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@ItachiUchiha You figured this just now?
What do you think I've been doing at school?
You evil devil :D
I have not worked on alfresco before
any one other?
@Unihedro Is that you dancing ? XD
@Charlie My skills are not that good :P
But I should record meself dance one day
@Unihedro You should, haha
I'm working on a customized image atm
.cimg (Charlie's IMaGe)
Looks like some kind of explosive
Radioactive explosive*
@Charlie It's an HTML5 interactive component test of mine.
@Unihedro Nice, but does it explode ?
@Charlie That's too much work to make happen.
@Unihedro True, are you using a framework ?
If so, which one ?
@Charlie no
@Unihedro How many lines ?
Hmn, nice blog
@Unihedro ^
@Charlie Thanks.
@Unihedro How long have you been coding ?
In general
In aspect of?
"coding" is an umbrella term, be specific
Just, since your first "echo Hello World"
That dated back when I was 8, when I coded a first correct (compilable) program. So 8 years in total.
Which was in ? Batch ?
@Charlie ActionScript.
Mac ?
@Charlie Hmm?
The only mac I've used wasn't mine xD
@UniAhw well, batch/bash is fun too
Something Java'ish, is this safe code ?
byte[] buf=new byte[(int)file.length()];
FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(file);
String[] data=new String(buf).split("\n");
return data;
In which 'file' is of type File
Internal error. Please report to youtrack.jetbrains.com

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: @NotNull method com/intellij/openapi/progress/ProgressManager.getInstance must not return null
    at com.intellij.idea.IdeaApplication.run(IdeaApplication.java:166)
    at com.intellij.idea.MainImpl$1$1$1.run(MainImpl.java:66)
    at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:311)
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:744)
    at java.awt.EventQueue.access$400(EventQueue.java:97)
I don't see anything from your side in there @Unihedro
Just IntelliJ being stupid
Are you using the right Java version with the right IntelliJ version ?
@Charlie It was just being stupid, works fine after refreshing.
@Unihedro Hmn, m'kay
@Unihedro Is this good code though? pastebin.com/T8uzSYJV
Pastebin sucks.
can somebody help me on this?
Heya @overexchange
Q: How to redirect catalina log?

overexchangeAfter running the command, catalina.bat jpda start a separate console pops up with business code logs getting generated on stdout console. In order to redirect the logs i did the following change(>> %CATALINA_HOME%\logs\stdout.log) in catalina.bat file for below commands: if not "%JPD...

@Unihedro Blargh, what do you want me to use ?
Rant aside, what do you mean by "good code"?
@Charlie Some proper service like hastebin.com?
Or even better, gist.github.com
Well, if using a byte[] with FileInputStream is better than something with BufferedFileInputStream ?
@overexchange I'll see
thank you, am stuck up here, because i want to see logs in parallel to debugging
@overexchange That's got nothing to do with Java
@Charlie It's jpda.
@Unihedro @overexchange But what's the Java error ? I don't see any error at all
tomcat server is also a jvm, Java mean not only prog language
there is not error
i want to redirect the logs to some file
instead of shell console
so that i can view the logs
and analyse
Well, the problem is that you should (Correct me if I'm wrong) replace >> %CATALINA_HOME%\logs\stdout.log with > %CATALINA_HOME%\logs\stdout.log
@Charlie There isn't.
Using Linux for over a year now, so I don't know Batch that well anymore :x
@Unihedro InteeliJ community edition doesn't support JavaEE :(
@ItachiUchiha use ultimate
Needs cash :/
Use Eclipse :p
haha, yeah, that is the plan ;)
Can I talk about torrents ?
Hint hint
@Charlie Torrents are for noobs who can't use peer transfer and have to install software to do it for them which is virus most of the time.
Therefore they are always off-topic for Stack Overflow.
Ohw well, I'm a noob then
@Charlie what kinda torrent?
IntelliJ Ultimate
well I don't prefer torrents for software. I use them for anime :P
I like to use legitimate software
@Unihedro simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newbie "A noob usually means a bad player in a game, or someone who does not know the rules of a community. " I haven't gamed in 3 months, and I joined the chat a day ago, so I totally agree
@Charlie That's "usually". In this context, this has nothing to do with gaming.
@Unihedro Ahw well, forget about it, I'm off for having lunch, cya guys
A: In the following SAS statement, what do the parameters "noobs" and "label" stand for?

ethrbunnyper SAS 9.2 documentation on PROC PRINT: "NOOBS - Suppress the column in the output that identifies each observation by number" "LABEL - Use variables' labels as column headings"

NOOBS, speaking in RasPi's terms is "New Out Of the Box Software"
Is there a difference between 'null==x' or 'x==null' ?
Y=10/(double)X; vs Y=10/(X+0.0); vs Y=10/(x*1.0);
Any difference ?
Trying to make my code more professional :x
@Charlie The most professional way is to build your own conventions and standards and stick with it.
@Unihedro What do most people use ?
@Charlie an IDE
@Unihedro For converting int to double
@Charlie Stay here for a second
@Charlie You know, for this specific case, just do:
Y = 10./X
double / int makes the compiler treat X as a double because of inferred casting by / operator.
Well, in fact it is "line.length()/colorSize;", both ints
Then convert either (or both, but practically it doesn't change much) to double by casting. + 0.0 and * 1.0 basically does the same, except it's burnt on compiler level. And it's harder to trace in an IDE, so just use a cast: (double)
M'kay, thanks :D
Better way to do this: "String s=(X<10?"00":X<100?"0":"")+x" ?
Chat should have code tags :/
"String s=(X<10?"00":X<100?"0":"")+x" ? Of course it does.
Hmn, gotta leave anyway, cya gusy
Yeah, X should be x
Gson rocks
@Unihedro I've read it as "Gson sucks" facepalm
Oops I meant Guava, Guava rocks :P
Happy new year ! :)
Happy new year!
Hey guy, you like minecraft ?
okay everybody is busy, nice :)
Brief, i am searching a good shell script developper, somebody can help me :) ?
You're hiring, or you have a problem so solve?
grabs a chair to sit in and listens; quietly hopes it's actually related to Java
you are searching a job at 16 years old ? why not x) but i'm here to ask some questions about asascript cause i have some problems to elevate my app to root user on MAC OS X
4 hours ago, by Unihedro
@ItachiUchiha I still want a proper job. Lost mine three times...
@Romain-p continue?
okay ;)
i think i'll continue on a gist
huhuh, wait x)
can you see that code ?
Yes, I'm not blind, and my internet works, thanks for asking.
Hey, i made that private, maybe i had to add you to a list, like private projects on Github
can you see my problem ? Look at the case: MacOsX
it doesn't work
You mean.. MacOS?
There really is no MacOsX anywhere.
yes it's the same
stop quibbling srsly x)
you died ? :o
There is no MacOsX in java.swing, I just checked.
Why did you search that
okay wait
i thought that
i'm working with Windows but i tested this code on the computer of my friend & it doesn't work :)
also i'm asking firstly here; where is the problem ? and if nobody can help me, i'll ask this question on stackoverflow x)
I don't dare guessing, go for posting a question.
okay x)
i've seen your profile
you worked for a minecraft network ?
@Romain-p Two.
The other is contracted | under NDA.
there is any players ?
Can't tell if you're trolling or not.
sorry if you know i am trolling
i'm french and i have some difficult
to speak english xd
Yes, there are players of the network, but both have shut down since, so they don't exist anymore, practically.
i worked too for a french server ;)
but the server down by my fault, I put too much time to developp the new plugin x)
Then i shared it
it's recent ^^
Good Morimnng Guys and Gius
Hi guy :)
Happy new year
Same to you too Roman
thank you :)
by chance
hey @ShaU
do you know shell scripting ?
@hey Unihedro
Happy New Year!
Happy new year!
u too :)
And now down to business :)
Happy new year, visitors!
somebody know shell script ?
@SotiriosDelimanolis, did you have any other input regarding the thenApply-method being non-blocking?
@wassgren Why shouldn't it be non-blocking?
@wassgren Yeah. The way thenApply, and pretty much most of the CompletableFuture API, works is that if the CompletableFuture has been completed by the time you attempt to apply the function, it will be applied in the calling thread. If the CompletableFuture isn't completed, it will be scheduled to execute in the same thread the supplyAsync Supplier is running it.
@Romain-p ?
@uni lambdas, yes.
@ItachiUchiha I figured it out, thanks anyway ;)
Itachi hi :)
@wassgren Here's a good article. Check the section regarding thenApply vs thenApplyAsync.
@ItachiUchiha m having fun abusing interfaces :P
@Unihedro as in?
If @fge sees this code he'd puke blood
my problem is this one: i want to have admin privileges with my application cause it's an installer. I need anyway to access to specific folders and i have to run my jar as administrator. It works for windows & linux cause i found good wrappers, but it's more difficult on Mac cause i have to use osascript and it doesn't work.
@SotiriosDelimanolis, thx. I'll read it, hang on..
@Itachi Then you can see: gist.github.com/Romain-P/53057c21131d2e599e96 at the case MacOs
@Romain-p are you creating an installer?
I just feel happy that JavaFX provides inbuilt Installers :P
JavaFX = shit
i don't want this shit
@SotiriosDelimanolis, good stuff! In the article it says: "The difference is in the async suffix on the method names. The methods without async execute their task in the same thread as the previous task."
The previous task in that example is being run in a thread from the fork join thread pool (not the caller thread). But, thenApply is called in the caller thread.
So, isn't what's happening the exact opposite of what the article says?
@ItachiaUchiha then, everythings work, i just want to fixe my shell script for mac :(
@Romain-p Nobody asked you what you want :P
Nobody yes
hides the crummy code
Puke's Blood
@wassgren The article should probably clarify that it will run in the same thread if by the time you go to apply it, it hasn't been completed.
@Unihedro what code?
@fge I'm abusing interfaces :P
It has blood all over it
@ItachiUchiha then ? I don't understand what you said :/
@ItachiUchiha do you know how to fixe my problem ?
@Unihedro OK, I won't ask to view :p
@wassgren I'm going to edit your answer with an example that will demonstrate this. Just remove it after.
@Romain-p I am aware of what you are using, but you need to wrap the Mac OS X Authorization Services
@ItachiUchiha Osascript do that
If I correctly remember there was a simple library called as AuthKit
@Romain-p Ahh! So what is your problem?
@ItachiUchiha The code is made, but doesn't work, i posted the code here: gist.github.com/Romain-P/53057c21131d2e599e96 . Look in method "elevateAsAdminitrator" case MacOs
@ItachiUchiha ElevateApplication *
you died xD
Well I am not sure what exactly is going wrong in here
I am not very well versed with the Osascript
You might look into this library, if you fail at your attempts to fix it
Aargh, JUnit really sucks
^ poor programmer being torchured
I don't know who decided that it was a good idea to have class-level resources as static but he should have been killed at birth
@SotiriosDelimanolis, thanks for the great input. I have updated the answer accordingly.
I know right? It's not even bad design. It's abysmal. Calling it bad would insult other designs because none would ever be as terrible as that, even singletons.
@wassgren You're welcome. I'll clean up my obsolete comments. Happy Holidays (to everyone)!
@SotiriosDelimanolis Happy holidays!
@ItachiUchiha it looks good but it's very old (2006 ?)
last updated 2010, works with MacOsX
Back, did I miss something ?
final Year newYear = mock(Year.class);

final Developer dev = new Developer();

// The following assertion is true
@fge lol
What is when() though ?
@Charlie Mockito
And, new Developer, should this be new Developer() ?
@Charlie oops... Edited
How about new Developer("fge") ?
Because I don't care that JUnit exists :x
I care about the future you
Don't use JUnit if you can avoid it
Use TestNG
For your own sanity
Good afternoon, Java!
Sir its almost night.. so cannot say afternoon unless if you are blind.
If I were blind, I would say it's night, wouldn't I? xD
Hello everyone
Then better avoid touching Banana if you are blind.
Hi @BrianJ
I have a question in Android if anyone can help me? I asked here yesterday and made some progress but I'm stuck at the final hurdle
I have just posted it on Stackoverflow if its okay to link here? Its about writing exif tags to an image.
Q: How to write exif data to image in Andoird?

Brian JI'm trying to write a User_Comment and TAG_GPS to a captured image in an Android application, but for some reason the tags don't seem to be appended to the image when I view the image's details in the gallery. I'm using the exif interface to save the attributes to the image. Does anyone know if...

Good afternoon, @Michael!
Hey @Uni
meta.stackexchange.com/a/246439/266094 I got 40 repz for 5932 characters written
@BrianJ You should be creating your File object like this: File exifVar = new File(directory.getPath(), "IMG_" + timeStamp + ".jpg");
And it looks like you're trying to write EXIF data to a new file.
Hey Uni...
Hey Mike
Good Night
Hey michael...
Hey michael ,,,,
Hey @Michael
@Michael Thanks, so I just have to change the way I'm declaring the file?
and it should work?
@Unihedro I don't like that idea either.
@BrianJ Are you trying to create a new file, or edit an existing one?
y mike is not respinding to me
@Michael , trying to create a new file, the image has just been cpatured from a camera intent.
So, the "exifVar" File already exists?
@Michael hello good afternoon
@Michael I'll post the complete class on Hastebin so you can get a better understanding of the class
That's not what I asked... :P
@ShaU hello?
@BrianJ What does exifVar.exists() return?
Hello @Michael
@Ubica had klubnk?
lol Okay, exifvar is the path to a file captured by the camera intent,so it already exists?
Are you sure?
@Michael I'll try that code now
soroy @Unihedro had lunch
@Michael the first line of code you provided is the same as I had, just without the "+ File.separator"
Not quite.
@Michael I'll try the "exifVar.exists()" now
But that shouldn't matter...that was just a code change suggestion to make it easier to read.
... ... THIRTY HATS!!!
@Michael so I should be checking if the file exists first before creating a new file, I'll test that first, thanks
You don't seem to be adding the EXIF tags to the existing image.
@Michael I'm a bit confused, exifVar is created from the captured images path so it should be writing to that image? or is that incorrect
The image path is incorrect
You're using the timestamp of the current time instead of finding the most recent image.
@Michael okay it saves the image though, the time stamp is part of the image name I presumed.
@Michael it just doesn't save the exif data to the image, but it shows in the device's gallery
3 mins ago, by Michael
The image path is incorrect
@Michael how can I find the most recent image instead of using the time stamp?

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