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It wasn't impossible in Java with Gson! :-)
A: Using Gson to parse JSON with Objects but needing to exclude Arrays

RustamYou can skip array, if parse JSON string to JsonElement and iterate all elements: Gson gson = new Gson(); //Type type = new TypeToken<Map<String, UsersPOJO>>(){}.getType(); //Map<String, UsersPOJO> myUsers = gson.fromJson(jsonString, type); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonElement top...

7 hours later…
I'm in the US
-9 hours vs where I live, that is quite the timezone shift :/
yeah, it must night over there. Which state are you in?
1 hour later…
it's night all over the US @ItachiUchiha :-) 01:19 on the west coast (L.A) 03:20 central, and 4:20 in New York :)
I think Hawaii is not passed midnight yet.
I was right, it's only 22:21 in Hawaii
damn, Hawaii is UTC/GMT -10:00
a constructor intializes an instance variable right?
well, an instance class
5 hours later…
hi, chips please
gist.github.com/22a916e29b06257b705c0e484c3f387b can anyone who does unit tests tell me what is wrong there, what can be improved in the way of mocking, specifically?
@MichałZegan /me gives a bowl full of burnt CPUs
/me eats two of them
@eli only if you actually have instance variables
@MichałZegan can't you mock APIClient directly?
mocking a class that you test is probably a bad idea, isn't it?
My unit tests are testing APIClient class. so the only thing I can/should mock is the http client itself
Ah, uh, yeah
But the build chain is awfully long
well, how can it be shorter? I have to set enough data for it to be able to authenticate, and this class is generic. so I have to set host, and fake authentication keys.
And you use JUnit, too bad; if TestNG I'd have recommended you used a @BeforeMethod
and access rules. mainly because I make them shorter than the defaults.
JUnit has some @Before* too
it does. but there is not so much common code. only setting a stub on HttpClientBuilder.build() is common, and I have already placed that in the before method. about the rest, not sure. some methods need two http responses, some need one, etc
Morning, Java!
not sure if it is a good link, but: a new version is gist.github.com/28322b6775fbbf82f9bc1485db002d77
making gists using eclipse and I assume the last one is always newest :D
morning java
I am studying for my SE semester end exams
got few questions on theoretical aspects. I am not looking for exact answers. Just want to get some of your ideas and it will help me to write Good answers.
Program X : cyclometric complexity = 6
Program Y : cyclometric complexity = 8
which one is more reliable? X or Y ?
@CrazyNinja Which do you think?
I think; cyclometric complexity is the measurement for how many paths are available when the program is executing
so, it increases the complexity of the program
Less CC is more reliable
isn't that correct?
That is correct (although, it depends on your definition of "reliable")
For example, I'd say that higher CC code can, in real life, be more resilient to bugs, because the added complexity is usually there because of bug fixes.
However, for the puristic definition of "reliable", yes, less CC = more reliable.
but i found a sample answer which says >>> "reliability can't measure using static analysis"
That's because "reliability" is open for interpretation.
Reliability is basically "how many times of out N tries will this program do what I want it to do?"
That's hard to measure.
Code with less paths in is more predictable, and thus, can be made more reliable.
Code with more paths can usually handle more cases, and thus, also, be more reliable.
It depends more on what's in those paths and how do they bring you closer to your goal
So I'm guessing the correct answer would actually be, "It's impossible to determine the answer from the given parameters"
i actually don't understand what exactly this Reliability ; is it, when program is more reliable in the sense, many users can trust the program?
reliable = can rely on ?
"Reliability" is "how well does this program run without encountering problems?"
work as expected
ok. thanks for your input. :) BTW; I moved to Fedora :D
Which really depends more on the actual code inside, and on the purpose, than on the number of code paths there are.
(Disclaimer: I have not studied computer science formally, I don't have a degree, and I'm making this up as I go along from experience alone)
@CrazyNinja Nice
From Windows?
@MadaraUchiha That's what really matters to write good answers
I don't know why. I though for some reason, I should boost up my knowledge before end of this year
@CrazyNinja You should boost up your knowledge period.
There's always more to learn, more to explore.
sad news is that Oracle has failed to retain it's Dominion over android world. I felt so much frustrated about it. Now I am slightly looking forward to move to Node
However before that I'll grab my OCP Java 8 cert
@CrazyNinja Hmm? Android N+1 will use the open JDK, that's a big win.
But last week they announced that Swift will be replaced for Java in android environment
yeah, that;s kinda shocking baaaad news
I'm getting the feeling (and fge will surely disagree with me) that Java is slowly but surely fading
It used to be that Java was the absolute language for everything.
You would write Java on the client-side, on the server-side, in embedded systems, in microwaves, in cellphones
And now, it's getting replaced, piece of by piece, system by system.
Despite being led by very talented people, and extremely useful features being added despite the horrible horrible limitations of the Java compiler, Java isn't glamorous anymore.
The USP of "compile once, run anywhere" doesn't really appeal anymore, because in practice in 2016, you would write a web application, or you wouldn't care very much about portability because your native app is windows only
(Not to mention that "compile once, run anywhere" was never really true to begin with, but that's a totally different rant)
@CrazyNinja I don't think it's that sad.
It is the only language that i'm more capable with. I thought that would save my life and bring prosperous into my life
I feel like Java will continue to be alive and well in the enterprise.
when Java fading my prosper will fade away too :(
what was this news, again?
10 mins ago, by Crazy Ninja
Isn't Swift an Apple thing? Will Apple let Google use it for Android?
world is changing; so do the google
@CrazyNinja Jack of all trades, but master of none. Still much better than master of one.
I'm not particularly fond of Java.
I'm fairly proficient at it, I've built relatively complex production systems with it, but I don't particularly like it.
What don't you like about it, @Madara?
java is still nearest to write once, run anywhere thing, I believe.
I'm also proficient with JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Common Lisp (sorta), Python (sorta)
@MichałZegan Try NodeJs
you saying, node will be the future?
@CrazyNinja Node is currently on the rise
And Java is currently on the descent.
That's my view.
well. on client? no, probably not. I am a linux desktop user, and some desktop apps may be written cross platform without losing functionality
How long will Node last? I don't know.
But JavaScript has proven itself in an extremely volatile and hostile environment over years and years of development.
It's not going away soon, whether we like it or not.
But I never heard about large enterprise systems are using Node yet. Only the start-ups are trying it out
@MichałZegan Electron
@CrazyNinja PayPal are using Node for everything now.
Node is no longer in 0.x, it's already version 5.10.0, and 6.x is in the horizon.
also, strict languages help making a little less bugs. at least in some cases
@MichałZegan No it does not.
"It compiles" != "It has no bugs"
but it equals to it has no bugs of certain kinds.
And a compiler or static types are not a replacement for unit tests, or programmer discipline.
@MadaraUchiha so, after nearly a year, I surrender with your JS wars from this day onwards
@MichałZegan I'm a JS programmer for years now.
My bugs are not type related.
My bugs are architectural misunderstandings, and requirements changing, just like in any other language with a competent development team
And trust me when I say this, it's a lot easier to change and shift stuff around in JavaScript than it is in Java
For better or worse.
sure. and I see so many sudden backtraces in python world, for example, while any errors are such things like name errors... well
@Michael Let's start with null references
Node is only for web? No mobile?
Node is a server-side framework/runtime for JavaScript
It's not a language on its own.
NPE <<< Mistake in Java
It's JavaScript - DOM APIs + filesystem and other server-related APIs.
@MadaraUchiha What don't you like about null references?
let's use a different jvm language
@Michael The fact that anything of any type can arbitrarily be null, and when you try to access it it blows up in your face.
Optionals are a good way to indicate to your consumers that what you return may be null, but those are new, and converting old code is expensive and impractical.
Not to mention that Optional<String> foo = null is perfectly valid!
null is occasionally useful, but I'd really prefer if nullable references would require being marked as such
And when an NPE blows up, you get a line number, and that's it. No message, no telling you what went wrong, no nothing.
@kiheru What is null?
@MadaraUchiha we had that discussion...
as said, use a different jvm language. groovy, whatever
Is it an error? An empty value? An intentional nothing?
@MadaraUchiha context-dependent
a reference that does not refer to any object
@Vogel612 I don't want to read a bunch of context (which can span entire files) to debug an NPE with no message.
@MadaraUchiha Developers often use null values to indicate the "lack" of something. For example, a "find" method may return null if a match is not found. How else could this be represented?
It doesn't make sense
@Michael Throw an Exception.
@Michael TryFind with an out parameter would be the C# style to use it
Or, with Java 8, return an Optional.
@MadaraUchiha Exceptions are for exceptional circumstances. not finding something is not an exceptional circumstance
But the thing is, Java encourages that behavior, you don't have much of a choice.
You don't have an alternative.
@MadaraUchiha bah. that's incorrect
It's not java itself that encourages the behaviour
it's the crapload of crappy tutorials from morons
@Vogel612 Before Optional.empty(), could you have anything other than null to indicate an empty value?
But that's not entirely the problem
@MadaraUchiha null-object-pattern
If your function were to return null at some point, I'd say meh
if throwing an exception, an uncaught exception becomes a similar bug as an unhandled null
There are tools and IDEs that can handle it and warn me about it.
But the problem is that a lot of the language-level APIs return nulls at some point
And to find those, you need to look up the documentation
@Nullable and @NonNullable and stuff
"It's all documented" is the poorest, most ignorant kind of excuse I've ever heard.
@Vogel612 LOL
@MadaraUchiha meh. at the lowest level there's no way to avoid null
@Vogel612 I don't program low level
If I wanted low level, I'd have picked a different language.
How do you return from a fopen when the file doesn't exist?
@MadaraUchiha and that's where the law of leaky abstractions strikes again
@Vogel612 When I try to open a file that doesn't exist in JS, I get a rejected promise.
Which is a much much nicer thing to handle and debug than a null that's floating around my layers until someone hits it with a hammer and it blows up.
at some point you will have to worry about null. And java made it so that the programmer has to consciously decide what the heck they want to do with the null they got
and js hides it under some covers
that's just a design choice
@Vogel612 But that's the thing, I want it hidden
then don't use java, ffs
I want to write applications, not boilerplate
ermagherd... then don't use java
@Vogel612 When I get the option, I don't :)
or use something like Lombok to hide the boilerplate from your IDE
I personally prefer to handle null explicitly in my code, because it gives me greater control of what I want to do
You don't have to like that, it's just the way I prefer it.
and java supports that. and js doesn't so much
@Vogel612 JS does support that if you so choose.
because it's all sweeped under the carpet there
@MadaraUchiha humbug
JS has 2 distinct "nothing" values, undefined and null, and you can return them and pass them around as you wish.
rejected promise != null
@Vogel612 I kinda lied. The default Node API does not use Promises.
It uses callbacks
(An inaccessible file is still an instance of Error btw, not null)
oh jeebus... CPS
Continuation Passing Style?
@Vogel612 And admittedly, callbacks suck
@kiheru yeap
and java, in case of inaccessible file, throws exceptions you just have to catch
However, since we have Promises, it's trivial to "promisify" most of the API
Thanks to the flexibility of JavaScript
@MadaraUchiha it's just another paradigm. It's not inherently better or worse than using "Promises"
hey can we use java spring framework to build application (not web applications)?
function readFileAsync(file) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
    fs.readFile(file, (err, data) =>
      err ? reject(err) : resolve(data)));
@Vogel612 This is one example of a wrapped callback function that returns a Promise.
There are even libraries that do this:
@FastSnail yes you can.
Promise.promisifyAll(fs); // Now fs gets new functions like fs.readFileAsync() that does the above
But that's beside the point.
The thing is, a null floating in your system, moving between layers, is a bomb waiting to happen.
@CrazyNinja so ican i make a mc pattern swing desktop application using spring ?
And when it does happen, hunting it down through your layers is time consuming and annoying for no good reason.
use a different java language that supports things like method addition. you can do many things in java as a platform, like sandboxing, no other language provides.
@MichałZegan Again, this is a Java problem
"Use another language", while technically a valid solution, is irrelevant for this conversation.
I can also say "Just use Common Lisp, the error handling there is beautiful"
But it doesn't really help.
nope. as in this case i am remaining in the jvm and java library boundaries. so it does matter in that specific case
@MadaraUchiha may I say that you have really deeper rooted issues than the choice of java if you have to hunt a null deeper than 2 layers?
@Vogel612 But here's the thing, people will do what is most straightforward in a language. Tutorials or not.
And here's another thing, you don't always debug and write code alone
So sane defaults are super important.
@MadaraUchiha incredibly much code you seem to work on doesn't seem to have those sane defaults in coding conventions
@Vogel612 Right, because it was hastily written by people who are not Java experts
And evolved organically since when the company was a start-up
I don't think that usecase is that rare.
@FastSnail develop your client view as a normal swing app, then connect to your controller classes from the client EJBs.
@MadaraUchiha yea... legacy code is a royal pain.
You can incrementally clean it though
@Vogel612 Not in the real world, with real world requirements, and with dev time being expensive and used exclusively for new features/bug fixes.
@CrazyNinja ok i will try
grab a technical debt analyzer and show your boss how broken the code is and how it impedes your development speed
@MadaraUchiha dev-time used exclusively for new features / bug fixes is mismanagement
@Vogel612 That is a different (valid) problem.
don't blame the language for your superior's incompetence
@Madara If seems to me that, even with Optionals, you still have the issue of exceptions being thrown without warning. It seems to boil down to the developer--if developers fail to check isPresent (just like they should be checking for null) before calling get, then the NullPointerExceptions are simply replaced with NoSuchElementExceptions.
I suppose the difference lies in convention: If an Optional is used, then there is the expectation that the value may be null. But if Optional is not used, then there is the expectation that the value will never be null.
as long as you're properly validating your inputs and checking your other assumptions, that's a safe assumption to make
there is no bad thing, that I see, in passing nulls. except empty arrays and empty collections vs null, that is a different thing
I call it my billion-dollar mistake. It was the invention of the null reference in 1965. At that time, I was designing the first comprehensive type system for references in an object oriented language (ALGOL W). My goal was to ensure that all use of references should be absolutely safe, with checking performed automatically by the compiler. But I couldn't resist the temptation to put in a null reference, simply because it was so easy to implement.
Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare FRS FREng (born 11 January 1934), commonly known as Tony Hoare or C. A. R. Hoare, is a British computer scientist. He developed the sorting algorithm quicksort in 1959/1960. He also developed Hoare logic for verifying program correctness, and the formal language Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) to specify the interactions of concurrent processes (including the dining philosophers problem) and the inspiration for the occam programming language. == Biography == Born in Colombo, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) to British parents, Tony Hoare's father was a colonial civil...
Born in Colombo, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) to British parents, ^_^
Hi Java
@DRich yo, morn. It's all about null references
It's all about null references?
it seems almost like t"java is all about null references" :D:D
okay then
speaking of Java- quick pop-up menu question for anyone who's familiar w/ Swing
go ahead
I'm trying to have a pop up display when a user right-clicks on a branch of a JTree in a ScrollPane
so I'm using popup.show(invoker,x,y)
soo... a context-menu
@Vogel612 sure?
yeah, I think so
carry on, I'm just reformulating to follow you
@DRich I believe the correct term is "context menu".
so my question is: What should the invoker in my show method be? the JTree? the Scrollpane?
@Michael duly noted- thank you
@DRich I don't see that Popup exposes a show-overload like that
@DRich Probably the JTree, as this is the object you are interacting with. The scroll pane is simply a container for the JTree.
@Michael Okay, that's what I thought.
I haven't been able to get the menu to display
I just wanted to make sure that wasn't the issue, since there's inevitably a bunch of other things it could be
@Vogel612 Also, what did you mean by this?
@DRich Then again, it might need to be the window that the JTree is stored in (i.e. the JFrame).
@Michael So the JTree is in the scroll pane, but it would not be that container- it might be the JFrame...
/javadoc Popup#show
Which one do you mean? (type the number)
1. javafx.stage.Popup#show(Window)
2. javafx.stage.Popup#show(Node, double, double)
3. javafx.stage.Popup#show(Window, double, double)
4. javafx.stage.Popup#show()
5. javax.swing.Popup#show()
@Vogel612 void show()‌​: Makes the Popup visible. If the Popup is currently visible, this has no effect.
@DRich as you can see, javax.swing.Popup doesn't expose any other show methods than the void
@DRich Yes, it may need to be the actual "window".
@DRich this means you either don't use the swing Popup (which may get funny because different Toolkits and general interoperability fun)
or your question was about JavaFX
@Vogel612 the show that's void has been deprecated according to IntelliJ...
maybe I am, as you desscribe, crossing toolkits
just a second while I check that
just look at your imports
Yeah, I'm importing Java.swing.*
no JavaFX
Try using PopupFactory.
/javadoc PopupFactory
@Michael javax.swing.PopupFactory: PopupFactory, as the name implies, is used to obtain instances of Popups. Popups are used to display a Component above all other Components in a particular containment hierarchy. The general contract is that once you have obtained a Popup from a PopupFactory, you must invoke hide on the Popup. The typical usage is: @since 1.4 (1/2)
if JPopupMenu can be used, its show() supports positioning
Oh, he must be using JPopupMenu.
@Michael Yes!
Sorry, missed the subtlety
Which doesn't even extend Popup. Curious.
I'm using JPopUpMenu- not JPopup
At any rate, try setting the parent component to the JFrame.
@Michael Just tried that
I'm probably having issues because of something other than the invoker
I'll explore other possible issues
Is your right-click listener working?
@Michael It seems to be. Whenever I click I'm printing the button to the concolse
the invoker should not really need to be the event source. iirc you can use any component
@kiheru That was kind of the impression I got, but I wasn't sure
but I've tried having the invoker be the even source, the immediate container, and now, the JFrame as well
so it's probably a different issue
which I'm gonna go try to chase down now
Thanks for your help @Vogel612, @Michael, and @kiheru!!!
what are the symptoms? the code gets run but nothing shows up?
(I'd first check that the code with show() actually gets run)
@kiheru Yeah, my print statement that prints the button that was clicked is after the popupmenu.show(...) command
Hey guys, quick question. How can I do a for each in java, but only do it for a certain variable type? (For example, in VB: For Each var As String in listOfStuff)
like for (PotionEffect active : activeList<PotionEffect>)
but only do it for potioneffects in activelist, nothing else
@JustinG Not sure you can do that w/o an if statement...
alright, so just essentially a nested if statement inside of the for?
@JustinG I think so. What are you using to store your collection of object btw?
It's a method from a dependency. I'm helping somebody make a minecraft plugin. The collection is defined using: Collection activeList = player.getActivePotionEffects();
Yeah, I don't think you can store different data types in a single collection. And then to distinguish between different objects of the same time, you would need some sort of if statement.
Fixed my error, actually. I changed Collection to Collection<PotionEffect>
Didn't realize I didn't have infer on :p
@DRich Sure you can. If you don't use generics.
Hey @Hans!
hey o/
@Michael Really? So I can have a collection of Strings, Ints, class objects, etc ?
Well, not int, since that is a primitive type.
List list = new ArrayList();
list.add(new ArrayList());
list.add(new HashMap());
Perfectly valid code.
no kidding
This is why I hang out here. I learn stuff
Not that you'd ever want to do something like that.
Or List<Object>, which makes it more clear that it's actually intentional that the list may contain any Object, rather than just a remnant from legacy code
@kiheru List<?> might express that intent more clearly.
List<Object> could imply that the list contains Object objects (i.e. new Object())
@Michael Sure, if it's not a list where you need to add something
@kiheru Ah, right.
Can someone tell me does any scams happen on these chat rooms?
It's not normal, but there's nothing that would technically prevent it
@kiheru He won't show me his code and he asking me to fix through skype
@Tarson I can't speak for others, but I don't go to that length when it comes to helping people with their programming questions.
@Michael It was weird as shit I never talked to the dude before and he opens a private chat and to join his skype.
Should I report?
Occasionally people you help would like to use more private means, but generally that's only after going through the code publicly after a while. It's up to you whether you trust that - or want to make that much effort anyway
@Tarson He's not doing anything against the rules. But it's certainly presumptuous of him to expect that level of assistance.
The thing is he didn't care to share a line of code. He was just egger for me to join his skype.
I avoid close contact with strangers on the Internet in general.
Your situation sounds fishy. I would avoid this person.
Well, you can always ignore him. Ah, the wonders of the Internet.
Anyway, off to lunch, bye Java!
@Michael I know but it was the strangest encountered
bye bye
o/ @Michael

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