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Is there a map that has a index?
@TheMineBench If you want to sort the data, you can go for TreeMap, or just override the compareTo() in comparable interface for the expected object that you are trying to have the index and HashCode() method too
@CrazyNinja Which is really just saying "No, but you should tweak the way you use it to make an index work". Note that most map implementations uses buckets to store and look up items in a direct write, so there's virtually no cost aside from the hashing and expanding the amount of buckets.
@TheMineBench No, because having one would render the purpose of Maps useless.
yeah. agree. Index and hashcodes almost serve the same purpose
@CrazyNinja Actually, distinct. For all implementations of indexes, this asserts an order. Hashing returns a value unique to each object, and the way maps fill buckets and its underlying storage with the key-pair is seamlessly quick because it's thrown into the bucket of the hashcode % capacity.
There's no order, only several buckets.
Some of them are empty, some of them may have multiple elements, of which those buckets will have its own buckets.
@Unihedron But when is comes to searching; those empty buckets doesn't comes to play as we are just directly look into the right bucket. And if we have huge lots of objects on that single bucket, that's where we want to come up with our own implementation. Isn't it?
@CrazyNinja No, because a bucket with many more buckets resolves to their own buckets. It's still a O(1) lookup.
And the map can always expand if any smaller bucket exceeds the minimum capacity.
@Unihedron Something i get to know today!
lol Meme Zone
btw, morning!
hiya @uni @craz
@deadlydragon00 very good morning!
Sunday breeze, wooo Love it !
Sunday blaze
hiya :P
@CrazyNinja I'm not sure if you've watched the video already, but the JVM tailors the bucket size not to 32, but to the amount the JVM sees fit. This gives the program an edge because it will almost never nest more than 8 hops - It will take 2^[arbitrary constant] keys with a similar hash for that to happen, which is virtually impossible.
@Unihedron yes. I just watched that part in the video. Cos 32 bit fits for hardware
hi all
@Unihedron I thought js has multithreads.. but not yet
@CrazyNinja Implementations like webworkers uses multithreading, but on the language level, no it doesn't.
2 hours later…
How can I assert that two unordered streams are similar?
(Not infinite sized.)
I tried building memoize(fn) in JS, but failed bizarrely :P
@Unihedron Show me your attempt :)
function memoize(fn) {
  var knownResults = {};
  return function() {
    var arr = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
    return knownResults[arr] || knownResults[arr] = fn.apply(null, arr);
@Unihedron [].slice.call(arguments) can replace your for loop
Also, in ES6, return function(...args) { ... } to get rid of it altogether.
How does this fail?
A matter of precedence. || happens before =
So you want this
return knownResults[arr] || (knownResults[arr] = fn.apply(null, arr));
Or stop being a smartass and use an if like a sane person :P
good ev
Madara your REP 6-6-6
@MadaraUchiha !!!
1 hour later…
@MadaraUchiha Such point, many upvote, wow, very skills
@Gemtastic <old-chinese-accent>You too can reach such a position, little grasshopper.</old-chinese-accent>
I know nothing, Madara Uchihara
@Gemtastic I was called Madra Uchichi once
Your insults are nothing.
How is that an insult?
To you, I mean
@Gemtastic Have your SO ever confused your name with someone else? :P
@Unihedron Ah, you likey I see.
Not as far as I know
@MadaraUchiha It was really great :)
btw I found the problem
I was using an array of things as the "key" to the value in an object, which doesn't work.
!!> var obj = {}, key = []; obj[key] = 'hi'; obj[key]
@Unihedron It does
@Unihedron "hi"
Wait wth
it's somewhere else then
!!> var obj = {}, key = ['foo', 'bar']; obj[key] = 'hi'; obj;
@MadaraUchiha {"foo,bar":"hi"}
@Unihedron I told you, haven't i?
!!> var foo = true; foo || bar = true
@MadaraUchiha "ReferenceError: invalid assignment left-hand side"
!!> var foo = true; foo || (bar = true)
@MadaraUchiha true
1 hour later…
Morning, Java!
@Michael o/
@MadaraUchiha That's Photoshopped. I can tell because of the pixels.
@Michael It's not, actually.
@Michael Photoshopping a webpage? u mad? $("rep-bar").html("66,666")
Also, why would I use photoshop? If I wanted to fake it, I'd just modify the DOM
It was a joke.
Do I have to post the image again?
@MadaraUchiha ^^^^^^
@Michael your jokes are funny
but keep them to yourself plz :D
I love what @CapricaSix does with editing old image posts.
Brilliant. :D
Keeps the chat clean.
@MadaraUchiha XD
@Michael Infinitely true with gifs
@MadaraUchiha Indeed.
1 hour later…
I have a query on servlets and jsp, basically to confirm my understanding
Hope somebody can help me here
this is my servlet
this is my index.jsp
when I give http request as http://localhost:8081/ServletsJSPExample/servletexample?firstname=Sham&lastname‌​=Md servlet container passes the GET request directly to servlet.
When I give http request as http://localhost:8081/ServletsJSPExample/ servlet container passes control to index.jsp page. Is my understanding correct?
yo guys
can i ask a question about threads?
If you don't understand threads, don't use them :)
I need a special kind of thread.
carry on
I need to use threadpoolexecutor with priorityqueue
but i need the ability to change a certain task priority even if its on the queu
you should be using a PriorityQueue
/javadoc PriorityQueue
@Vogel612 java.util.PriorityQueue: An unbounded priority queue based on a priority heap. The elements of the priority queue are ordered according to their natural ordering, or by a Comparator provided at queue construction time, depending on which constructor is used. A priority queue does not permit null elements. A priority queue relying on natural ordering also does not permit ...
insertion of non-comparable objects (doing so may result in ClassCastException). (1/7)
cant it be just a number? or do i have to implement Comparator?
does a priorityqueue returns and id of some sort? so i will be able to change the id's priority if its still on queue
@overexchange It depends how your servlet is mapped in your web.xml file.
oh sorry I forgot
servlet-name maps to <servlet-class>com.example.tutorial.ServletExample</servlet-class>
In welcomefile list it is given as <welcome-file>index.jsp</welcome-file>
> A priority queue relying on natural ordering also does not permit insertion of non-comparable objects (doing so may result in ClassCastException)
@Michael I think this was what you were looking for
@overexchange I think your servlet will map to http://localhost/servletexample
And http://localhost/ will execute the index.jsp file.
Oh, wait. Nevermind.
ServletsJSPExample is the name of your servlet container application.
Then you are correct.
@Vogel612 How bad is it if i did manual prioritising? meaning i made my task call a method on my service to check if there are more requests to execute on the DB and if so execute another task, that way the 1st entries on the DB will be at the highest priority, and i delete request and enter it as the 1st entry to improve its priority
cause my priorities devide to "do it next" or "doesnt matter"
ServletsJSPExample is my dynamic web project name
Off to lunch. Bye Java!
@Michael I have further q
@sharongur Very bad.
Too bad. xD
when will you be back? I can wait for you
Later today, maybe.
I had somequestions on servlets
which I would liek to ask you when you are back
I'm not the only servlet expert you know... :P
yeah I thought so... but I couldnt find a way to delete or change a queued task
@Michael You are, however, the only person who uses servlets and answers subpar questions. :P
a queued task priority *
@sharongur if you have that division into "this one next" and "the rest", then you should probably use a Deque instead
@Vogel612 brilliant! didnt know that exists, ill read about it!
and if you have a task that needs to be performed next then .addFirst() that task
will it be easier to change priorities on this queue class?
but if its on queue, i dont want it to be done twice
stop stop... you said you have basically two priorities:
1. this needs to be done right now
2. irrelevant
2. irrelvant when, but needs to be done

at the start i want to add all the tasks to the queue
then their priority can change from irrelvant to " needs to be done now"
but you have a reference to that "needs to be done noe"
Ok mate thx ill read about that Deque cause i gotta go now
you helped me alot
Q: How does servlet container process this http request?

overexchangeI have created a Dynamic Web Project using Eclipse for the first time to work with servlet and jsp. Below is the servlet code, package com.example.tutorial; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; i...

3 hours later…
there's at least 1200 occurrences of xxx.com on SO...
and that's actually a NSFW site....
A clever choice of a domain name. A lot of people would be using that as a place holder for any .com domain

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