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01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 21:00

How can I get reliable short-term Java development help ?

I tried using CraigsList to hire someone for Java help, but this guy turned out flat... I even paid $60 an hour and hosted at Starbucks.
Where can I get reliable short-term Java development assistance ? I need some smart Java guy/gal , willing to help for maybe 4-5 hours. I'll even pay $100 + an hour
What do u need done?
@Coffee raises hand points to self
Slowly pushes @Aequitas out of the way and steps in front
stabs @UnknownOctopus in the back, and climbs over their dead body
Stands up as @Aequitas steps over me tripping, and twisting @Aequitas ' ankle
Continues to investigate this contracting opportunity
i think he left anyway
Damn. We scared him off
any idea how I can detect if my frame is closed?
by another frame?
main application opens frame1, if I close the main application then frame1 get's closed
how can I add a listener for that?
@Aequitas listner for what?
if the application is closed
if you want to avoid main frame get closed use setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
say your application opens a frame, on that frame you can do some stuff, and then the user goes back to application and clicks close, now I want to detect that so that the user has an opportunity to save the work they did on the frame
I don't want to avoid it
just listen to when it happens
and then do something
you need to use public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event) method
and how do I attach it to the application window from my frame?
frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
System.out.println("do you want to save works ?");
like that
yeh I have that
but that only works if I close my frame from my frame
if the application closes it that doesnt get run
will I have to modify the application window?
what do you mean by "but that only works if I close my frame from my frame"
like if I push the [x] on my frame
in the top right you know?
yes when it's not working?it works when you click [X]
yeh but if i push the [x] in the main application window then my frame will be closed without that being triggered
really let me check
ops yes
something like frame.getWindowThatLaunchedMe().addWindowListener
@Aequitas but i can tell you alternative way
you add closelistners to both main and child frame
if parent event fire then you know child also going to close so you call a method on child frame
yeh, but I would prefer to not do anything to the main
besides the main doesn't know about the object that it created so it wouldn't be able to call my frames closeAndSave method
you should catch a reference when you make child frames
then you can call a method on child frame
i disagree
my frame is completely different to the main
it's very nearly a new application in itself
could you show your codes.it's not easy to guess
it's a bit complicated
and It's company code
so i'd need to change way too much
basically the application opens a modal dialog that launches my frame
you can show relavant code for example how your child frame get open .3,4 code lines
SetupWizard wizard = new SetupWizard();
wizard.dlg = new JDialog(
turns out my application is a singleton
application frame*
so I can just get it from anywhere
or not
I have a program in which a user inputs a string which is then split by word and stored in a hashmap. Is there any way to gather all this data back up on request and re put-together the sentence without assigning all the words to one key value? Sorry if this is hard to understand, its difficult for me to word what i need to do
Nevermind, i think i got it
Also, i just realized the code i posted to pastebin was invalid xD
aww shit I deleted it
lemme git history
that won't work :(
pretty sure it's a random order?
not sure
try it
lemme know if it works
Yes, random, i mistakenly put 'i' as the random limit
idk then
you can add a index as the first char, then order it based off all but the last char
surely there's a better way
maybe not
Q: How to preserve insertion order in HashMap?

realteboI'm using a HashMap. When I iterate over the map, the data is returned in (often the same) random order. But the data was inserted in a specific order, and I need to preserve the insertion order. How can I do this?

here u go
/javadoc LinkedHashMap
@UnknownOctopus java.util.LinkedHashMap: Hash table and linked list implementation of the Map interface, with predictable iteration order. This implementation differs from HashMap in that it maintains a doubly-linked list running through all of its entries. This linked list defines the iteration ordering, which is normally the order in which keys were inserted into the map ...
(insertion-order). Note that insertion order is not affected if a key is re-inserted into the map. (A key k is reinserted into a map m if m.put(k, v) is invoked when m.containsKey(k) would return true immediately prior to the invocation.) (1/15)
Or. I could make a log file with the keys assigned to a temp string, which gets called when the program is called.. Hmm
Also just wondering, in your example why did you set String key =name.toString(); when name is already a string..
coz that line was too short
Hmm. Ok, well ill sleep on it and look more into LinkedHashmaps tomorrow.
@UnknownOctopus i'm pretty sure if you do the same thing that I showed you it should work, coz now the order won't be random
@Aequitas - I need Log4j assistance, coding a customized Java app. I'm serious about the money too
@UnknownOctopus - I need Log4j assistance, coding a customized Java app. I'm serious about the money to
Does Spring support hot deployment; like installing / starting new bundles in OSGi ?
1 hour later…
@Rush.2707 o/
Slides ready for today's hangout :p
Slides? Seriously?
btw, when is it scheduled?
Yes, slides
It's still the best way to introduce
"Les paroles s'envolent, les écrits restent"
yesterday, by fge
Proposed hangout schedule: 20150708, from 13:00 to 14:00 (TZ Europe/Paris); see starred message for hangout subject
@fge after 4 hours?
@ItachiUchiha if you mean "4 hours from now" then yes
Morning, @Vogel612!
morning all!
do you know how to use validator in xsd file?
for example : <xsd:element name="hasDirectDebitChannel" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
here we have propeties minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"
there is any other shema to use validator in that balise for example if I have String I want the user enter an Integer
after that I will get that String and do Integer.parsInt(xml.getXX());
good day guys. I'm a database beginner and i'm confused with regards to entity relationship. I don't know when should idea be classified as an attribute (i.e. a field) or as a table (i.e. an entity). Can you please help me understand this.
@user3783598 sorry dude its hard to explain in chat, we also need to draw a diagram for better discussion
@user3783598 it depends the semantic of the problem you read
ok guys. thanks..ill just search it on google
@user3783598 you can found a problem talk about town
i don't get it
@user3783598 and in that problem talk also about city and not talk about name of city or any other property of it
here you can consider the city is a field of the table Town
oh ok thanks
generaly table to gather properties about an entity
@user3783598 and as I said it depends of the problem and the requirement of the own of that problemù
can you please link to me the problem
@user3783598 the problem to start with is that you are thinking about things the wrong way; in ORMs, what matters more is the R, not the O
The O part should adapt to the R, not the reverse
i mean the problem that talks about town
thanks guys.
@fge fge you're about 15 steps ahead...
it's about modeling the domain as entities
I mean hello
@user3783598 just I gave an example I dont have in my hand and also you should learn about Form Normal you will understand how to catch a Table or a field ;)
I have a Server computer and a client computer on the different LAN. I want to write a program that repeatedly checks whether these two machines are connected. The program should record the time the link is lost as well as the time the link is recovered. How do that or where should I start - I know very little about Java Network programming
hey @wonder
@Giovanrich use sockets
@fahdijbeli Okay, can you brief the concept behind these - on how to achieve it
@Giovanrich Do your own research.
@Unihedron Yes, but I wanted to know if I should target sockets only or there is something that I must consider as well
Then ask that, not some vague description.
@Unihedron You can explain, you got what i am saying
No, I don't.
I will ready tutorials on sockets, will that be sufficient to tackle the problem?
sorry i mean read
How's it going?
I can't seem to figure out a file upload with Primefaces, could somebody take a look?
Q: Primefaces FileUpload not triggering actionlistener

EratesI'm having troubles with Primefaces FileUpload I'm running a Glassfish 4.1 server with Primefaces 5.2. I'm trying to get a FileUpload to work, but all attempts fail. The Primefaces guide tells me the primefaces.UPLOADER param is not required and if I'm using JSF 2.2, it uses the native uploader...

hey @Tavo
Errrr I hate so much primefaces
will someone record the hangout?
@Erates you've been mentioning primefaces quite a lot on this room already; if nobody has taken you up to the challenge it's probably because nobody can help
Starting ??
yow.. hangout is about to start??
Starts in 8 minutes
And my profile was back.. wahaha. day flies fast..
yeyyy! this is so exciting!
your enthusiasm is futile
@Unihedron its either Uni is mad at me, or am I not allowed to make any statements?? :/ did i do something wrong?
no I'm just not amused that the hangout isn't going anywhere yet
@Unihedron define "anywhere"; it hasn't started yet since it's not the time
oh, I can join!
cool ^_^
<-- Updating Firefox :P
why the hell did I get that global notification for the hangout o.O
global notification?
@fge Hmmm, maybe yea.. It's just that there isn't a room for Primefaces and the Java room seems the most appropriate
about some hangout
thanks @fge
tnx @classmate and prof @fge
thanks @fge~!
@wonderb0lt you made it just in time :P
You're welcome!
yeah, Patrick Steggman
well yeah lunch was running late
@wonderb0lt you are too early for the next class :D
@deadlydragon00 lol
what was dead's name in there? it sounded asian
lunch > java
Slides here (please check if the link works)
@deadlydragon00 yep you..
@deadlydragon00 that's as specific as saying I'm from Europe (although at this pace, my home country might be pushed into Africa :P)
I'm on Earth! From AC
OK, I hope that you'll have learned a thing or two at least :)
@fge a thing and a half or so ;)
no, honestly. Thank you
that was good
zz.. i wasnt able to read @deadlydragon00's reply, I hope your not mad on that note.. I feel like everyone is getting mad on me for my noobness
Is the hangout ded?
What happened to the hangout?
That was quick.
It's over.
sorry Uni I stole the unpinning and repinning away again :)
yesterday, by Unihedron
Don't hesitate to leave some tasks for others
for those non-European that want to know what's going on in the IT world here: zdnet.com/article/…
surprisingly in-depth and neutral article
Good morning!
hi all
LinkedHashMap<String,ArrayList<String>> autoParaInfo=new LinkedHashMap<String,ArrayList<String>>();
how to get key value of linked hashmap?
in Java how do I remove a value of a set by using an iterator?
@SarpKaya while (i.hasNext()) i.remove()
that's not by value
it doesn't use the value!
where is the value being used?
you are removing the current iteration
In an alternate dimension where .remove() doesn't remove a value.
it removes the CURRENT iteration
I want to remove a VALUE
Then do it?
while (iter.hasNext()) {
int num = iter.next();
for (int i = 3; i*num <= A; i+=2) {
You're doing it wrong, duh.
Use iter.remove().
Iterator<Integer> iter = allNumbers.iterator();
can you read the code pls
there is no way that I can use that
Your code is modifying the list itself when iterating.
I know
@SarpKaya Exactly.
hence I Want to remove it by using iterator
Your algorithm is broken because it cannot be implemented.
yo @Dustiny
You can copy it to a new list instead. Then overwrite the list.
is this correct?
@Tavo Yo dog! Good morning my brother
that's even uglier than using index number and manually dealing with index number
(and costlier)
why don't you just use Set.remove(Object o) ?
A block of functional code is more useful than an ugly block of code that does stuff miraculously.
That causes Exception in thread "main" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
@ElSordo You cannot iterate while modifying the original collection.
which is what I am doing anyway
ok I got my answer (no solution with iterators)
You might need a Spliterator instead. Then again, your question statement isn't well defined to suggest any other method.
I forgot to turn my coffee pot on, I think this is a bigger deal right now
I have a set of integers, I want to iterate through this set and while iterating I want to use the current element's value to remove another element from the set
From the same set?
is this possible to get particular key in linked hashmap ?
using index
@SarpKaya whoever though of that inane assignment needs a kick in the ....
it's not assignment
it's coding challenge
It's Sieve's prime number finder algorithm
don't use a variable-size collection for that
use a boolean[]
(oh well helps me with interviews)
you could copy the original set S1 to a new set S2, then iterate over S1 and remove elements from S2, but check if the element (from S1) of the current iteration is in set S2 and use 'break' otherwise. I don't know how efficient that is, though.
10 mins ago, by Unihedron
You can copy it to a new list instead. Then overwrite the list.
^ that's the cleanest way to do it
You could try shear will power to get what you desire
The problem with these inefficient ways are the fact that coding challenge checks for the time and memory complexity
so it will most likely to fail
don't use java
You can bitmask and iterate through indices over values
I'm doing this for myself (future interviews)
but Java simply doesn't allow that level
Isn't the thing about a coding challenge, is that it's supposed to be done on your own? or am I wrong
you're wrong
It's actually interviewbit.com
helps me for interviews
and I want to find the best way (if I can see that sort of question or similar issue that I face with) to solve it
Just interview for jobs that don't throw coding challenges at you , boom problem solved
this seems like a problem you'd have to solve using simple for-loops and arrays, not particular java features.
not really
arrays don't support removing from list by the value in a constant time
that would add * O(n) more to the time complexity
Morning, java
true. but you could use a second array and copy to it, also.
Morning nexion
copy what?
copy elements from the first array...
/javadoc System#arrayCopy
Did you mean this one? (type the number)
1. java.lang.System#arraycopy(Object, int, Object, int, int)
^ @SarpKaya
@Unihedron void arraycopy(Object src, int srcPos, Object dest, int destPos, int length): Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array. A subsequence of array components are copied from the source array referenced by src to the destination array ...
referenced by dest. The number of components copied is equal to the length argument. The components at positions srcPos through srcPos+length-1 in the source array are copied into positions destPos through destPos+length-1, respectively, of the destination array. (1/7)
Shouldn't Oakbot just give you the first result if there is only one returned?
do you have a link to the problem statement?
The whole point of this algorithm is so that at the end of each iteration the current collection size is lowered
@Nexion ask @Michael
The question is Given a number N, find all prime numbers upto N ( N included ).
and why are you subtracting elements instead of finding values to put in a stream?
The algorithm that I'm trying to implement is called sieve of eratosthenes
That in Java? :p
actually found this
which is using an ugly array boolean
Doesn't matter if it's ugly, if it works it works.
Regardless of that
I am looking at this question
The code is written by some smart people, both of them approached the problem with a boolean array because that's the data type to use.
ah, I'm actually doing a MOOC taught by the guy who wrote that source file (Sedgewick). it's great.
Q: Why doesn't java.util.Set have get(int index)?

Marty PittI'm sure there's a good reason, but could someone please explain why the java.util.Set interface lacks get(int Index), or any similar get() method? It seems that sets are great for putting things into, but I can't find an elegant way of retrieving a single item from it. If I know I want the fir...

SortedSet doesn't have any get method
Of course it doesn't. That's the entire point about a set.
"I want to know how to answer this question, but not in the way I'm supposed to be answering this question" is kind of what this whole thing sums up to
Haha perfect
Fuuuu why didn't I bring my Gunnar's today =( migraine + coding = owowowowow
So I'm guessing keep two sets
1 is the original 2nd as toBeDeleted
as i iterate check if it is to be deleted
Don't use sets.
If I interview a programmer and ask how they'd get me some prime numbers, and they sift with a set instead of using bitnests or boolean arrays of BitSet, I'd reject them outright.
gush Rythmbox does not show the proper cover art work in my song -_- .. I need to fix it now
@deadlydragon00 same
but you see even this stanford question
does use unnecessary memory
eventually I just disabled artwork
Did anyone attend the hangout earlier?
using a fixed array sized number look up things are memory inefficient
yes. I didn't though
especially for this question where even numbers are not needed at all
@SarpKaya This is a false claim. Sets perform worse, especially because you're throwing away buckets after creating them.
01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 21:00

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