You can skip array, if parse JSON string to JsonElement and iterate all elements:
Gson gson = new Gson();
//Type type = new TypeToken<Map<String, UsersPOJO>>(){}.getType();
//Map<String, UsersPOJO> myUsers = gson.fromJson(jsonString, type);
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonElement top...
well, how can it be shorter? I have to set enough data for it to be able to authenticate, and this class is generic. so I have to set host, and fake authentication keys.
it does. but there is not so much common code. only setting a stub on is common, and I have already placed that in the before method. about the rest, not sure. some methods need two http responses, some need one, etc
got few questions on theoretical aspects. I am not looking for exact answers. Just want to get some of your ideas and it will help me to write Good answers.
That is correct (although, it depends on your definition of "reliable")
For example, I'd say that higher CC code can, in real life, be more resilient to bugs, because the added complexity is usually there because of bug fixes.
However, for the puristic definition of "reliable", yes, less CC = more reliable.
sad news is that Oracle has failed to retain it's Dominion over android world. I felt so much frustrated about it. Now I am slightly looking forward to move to Node
I'm getting the feeling (and fge will surely disagree with me) that Java is slowly but surely fading
It used to be that Java was the absolute language for everything.
You would write Java on the client-side, on the server-side, in embedded systems, in microwaves, in cellphones
And now, it's getting replaced, piece of by piece, system by system.
Despite being led by very talented people, and extremely useful features being added despite the horrible horrible limitations of the Java compiler, Java isn't glamorous anymore.
The USP of "compile once, run anywhere" doesn't really appeal anymore, because in practice in 2016, you would write a web application, or you wouldn't care very much about portability because your native app is windows only
@Michael The fact that anything of any type can arbitrarily be null, and when you try to access it it blows up in your face.
Optionals are a good way to indicate to your consumers that what you return may be null, but those are new, and converting old code is expensive and impractical.
Not to mention that Optional<String> foo = null is perfectly valid!
@MadaraUchiha Developers often use null values to indicate the "lack" of something. For example, a "find" method may return null if a match is not found. How else could this be represented?
at some point you will have to worry about null. And java made it so that the programmer has to consciously decide what the heck they want to do with the null they got
use a different java language that supports things like method addition. you can do many things in java as a platform, like sandboxing, no other language provides.
@Madara If seems to me that, even with Optionals, you still have the issue of exceptions being thrown without warning. It seems to boil down to the developer--if developers fail to check isPresent (just like they should be checking for null) before calling get, then the NullPointerExceptions are simply replaced with NoSuchElementExceptions.
I suppose the difference lies in convention: If an Optional is used, then there is the expectation that the value may be null. But if Optional is not used, then there is the expectation that the value will never be null.
I call it my billion-dollar mistake. It was the invention of the null reference in 1965. At that time, I was designing the first comprehensive type system for references in an object oriented language (ALGOL W). My goal was to ensure that all use of references should be absolutely safe, with checking performed automatically by the compiler. But I couldn't resist the temptation to put in a null reference, simply because it was so easy to implement.
Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare FRS FREng (born 11 January 1934), commonly known as Tony Hoare or C. A. R. Hoare, is a British computer scientist. He developed the sorting algorithm quicksort in 1959/1960. He also developed Hoare logic for verifying program correctness, and the formal language Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) to specify the interactions of concurrent processes (including the dining philosophers problem) and the inspiration for the occam programming language.
== Biography ==
Born in Colombo, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) to British parents, Tony Hoare's father was a colonial civil...
Born in Colombo, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) to British parents, ^_^
Which one do you mean? (type the number) 1. javafx.stage.Popup#show(Window) 2. javafx.stage.Popup#show(Node, double, double) 3. javafx.stage.Popup#show(Window, double, double) 4. javafx.stage.Popup#show() 5. javax.swing.Popup#show()
@Michael classjavax.swing.PopupFactory: PopupFactory, as the name implies, is used to obtain instances of Popups. Popups are used to display a Component above all other Components in a particular containment hierarchy. The general contract is that once you have obtained a Popup from a PopupFactory, you must invoke hide on the Popup. The typical usage is: @since 1.4 (1/2)
Hey guys, quick question. How can I do a for each in java, but only do it for a certain variable type? (For example, in VB: For Each var As String in listOfStuff)
like for (PotionEffect active : activeList<PotionEffect>)
but only do it for potioneffects in activelist, nothing else
It's a method from a dependency. I'm helping somebody make a minecraft plugin. The collection is defined using: Collection activeList = player.getActivePotionEffects();
Yeah, I don't think you can store different data types in a single collection. And then to distinguish between different objects of the same time, you would need some sort of if statement.
Or List<Object>, which makes it more clear that it's actually intentional that the list may contain any Object, rather than just a remnant from legacy code
Occasionally people you help would like to use more private means, but generally that's only after going through the code publicly after a while. It's up to you whether you trust that - or want to make that much effort anyway