like I was programming :D
whatsup pilot guy
Yo are you stalking me xD No minute after I wrote something lmao
I streamed some programming today \o/ Was more productive than in the last 3 weeks or so
just saw your message well nice timing
And I am through 2 out of 4 exams \o/
its exactly 10:00pm here
nice geisssssssssss
@geisterfurz007 I'm not totally shut eye to the fact that spoken language and programming languages have a lot in common. They have similarities, but they also affect the plasticity in your brain similarly. And your native spoken language as well as your first programming language are probably most likely gonna be special to you. That said, it neither may be your favorite though.
@geisterfurz007 Nice!
hey @Gemtastic
Hello 0/
And I got doctor's appointment in the next weeks that will give me some nice sheets of paper. One for my employer and two for my flightschool :D
My employer sent a mail around that I would do a quick presentation of my software when I am back from college. Luckily I knew that! Else this mail would have been really sudden to me...
We live in such different worlds when it comes to the thing we think of when we say or hear the phrase "Nice sheets of paper from the doctor"
@geisterfurz007 yaay
No I have not been warned. This mail also contained future plans on the software. Plans I never heard about. My educator is really annoying me :/
@Gemtastic German yeah, Pascal no. I tried to write Pascal code after I worked 1 month with Java. I could not do anything. Only thing I still remember is that I have to write := to assign a value. That is almost all that is left xD
How much Pascal did you know to begin with?
Nothing at the beginning of my school education
well there you go
Now that I think about it, I really did not know much after it compared to my current knowledge of Java
That still is shitty to be fair
Isn't Pascal some famous math dude?
wait what
You need to build a relationship with it. I mean, I had a walkthrough of C++ in senior high, but I never used it so I never bonded with it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@JennaSloan It's also a unit
I think he has a triangle named after him too
3 hours later…
@DoomedMind Sorry, a bit late, but I'd like to say thank you. After I posted that I realized the solution and I felt pretty dumb. Thank you!
/afk upgrading ISP stuff
@JennaSloan Cya later
@GoJava I already forgot what it was about... ;) Don't worry about it.
Does anyone know how to get the newest desktop item? My program takes a screenshot, but I want to nae that screenshot
@JennaSloan Welcome back!

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