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3 hours later…
How can I trun an AarrayList into a 2D matrix?
@zari maybe i should consider using static for temporary , not have time yet to explore because of deadline of project.
@pnukeid Hi
Please tell me what do you mean by using static for temporary ?
@zari i mean --> temporary is about time , until i know / understand how good ways for passing data between class :))
I know
static variables are same as global variable in C++
they are not temporary
please tell me what do you want to do?
I will guide you
what kind of data you want to pass between two class ?
object or primitive data type ?
maybe you are right, in c# i can change modifiers on a object like textbox, combobox, etc so i can access from other form / class.. or declare a variable with public so other form/class can access it.
and it's looks like same thing on java with making a variable / method with static declaration.
public static
if it is only static
it will be package access not public
if just static it will be accessible on that package. it's right ?
only in that package
Is it possible for you to tell me what do you want to do ?
HI ppl, I have one quiestion for Hibernate: I have 95% write and 5%read from database... should i use second level caching? will it help?
@zari i just want make a software for my office, GUI, and say it that GUI have 2 form or more, usually between Form/class alwas passing data

EXAMPLE : FORM1 have variable x = 10, and FORM2 can access variable x on FORM1 and modifed that x = 15, and FORM3 when access variable x on FORM1 can get 15, so x variable can access from other FORM/CLASS with up-to-date value.

just that.. :))
all right
but I think in such a program data hiding (encapsulation) is ignored
are the all forms run in one pc or they run in a network ?
run in a network, this is simple client server software
so you mean that a client enter a data in a text field and
the server modifies it
and another client can get the data from server and manipulate the data ?
you need a client server program . static variable are not useful for your goal
I can send you a very simple client server program
that act as you want
not only that,

say it.
transactionForm want entry data,
but in process before saving. need value which requires open other FORM to get that values..
after choose value from latest open FORM, and get back to transactionForm passing that value
after that saving transactionForm
the static variables will be helpful :)))
not absolutely .. the best way is mediator class.
i read on java doc in oracle.com, and find about LISTENER, is possible to use it for passing data between class.. or still need static declaration ?
Listener is event listener.
did you know about SWT ? which is good between SWT and Swing or GWT ?
Listener is listening for event occurring. If an event occurs, event listener diagnoses it and an event object will be created and according to it's type and the method is written for that event , services it
oh , I don't know which one is better.
up to know I've used swing even in client server apps and I have no problem with it
I must go . bye :-h
4 hours later…
Anyone here that can help me with a small java method problem?
What's your question, Red Dragon? I don't know everything but I may know enough....
Well its a display method, it works for a certain number of items inside the array, but if i change the number of items, it stops working.
I'm new to membership in StackOverflow although I've read suggestions for a while. Is there any way to find a list of my questions directly? Or do I have to do a general search on whatever keywords I can remember of the question?
@RedDragon What is it?
Hard to answer without seeing some code. I'm not sure what you mean by a display method for one thing. And when you say array, you mean an array expressed with square brackets, not a collection or vector or whatever, right?
@AnonymousCoward Check your profile page and scroll down?
I forget, how to i insert code here, just type it out or do i use certain ordering
Use fixed font
I don't know. I just joined yesterday and this is my first time in the chat room.
Where is fixed font? Would it be easier to link the question?
Thanks Lews, I'll try that once we've got RedDragon sorted out.
@RedDragon Beside send and upload button
I only have a send button
You've got an upload button? I only have a send button....
Maybe we're too junior RedDragon.....
@RedDragon Ok just paste the code
 public void display()
  { int startFront = front;

	  for (int j = front ;j < maxSize; j++ )
		  if (j == nItems-1 )
		  	{    	j=0;

		  if (j==startFront-1)
What happened with the formatting? It was working there a sec
I'm only seeing the diplay method now but not the stuff that was pasted in before that. How do I scroll up to see the rest? I don't see any scrollbars.
I didn't paste the entire program, that would be spam right?
You can put it in pastebin.com if you like
Is that display method the only code you posted? I thought you pasted in one bit of code, then added the display() method. If that's right, I'm not seeing the original bit of code and would like to see it.
Looks like that loop is endless
well except for the return
Yeah, that is how i stop it, because i really had no idea how to make it work any other way
You just want to print the contents of the queue right?
Yeah but in order like, Front,front-1, front-n....rear
front starts from 0 yeah?
Front depends on the program, right now it is at 3, it starts at zero and moves around based on insert and delete
So the code posted at stackoverflow/questions is the complete program before you made any changes, is that right? And it works fine if you don't change it, right?
But if it is a queue.. shouldn't you always print top first to bottom?
@AnonymousCoward The code is with my displaymethod, that is the only thing i added, and it works as is
The queue can wrap around because it is set in an array and not a linked list, (in a beginning college programming class) so started out this way
Oh right.. a circular buffer ;)
yeah, I am pretty sure the way i am doing it is counterproductive and there is an easier way in whole but, this is what i have so i am trying to make it work you know?
You have some answers posted anyways.
RedDragon, that code doesn't even compile in Eclipse. It's complaining about the main method which has no body.
@AnonymousCoward Then write a main method!
I can do that but I'm just trying to figure out how the program was in the assignment and what RedDragon has done. Then it's easier to figure out what's messed up.
The main method is in there, I have only Inserted the "display()" method, and the Call to display
the rest is original
Right now, I'm not sure if there were bugs in the code given in the assignment or if RedDragon has bugs in his/her code.
@RedDragon I don't think you should use nItems to exit the loop. nItems is the number of items in the queue sure, but it isn't the rear
Hold on, I was mistaken, the main method has a body; your layout is just very different than I'm used to.
Okay, so i should use rear instead, but if it loops around, would it be possible for front to be say index 3 and rear to be index 4 or index 0, so at any point, front < rear could be false?
It looks like Lews has got this halfway figured out so I'm going to stop distracting you and let the two of you sort this out.
@AnonymousCoward No, trust me. If you have an idea share it.
@RedDragon It's possible.. let me think about it
Well you need a mod for one
Instead of < you can try !=
while(front != rear)
     front = (front +1)%nItems;
I think so. I'm not sure.
Okay, what does % mean again? i know its remainder factor right? but how would that work here
it would read, Front is equal to front plus one "blank" number of items.
@RedDragon It helps front to stop from overflowing.
(0+1 ) % 5 = 1
(4+1) % 5 = 0
Anyways, it is slow.. so you probably don't want to use that. I doubt it is that slow..
Well i have an answer from the question that works, i am just trying to fully understand what it means.
public void display() {
    for (int i = 0; i < nItems; i++) {
        System.out.println(queArray[(front + i) % maxSize]);
@RedDragon The same idea. Just different syntactically.
Well he is using maxSize as opposed to rear.
okay so can you explain once more what % does in there? I can see that it prints out the item at location front + i, and i will go through the entire loop. but what does % maxSize mean exactly
It gets the remainder of the division
See how it wraps around? This way, front never goes out of bounds.
Yeah, sorry to beat a dead horse, i can see that 5/5 leaves a remainder of 0 because it is even. but 1%5 should that be something else, or is it because its not big enough to go into it so it simply is 1, would 5%6 be 1 and 5%7 be 2? or am i not grasping it at all, is it subtraction and remainder or division and remainder
5%6 is 5
5%7 5.. you always pick the smaller number of the mod. I had trouble understanding that too.
You can always print it out yourself WriteLine(5%7)
okay, i will need to mess around with that a bit before i am allowed to use that in my code
Ok. Good luck with that.
Goodnight :)
Thank you, night
Hello all! OK so I have a friend who wants to sell me his old copy of his Thinking in Java (3rd edition). I'm gonna get it off of him anyway (5 bucks) but will I be mis-informed by reading it. I've never learned Java (or similar) so I can't judge it for myself. Any ideas?

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