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@fge I know! Bakes me a peach pie.
Hey there, @ADG.
hello good morning
im trying to make a java applet to draw graphs to analyze data after some processing
and you?
Taking the Intro to Linux course on edx.org
How do ya like dem apples?
what do you mean. I'm not a native speaker of english
It's a friendly expression meaning: What is your opinion on what I just said? Are you impressed?
i am used to windows and therefore dont like linux much, it's very useful as far as i am told
All the cool kids use it.
Oh, and it basically powers the Internet.
You seem like a very thoughtful fellow.
1 hour later…
hello.. this is a design question, not necessarily java.. shoot??
3 hours later…
@Michael Hides
Hey everyone!
@Michael What do you mean by it powers the internet? In what way?
3 hours later…
@Gemtastic yo
My little logger is about to see the first light of day
@Gemtastic Don't make jokes about her little logger. Don't make jokes about her little logger. Don't make jokes about her little logger. Don't make jokes about her little logger.
Actually that's not an issue with mine :D
It's written in/for node though. I'm thinking about publishing it
Are the dependency files that get loaded from remote repository in this windows path C:\Users\Dell\.m2\repository are exclusively required by m2eclipse plugin or apache maven tool?
@Gemtastic Always a good idea
Gotta flesh out the package.json then
npm init will help you
Wait, how did you install dependencies without a package.json?
FLESH OUT not make one
I have one but it doesn't contain much
Just the very basics
@Gemtastic it doesn't need to be any more than just the very basics
Name, version and dependencies are basically what matters most
@MadaraUchiha I know, but some more stuff about me should probably be in there
Meh, your GitHub/Stack Overflow history should be telling people about you
Not what you write in your package.jsons :P
I get job offers without most of the potential employers even knowing my name
Well, my github isn't as nice as yours :P
In case someone wonders though, developing Node in NetBeans
...Is hell
@gem @mada where do we search for edit suggestions on SO. For example, what does `` or ** does?
I have no clue
Hmm.. not easy to feel daring enough to publish when the local install fails :/
@madara do you see anything wrong? github.com/Gemtastic/Loggerito
2 hours later…
@ItachiUchiha Eh?
@Gemtastic By convention, the entry point to your script should be index.js
Get a better readme in order, the key points that should be there are: name, what it does, how to install it, how to test it (if there are tests) and how to use it.
Also by convention, callback signature in node takes the following form: function(error, value) {}
Where error is undefined if there isn't an error.
err ? console.log(new Error("No access!", path)) : callback();
This is unexpected, and not helpful (what if I wanted to do something about the error?)
And be consistent about it
I see at least 3 different callback signatures in your code
sidequestion: what about using console.err instead of console.log for errors?
@Vogel612 That's not up to you to decide.
It's up to whomever is using your function/library/object, how they handle errors.
so you'd expect the constructor to return an error object?
I may want to log it to output, to a file, to database, to some third party library, or do nothing at all.
@Vogel612 If your code is synchronous, just throw
If it's asynchronous with callbacks, pass an object to the first parameter of the callback.
If it's asynchronous with promises, just reject the promise.
seems simple enough.
For example, that first function should be something like this
function checkAccess(path, callback) {
    fs.access(path, fs.R_OK & fs.W_OK, function (err) {
Or even more simply
function checkAccess(path, callback) {
    fs.access(path, fs.R_OK & fs.W_OK, callback);
With promises, without a promisification library and assuming there isn't a fs.accessAsync that returns a promise, one can do thihs:
function checkAccessAsync(path) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => fs.access(path, fs.R_OK, & fs.W_OK, err => err ? reject : resolve));
If there is a fs.accessAsync that returns a promise, it looks much simpler:
function checkAccessAsync(path) {
    return fs.accessAsync(path, fs.R_OK & fs.W_OK);
@MadaraUchiha whoa, this is syntax colored
@rlemon when does the dark SO chat extension color code blocks?
@Unihedron Yup, @rlemon added it
it needs a bit of work.
but yes, I added that
it's gone on reload though
it breaks on 'see more'
I know that
@rlemon F5 / page refresh
works for me
doesn't works for me
@rlemon Can confirm, disappears when I hit reload
function() { return 42; }
not for me :/
slow connections?
maybe I'm applying too quickly.
but color user is working
Another reload and it seems to have worked
that all should load at the same time
I'll look into hooking to the end of the chat load. :/
And now it doesn't
race conditions I think
Something funky is going on, some race condition probably
my connection is fast enough I don't see it
Good work nonetheless, still infinitely better than nothing
Another thing I noticed though:
Hi guys, can someone help me with binding a Slider to a MediaPlayer's currentTimeProperty in JavaFX?
What's with this completely unreadable font????
because the packaged Hack font face isn't working either
gonna just remove that 'feature'
@rlemon please fix it for us low lives
@rlemon No need, just fallback to a reasonable font
You can provide multiple font names in CSS for a reason
no I need to remove it for other reasons.
I'll re-implement once fixed.
probably going to just replace it all with Ace
I think you should use a more platform agnostic font family like Monospace
@Unihedron I package it as a webfont with the extension. according tothe docs it should work
I pushed it thinking it did because I had the font installed on my system already
and a feature that would immensely help is to have a trigger when in code typing mode to bring up a larger version of the chat box that takes up more span
I'm going to make ctrl + k toggle a 'code view'
the text box is too small to be a scripting spot, so monospacing it only does so much
which will be an Ace interface
@rlemon :o
just gotta get off my ass and do it
home sick today
1 hour later…
@MadaraUchiha other than that, you think it looks like I actually know what I'm doing?
@Gemtastic It still looks like it was written by a Java developer :P
Which it was
You need to shake free of your Javaly bonds when writing JavaScript
Your next few goals should be: 1. fix the callback structure so that it's by convention 2. refactor your functions to return promises instead of accepting callbacks, get a feel at them. 3. Look into babel and es6, your code could benefit a lot from arrow functions and default parameters
Well, what does the "by convention" mean?
the log function and the createLogfile functions look a bit horrendous, but by doing that I can keep the scope...
Doing this without a debugger is HELL >_<
1 hour later…
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
The one who talks too much
I like this comic, but does anyone really wear vests?
The dude wears the same vest everyday.. like jeeze
Then again, I've been wearing a sheep-hide vest lately..
I like to think of myself as a mountaineer in the making
@Gemtastic Why are you working without a debugger?
Node has a debugger, and Intellij is able to use it just fine
@Gemtastic It means that's it the acceptable standard everyone expects
Similar to how you start Class names with a capital letter, and don't use snake_case in Java.
In node, callbacks are expected to be passed at least two parameters, the first being the error param, which can be undefined if there isn't an error, while the rest are data.
If there isn't any data to be passed, at least the error parameter is expected to be passed.
Notice how (almost) all of Node's current callback based asynchronous functions follow that convention.
@MadaraUchiha No Node sessions? :P
How are you on Sunday?
This sunday? what time?
Dunno, what time is good for you?
Anytime is a good time, but it is good if you can throw me a window so that I can ask other interested people to join as well :D
I'm available from around 9AM UTC to 11PM UTC
Just let me know when's good for you guys
That is a very large window ;)
Alright, I will let you know. If no one is willing to join, can we make it a 1-1 session, or will it not be worth it?
It's never not worth it.
Can I join even if I know nothing about Node?
Also, room or a video/conference thing
@Dustiny Even I do not know anything about node. This session is supposed to cover the basics, so feel free to hop in..
Just tell me your availability and I will create a message and pin it for others to see
@ItachiUchiha are we becoming the new programmers?
where nobody knows what's okay to go?
@Vogel612 I am sorry, what?
@ItachiUchiha not really.. as of now this looks very much like pseudocode. Code Review does not review Design. it would be a different story if the code at /* code here */ were included. — Vogel612 1 min ago
^^ ahh, I wasn't sure, therefore, my comment has a ? at the end :)
Now that I know it isn't, I can delete the comment ;)
users don't read, add a "maybe" next time and I can say that with 80% you'll not get stomped by a CR regular :D
@Vogel612 I should quickly delete it :P
Pfft, done :)
too late. it's burnt into transcript forevermore
Well, chat transcripts, they are ok! I have done worse than this..
@Vogel612 where exactly are the bots of this room?
A: Welcome to The 2nd Monitor!

QuillAlthough it may seem daunting to start talking in an unfamiliar room or site, The 2nd Monitor is a great room, and the friendly regulars will help you to feel right at home. Some questions you may have might include: How do I ask questions or get help with a post on the site using chat? What...

find out :)
one is over at zomis.net
@Vogel612 can you delete your comment as well, it has my name sticking to it :P
@ItachiUchiha Kewlios, I won't really know until Sunday my availabiliy
but probably whatever 4PM is in UTC xD
Converting from -5 GTC
Oh yah its -5 UTC 4PM
But also no idea
And also this
so that is 9 PM UTC
Ahh yes
which is not possible for me coz that makes it almost middle of the night for me
so how about a session in the morning with coffee? :P
Depends when my friend leaves
If you set a time
and ping me, I'll let you know if I can make it or not
Would probably be the best option
how about 9AM your time ?
that would be 2PM UTC
^^ @Dustiny
Oh my god lol
Probably not hehe
11 ? 12 ?
1? 2?
I'll be heavily drinking on Saturday night. 2 would be the most likely out of those options
gives me time to kick my friend out
how about 2.30?
2:30 works too
If you do that I'll make sure to join
I sound like I am bargaining here, but can we make it 1:30 ?
Probably lol
Great !
You take priority over me here
I'll give like a 80% chance I'll be able to make it
I need a 100 % :P
Yeah hehe that's what I meant
I'll know saturday for sure
I'm not purposefully trying to be wishy washy here, I just don't want to promise anything when I know I might not be able to
If you want, just make the time whenever works best for you
Then once you figure it out with @Madara just ping me and let me know, then I'll try my best to make it
@Dustiny There you go :)
Ou! Awesome :)
So that is 1:30 my time then correct
My brain isn't working too well right now haha
PS You went back in time 7 days
I put it in my calendar
@ItachiUchiha That... might just be the only time of the day I can't XD
I'll let you know, if you can do it one hour early, it'll be great
@MadaraUchiha haha, no problem with me. @Dustiny your call :)
17:30 works for me!
(most likely)
@Dustiny That would be 12:30 your time :P
Will most likely work for me
Like .. 85%
wishes and washes
NodeJS introductory session by @MadaraUchiha via Google Hangout. Proposed time 17:30 UTC/GMT on 27th September (Sunday)
Like I said don't schedule around me, I'll just do my best to be there!
Have the calendar set so It'll be quite likely ill be there
@Dustiny well edit your calendar with new time :)
Oh I did!

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