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@user3307102 Then go to an Android room. This is the Java room.
OK thx bbg
!!urban bbg
@Unihedro bbg beautiful baby girl. Used to describe anything cute/desirable. Widely used as a colloquial term between two females.
1 hour later…
posted on April 18, 2015 by Nick Griffith

Most of today’s most popular programming languages are object-oriented. Whether you’re writing in .NET, Java, or within the Apple realm (Objective-C and Swift), you’re writing in an object oriented language. And if you’re not writing a command line application, then you’re almost certainly using some amount of object oriented code for your user interface code, R

@Unihedro I don't think actually showing simple plan lyrics is an advantage...
@Vogel612 At least Google doesn't even give you any kind of lyrics.
I am currently declaring an array and using it as an argument for a method as shown:
String[] ary = {"2" , "3" , "4" , "5"};
carry on
is there any way I can just put it inside as an argument instead of declaring it first?
that declaration is invalid btw..
at least in java
and yes there is
sor of like testmethod({"A","B","C"})
I get a syntax error with the above
just put all the stuff behind the equals in place of ary
yes, because your declaration isn't valid
 String[] ary = {"2" , "3" , "4" , "5"};
is illegal
what is the correct way of doing it please?
you actually should've written:
String[] ary = new String[] {"2" , "3" , "4" , "5"};
you should be able to piece together how you can do it in the method
ok, thank you for your help
Since when is that array declaration invalid?
anyway, the new syntax will work in function calls
meh, prime example of the case to use varargs
hmm... so the array initializer (as in the first syntax) only works as an initialization expression, but not as a creation expression?
wtf java...
@Vogel612 Yes
~goes looking for consistency
sure, varargs are nice, but that's not always an option (someone else wrote the method)
hi guy
Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3) or ImmutableList.of(1, 2, 3)??
I'm new to Java
=javadoc Arrays#asList
@Unihedro List asList(Object[] a): Returns a fixed-size list backed by the specified array. (Changes to the returned list "write through" to the array.) This method acts as bridge between array-based and collection-based APIs, in combination with Collection#toArray. The returned list is serializable and implements RandomAccess. (1/3)
=javadoc ImmutableList#of
Which one do you mean? (type the number)
1. com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList#of()
2. com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList#of(Object)
3. com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList#of(Object, Object)
4. com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList#of(Object, Object, Object)
5. com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList#of(Object, Object, Object, Object)
6. com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList#of(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)
7. com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList#of(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)
8. com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList#of(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)
9. com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList#of(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)
10. com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList#of(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)
11. com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList#of(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)
12. com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList#of(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)
13. com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList#of(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object[])
@Unihedro ImmutableList of(Object e1, Object e2, Object e3): Returns an immutable list containing the given elements, in order.
can you describe in more
2 messages moved to bin
@Unihedro guide me about book of java to learn first
just ordered a One+ one phone
Doesn't you need an invitation or something?
Indeed you do
unless you order on a tuesday
My classmate had an invite :)
Hi guys!
I'm a developer for some years, I've made some stuff with Java, and I am right now, creating a Java project with Eclipse
Can someone tell me, what is the difrence between JRE7, JRE1.7, JRE1.8
When selecting the JRE, why is it listed the JRE1.8, and JDK1.8, is it supposed?
Umm... I've been trying to understand what you were asking for twenty minutes, still can't make sense out of it.
Shortly: What is the difrence between JRE7 and JRE 1.7.X.X
@Gemtastic Ooohhh, grats!
It's a great phone
@Unihedro Immutables FTW
Although immutability in java is a bit of an oxymoron
@SecondRikudo great phone for a great price :)
@Gemtastic Indeed
Only issue is the delivery time ;P
I'm gonna have to order a new sim card too
The reason being they rely 95% on being viral over going out on heavy ad campaigns.
the one I have is from 2002 :')
For a moment there, I thought you meant an actual car.
@SecondRikudo Yup. And they ship straight from china
@Gemtastic No, it depends
A sim car XD
I think they have warehouses in europe too
Friend of mine in dublin got it relatively quickly
@SecondRikudo Well, it looks like they ship straight from china, but maybe they don't. I hope they don't. I won't be happy if I have to pay toll fees
Can't help but to feel a little like a hipster though
Thankfully a lot of people in my class has the phone so I won't feel as much of a hipster ;P
Relatively non-much of a hipster :D
Might feel more hipstery at work though ;P
I'm stuck with a Samsung, tho frankly I don't have much use of it
Mobile games I guess
Samsung sucks
And a lot of people think Android === Samsung
Not arguing with that - mine was relatively cheap
They took Android, made a crappy, closed, bloated implementation of it, and overpriced it.
Open Source at its finest :d
So Samsung Android is backspaceware?
@Unihedro I've had samsung for many years, it's not terrible, but it's not great either. Feels like it got a lot worse the more popular they got
I don't mind using a crappy smartphone so I didn't get a better one because I wouldn't have use for one anyway, so there's that. :p
I thought the same when I bought my Galaxy Young. It's completely useless
I should probably learn some basic Android
I know literally nothing about Android programming, not even a Hello World!
So far it feels like the hardest part of Android is getting the structure and compatibilities down. Once you're passed that, it's kinda cake
@Gemtastic Structure?
As in, the directory structure of the project? Or the Android framework?
@SecondRikudo Project.
You have a lot of folders where you have to put things, you have to name them in a special way and all the such. A lot of it is rather nifty
Most of the project is in the resources :P
And XML. XML everywhere
@Gemtastic any decent resources?
It's a nit nifty with the mipmap and the 9-thingy
I forgot what the 9 thing is called, but it stretches images
Also, NDK > SDK
It's difficult, but rewarding, to use native code on Android development
@uraimo Thanks, that's what it's called ^^
For anyone who is good in FXML, can you look into this question that I left recently? stackoverflow.com/questions/29722027/…
@LuisAverhoff F*** XML
@SecondRikudo lol
@SecondRikudo Why so much disdain
@LuisAverhoff I actually don't really mind XML
I think it has a purpose and it serves it well
People seem to forget what came before XML
@SecondRikudo oh ok
@SecondRikudo what are you referring to? SGML?
@fge For once
Interesting... Math completely fudges up for me in android O.o
@SecondRikudo hey man I've looking over all the place for a solution to the problem that I posted earlier and all I found what this &#10 which only creates a new line. How can I have a multi line text in one variable in FXML. Here is the question again in case you forgot stackoverflow.com/questions/29722027/…
2 hours later…
good morning
Morning @deadlydragon00
morning @Vogel612
And good night '(°.°)
oh Goodnight
It's 1 AM and I could really use some sleep... so that's the plan
I used to read english novel without pictures , suddenly I slept
@deadlydragon00 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Gemtastic keep it up :) , not for long Android will be your friend.
@deadlydragon00 I just finished version 1.0 of my first ever app ^^
github.com/Gemtastic/GemtasticDistanceCalculator <--- if you wanna have a look and give me some tips
can you also gave me apk
I don't know how to do that :(
wow, nice start - you can build TEMPLE RUN using accelorometer :D
are you interested in Google Cloud Messaging
If I have the time tomorrow I was thinking I'd try and use the GPS to read your location, then ask google weather for the weather, and implement an option where it will give you the calculations based on your current weather.
eclipse project
nice, but be ware GPS consumes so much battery depending on the accuracy
Interesting :)
@deadlydragon00 it would only get the location once when you click the button
Ah ok , so no problem with that, unless you make it continouse
Nope, if I'd do more it'd be too complex for little simple me :P
I'm gonna go to my dad's b-day party tomorrow so I dunno if I have the time to implement it. This is due on monday 9 am. With this I will probably pass the course
Provided I can get the buttons to have a background color >_>;
Their is still a lot of time, no need to rush :D
Any Scala pros here?
Need to implement matrix multiplication for 1 million X 1 million
what would be faster option? Java or Scala?
@deadlydragon00 Nah, I just wanted to have this down first so I'll have something to turn in in case I don't have the time to fix the GPS thing.
I also need to figure how to test this app :P
Basically you can use emulator although Location Testcase are encoded
but if you have real device you can use its hardware
my crappy computer and my crappy tabs. for GPS
@deadlydragon00 Yeah, my device has GPS (sucky one but it has one :P)
T_T I only have crappy devicess
I guess we should invest more on buying RAM and a nice video card.
Well, so do I, but I bought a One+ one today :D
quick question guys
how can i get access from an object method to its parent method
for example i call in my main class time.takeTime(); , now i want that this takeTime method will use one of my main class methods
time is an object of my time class. the main class create an instance of it
pls show what you have done so far
its a bit messy but i can clear this out for you, by details
i have my main class that creates an instance of my Time class that called "time". from inside of my main class i call: time.takeTime(); i want this takeTime method to use one of its "super" class method which is the main class
@deadlydragon00 i tried using super.theMethod but its not working so well
i mean, not working at all
a child can inherit the bahavior of parents , but parents can't inherit from the child
so its basically not possible?
basically what do you whant to achieve?
can you suggest one?
it depends on what do you really whant to achieve
i have this main class which store all the setting fields which many classes need to keep it up-to-date. so everytime the value of the setting is changed i need to update it in every class, right?
what i basically want to achive is to have access from those objects to the main class setting values
just build setters and getters in every class you have
yeah, i wanted to avoid that
can you place a code in pastebin or any website so that anyone from here can look at?
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