@Gemtastic Don't make jokes about her little logger. Don't make jokes about her little logger. Don't make jokes about her little logger. Don't make jokes about her little logger.
Are the dependency files that get loaded from remote repository in this windows path C:\Users\Dell\.m2\repository are exclusively required by m2eclipse plugin or apache maven tool?
@Gemtastic By convention, the entry point to your script should be index.js
Get a better readme in order, the key points that should be there are: name, what it does, how to install it, how to test it (if there are tests) and how to use it.
Also by convention, callback signature in node takes the following form: function(error, value) {}
and a feature that would immensely help is to have a trigger when in code typing mode to bring up a larger version of the chat box that takes up more span
@Gemtastic It still looks like it was written by a Java developer :P
Which it was
You need to shake free of your Javaly bonds when writing JavaScript
Your next few goals should be: 1. fix the callback structure so that it's by convention 2. refactor your functions to return promises instead of accepting callbacks, get a feel at them. 3. Look into babel and es6, your code could benefit a lot from arrow functions and default parameters
http://www.commitstrip.com/en/2015/09/24/the-one-who-talks-too-much/ CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers The one who talks too much CommitStrip 1443121173
@Gemtastic Why are you working without a debugger?
Node has a debugger, and Intellij is able to use it just fine
@Gemtastic It means that's it the acceptable standard everyone expects
Similar to how you start Class names with a capital letter, and don't use snake_case in Java.
In node, callbacks are expected to be passed at least two parameters, the first being the error param, which can be undefined if there isn't an error, while the rest are data.
If there isn't any data to be passed, at least the error parameter is expected to be passed.
Notice how (almost) all of Node's current callback based asynchronous functions follow that convention.
@ItachiUchiha not really.. as of now this looks very much like pseudocode. Code Review does not review Design. it would be a different story if the code at /* code here */ were included. — Vogel6121 min ago
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