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stackoverflow.com/a/24849600/4714970 how can I modify the prepareRenderer solution here to colour the column and not the row?
@Unihedron Hiiiii Got any solution for this error ??
@SweetWisherツ yes, delete System32 folder
@Unihedron lemme check
bt from where :P
users folder??
@uni @uni
he already said, refreshing fixed it
@uni there>?
@Aequitas wht refreshng ?
no and stop pinging me
Also something interesting to note is that interfaces only allow finals and abstract classes need not.
@Unihedron lol
Could someone help me, You know how when you click on a JTable cell, the row becomes "selected" I want it so that when I click on anything else, it becomes unselected. I'm thinking of doing this with a mouse listener on the table but not sure how to recognize (click not on table). Any ideas?
My idea is to use JavaFX instead
@Unihedron you can't delete System32 this way ._.
anyone here? Have a question regarding servlet
If you have an eclipse project with servlet, and another one doing some db operations, when you buy a server would you need to host 2 things? How can you execute 1 program into the servlet eclipse project?
I have a thing that makes indexes for the mongodb backend that runs separately
morning Java
I have a question. Is the substring() method slow for very large strings?
@Kamal do a benchmark test and see
with split()
if it is a large string you should either use StringBuffer or StringBuilder
StringBuilder is more preferable when it comes to performance.But lack in Thread safety :(
is it a good idea when your tech lead is advising you to build a project by decompiling a jar file taking those classes?
I can't believe a tech lead could ask anyone to do that
that sounds really wat
@Vogel612 Any updates on the cycle?
@JudeNiroshan depends who's jarfile it is
@Tavo that jar file was built long time ago. But that source has many conflicts with the running jar file in production
@ItachiUchiha filed charges today.
@JudeNiroshan if it's your company's code in there you should be good to go.
@Vogel612 Do you have insurance?
@Vogel612 yeap. But i'm afraid that decompiled classes will have everything or not
@Vogel612 erhm... if it's company code, shouldn't they have the original code?
@JohnSnow not personally... my father has and the last time that bike got stolen we got it work with that
@Tavo things happen...
@Tavo have. But many conflicts
@JudeNiroshan and by many conflicts you mean...?
unversioned development + retardation and use of outdated versions.
@Vogel612 that's good
@Tavo uncommitted changes to Repo
@JudeNiroshan maybe I'm not getting it straight. You want to bring an older version of a project back because you can't resolve the conflicts of the merge. Am I right?
@Tavo situation here is; i have done a development based on the code which was in Repository. But when i decompiled the LIVE running jar, it's different from the Repo source code. So, my TL(Tech lead) ask me to create a new project by getting those decompiled classes in running LIVE jar
that is absolute madness
@Vogel612 no, you said it before. It's retardation
not sure whether that might help me or drag me to huge problems
@JudeNiroshan what do you think?
it's usually generally the case that decompiled classes don't match up with the source java file...
@Tavo does decompiled classes are always identical to original ?
@JudeNiroshan almost guaranteed that never
@Vogel612 oh boy
hmm "usually generally" ... damn I don't want to drink my third coffee before 11.
@Vogel612 so you can add a "commonly" to that sentence? :P
Hi all
Hi all :)
is the replace() method for string in palce?
or does it create a new string
Depends how u use it
String str = "Hello";
>> Mello
@nTuply it always creates a new String..
Strings are immutable, calling replace creates a new instance
cc @Kamal
Yep it creates it and reassigns it right?
Strings are immutable
oh ok
the Necromancer badge is flawed...
Is this reccomended to do in production code
Q: Is a Java string really immutable?

Darshan PatelWe all know that String is immutable in Java, but check the following code: String s1 = "Hello World"; String s2 = "Hello World"; String s3 = s1.substring(6); System.out.println(s1); // Hello World System.out.println(s2); // Hello World System.out.println(s3); // World Field field =...

Hey y'all
anyone know a reliable way to get
env vars in maven?
I want to find the domain detail by java, How we can do this?
Please help me anybody
Q: How to get the domain name from the request in a Java servlet?

BaconIf a single servlet serves data from two domains example1.com and example2.com, how do you retrieve the domain information from the request in a Java servlet? The purpose is to perform different actions depending on the domain.

No sir , My question is , I find the full information of any domain name who I enter
By java
I mean ,,,,, I enter a site like - google.com and I found the full Whois detail about google.com like its ip address , It's host name, It's owner register email-id and etc..
it's very simple. just write some code
I am sure there are libraries
But there is now inbuilt support for that, and why would there be
what code write for that ?
java code
@Kamal Please don't.
Yes I know that java code. but i want to know that code.
@RakeshRaka You have to come up with it yourself. :)
Why don't you use whois?
@wonderb0lt Where?
That's it. Use whois and get the data. There is no then.
@RakeshRaka At work, at home, on a bus...
Thanks to laptops it's easy to come up with code almost everywhere
The code is actually 18 lines for that whois thing. I'm baffled at how simple it is(although I haven't learned about sockets yet)
@nTuply I use WhoisClient class and I found the detail , but I want to find some detail who I want. and this class give all detail
@RakeshRaka don't write in bus. Better at home.
Currently I am in Office
@degr any idea? :/
Anybody have any idea?
@RakeshRaka We don't understand what your problem is.
His English is so bad. I think he wants to make something like whois using Java
@nTuply can't help you, have no experience with it.
And also, your code is not clean
What is not clean with it?
For example, this (filterSize-1)/2 must be done only once
Oh so it shouldn't be in that constructor
I fell!
How are you @Vogel612
Wow it's been a while since I've logged in here
Hey, Jude
Don't you just love it when you write a class and it compiles without any errors and just works LD
That happens?
Not that frequently
@adam2510 This is a programming forum, not a fictional forum
Good job!
I have issues simply writing classes, so I can make comments like that.
Well I'm just starting to get around to rewriting a program I've had sitting around for a couple of years... My god some of my old code is fugly...
BE CAREFUL!!!!!!!!!!!
I've looked at old code, and wondered WTF was I thinking...After reading it, the comments and re-reading it, and "fixing" it, I go...Oh! That's what I was thinking, and have to put it back
Well I've decided to strip out a lot of the back end code ~8-9 classes which I can basically automate through one as I've practically given up trying to get it to work with SQL... Because I'm not there to manage the server 24/7 I am just going to stick with a simple document based storage system haha.
@Joe'sMorgue you can put a comment there to explain your next future self visiting then
@Joe'sMorgue welcome to Java room
I have...It just reads so weird
Jude, I've been here for a few years now, off and on...
Haha, indeed that happens for any non trivial thing? ^^
[Ask @ItachiUchiha, I'm mostly off, while in the room]
I'm just dreading looking into the GUI code for the program... My god that is a huge mess....
Do what I did...Find a pro to help you :P
I was COMPLETELY stuck on the UI, I met a guy here, he helped me write it.
@Joe'sMorgue i see
That wasn't the game plan, but it worked out that way.
He helped me overhaul what took me years to write, and wrote an entire GUI [almost solo, and that bothers me] in like a month!
I'm trying to launch Android Studio, and I'm getting the strangest error, but I don't know if it's A.S. or Java itself....
guys do u know how to enable autocomplete in eclipse for bootstrap ?
What's the error?
Haven't used eclipse in a while sorry
java.lang.RuntimeExeption: Could not find installation home path. Please make sure bin/idea.properties is present in the installation directory.
A: Eclipse: Enable autocomplete / content assist

THelperBy default in Eclipse you only have to press Ctrl-space for autocomplete. Then select the desired method and wait 500ms for the javadoc info to pop up. If this doesn't work go to the Eclipse Windows menu -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content assist and check your settings here

Then it has 5 lines of at com.intellj. something...
@Joe'sMorgue are you on linux ?
I've been bitching out MS because Win10 still needs to be in beta...For the last 4 months, they cannot fix simple mouse controls!
... why are you using windows anyway?
I started days of dos, know it...
@JudeNiroshan This does not work for css and bootstrap
how to enable autocomplete for bootstrap in eclipse anyone knows ?
@adam2510 what do you find difficult in UI programming?
layout mainly
Have an issue with something:
I have three classes: class1, class2, class3, all of the same package
class3 extends to class2
How do I call a mutator from class1 that was built in class 3?
ie: mutatorName
sorry, mutatorName(input)
by calling it
class1{/*code*/ mutatorName(input) /*code*/}
sorry, i should say, I get the error "The method mutatorName(int) is undefined for the type Class2
does that mean I need to declare it in class2, if it was declared in class 3 but not 2?
is there a way to skip this?
I think it's telling me that because I didn't implement it in class 2 and class3 extends from class 2, it's saying it's not visible, i guess?
@johnpolqkov sorry , this is not CSS3 room, TB autocomplete only works if you use text-editor for HTML
D'oh...I forgot I have to map the drive!
2 hours later…
Really, really good question:
Q: Why don't both of these rethrown exceptions create a compiler error?

Venkata RajuWhy does throw outerE; generate a compilation error? Why doesn't throw e; generate a compiler error?(because of precise rethrow feature) They're the same Exception object, but one is scoped inside the catch block only and one is scoped outside the try-catch block. Shouldn't they both generate a c...

they set tests in the review queues? O_o
Someone help me with the nullpointer exception.
A certain code refers a function which works perfectly.
But if the same function was accessed by another part, it shows NP exception.
@AvinashRaj you might want to ask a question in SO?
Yeah what you just said gives us no real explanation or direction to helping you lol
@Tavo If I do that, they will mark it as dupe for canonical NPexception question.
If they mark it as a duplicate.. then refer to that question to find your answer..
@AvinashRaj Well they're correct. Find out what you're accessing is null and then find out why it's null.
@wonderb0lt How?
@AvinashRaj Debugger
I'm not very good in java.
It's there to debug things
@wonderb0lt I'm on netbeans 6.9
I think this version won't have debugger.
println statements then lol
@DumbKnee ya,
System.out.println("jcomp getcolumn count getDataRowcount function " + jcomp.getColumnCount() );
I'm pretty sure it does. I've used NetBeans in 2008 and it had one so...
@AvinashRaj bfy.tw/1HsC
first call prints the correct column count 13.
where the second call shows NP, exception on that particular line itself.
@ShaheebRoshan ??
Congratulations, you've finished part #1 of your quest, finding out WHAT is null.
@AvinashRaj Would like to contact you for consultation on a regex project. if interested, would you please contact me?
if it's showing a nullpointer on the jcomp object, that means it's either not instantiated or it's dereferenced, also lol@wonderb0lt
Now comes part #2, find out WHY it's null.
@ShaheebRoshan sure..
@wonderb0lt How? you said debugger. But if i set a breakpoint, it failed to stop on that particular point.
@AvinashRaj You have to start the program in debug mode, have you done that?
oh no..How?
Again sorry, I'm new to netbeans..
If my problem got solved, I should offer you a bounty.
I have many reps :-)
15 mins ago, by wonderb0lt
@AvinashRaj http://bfy.tw/1HsC
This is as down to the basics as it gets
Someone healp me plz
I am trying to do a Handshake with Minecraft using the Netty API but it's being really weird
Minecraft likes to use the same packet id for different things but it has this thing called states to justify that
Like state 1 packet id 0x00 is a ping
But state 2 0x00 is login
But I can't get the state system working correctly
Like during the handshake the nextstate is now 2 so I do handler.setState(2)
But then nothing happens, no login packet seems to arrive
I'm looking at the protocol by the way
I'll just do a rewrite of the networking system
I'm out, I let the help vampires suck on me long enough. See ya tomorrow.
Peace out my brotherin from different motherin
oh my debugger is on that particulqar line.
@wonderb0lt niters wond
Then waht io have to do?
check for jcomp.getColumnCount() value?
I'm rattled you have 90k rep and don't know how to use a debugger hahah
it shows getcolumncount is called on null obj.
@DumbKnee ya, it's funny..
@AvinashRaj there you are
jcomp is null
now check your code and make sure you are assigning a value to it
Possibly might even be setting it to null at some point without realizing it
If you said that it went through the loop once with a value
this is the code..
public int getDataRowCount() {
         System.out.println("jcomp getcolumn count getDataRowcount function " + jcomp.getColumnCount() );
        int rowCount = 0;
        for(int rowIndex = 0;rowIndex < jcomp.getModel().getRowCount();rowIndex++) {
           if(jcomp.getModel().getValueAt(rowIndex,1)!= null && jcomp.getModel().getValueAt(rowIndex,5)!= null && jcomp.getModel().getValueAt(rowIndex,1)!="" && jcomp.getModel().getValueAt(rowIndex,5)!="") {
           else {
            rowCount = rowIndex;
which was invoked by
public void insertPreviousBill(String billNumber) {
        try {
                billNumber = billNumber.split("-")[0];
            Sales salesController = (Sales) RegistryFactory.getClientStub(RegistryConstants.Sales);
            Stock stockController = (Stock) RegistryFactory.getClientStub(RegistryConstants.Stock);
            List<SalesModel> salesBillItems = new ArrayList<SalesModel>();
            SalesModel salesModel;
            String billIndex = billNumber.substring(0,3);
see int rowCount = getDataRowCount();
is jcomp a member variable? It could be getting set to null somewhere else.
I don't where jcomp set to null.
first call works where the second fails..
I really stucked on this..
Set a breakpoint in your setters and constructors
Real Happiness is hands-on feeling in IntelliJ ^_^
I was waiting for this so long.... since the day you insulted Eclipse (in a good way) :P @Unihedron
not sure what I'm supposed to say to that
I can only handle so many SO questions before I start to snap lol
I wonder what the actual number is.. probably like 10. I think this would vary depending on how many help vampires are in here too
I can flag 280 things in a row until I feel like cutting it out.
You sir, have some patience
It comes with training.
I do have over 9000 helpful flags.
I've never been a good teacher though, I always want to slap people and just do it myself
True. Well I suppose I meant at actually answering people's questions opposed to flagging them
I'm not sure if there's really a difference
Over 9000 @Unihedron?
heh, I believed you. I just wanted to make that joke
What exactly happens to an array wen you split it with fork join?
Are 2 new arrays with a start index 0 created?
Good Night Java
I'm back
Is there anyway to see if one of your answers has been closed? I'm so confused lol
I went back to a question I answered and the answer is just.. gone
2 hours later…
Guys, what type of collection should I use if I need to add element to specific position and during other iterations I might need to get it back for update inside loop. By the way item doesn't have int properties and can't have them. Long is available. So the set/get methods where thrown out by me.
I got my 175 MB ram!!!!!!!!
My dad has like a 2 TB for computer space and 1 TB of ram
Hello World
@BlenderWarrior You play games right?
Give me an idea for a steampunk adventure shooter game :p
@nTuply Play and attempt to make'em
@nTuply Well i have to know some details of that first :/
I need to make a game as a project. Need some ideas from gamers. Basically making a survey at this time
Details: Steampunk Adventure Shooter
Basically you shoot, collect stuff and have a final goal
Um.. specifics?
its a 2D game
Don't really have specifics
Hm.. like... Sonic in a way?
no. something like pokemon
I don't play a lot lol
I love epokemon
But the game is steampunk lolz
ya xD
I got an IDEA
Shoot. Note: I may not like your idea. It's just a survey :)
I am aware of that, Gameloft treats us like crap
Okay well here's an unlikable idea, Aliens, Super Sonic Monster's with steam coming off there backs, and the player should look like Master Chief
Yeah bad idea ;P
lol sorry, i am mad right now
I have to figure something out in 2 hours, write an initial idea and decide what to do lul
I'm off for a shower cya later
uh... okay, peeks in shower
Q: What should be done with these dupes?

durron597 How do I turn a String into a Stream in java? Score: 139, Views: 101k, Answers: 6, Posted: October 2008, CW: No How do I convert a String to an InputStream in Java? Score: 288, Views: 195k, Answers: 3, Posted: April 2009, CW: Yes Someone voted to close the second one as a duplicate of th...


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