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So I have an array an array objects, where some elements are null.
When trying to move those elements to the empty slots, I get a null pointer exception.
... and that's from within the object
so something like ObjectArray[a][b] = this
Gonna need to see more code...
Assuming ObjectArray is a two-d array, with the inner array the same type as 'this', that statement won't produce NPE
paste in the actual stacktrace error message
Or just the first 5-6 lines of it
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at Creature.updateLocationInWorld(Creature.java:25)
at Herbivore.move(Herbivore.java:85)
at Herbivore.advance(Herbivore.java:39)
at World.advance(World.java:64)
at Main.main(Main.java:12)
I have a class of type Creature that has a world reference in it as world
Ok, show me the first 28 lines of Creature.java
World has a worldGrid[n][m] which is an array also of type Creature, and the object that I want to assign to a different location in this array, is also already in there
(usa, nc, durham - you?)
public abstract class Creature {
public int energy; // amount of energy this creature starts out with
public String type;
public int location_x;
public int location_y;
private World world;

abstract void advance();

public void setLocation(int a, int b) {
location_x = a;
location_y = b;

public void updateLocationInWorld() {
world.worldGrid[location_x][location_y] = this;

abstract char getLook();

ok, that's 21 lines...
The class is not that long
oh wait
But there's no package or import statements here
So, is line 28 the assignment statement in 'updateLocationInWorld()'?
It's not importing anything
Let me see 28 lines, then.
error message says it's on line 25
and I think i see it, but let's make sure
basically the object is trying to move itself
Let's save explanations until after the code -- that will save time
What code do you want?
the first 28 lines of Creature.java
make sure you start from the start of the file
you have all of Creature.java
It's an abstract class that the actual objects extend
So all of the objects are of type Creature
There is something missing
The error message says the error is a null pointer exception on line 25. But you only pasted 21 lines of code.
oh, the comments on top
bascially explaining what the class does
PLEASE read the requests you get from people trying to help you. Post the first 28 lines, be sure to start from the beginning, do not leave out any lines.
We cannot count lines if you leave some out.
The error occured on "world.worldGrid[location_x][location_y] = this; "
Can you please post the code?
* Created by lael on 11/5/16.
public abstract class Creature {
public int energy; // amount of energy this creature starts out with
public String type;
public int location_x;
public int location_y;
private World world;

abstract void advance();

public void setLocation(int a, int b) {
location_x = a;
location_y = b;

public void updateLocationInWorld() {
world.worldGrid[location_x][location_y] = this;

abstract char getLook();

I figure that is the line, but I want to see
(sigh) ok, that's 24 lines...
IF the problem is the line you say (which I cannot verify), then the problem is likely that the world variable is null.
Okay, here's the class that extends creature:
I do not want to or need to see that
The error message tells you the source code line of a specific file on which the error occurred. This is extremely useful; unlike other languages, it can be trusted to help you discover what the error is.
The first thing to do with any stack trace is look (hard!) at the indicated line.
99% of the time, that IS where your error is, and with a little practice with standard Java exceptions, you can tell what is wrong immediately perhaps 85% of the time.
This is a world of improvement over the other languages I have worked in.
I think you're right. world is null
If you are using Netbeans or eclipse or something like that, they all have a way to display the source with line numbers, so you don't even have to count.
Yes, I have line numbers.
Ok, and it shows that line as 25?
If it doesn't, the next thing to do is a clean and build, to ensure that you're using a class file that matches your source...
Oh, ok
Well, on to the next problem!
okay now it's line 19
What did you do in between? clean?
are you using eclipse?
Hmm. I don't know anything about that.
anyway. Good luck with it.
But yeah, the error matches the source now.
Anyway, you were right, world was null
I don't know why I missed that the first time
Thank You
You are welcome.
Where're you, geographically? Just out of curiousity?
Well, hope your holidays have been treating you well. Bedtime for me.
take care
Thanks alot
2 hours later…
Merry Christmas
hi everyone
I m first time here
I am expecting lot of answers from you all..
me hides in a cave
@FlyingGambit he he he
how to stop popup from getting hide when we click on it
4 hours later…
4 hours later…
6 hats ftw :D
i have been asked to print in modulo since the answer is very large..
so how can i print in modulo
!!urban modulo
@FlyingGambit modulo An extenuating circumstance that may affect one's direct plans.
6 hours later…
Woo I finally got to working code
This is probably a problem that can be solved much more simply
Hi; Does anyone here have a good idea for how to best render text to a texture in Java? What I've been trying to do is piggy-back off of Graphics2D and draw to a BufferedImage, but then I need to create the image before rendering the text... meaning I need to set the extents for the texture... which I get from rendering the text! I'm a little bit confused. The only "obvious" solution I can think of would be to create a big canvas
and find a bounding rectangle for the pixels that have been written. That sounds like a dumb solution though. That can't possibly be how everyone is doing it right?
Found a workaround I can use. Still open for good suggestions though
Hello everyone. Anyone use cxf? I created a server and client today with no XML.
I found a nice link that helped: blog.codecentric.de/en/2016/02/spring-boot-apache-cxf Now I have to take the soap data and feed it into camel.

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