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@ItachiUchiha Santa's having difficulty with lag; the internet is very slow at the North Pole.
@JonahSloan But, he was supposed to come over personally :'(
@ItachiUchiha he probably just stopped for some bytes of cookies.
Are you still expecting him? Because, I have given up on him :D
Do not send cute emoji's of Santa. I am angry on him.
Emoji's are too cute
^ that's a valid URL
Dead Santa, I'd like 1 TB/s internet speed and disk transfer rate. .
2 hours later…
Merry Christmas to everyone on Javaroom!
Merry Christmas! 🎅
Interesting, I never knew there was a Mrs. Santa - emojipedia.org/mother-christmas
posted on December 25, 2016 by CommitStrip

4 hours later…
Why is the hashCode() of HashSet<> defined to be sum of hashCode()'s of it's individual elemnts
when in practise cases like 1+4=2+3 can also arise, I mean if \sum_{i}^nx_i=\sum_{i}^ny_i that doesnt imply x_i=y_j for some i,j
Merry Christmas, Java!
And a Merry Christmas to all...
NC, USA here -- you?
@ADG The hashcode values of two different objects are allowed to be identical.
@arcy PA, USA
I spent some time in Harrisburg on a project once, and my daughter went to school near Philadelphia.
Just as a matter of very idle trivia...
Have you ever been to NC?
Been to SC, not NC. xD
Well, that makes us practically cousins...
1 hour later…
lol, jerry found an ape cousin in Java chat room
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I see
I'm solving a problem from project euler and the code is getting rather convoluted
yo @ItachiUchiha I'm trying to get some coding done between the years, and I've run into a JavaFX issue...
I'm trying to place an "Add"-Button into a TableView.
unfortunately I haven't found a nice way to trick the component into drawing me a button (or even a usable menu)
I found tableMenuButtonIsVisible, but customizing that seems to be incredibly difficult
Hiya @JohnDoe :)
So I'm getting an index out of bounds error
Can anyone help me with the code, it seems simple enough
If you don't show us, we can't help you -... @JohnDoe
@Vogel612 Yo!
Can you give me some more details?
Are you trying to place the add button in all the cells of a column?
no, I got that part nailed down
Q: Customizing a TableView to have an "Add" button

Vogel612I have a TableView in my fxml as container for a complex POJO. I have successfully customized the display to give me a nice Pane for each instance of said complex POJO, but now I want to edit the underlying collection. For that purpose I could just add a Button in my view with an action-listene...

Ok, cool :D
^^ this should help illustrate the problem a bit
If you have nailed it down, why is the question still not answered?
And does your question talk about a GridPane
I am a little confused here :S
Hi all
Any JAVA FX expert here? :)
@RonDaniel Shoot
Q: Not able to customize the view with Included Components in JAVA FX

Ron DanielI've created one child component and And i included it in another parent component using fx:include. The controllers for the parent and the child are instantiated well. However, When i want to change the view and put the child component inside a GridView using SceneBuilder, i am not able to drug...

@ItachiUchiha the problem is that I want one button for the whole table view.
maybe the GridPane mention is a little dumb.
@Vogel612 and what will the button do?
it will open a dialog to add an instance of the POJO to the backing collection
Could you please open my question? it's really small one
I don't know if it's a bug or not
@Vogel612 Sounds quite easy, if the button can be placed outside of the TableView
yea. ... if
I don't want to though, because that decreases UI cohesiveness
I am trying to include one component in another one, but I am not able to play with the view in Scene Builder
if the button can be placed outside it's downright trivial
I do not see how a button outside the TableView decreases the UI cohesiveness. The way I see this is that if you have just one button which takes either a whole row or a column then you are wasting to much of space. But you will also have to manipulate the position of the column/row so that it is always on the visible bounds.
can't I give a "title" to my TableView that's beyond column headers?
@ItachiUchiha any chance you can help please ?
@Vogel612 AFAIK, you can't
You need to wrap the TableView inside another layout and add a Label to it
that's kinda fugly.
it basically means I'm required to split up responsibilities on the same collection (a name, add button and display/removal) over three different components
How is the add button a part of the collection?
@RonDaniel You can't do it. If you use <fx:include>, SceneBuilder will treat it as a single entity.
@Vogel612 If you have a collection of data then it should be assigned as the items of the TableView. How does your collection contain data for add button and display/removal?
@ItachiUchiha thanks, so i will need to design my view through the FXML file manually ?
or through code ?
@ItachiUchiha it doesn't.but the responsibility around the collection isn't cohesively handled in one component 😒
@ItachiUchiha I am very limited in time , that's why I am using the scene builder
@RonDaniel You can design your FXML file via SB. You just need to style the child in a separate Window
What do you mean by style in a separate window?
Lets say I have Scene A which is using components A1 and A2,
They both are going to be used also in another scene
Scene A automatically holds the controllers for A1 and A2
I mean, the controller of Scene A holds the controllers for A1 and A2
You are confusing between Layouts and Scene
So everything is setup correctly
However, I would like now to design the layout of Scene A
and I am troubled :)
Is there any best practice for this ?
@Vogel612 Can you throw me an example of the collection?
@RonDaniel Let me ask you some basic questions. Why do you have 2 FXMLs?
One FXML for A1, and the other for A (the parent)
A1 is just holds Combo Box with a label
and is used in other scenes
So, you want to re-use the FXML. Right?
@ItachiUchiha this is the table view setup and the collection is a List of instances of this class
@ItachiUchiha yes
@RonDaniel Cool. Now where is the confusion?
Isn't include made for this purpose?
I am including A1 in A but I am not able to orginize the layout
Yes, include is made exactly for this reason.
Inside the scene builder
You can, did you check my answer?
Now I saw, I don't want to make changes to A1 , i would like to put it in a Grid View inside A
and I am not able to do so
Lets say A contains GRID VIEW, and I would like to place A1 inside (1,1)
Are you able to do so?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane?>

<GridPane xmlns="http://javafx.com/javafx/8.0.111" xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml/1">
        <fx:include source="child.fxml" GridPane.rowIndex="1" GridPane.columnIndex="1" />
Try this
it should work
Are you able to do it through the Scene Builder ? Because it's not working for me
What you sent will work
I just created it with SceneBuilder
Really ?
So what am I doing wrong ?
I am not able to drag A1 inside anything
Even not wrap it by some other node
I created it from scratch
Thanks, thats what I am doing
When the component is added to the parent
I get it in (0,0)
and I cannot move it to anywhere inside the grid
Oh, yes you can't do it via SB
You have to do it via code
Why is that
I am not sure. Feel free to add a FR in the here..
So the code you showed me is done by you manually ?
Changed the location to (1,1) ?
oh yes :D
private final Path folder;
private final String name;
private final Set<String> locales = new HashSet<>();
@Vogel612 Can you explain me the significance of these instance variables?
Will report this issue
Thanks @ItachiUchiha
what do you mean with "significance"?
@RonDaniel Its not very bad. Just feel free to open a Feature Request/Issue.
Yes but now I have to deal with the XML files
@Vogel612 nvm
@RonDaniel Not very bad. You should be thankful that you haven't touched Spring yet :P
I really not working a lot with Java
I am kind of in shock that I always find bugs
What I found should be really basic requirment
That is why I am in shock :)
What do you say?
@RonDaniel I wouldn't say its a bug
I would say that its a missing functionality
@RonDaniel I updated my answer
@Vogel612 I still don;t understand as to how do you store just one name? Is the field "name" in "ResourceSet" signify the name of the row or the name of the Table?
it's the name of the whole resource set, so the name of the row
the name of the table is basically "Associated resource sets"
those resource sets are bundled into a "project"
@Vogel612 So, its not a part of the collection?
the collection is a List<ResourceSet>
Correct and the Table is created on this List.
each ResourceSet has a row. and in that row I display a complex pane with a tableCellValueFactory
I want a button that allows me to create and add a new ResourceSet to the collection
"name" is misleading.
Yes, and to me it still looks like that Button should not be a part of the TableView.
To me button should be a different node which is actually responsible to add a new entry to the row.
I basically want exactly that. but I want it encapsulated into one single component
Component = Layout?
I probably will encapsulate that table view into a TitledPane and hack a menu into there
@ItachiUchiha somewhat, but not quite. but for all intents and purposes... yes
Yes, that would work.
Or just a VBox/HBox :P
One more vote would help to close - stackoverflow.com/questions/41323529/…
@RonDaniel If you file a bug, can you link me to the issue?
2 hours later…
merry xmas, all

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