Can't we verify the schema first so I can populate the db as you talk?
I feel like I'm getting a lot of (valuable there's nothing wrong with the content) repetitions on what I've spent the last 3 weeks learning, but no actual job done
Well, simply enough: "given a relation R1 containing a tuple T1, a relation R2 containing a tuple T2, then T2 is a foreign key of R1 if and only if for any relation r2 in R2, there exists r1 in T1 such that T2(r2) = T1(r1)"
And that's it
Before you say that those are repetitions, just digest what I say
OK, so, now please provide a link again to both your assignment and candidate model (sorry, I am so immersed into my work currently that I pretty much forgot everything else)
3NF asks the question: "given a relation R and two tuples T1 and T2 in that relation, does there exist a way that the value of T2 can be derived from that of T1?"; if the answer is yes, then the table is not 3NF
But again even in real life, comments on an appointment would probably be several anyway, or none; they should be in another table, and the completion date in the appointment table as well (null if not completed yet)
The main problem is the malfunction report
And you fell prey, again, to the exact problem I mentioned time and again
You failed to account for the fact that you DO NOT need the appointment ID in this table since in fact this information is misleading; the only thing you need to know is problems reported since the last appointment, and this can be queried
Your data doesn't need that
Also, I'm not sure what you want to mean by the error ID here (note that I refer to the second version; the first has even more problems)
Let's just imagine a user scenario, OK?
You receive a call from a customer, and the customer reports a problem with the car
Now, you identify the car
Therefore you have all the information you need: the car, the problem description
In order to store meaningful information about the incident, do you need ANY other piece of information?
Not only is this information redundant, but if I happen to be able to modify the table, I can easily make it so that querying the incidents since the last recorded appointment will outright be WRONG
Therefore the list of incidents for a given car is easily obtained by querying the list of incidents for that car where the reported date is greater than, or equal to, the completion date of the last appointment for that car
@fge I never ever ever ever ever said that I in any way liked Hibernate, that I would enjoy working on it or that it's a good framework. It's in my course plan.
But yeah, I'm gonna make a new attempt at the appointment table
I never really understood how much you use other tables in storing the data
I'm too stuck in a "one table one responsibility" kinda way. I'm working on it and that is why I need some feedback on if I managed to implement the theory
Yes, but I've never SEEN what the table structure looks like when it's properly done. I've read metres of theory, but never seen the implementations outside of the example tables
Well, as you have probably have guessed by now, there is no one answer to that anyway; but the tools you use unfortunately constrain you where they should help you (I did say that at some point :p)
Anyway, I'll be helping you on that starting "tomorrow" (after all, it's 2:20am or so close to it as to not make a difference)
It's important to mark what type an appointment is (surveying or repair), should I just make a new table that links the two options to the appointment?
Or what would you suggest be the solution? Make a third table that links type table and the appointment?
Like in my case; I had a regular yearly checkup and I found that they ripped out the interior of the trunk (it's not supposed to be ripped out) and not put it back properly on my car...
Things like that needs to be reported and should be traced to the mechanic surveying the car
Then how do you determine the difference between mishaps resulting from the age of the car and whatnot from mishaps resulting from a repair or a regular checkup?
Notwithstanding that the customer may lie to you
OK, I don't know about the exact requirements here, but filtering those will require the intervention of a human in any event, so the best you can do here is return the full list and that's it
I believe a comment is not where you should put that
The fact that the customer wants this or that taken care of is her own choice; combined with the counselling of the employee who will actually enter the order
Well, from what I recall of the assignment text, incidents and appointments were somewhat unrelated, except for the fact that you wanted to see the list of incidents reported for the car since the last time it was handled
Or the list of all reported incidents which would be aggregated in one way or another
But the core of the matter is that you have not been told how to manage incidents other than "incidents coming in, incidents to be reported"
In fact, AFAIR, there is not even a requirement that when scheduling a new visit, the user scheduling the visit has to see the list of incidents for that car, and since when
But then the matter is settled, right? Stick to the business requirements :p
And by the way, such incomplete defintions are not ONLY the "domain" of teachers; in fact, a teacher may be as sly as to misdefine a requirement ON PURPOSE and except that his/her pupils come to them and ask for clarifications
Even if that's not the case, you have nothing to lose so just ask
In the meanwhile there is material enough so that a good amount of work can be done already ;)
Morning. Does anyone have a few minutes to help me? I've made the code to draw a fractal tree. I want it to 'grow' as opposed to appear instantly. Grow as in first branch, then next iteration, then next iteration etc.
have you encountered retrieving classes used in a generic class? say i have this GenericClass<String, Integer, String, Double>... how do i get the classes specified in that generic class...
What is this?
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Why is this?
regex is suffering from give me ze code type of questions and poor answers with no explanation. This reference is meant to provide links to qua...
@TheLittleNaruto Hey i had mistakenly sent the request to join the Android Room.. You could reject me as I was rejected earlier and had mistakenly sent this request.. Can you please communicate this in Android room ?
@TheLittleNaruto Saw your message thanks for conveying..
@Gemtastic Pfft, I've transcended the needs of a physical body. I am a creature of pure thought, that exists only on the web. Roaming the bytes of the network.
I used to have my computer stationed in bed (or on the coffee table next to it) because we only had one desk (and the better half used my stationary on it). I'm pretty sure Uni has a in bed setup too
A bad trait I get for focusing on doing over practice / learning is that while I read lots of things and learn from them, I don't have a good general idea on how good I am on specific fields.
Well, A) He didn't like the comment part, and B) he had a kinda bright idea to make a new table where you tie the car and the appointments together instead of having a FK in the appointment table
Unless someone sifts through the madness of reading all the Windows manuals and verify them all, since most documented features don't even work cuz #justwindows
tested changing the placing of my class from package a.location.a to a.location.b, and boom... other classes didnt change their imports from a.loactiona. to b.location.b. is this doable?
ok, im sorry if I was not doing it before. I just knew it, and i googled about it, when I think i'd be needing it. Before there was just no need to dip my feet on JUnits, i just have my own customized checklist of what to test..
@fge does it have a plugin in eclipse... I kinda grew trust with your sir @fge on how you introduced me to JOOQ and gave me so much a relief. I wish I had knew about it from the start, because I dont have much time to refactor my program to fully integrate JOOQ
well in the first place, i wouldnt appreciate JOOQ so much if i hadnt written my program in the normal JDBC api way