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01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 20:00

good morn
4 hours later…
@QuokMoon Gm
Very good mornning
Hows you ?
I am good thanks and you say ?
I am also Good
Nice to see here
@QuokMoon Hows your weekend?
I took totally rest on this weekend and it's quit good .
That's very good yar !
good morning to all
“ArtifactTransferException: Could not transfer artifact” or “Failure to Transfer” in Maven
@QuokMoon Whats new in application?
Seems good. Its a new design controller NavigationView
But Its only support for 21+ API devices
%USERPROFILE%.m2 how i will open this
USERPROFILE means your admin system name. Like my name is piyush.android which is my profile (account) and m2 is folder name which will be in there
does anyone know if I can remove a specific task thats in queue on Dequeue and its not first or last?
No. Not me !
@QuokMoon I have found some custom libraries
Can you share with us ?
yes it's very good contribution .
Yeah. It is. Hope some day it will helpful to you !
Morning @ all ;)
can someone tell me if its possible to set the fontsize for ALL panes in Javafx or inherit them or something?
morning :)
Error copying file to C:/openkm-dev/tomcat-7.0.27/backup\catalina.policy: C:\openkm-dev\tomcat-7.0.27\conf\catalina.policy (The system cannot find the path specified)
C:\openkm-dev\tomcat-7.0.27\conf\catalina.policy (The system cannot find the path specified)
any please tell me how to fix this issue
does C:\openkm-dev\tomcat-7.0.27\conf exist?
there's your problem :)
should i make this directory in server path ?
what about catalina.policy
this file also i have to create?
morning all
@Edge your copying that file, so if you create that, you'll have issues with overwriting
@Tavo o/
then what i have to @Erates
@Edge just create the conf directory
still same Error
@Erates look this Error
guys how can i check if a future object is : 1. in queue 2. currently working 3. isdone
And if there a case that during my validation it changes it state?
@sharongur wat, probably, depends on how you implemented it, and dito
@Vogel612 Glad youre here :P i found that the Dequeue doesnt fit my needs but priority queue does and decides to try it out

I implemented it as it suggests here
I'm warning you, don't worsen my headache ...
im trying to squeeze into my code, even tho im not sure im doing it currently
lol then dont help me right now mate :P its quite an headache im having here ^^
@sharongur that looks nice, where is the problem?
In my jsp page, if I add...
String firstName = (String)request.getAttribute("firstname");
        String lastName = (String)request.getAttribute("lastname");
thingss work
but this does not work
String firstName = request.getParameter("firstname");
        String lastName = request.getParameter("lastname");
@overexchange Read the difference
firstname and lastname are client send parameters to servlet
@Edge check if the directories that are listed there, exist
files shouldn't matter
servlet communicates with jsp like this ...this.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/output.jsp").forward(request‌​, response);
@Mr.777 Before I see the difference, why can't I do request.getParameter("firstname"); in jsp?
@Vogel612 I didnt have problem with the code i sent (yet) but i implement it on my own runnable.

I put all my requests on the queue with priority of, let say, 10.

then if an action occur I want to delete a certain request and reinsert it with priority 1.

Im saving a reffernce of all the future objects when i submit them.

the problem i have is how can i check in which state that future object is in right now, if i do future.cancel() it will work (i assume) on a task that is on the queue, but if the task is already running, i dont want to cancel it... just let it run and do nothing
Sry about your head :P

no javafx'er here? <_<
getParameter() returns http request parameters. Those passed from the client to the server. For example http://example.com/servlet?parameter=1. Can only return String

getAttribute() is for server-side usage only - you fill the request with attributes that you can use within the same request. For example - you set an attribute in a servlet, and read it from a JSP. Can be used for any object, not just string.
@Mr.777 yes, getParameter() returns http request parameters, Is that request parameter not visible in jsp?
because we are passing these parameters saying forward(request, response) from servlet to jsp
@overexchange What is the URL pattern that hits your servlet in which you try to do getParameter?
this is the URL pattern localhost:8081/ServletsJSPExample/servletexample that hits my sevlet
@overexchange forward forwards the request internally (server-side) which means, it will not get the request params in URL at all
@overexchange Yes, so where are the request parameters?
When you have query params in the URL they get treated as params otherwise it's attributes
request.setAttribute("firstname", firstName);
        request.setAttribute("lastname", lastName);
See these two lines ^^^
How can you expect setAttribute to return in getParameter()?
my question is why there is a necessity to setAttribute()? because we forward the same request here this.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/output.jsp").forward(request, response);
@overexchange Because of many reasons. Few listed here are:
1. You can not do request.setParameter if you have to do, you will do something like URL+"?param1=test&param2=test2"
2. dispatcher forward forwards your request internally (on the server side) which means client has nothing to do with it.
3. So, you set what you need in the future as attributes and get it as getAttribute
Can't think of any more
Also, your question is already answered by three different guys. What else are you confused with?
my question is: If I remove setAttribute() in servlet and forward(request, response), why jsp is not able to retrieve the parameters by saying request.getParameter("firstname")?
why do I need todo extra job of setattr in servlet and getattr in jsp?
@overexchange Because those are no more valid for the next controller i.e. servlet in this case
next controller you mean JSP servlet?
@overexchange Because you do not wish to send all of your parameters to the next but few. If you still wish to send all, why keeping an extra layer of calling this servlet instead of calling the other one directly?
@overexchange Yes
So, client send parameters are only visible to servletexample but not JSP(output.jsp) servlet. IS it correct?
@sharongur no worries about the head. If you have a Future already...
@overexchange No. The parameters are valid to the one which is being invoked by the request
@Juce I am. Set it in .root {}
why not try getting the future you want and manually programming the thread's logic?
@Vogel612 hmmm, not sure
I know what you mean *
also cancelling can be done depending on running status:
@overexchange But in your case as it's more like: request->servlet->jsp so yes, parameters will be available to servlet not jsp
/javadoc Future#cancel(boolean)
@Vogel612 boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning): Attempts to cancel execution of this task. This attempt will fail if the task has already completed, has already been cancelled, or could not be cancelled for some other reason. If successful, and this task has not started when cancel is called, this task should never run. If the task has already started, then the ...
mayInterruptIfRunning parameter determines whether the thread executing this task should be interrupted in an attempt to stop the task. (1/2)
that boolean is doing exactly what i want lol
not jsp? but syntactically you are forwarding the same (request, response) to JSP servlet forward(request, response);
silly me
@overexchange No you are not actually.
so why those client parameters are not visible in JSP servlet?
I did not get you when you say, am not
15 mins ago, by Mr.777
getParameter() returns http request parameters. Those passed from the client to the server. For example http://example.com/servlet?parameter=1. Can only return String

getAttribute() is for server-side usage only - you fill the request with attributes that you can use within the same request. For example - you set an attribute in a servlet, and read it from a JSP. Can be used for any object, not just string.
But im still interested on what you meant by manually programming the thread's logic? how can i do that? the thread is executing the runnable i sent him, how can i change it if i got the future object ?
This answer is not helping me
@overexchange You know the difference between redirect and forward, right?
Also, you know the difference between parameters and attributes, correct?
no I dont know
@overexchange Then please read about them before asking these questions.
forward will invoke service() method of corresponding servlet
@overexchange Hopefully, you will get the answer to your question, after reading about them
@sharongur Well you could get dirty and create your own thread.
you can make that thread spawn other threads (or keep an internal ThreadPool) to queue tasks
and that thread has a reference to the Queue, as well as the runnables
and does the prioritizing "manually"
first I hit http://localhost:8081/ServletsJSPExample/servletexample on broser
@Vogel612 i kinda thing thats what im doing :s
I got a foreground thread that does all the work, uses the executor and then the executor manages the threads, only 3 are running and rest are in queue, and now im checking if my change Priority method will work
I have 1199 unread mail how I can make all as read -_-
it gets in my nervous gmail
without loading page per page
is anyone have integrated apache sever and tomcat if yes please share
Hey, Is there a way to evaluate EL in a standard <div> tag?
I've read it should be doable in JSF2.2, and I'm running JSF2.2, but it doesn't work
@Erates what exactly are you trying to do ?
@CrazyNinja I have a list op menuitems in database, and I want to create a <li> item for each of them
you can access anything in the PageContext or even in Session using ELs

@deepak what about searching on the web?
@CrazyNinja that's what I try to do, but the second div tag remains empty
the foreach does it's job, I have 5 items in database and there are 5 <li>...</li> elements rendered, but the EL (#{topmenu.name}) is not inserted
@Erates did you check whether that topmenu.name is having a value when it comes to your JSP ? topmenu.name is not under your list. It's separate. I mean, you can see that it is not inside that list. you got what i'm saying right?
@CrazyNinja not yet, but i'll take a look
Why is System.out.println(Arrays.asList(new int[] { 0 }).contains(0)); false?
Also this is false:
int a=0;
System.out.println(Arrays.asList(new int[] { a }).contains(a));
@CrazyNinja when I try this: pastie.org/private/xpykqrpipvdbkbduewdvwg I get 5 empty lines in my log4j log... So it's empty
@Erates I guess 'topmenuBean' is a POJO class, isn't it?
@Erates issue solved
@ADG yes. Both are same
@CrazyNinja why this is false?
Have you tried a separate int array created and then pass it to asList() ?
@CrazyNinja nvm i made my own method
public static boolean contains(int[] a, int i) {
for (int x : a) {
if (x == i)
return true;
return false;
I am unable to launch browser when i run app
@CrazyNinja It's a Named bean, and Topmenu is a JPA entity
@Erates Same issue i had. I was able to solve it. read this> stackoverflow.com/q/29999035/4506140
@Erates need small Help
@CrazyNinja That doesn't really solve my problem since the JPA entity I get from my EJB already contains empty values...
but you got me going, thx!
@Edge yes?
localhost:8084/OpenKM/index am trying to open
this file at local host but its not running
try localhost:8084/OpenKM/index.html
@Edge Errors or exceptions?
or index.xhtml
@crl like that
ok wait
let me try with .jsp
in live it running in this way demo.openkm.com/OpenKM/… then in local it should work localhost:8080/OpenKM/login;jsessionid=B2D2B6C675AFF6E2940FB8274106962F
right ?>
Yes it should
@Edge You don't need to append jsessionid
But its not starting while i have stated server
Apache tomcat
@Mr.777 i have remove jsessionid then also i am unable to launch
@Edge What is the conosle output when you start tomcat?
no Error no Exception but am unable to launch it
Ohh you people are trying to fix jsp stuff, fun! I'll finish a quick code review then I'll join.
how to know which will first page
@Vogel612 you here? what should i write instead of <T> in the example i sent and you said it looks ok?
en.lichess.org/XqyByccroUT5 What on earth is he doing.
Finally, he moved.
With three and a half minutes spent idling, an inevitable loss was ensued.
@Unihedron Hi, Good Afternoon... few minutes ago, it was JSP rules :D
I need some help with JPA..
I have an entity whick is linked to a table in the database
the table has 5 records
when I call em.createNamedQuery("MyEntity.findAll").getResultList(); I get a List<MyEntity> with 5 entries
so that's all good
but all the fields of that entity are null
any idea?
Q: NamedQuery resultList returning objects, but all values are null

EratesI have a table in database with these columns: id serial NOT NULL, name character varying(255) NOT NULL, url character varying(255) Netbeans generated the JPA Entity for me. I have 5 records in the database. When I do em.createNamedQuery("MyEntity.findAll").getResultList(); I get a ...

guys if i have a class that extends runnable, the submit method that turns that runnable to runnableFuture suppose to work without any intervention?

Somhow i get cannot cast MyTask into runnable Future
have u watched the mortal kombat prank?
same channel
Q: Where are the attributes stored, which are set by servlets?

overexchangeBelow is my servlet: public class ServletExample extends HttpServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { if(request.getParameter("firstname") =...

String firstName = request.getParameter("firstname"); does not work
@sharongur casting a runnable into a future doesn't work
because Future is not a subclass (or rather subinterface) of Runnable
instead it encapsulates oine
@Sword The guy's ass in yoga pants was the best IMO
anyone have tomcat and apache server integrated please reply
@deepak yes
@Vogel612 I think im doing something way wrong, should I leave the <T> on the example here like that?
and if a runnable cannot be cast into futrue how does the executor returns a future object upon submit?

pfff I feel so lost with all those runnablefuture callable runnables
@sharongur futures encapsulate a Runnable
it's a member in the implementations
the T.... probably you have to bound that wildcard to fit your needs....
Exactly! I need to put my runnable class in there ?
i think
public class MyTask implements Runnable {
//work work

public class ComparableFutureTask<MyTask> extends FutureTask<MyTask>
Comparable<ComparableFutureTask<MyTask>> {

volatile int priority = 0;

public ComparableFutureTask(Runnable runnable, MyTask result, int priority) {
super(runnable, result);
this.priority = priority;
public ComparableFutureTask(Callable<MyTask> callable, int priority) {
this.priority = priority;

public int compareTo(ComparableFutureTask<MyTask> o) {
is that ok ?
@ItachiUchiha please share it using google drive
@deepak don't tell me you still haven't searched the subject on the net after all this time?
^ lol I nominate this chat message for the most WTF message of the year
@fge dammit you got in the way of my arrow :P
@deepak /closed as lacks minimal understanding
@fge i did this but i am not able to do it
@sharongur looks about right
And you think blind copy/paste will bring you any closer to the solution?
Hint: it won't
you could use ComparableFutureTask<T extends Runnable> and keep using T, but,...
@Vogel612 bah... ill check it... i hate it when i dont know what actually going on...
ill try it with MyTask
what you have should be fine
if you want it to be more generic... use what I just wrote
you won't need it for your current use-case though
@fge That's not a hint, that's a spoiler!
It bugs me i still dont understand the basic lifecycle of that code, with the comparableFuturetask and all
@sharongur Tried running a debugger or code analysis tools?
yeah but im getting stuck in this casting thing, even with MyTask adjusments
if i add

protected <MyTask> RunnableFuture<MyTask> newTaskFor(Callable<MyTask> callable) {
return (RunnableFuture<MyTask>) callable;

protected <MyTask> RunnableFuture<MyTask> newTaskFor(Runnable runnable, MyTask value) {
return (RunnableFuture<MyTask>) runnable;
to my priority executor
it shows MyTask cannot be cast to java.util.concurrent.RunnableFuture
Of course, they are distinctly different.
Unless MyTask extends / implements RunnableFuture.
if i delete it from the priority executor
it shows
java.util.concurrent.FutureTask cannot be cast to java.lang.Comparable
MyTask implements runnable
@sharongur That's because you can't use it like one.
@sharongur Yeah, but not RunnableFuture.
In fact, understanding code is such a depthful topic that a proposal with that scope was once proposed:
Code understanding

Proposed Q&A site for most of the time when it comes to contribute in opensource project or to edit others code, most of the time newcomers [or even sometimes pro coder] failed to understand where to start or edit. This site will help them to take help and understand.

Closed before being launched.

I wanted something so simple, MyTask is a runnble i created that does an http request. I used a service to start new threadpoolexecutor with 3 threads and priorityqueue.
Now I just wanted to save all the future object i get through the executor.submit() (here the casting exception occurs)
Future<Integer> future = executor.submit(new MyTask(file, this, iteratorNext), 10);

I save it on an array so i can cancel and reinsert with new priority if needed
but im stuck as i said on the casting exception... i dont get it isnt the executor.submit suppose to return a future object?
Can you guys take a look at this? stackoverflow.com/questions/30570314/…
I've ran into a dead end..
Your for loop is invalid. Show us the real code. Otherwise, we'll chase a bug that exists in the real code but doesn't in the posted code. — JB Nizet 42 mins ago
@Erates ^ I came to the same conclusion as this user after skimming through your code. Nothing else seems wrong.
@Unihedron The logging is only for debugging purposes.. If I remove the for loop and attach a debugger, I get the same result
"all values are null" <- looks more to me like the names are empty strings, not nulls
@kiheru If I attach the Netbeans debugger, the value is "null" instead of ""
So I suppose it's null
For logger.warn(t.getName()); ? Normally that would show as "null" in the warning message
@Erates I'm sorry, but that's a string of "null".
Whatever database you're using, it's not playing nice with how it handles the JDBC api.
@kiheru yea well, I think it's awkward aswell...
good ev
hiya @uni
@deadlydragon00 Hiya! :p
@Unihedron pls dont close the minecraft account you gave me cauz I have something in my mind what to do, damn situation when I want to play an incoming things need to priority..
@deadlydragon00 I'm not closing it.
What gave you that message? - -
and no spying
@deadlydragon00 It's your SINGLE PLAYER
it's LOCAL
can I use it on multi?
nvm I know the ans
@deadlydragon00 Go ahead.
I've said it before, but I use my alt account for very specific testing purposes. I'm pretty sure you won't be joining the same servers as I use it on.
Just beware when it says "You're already logged in" when playing multiplayer - that means I'm using an instance of it and you'll have to fallback to single player for a while.
@Unihedron what should i do with the site you sent? the CODE Q&A?
@sharongur Mourn its loss.
im stuck... seriously dont know what to do... my executor.submit returns a future... yet it tries to casr it to compareable
Hello room
hiya mike
Finally finished my exams. 1st in java - mostly thanks to Youtube, this room and the fact it was an idiot test!
congrats.... "free burger"
I need to keep coding. I've seen the examinable criterium for next year. Bit of a jump!
Any suggestions for basic(ish) projects? I wrote a simple 'pong' game yesterday.
@mikeeustace A logger.
@mikeeustace cat friendliness detector
I just cant believe it
if it works now im gonna break some wall
it seems my executor remained as ExecutorService and i didnt change it to the custom PriorityExecutor
I hate walls.
@Unihedron I hate Windows.
@MadaraUchiha Why not both?
Any arsenal fans here?
real arsenal there is
@Unihedron Well, windows are simply transparent walls
I don't sport.
But I play chess, and I'm a Zugaddict fan!
So hating on walls is hating on windows.
the wall can stay, still same exception
you can still break your windows tho
small question. What I need to enter into a PriorityExcutor as it shows here:
into PriorityExecutor.submit()
@sharongur I don't understand the problem....
Just tell me if this is valid
Future future = executor.submit(new MyTask(file, this, iteratorNext),10);

MyTask implements runnable, and 10 is the priority
suppose to work? on paper... nothing wrong with it am i right? executor.submit needs to return a future object
Question about java generics and type-erasure....
I have a method removeDuplicatedItems
this method takes two collections, both parameterized as follows: Collection<? extends Map<?,?>>
I now want a method that will take a different kind of Collection as the first parameter
public static <T extends DbObjectWrapper> void removeDuplicatedItems(Collection<T> fullList, Collection<? extends Map<?,?>> itemsToRemove)
but eclipse complains that the erasures are the same
What do you mean?
even though DbObjectWrapper does (to my knowledge) not extend map
> Erasure of method removeDuplicatedItems(Collection<T>, Collection<? extends Map<?,?>>) is the same as another method in type Utils
Just ignore it. xD
soo... it shouldn't be there......
Eclipse warning messages are unhelpful. I'd disable this particular one about erasures if I were you.
hi there
okay javac also complains...
but it shouldn't... probably...
@Vogel612 I found a solution btw if it interests you

right here:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30574777/implementing-priorityqueue-on-threadpoolexecutor
@Unihedron found it...
it's the same problem as the one we once had about iterators and Map Entries..
? What is the problem in the generic?
Oh. Rawtyped it again?
the rawtypes in generics declaration of map make it erase to Object instead of Map
which is where the erasures overlap
ooor not,.
It's erased in runtime but still syntactically captures at compile time.
hi all
may i ask one question?
But only one.
@OiRc You already have.
Get out.
^ lol
i'm looking for a good spark/java tutorial (not inside the apache.spark.org) that explains step by step how to configure within eclipse and give me some guide on the spark in toto
do u know something about that?
Q: Erasing Collections generics and conflicting overloads

Vogel612I have a rather central class responsible for some Utility methods. I wanted to provide an additional overload for a method which was declared as follows: public static void removeDuplicated(Collection fullList, Collection itemsToRemove) { //implementation stripped for brevity } Now since I...

01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 20:00

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