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Dead chat
This kid said: There are a-lot of secrets and weapons I have for my writing and I don't expose of them and I love to write. However, I'll use a few in my Family Narrative Portfolio.

So I'll write about my Family at Castles and Coasters. To be honest, we went there 2 months ago and it was our first time. We rode on the go-kart's which was fun. I like to drive. When I say I like to "drive" I mean I drive like everyone should the right way, but I guess I'm different (In video games I have a hard time driving like a beast and crashing into stuff). I actually was driving with my brother's which
Why is this kid having his dad host a private website of his crappy writing...
I can't find how to import it
@Joe'sMorgue What?
Import what?
Import it when?
Import it how?
Who is to import it?
Where does it need to be imported?
What is it are you asking?
How are you asking it?
When are you asking it?
Who are you asking it?
Where are you asking it?
My Android Studio work into Visual Studio
Do you see a "file" button in VS?
If so click: File -> Project -> Import
If else:
File -> Import
No File -> Import
So it isn't showing your file to import?
No import option
One sec
Do you see a projects tab or button anywhere?
Should be at the top of VS
No...I'm reading menus at the same time, just in case
What time zone are you in?
Just try stuff, I'm to tired still to be doing dis crap right now, i'm going to order pizza and help you 3 a.m. midnight time.... so I hope your up then...
@Joe'sMorgue Mt.
You should have had an option to do Import -> Project or Project -> Import
It's 9:22 PM my local [eastern time] and
I'm thinkings about going to sleeps soon...
Eh... lol
I'll look into it later man, staring and tired
Thank you!
I don't need it done NOW...
I had to step away from Java for a while, I couldn't focus...I looked at it and saw nothing more than a bunch of random words...I want to try again...
4 hours later…
How are things?
work overload 2.0
@deadlydragon00 what are you working on?
@JohnSnow How's Google Scripting going on?
It's going fine
I suppose
Though the room has more JavaScript than Google in it :P
@ItachiUchiha android stuff
@JohnSnow lol
I know now what a real burrito is
@Joe'sMorgue affirmative
Addictive as heroin...
3 hours later…
@JohnSnow content not available :/
You probably need facebook to see it
2 hours later…
got it
Scala is easy ^^
I bet it is :P
Morning, Java!
Morning, Jerry!
Evening everyone!
It has been a boring day :/
How is the work on the shitty javaFX app going on?
  def nth(number: Int) = if ((11 to 13).contains(number % 100))
  else number % 10 match {
    case 1 => "st"
    case 2 => "nd"
    case 3 => "rd"
    case _ => "th"
^ this is so elegant ^^
HI Room, hope everyone is good :-) im having a malformedUrlexception error for a terminal app i have made, when its run in netbeans it runs fine but when built and ran in console it has the problem, it requires internet access do i need to add anything to code to allow that ?
@n4zg Hi User :-) MalformedUrlException means that it tried to parse a string as a URL and failed.
do you know why it works when i run it from netbeans ?
@n4zg Can you show us the exact line where it throws the exception?
its really strange, im new to java, this is a simple app which takes an input from a qr bar code reader and submits the url to a server
should i put the code in pastebin ?
@n4zg Don't just dump all the code into pastebin. Try to be smart and include only the code that is most relevant to this discussion. :-P
We ain't bein' paid for this, so make the most of our time.
@n4zg O.O Wow, just wow.
i dont get no errors when i run it through netbeans, but itransfer to raspberry pi or the mac terminal i get the malfunction error
Stackoverflowexception, anyone?
How you @Michael?
@Joe'sMorgue Good, and yourself?
Still waking up
@n4zg Well, line 21 is obviously throwing an exception for some reason.
@n4zg And you're doing something wrong on line 24...
ive tried by removing that and putting it try catch but had the same prob
i need it to loop so after a scan then it asks for a new code
Just remove that line, you don't need it... -_-
There are so many things wrong with that.
the content(); line ?
Mmm hmm.
removed that line no change
You're welcome.
Thanks for that @Michael that has stopped the malfunciton error im getting a Bad URL now , its closer now
it netbeans it perfect, in terminal i get that error Bad URL Error
Post the entire error message here, please.
Bad URL: /orderitem/order-detail.php?q=1439647583-635
@n4zg Hmm. It's missing something kinda important.
i just dont get it why it works in the ide
when building it on netbeans do i need to set something up to allow internet connection for terminal
@n4zg The error has nothing to do with whether you can have Internet connection or not.
its related to the url do i need escape the url ?
Ok, let's start over.
Give me an example of a URL.
What does that URL have, which the one your barcode scanner generates does not?
just the domain name
sorry the x's represent the domain name apart from that its the same
So, your barcode scanner is not including a domain name.
That is why the exception is being thrown.
it does
6 mins ago, by n4zg
Bad URL: /orderitem/order-detail.php?q=1439647583-635
i cant add the domain name here for security reason
Do you see a domain name in there?
the barcode scanner generates the proper url which works fine in the ide
I'll ask again. Do you see a domain name here: Bad URL: /orderitem/order-detail.php?q=1439647583-635
yes it does show it there
And where would that be?
www.foo.com <- Foo is domain name here
sorry for confusing the situation here is the exact output from the scanner minus the domain name which i will take out Bad URL: xxxxxxxxx/app/blues/orderitem/order-detail.php?q=1439647583-635
www.foo.com/orderitem/order-detai.php?q=132131234234 <--- Foo is still domain name
We can't help you if you randomly remove things when you post them to the chat room.
Looks like the room is back in action!
Sorry @Michael the only thing i didnt add was the the actual domain name
@n4zg We need to see the exact output, sorry.
what about this , the following is generated from the barcode scanner exactly minus the foobar foobar.com/app/blues/orderitem/…
@n4zg excuses, excuses
there's nothing ambiguous about "the exact" output
@n4zg I don't trust that you've kept all essential components in tact.
i have
do you mean when building the script in netbeans ? @Michael
I mean when you post your modified URL to the chat.
that is execpt the foobar.com bit
Try prefixing the URL with "http://".
it has the http prefix on there
1 code is now being scanned and being processed from the terminal the next scan doesnt process
until enter is pressed on the keyboard it then processes the qr code, can i simulate the enter key press after the code has been scanned
@n4zg Oh em gee
I'm done.
Someone else take over.
no one will
you're wasting your own time, we'd be pretty stupid if we take over
@Michael :X
@Michael Thank you for you time, gratfeully appreciated anyway
Off to lunch. Bye Java!
What's going on?
Sounds exciting
I just finnished off the laundry~
3 hours later…
How will make URL object for sites that doesn't have protocol: http?

Say I have this security/Hacking site: http://www.lucideus.com
@androidplusios.design By reading the manual for URL specifications, then realize an origin is forced.
@Unihedron ok reading manual is fine but what do you mean by that second line " then realize an origin is forced."
I didn't get that
ok so the syntax doesn't allow it without protocol
@androidplusios.design tip.. that has a protocol..
@androidplusios.design Because it's a URL, surprise!
not URI i get that

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