And regexes are three concepts
Atoms, quantifiers and anchors
A character class, [...], or a complemented character class, [^...], is an atom
Now, in a character class or a complemented character class, you can have ranges
And a-z means a, b, ..., z
Therefore, [a-z ] means "anything a, b, ..., z plus space"
And [^a-z ] means "anything NOT a, b, ..., z or a space"
a is an atom, it means "a"
\d is an atom, it means "0 to 9"
[ax53] is an atom, it means "a, x, 5 or 3"
Therefore the regex here matches one character which is neither a to z nor a space
And you use .replaceAll()
Which means that any and all occurrences matched by the first argument will be replaced by the second argument
The .toLowerCase() will have turned the sentence into "the brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
Then the regex engine will try and match [^a-z ]
against that string
It will NOT MATCH ANYTHING until it encounters the dot
Therefore the example is really bogus
A simple .replaceFirst() would have had the same effect since the regex can effectively only match at one place in the input -- at the dot
Since it is the only atom which matches [^a-z ]
No other character matches
This is really a bad example of regex usage
And then again, Java has another problem: .matches()
in String
is misnamed
@Kylar is that more clear now ? :p
In regexes, an atom matches one single character; a quantifier is appended to an atom and specified how many times that atom must be matched; an anchor specifies positions in the input at which the matching must proceed
Also, you can use grouping, that is (...) (or (?:...)) to turn a whole regex into an atom itself
This is an atom (a), and a quantifer (+)
+ means "one or more times"
Therefore a+ tells to match "a, one or more times"
"I had fun in Wonderland", with this regex, will match: "I had fun in Wonderland"
In "category", it will match "category"
In "I have five cats", it will match "I have five cats"