@Gemtastic I got back to it and putting it into a new map worked. :)
{z=80, x=67, j=61, q=61, k=53, g=38, v=37, y=36, b=35, p=33, f=31, c=30, m=26, w=23, d=21, u=21, h=16, l=16, r=10, s=8, n=7, a=6, o=3, i=1}
{e=80, t=67, a=61, h=61, o=53, s=38, i=37, n=36, r=35, d=33, b=31, l=30, m=26, w=23, g=21, u=21, c=16, y=16, f=10, j=8, k=7, v=6, p=3, x=1}