The idea goes: You should code in such a way as to make the code self-explanatory. This means that you don't have to write documentation, which means that you don't have to keep the documentation updated, along with code. Keeping documentation is a little dangerous, because inaccurate documentation is worse than no documentation.
And documentation in the form of comments goes out of date, always. That's why you only should document why you're doing something. Years of working on a codebase in a bigger team will teach you this.
Well, they might be able to speak the native language, but it might not be their native language, which means they may not be very good at writing in it.
For example, an American company with teams in America and India.
English is the native language, but for the people in India, English may not be their 1st language.
I think that's a huge benefit to self-documenting code. That and many people are not good writers.
The self-documenting code theory is basically saying: "We know most of you guys are not good writers, so instead of hurting you're feelings, we'll just ask you not to write anything." xD
Well I never made the point that documentation shouldn't happen, it's a bit of a generic term. I just don't like lines of code being commented all over the place.
@SebastiaanvandenBroek The official definition of code documentation is "written text that explains how objects and methods operates and how to use it", nothing about it remotely hints explaining every other bit of code left and right. What are you trying to convey here?
Apparently the average woman spends 21 minutes of every day thinking about going on a diet. The irony is; if they spend those 21 min exercising, they wouldn't need to go on a diet b:')
Software documentation is written text that accompanies computer software. It either explains how it operates or how to use it, and may mean different things to people in different roles.
Documentation is an important part of software engineering. Types of documentation include:
Requirements - Statements that identify attributes, capabilities, characteristics, or qualities of a system. This is the foundation for what shall be or has been implemented.
Architecture/Design - Overview of software. Includes relations to an environment and construction principles to be used in design of software components...
"Commenting" is adding notes deep inside the code to help make it clearer. "Documentation" is adding class and method-level descriptions that make it easier for other programmers to use the API you've written, without having to inspect the code themselves.
As a matter of fact, I code in a handful of languages, but only focus on the useful ones I can "just get things done with it". I've used Scala for our back end architecture once, then dropped it and used C++ as a replacement.
Answered off-topic questions make them seem OK and therefore fade into the depths before attention is attracted to remedy the situation.
Questions are only closed because sufficient users see them to cast their close votes. While it's true that users may subscribe to tags and therefore sift thro...
I "stole" some code from here to have an AreaChart with "smooth lines" which I use in my FXML and it works:
<SmoothedAreaChart fx:id="chart" legendVisible="false"
title="Tree depth by line" animated="false">
<NumberAxis fx:id="xAxis" tickUnit="1.0" autoRan...
I started last week, to use it. I am still a java learner, so I cant say much about it, except that I prefer it compared to Netbeans. Netbeans = headaches
Personally I don't really see why one IDE is better than the other when it comes to java. All JVM compiles the same and the GUI is just looks; they all kinda work the same and you can customize most things...
One thing I don't is why its so difficult to import a jar file into Netbeans. I would add it successfully, but when I type the "import statement" it just doesn't pick it, but I haven't had that issue with intelliJ
@Zawinski Technically, a web designer only design the layout for the site, they don't actually code. Though in some countries (like mine) a designer both design and code the front-end code for the design. A web developer only does code.
I can only speak for the market in my country, and here the designer job is really overflowed with people so the wage is terrible and jobs are hard to come by. Developers earn much much more.
Something that's very important to know is that programming is a craft just like carpentry is. Anyone can nail a plank to another, but to build a house you need to master a lot of different techniques and put some art into it. Noone will hire a carpenter that builds a fence like this:
@Zawinski No offence but I don't see a question mark. Also one of the reasons I'm not participating that much on the main site is that I'm tired to guess what the OP really meant.
Java is so well documented I don't have any questions that aren't already answered and I'm not advanced enough in Java to have questions that haven't been answered.
haha, Gemtastic, I know, I don't even make sense to myself cause I am still trying to figure out what the real issue is.
I just went to file, import Project to import the Netbeans project to intelliJ. Then I get to a screen where I am suppose to select a Framework. but to my surprise Struts 2 is not listed